View Full Version : ISIS Tier 1 Training

02-19-15, 16:55
SOF training at it's best. Playing soldier and cutting the heads off unarmed people. I can only imagine how many are watching this and laughing at them.

New location of vids:


Lesson is, Islamic fundamentalists aren't generally renowned for their towering intellect, and this vid just another example of that.

Mauser KAR98K
02-19-15, 17:12
Aaaannnnddddd...it's gone.

02-19-15, 17:13

02-19-15, 17:14
Was that their version of how to be tacticool? :jester:

02-19-15, 17:28
Aaaannnnddddd...it's gone.

Vids and some additional intel:


02-19-15, 17:31

Is this a joke? Sure is a damn funny one:laugh:

02-19-15, 19:44
Any of you train to fight anybody today? If not, even their silly shit is better than sitting in a cubicle and imagining going all "Call of Duty" on some muj...

02-19-15, 20:04
Any of you train to fight anybody today? If not, even their silly shit is better than sitting in a cubicle and imagining going all "Call of Duty" on some muj...

I wish I could go around kicking my co-workers in the chest....

02-19-15, 20:20

diving dave
02-19-15, 20:27
Comical...until the reality sets in these assholes would kill each and everyone of us if they could.

02-19-15, 20:40
Any of you train to fight anybody today? If not, even their silly shit is better than sitting in a cubicle and imagining going all "Call of Duty" on some muj...

Sho' did.

02-19-15, 20:58
Any of you train to fight anybody today? If not, even their silly shit is better than sitting in a cubicle and imagining going all "Call of Duty" on some muj...

Thanks for asking, yes I did. I'm pretty sure a tough mudder is more training than these fairies do in a lifetime. I'm 170lbs and I'm pretty sure I could stomp their guts out, and that's sad.

Tiles to the face. Thats real hardcore. I did more hardcore shit to myself playing tag when I was a teenager.

02-19-15, 20:59

02-19-15, 20:59
Comical...until the reality sets in these assholes would kill each and everyone of us if they could.

That's even more comical.

02-19-15, 23:47
That's even more comical.

Can you elaborate on how you find that even more comical? I think he has a good point and what I think he is trying to say is that any of those guys in the video would murder any of us in cold blood no questions asked mercilessly when in reality many of us in this country would would not do the same in return.

02-20-15, 00:20
Do all of their videos use the same song?

02-20-15, 00:58
I'm just glad these guys are on our side!


02-20-15, 05:29
Can you elaborate on how you find that even more comical? I think he has a good point and what I think he is trying to say is that any of those guys in the video would murder any of us in cold blood no questions asked mercilessly when in reality many of us in this country would would not do the same in return.

I know that. I think everyone does. You can laugh at someone being an idiot, but still recognize them as a threat.

They think they are so tactical, that's what is funny. The video reminds me of children.

02-20-15, 06:01
To the ones here dismissing these guys, what exactly is your experience in fighting them?

You all have first hand experience with their capabilities?

I have fought them, and the enemy fighters displayed proper SUT, and could carry out complex, coordinated attacks.

Are they western military standard at the individual level? No. But that is not how they fight either.
Do not doubt their determination and capability.

This is a propaganda video, that is targeted most likely at recruiting more fighters.
Look at Russian mil demos, lots of rolls and kung fu shit there as well.

I don't get it. In some threads people here are calling for this threat to be stopped, before our world as we know it is destroyed, yet here the same guys are dismissed as nothing but amateurs who should we should not be concerned about.

Which is it?

02-20-15, 08:27
Again I'll ask... Why are we not blowing up every convoy of white SUV's carrying black flags that drives around Syria and Iraq? They're in a straight line driving 20-30 mph...

Mauser KAR98K
02-20-15, 09:13
You are only good as your lowest level of training in a stessful moment. Goes for both sides.

Mauser KAR98K
02-20-15, 09:14
To the ones here dismissing these guys, what exactly is your experience in fighting them?

You all have first hand experience with their capabilities?

I have fought them, and the enemy fighters displayed proper SUT, and could carry out complex, coordinated attacks.

Are they western military standard at the individual level? No. But that is not how they fight either.
Do not doubt their determination and capability.

This is a propaganda video, that is targeted most likely at recruiting more fighters.
Look at Russian mil demos, lots of rolls and kung fu shit there as well.

I don't get it. In some threads people here are calling for this threat to be stopped, before our world as we know it is destroyed, yet here the same guys are dismissed as nothing but amateurs who should we should not be concerned about.

Which is it?

Professionals are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs.

02-20-15, 09:55
I believe ISIS to be a valid threat. I also believe that these videos are funny. I don't for one second believe they are real training videos.

02-20-15, 10:46
To the ones here dismissing these guys, what exactly is your experience in fighting them?

You all have first hand experience with their capabilities?

I have fought them, and the enemy fighters displayed proper SUT, and could carry out complex, coordinated attacks.

Are they western military standard at the individual level? No. But that is not how they fight either.
Do not doubt their determination and capability.

This is a propaganda video, that is targeted most likely at recruiting more fighters.
Look at Russian mil demos, lots of rolls and kung fu shit there as well.

I don't get it. In some threads people here are calling for this threat to be stopped, before our world as we know it is destroyed, yet here the same guys are dismissed as nothing but amateurs who should we should not be concerned about.

Which is it?

Both? I kid. I'd assume they are a mixture of highly experienced dedicated fighters from other areas and young kids who are little more than cannon fodder for the cause. Per usual, you give good and useful insights from a front line person. What are your thoughts on most effective way to proceed knowing what you know? As they are clearly not a direct threat to national security of nations outside the region currently, but could be in the future, would you favor the "It's a regional problem regional governments should deal with" and stay completely out of it other than some secondary assistance? Or, assist in containment so they are unable to expand their caliphate which would seemingly end it's validity and fizzle out, or put together a coalition of both regional and international mil and go in guns blazing?

Or some combination there of?

02-20-15, 11:10
What are your thoughts on most effective way to proceed knowing what you know?

artic1 covered that in this post: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?164924-ISIS-burned-Jordanian-pilot-alive-In-a-cage&p=2078176&highlight=#post2078176

02-20-15, 11:20

another example, legit, not ISIS but a trained group. AQAP

02-20-15, 12:20
artic1 covered that in this post: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?164924-ISIS-burned-Jordanian-pilot-alive-In-a-cage&p=2078176&highlight=#post2078176

Good referral post, thanx,

02-20-15, 19:38
Those dudes in that ISIS video are about as "special" as these guys...


02-22-15, 13:56
Breach-Bang-Clear has a good article on this subject that I just read.

Op-Ed: Pissing in your Cheerios - ISIS Special Forces Video (http://www.breachbangclear.com/op-ed-pissing-in-your-cheerios-isis-special-forces-video/)

02-22-15, 15:28
Breach-Bang-Clear has a good article on this subject that I just read.

Op-Ed: Pissing in your Cheerios - ISIS Special Forces Video (http://www.breachbangclear.com/op-ed-pissing-in-your-cheerios-isis-special-forces-video/)

I think he nailed it.

02-22-15, 15:33
Breach-Bang-Clear has a good article on this subject that I just read.

Op-Ed: Pissing in your Cheerios - ISIS Special Forces Video (http://www.breachbangclear.com/op-ed-pissing-in-your-cheerios-isis-special-forces-video/)

The money shot:

"If you're dumb enough to believe that these ISIS videos are badass, you are the exact type of person ISIS wants to recruit as fodder."

02-22-15, 17:16
Cleared Hot: Making fun of people with developmental disabilities isn't funny. Make fun of stuff people can change or willingly accept, not something that someone is unfortunately born with.

As far as ISIS training: of all the vids I have seen of them; they exhibit better finger discipline than most Americans.

02-23-15, 17:17
Do all of their videos use the same song?

Apparently that's the only song approved for official Terrorist TV. :laugh:

If you're more dismissive of ISIS after watching the latest video, the propaganda worked on you too.


The second thing that popped into my head after having a few guffaws at the video was, "Gee, I wonder where they're getting al those nice new shiny white SUVs...".
The third thing was "Gee that sure is a long line of unarmored vehicles out in the open"

The fourth thing that went through my head was "this is a ploy to cause people to underestimate their capabilities".
They WANT us to laugh them off as ignorant incompetent fools, but as has been pointed out, they're not (well,ok... some of them aren't). The more some of us write them off, the more "shock and awe" their next attacks will have....
I remember what a Marine in a documentary I watched once said concerning the Taliban/AQ- [paraphrased] "The dumb ones have already been killed off- the ones that are left are the serious fighters."