View Full Version : Best place to hide from Zombies says researchers

02-28-15, 07:12
From the "Who funds this sh%$?" files we have:

Study: Rocky Mountains Safest Spot To Hide From US Zombie Outbreak

Cornell University researchers suggest that in the event of a zombie outbreak the best place for Americans to hide during the full-scale takeover would be the northern Rockies – or just about anywhere but a major city.

World War Z’s oral history of the first zombie war and analysis of actual virus outbreak data allows the Cornell researchers to manufacture their own fictional zombie outbreak testing rates of infection and other models used to study real disease epidemics. The group will present their “statistical mechanics of zombies” at the March 5 American Physical Society meeting in San Antonio.

“Modeling zombies takes you through a lot of the techniques used to model real diseases, albeit in a fun context,” Alex Alemi, a graduate student, who told Phys.org it is a good introduction to disease modeling in the real medical world. “It’s interesting in its own right as a model, as a cousin of traditional SIR [susceptible, infected, and resistant] models—which are used for many diseases—but with an additional nonlinearity.”

The group used various equations factoring in population and rate-of-infection to determine how and where a fictional zombie outbreak would spread across the U.S. Simulations showed the researchers how a series of “chemical reactions” would play out in the post-zombie world.

“At their heart, the simulations are akin to modeling chemical reactions taking place between different elements and, in this case, we have four states a person can be in—human, infected, zombie, or dead zombie—with approximately 300 million people,” Alemi told Phys.org.

“Each possible interaction—zombie bites human, human kills zombie, zombie moves, etc.—is treated like a radioactive decay, with a half-life that depends on some parameters, and we tried to simulate the times it would take for all of these different interactions to fire, where complications arise because when one thing happens it can affect the rates at which all of the other things happen.”

The researchers note that films often portray a zombie outbreak as affecting “all areas at the same time” but Alemi says that’s now “how it would actually go down.”

“Given the dynamics of the disease, once the zombies invade more sparsely populated areas, the whole outbreak slows down—there are fewer humans to bite, so you start creating zombies at a slower rate,” he elaborates. “I’d love to see a fictional account where most of New York City falls in a day, but upstate New York has a month or so to prepare.”

Alemi recommends that the best possible place for survival is the northern Rockies. Major cities would fall quickly, but zombies may take weeks or even months to penetrate into the less densely populated areas of the country.


02-28-15, 07:32
When I was in undergrad I kid you not there was a credit bearing class wherein the requisite reading was the zombie apocalypse survival guide..


02-28-15, 08:04
When I was in undergrad I kid you not there was a credit bearing class wherein the requisite reading was the zombie apocalypse survival guide..

Yup..University of Alabama offers one..... In Auburn we don't need a course, War Damn Eagle!

02-28-15, 08:17
I'm going to guess the Rockies will eat hipsters faster than the zombies ever would....:)

02-28-15, 08:47
You've got to be in a location where it very cold in the Winter, with lots of snow. The Rockies, and anywhere in the upper mid-west and northern plains. Zombies would freeze in place after a major blizzard, giving you maybe 3 months or so each year without those critters roaming around, that is until they thaw out. If not frozen in place, the cold will still reduce their movement and speed, making them easier to incapacitate. The small population of States here in the rural west would also be ideal due to the fact that we generally have less than one person per square mile.

02-28-15, 14:04
Brilliant. Top of a mountain.

Now all you have to do is hump 10 years worth of food, emergency supplies, weapons and other survival gear to the top of a mountain and you are all set. Might be mostly isolated from zombies but I bet most idiots won't survive the week. Probably have fantasies of driving their Range Rover or Hummer up there pulling a trailer full of "prepper" supplies.

80% will be found dead half way up the mountain where they broke their leg / ankle and died from lack of water.

Can somebody give me 10% of what Cornell spent on their study for my assessment?

02-28-15, 14:35
Study: Rocky Mountains Safest Spot To Hide From US Zombie Outbreak
I don't know what some of you guys are crabbing about - it has always worked for me.
I have yet to see a zombie while hiking in the Rockies.

02-28-15, 15:12
Well, there's a reason why certain preppers refer to the area as the "American Redoubt".

02-28-15, 21:07
I disagree with this study. Arizona would be a better choice. We have less then 6.7 million people in the entire state. When summer comes they will melt into nothingness.

02-28-15, 21:31
I disagree with this study. Arizona would be a better choice. We have less then 6.7 million people in the entire state. When summer comes they will melt into nothingness.

This, plus here in AZ we are loaded with natural resources, that unless you are from here, you'll walk right by.

This alone would drive city dwellers right out of the state in a zombie or any other SHTF scenario, AZ would get abandon other than those who already know how to survive here.

In my area I know multiple locations where year round I would only have to dig 10 feet down to find natural wells, I grew up hunting the game, and know where caves are hidden in the mountains for shelter.

You all take the Rockies, I'll stick to home in AZ.

02-28-15, 22:06
I disagree with this study. Arizona would be a better choice. We have less then 6.7 million people in the entire state. When summer comes they will melt into nothingness.

Zombies don't melt and you're looking at 6.7 times the zombies. At least.


But yes, everybody go to Arizona. We're full. I hear zombies love peoplesicles and hate roasted people.

02-28-15, 22:29
One of the many islands in the Keys/Caribbean. You gotta make the best out of a bad situation;).
Well that's what me and extremely nautical/water lovin buddy (with capable boat), joke around about.

02-28-15, 23:59
Agreed. We also have plenty of forest area in Coconino Forest and other places.

This, plus here in AZ we are loaded with natural resources, that unless you are from here, you'll walk right by.

This alone would drive city dwellers right out of the state in a zombie or any other SHTF scenario, AZ would get abandon other than those who already know how to survive here.

In my area I know multiple locations where year round I would only have to dig 10 feet down to find natural wells, I grew up hunting the game, and know where caves are hidden in the mountains for shelter.

You all take the Rockies, I'll stick to home in AZ.

03-02-15, 22:45
Zombies bore me since I had many in my classes during my teaching career and observed others during my stint in corrections. In both places turning on the TV to cartoons would calm their spirits and lowering the thermostat would soon have all sleeping peacefully.

03-03-15, 02:09
I would think Mexico. At the rate they are coming here, shouldn't be anyone left there soon. Plus they have mountains. Of drugs.

03-03-15, 02:39
I'm thinking MY HOUSE might be the best place to hide from zombies. First off, any zombie is going to have to be able to climb over the wall of dead zombies that should be 25 feet high and completely encircling MY HOUSE at a radius of 150-200 yards.

I figure I'm gonna spend weeks building the wall from my roof. I just hope I get enough warning to put out range marking cones at the intersections.

Once I get a decent barrier wall I can eliminate everything inside the wall that doesn't get to stay and then wheel barrow it to the barrier wall. According to accepted conventions this should also create a scent mask for the entire area.

03-03-15, 10:23
I would think those living out in the remote locations would have the best chances at survival, Plus if they had the in sight to add a in ground "Storm Shelter" on a remote piece of their property which they could retreat to for the first 180 days or so it would greatly enhance their chances even more so. It does not take a rocket scientist to water proof and modify a 8x20, 8x30 or even a 8x40 Conex box shipping container for in ground use. I watched a friend rework such a container which then was placed in a ramped & stoned trench that was covered over with a few feet of earth. Unless you knew exactly were to look I highly doubt anyone would be able to find it as long as the owners were able to keep their mouths shut of it existence. Once I move to my forever home (Next year or so) I will do the same with two 8x30 Conex containers which will be connected with a hatch doorway. If I do most of the Prep/Modification work my self (Hell, What else does a retired person have to do?) then the only costs will be purchasing the containers and the delivery charge, the rental of the front loader, Gravel, water sealing materials and the vent/hatch parts needed.