View Full Version : American Grand Strategy. Great Read.

03-01-15, 09:26

While we recognize that we owe future generations the same freedoms we enjoy, the challenge lies in how to carry out our responsibility. We have lived too long now in a strategy-free mode.

To do so America needs a refreshed national strategy. The Congress can play a key role in crafting a coherent strategy with bipartisan support. Doing so requires us to look beyond events currently consuming the executive branch.

There is an urgent need to stop reacting to each immediate vexing issue in isolation. Such response often creates unanticipated second order effects and more problems for us. I suggest that the best way to cut to the essence of these issues and to help you in crafting America’s response to a rapidly changing security environment is to ask the right questions

03-01-15, 10:09
I guess the question is, What, exactly are our national interests? Something that threatens the U.S. as a country, or something that threatens the interests of large banks, and multinational corporations who give large donations to politicians?

Mauser KAR98K
03-01-15, 12:41
The strategy should be in projecting freedom, securing it, and doing so at a lower cost from how we have been doing it.

What we need is to revitalize our main principle in that individualism is the key to prosperity and actual progression of humanity. What is holding this back is progressiveness and the current administration, and really the status qua in not only in leadership, but in business. It is hard to start a new business these days not only because of taxes, but also that the government will bank roll your competitor if the government deems they are "too big to fail". This also has a negative outlook for foreign business that are wanting to open shops and manufacturing plants here on the U.S. Take the suing of Toyota after the government made a huge "investment" in GM because of "faulty brakes".

The strategy needs to start here in the U.S. The country needs a "lifestyle" change to the main principles of freedom and less government. It sends the example that we need to lead with.

We need to pay the debt, and do it fast. The only way I see it happening is keeping the tax rates as they are now, coupled with slashing spending. The big hurdle with that is the high taxes are not giving incentive to create businesses and thus jobs, something that is needed more than higher taxes as we will increase the tax payer pool. It's like a company selling a commodity: would they rather sell a handful at a high price, or a a vast quantity at a lower price, but still making profit just on the back of the sheer number?

When the debt is paid, America needs a Book of Deuteronomy moment. We need to set a law for a balanced budget and a debt threshold to the limits of the GDP. We need to improve our tax system and eliminate that class warfare guise built in to it. We need it where we have a Mosses that says we have heard the word, and the word is good, but our past sins and doings are forgiven but must not be repeated.

To juggle this, we need to keep a strong military and foreign policy presences that keeps countries like China and Russia in check. We have been rewarding their bad behavior. Their policies and principles are in direct contrasts to use and we should be more focused in stopping them from becoming the authoritative superpower that starts dictating what they think "freedom" is. We are now in a Cold War of economics, disinformation, and tricking your population in going routes that are damaging. And we are loosing.

Anyways, hopefully in before the xenophobes.

03-01-15, 16:03
Very interesting, I did not know General Mattis was at the Hoover Institution.

03-01-15, 16:21
What are you complaining about. We have a grand strategy.

It's to stop global warming thru jobs programs. Everything else follows.

03-01-15, 16:35
The strategy should be in projecting freedom, securing it, and doing so at a lower cost from how we have been doing it.

What we need is to revitalize our main principle in that individualism is the key to prosperity and actual progression of humanity. What is holding this back is progressiveness and the current administration, and really the status qua in not only in leadership, but in business. It is hard to start a new business these days not only because of taxes, but also that the government will bank roll your competitor if the government deems they are "too big to fail". This also has a negative outlook for foreign business that are wanting to open shops and manufacturing plants here on the U.S. Take the suing of Toyota after the government made a huge "investment" in GM because of "faulty brakes".

The strategy needs to start here in the U.S. The country needs a "lifestyle" change to the main principles of freedom and less government. It sends the example that we need to lead with.

We need to pay the debt, and do it fast. The only way I see it happening is keeping the tax rates as they are now, coupled with slashing spending. The big hurdle with that is the high taxes are not giving incentive to create businesses and thus jobs, something that is needed more than higher taxes as we will increase the tax payer pool. It's like a company selling a commodity: would they rather sell a handful at a high price, or a a vast quantity at a lower price, but still making profit just on the back of the sheer number?

When the debt is paid, America needs a Book of Deuteronomy moment. We need to set a law for a balanced budget and a debt threshold to the limits of the GDP. We need to improve our tax system and eliminate that class warfare guise built in to it. We need it where we have a Mosses that says we have heard the word, and the word is good, but our past sins and doings are forgiven but must not be repeated.

To juggle this, we need to keep a strong military and foreign policy presences that keeps countries like China and Russia in check. We have been rewarding their bad behavior. Their policies and principles are in direct contrasts to use and we should be more focused in stopping them from becoming the authoritative superpower that starts dictating what they think "freedom" is. We are now in a Cold War of economics, disinformation, and tricking your population in going routes that are damaging. And we are loosing.

Anyways, hopefully in before the xenophobes.

Money is loaned into existence from the "Federal" Reserve to the U.S. Treasury. The debt can never be paid back.


26 Inf
03-01-15, 19:37
deleted post

03-01-15, 20:11
Money is loaned into existence from the "Federal" Reserve to the U.S. Treasury. The debt can never be paid back.


And I'll add to that, We as a country are in so deep, $18 trillion +S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare=estimated $90-100trillion. The only logical solution may in fact be to consider default.. The bright side here is, the rest of the world isn't too far behind us, Right now, from a economic stand point, the U.S. is the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry, and that's not saying much. If the U.S. wants to be a world leader again, Then we need to clean our house up politically, economically.