View Full Version : Hillary's e-mail.

03-03-15, 19:39
Judicial Watch recently struck smoking-gun gold in another cache of documents we forced out of the State Department. The documents show that top aides for then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including her then-chief of staff Cheryl Mills, knew from the outset that the Benghazi mission compound was under attack by armed assailants tied to a terrorist group.
At the White House today, Press Secretary Josh Earnest tried to avoid direct answers about the revelation that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used private email accounts to conduct all of her government business.

And of course:

The Times on Monday reported that Clinton "did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act." The existence of Clinton's private email address was first reported by Gawker in 2013.
I'm going to let you know that all of the usual suspects in the above article are trying to carry water for her, but I have to ask "Just how F'ing stupid do you have to be to use a private account and just how secure was that account?"
I'm begining to think this POTUS wont make it through the next two years as these things plus his ego keep raining on his parade.

03-03-15, 19:51
OK, I've been a .gov employee for over a decade now. Every single employee in my agency has a .gov email account. Every. Last. One.

So how in the flying fvck does one go about being a .gov employee for FOUR YEARS without ever getting one? I don't care if it's HRC or GWB, how does that even happen? I'll tell you how it happens: HUBRIS :mad:

03-03-15, 20:55
I guess if there's a bright side here, this could really, really damage her run for POTUS. I figure this, and all the stuff coming out about the Clinton "Foundation" AKA Bill& Hillary's influence buying scam, shows just how stupid she thinks the American people are, and just how corrupt she really is. This time, she just might have bit off more than she can chew...I would love to see her so disgraced, that she withdraws from running for POTUS.

03-03-15, 21:28
So, will the NSA be producing the content of these emails?? I didn't think so...

03-03-15, 21:29
I guess if there's a bright side here, this could really, really damage her run for POTUS. I figure this, and all the stuff coming out about the Clinton "Foundation" AKA Bill& Hillary's influence buying scam, shows just how stupid she thinks the American people are, and just how corrupt she really is. This time, she just might have bit off more than she can chew...I would love to see her so disgraced, that she withdraws from running for POTUS.

Only catch is much of the American population really is that stupid.. oh look at the shiny thing over there!

03-03-15, 21:43
Only catch is much of the American population really is that stupid.. oh look at the shiny thing over there!

No other way to explain a 2nd term for Obama. Well, other than the GOP being stupid enough to nominate yet another RINO that is. But I repeat myself... :(

Mauser KAR98K
03-03-15, 23:26
No other way to explain a 2nd term for Obama. Well, other than the GOP being stupid enough to nominate yet another RINO that is. But I repeat myself... :(

Even with the Rhino, Obama just on his first term should have never been reelected. Then bam...he was.

03-04-15, 03:29
I guess if there's a bright side here, this could really, really damage her run for POTUS. I figure this, and all the stuff coming out about the Clinton "Foundation" AKA Bill& Hillary's influence buying scam, shows just how stupid she thinks the American people are, and just how corrupt she really is. This time, she just might have bit off more than she can chew...I would love to see her so disgraced, that she withdraws from running for POTUS.

Do you really think so? A Drudge main story gets you and I riled up, but we are a tiny portion of this country and our votes are starting to matter less and less. The country, as a whole, does not care about Drudge Report stories. Keep that in mind. Benghazi, this email BS, etc. They do not care. If they even know anything about it, it doesnt bother them because they are morally indifferent or simply too ignorant to understand.

I do not have the right set of morals and leadership to lead this country in the way I think it should be run. I recognize that. It's too bad others can;t recognize that about themselves.

03-04-15, 03:30
OK, I've been a .gov employee for over a decade now. Every single employee in my agency has a .gov email account. Every. Last. One.

So how in the flying fvck does one go about being a .gov employee for FOUR YEARS without ever getting one? I don't care if it's HRC or GWB, how does that even happen? I'll tell you how it happens: HUBRIS :mad:

It's all good, she probably used Yahoo or gmail. Those are secure? :confused:

The NPR piece that I heard on the radio had the experts insinuating the purpose of using the personal account was likely for avoiding a permanent record and plausible deniability.

I can't stand that Bitch at all.

What was her quote from the Benghazi hearings, "What does it really matter!" It says with it's hands thrown up in the air.

The makings for a nice bumber sticker or billboard.:o

03-04-15, 03:32
Even with the Rhino, Obama just on his first term should have never been reelected. Then bam...he was.

IMHO, a RINO will get us burnt in every presidential election if that is the game we want to continue playing. Young republicans cant stomach the very sight of a RINO, democrats know how EASY it is to turn popular-opinion of a RINO against them, and the RINO continues to run on the same tired old platforms of all RINO losers before them.

03-04-15, 04:25
Do you really think so? A Drudge main story gets you and I riled up, but we are a tiny portion of this country and our votes are starting to matter less and less. The country, as a whole, does not care about Drudge Report stories. Keep that in mind. Benghazi, this email BS, etc. They do not care. If they even know anything about it, it doesnt bother them because they are morally indifferent or simply too ignorant to understand.

I do not have the right set of morals and leadership to lead this country in the way I think it should be run. I recognize that. It's too bad others can;t recognize that about themselves.
While true, people in power do loathe drudge for what it is and what it does and they are open with their hostilities about it. So I'd say that's still a good thing and reflective of the point that we haven't been completely marginalized yet.

03-04-15, 04:56
IMHO, a RINO will get us burnt in every presidential election if that is the game we want to continue playing. Young republicans cant stomach the very sight of a RINO, democrats know how EASY it is to turn popular-opinion of a RINO against them, and the RINO continues to run on the same tired old platforms of all RINO losers before them.

I watched a Lindsay Graham interview yesterday and while he obliquely tsk, tsked her for probably doing something shady, he literally defended her use of private email to conduct business. Literally... :confused:

03-04-15, 05:25
I guess if there's a bright side here, this could really, really damage her run for POTUS. I figure this, and all the stuff coming out about the Clinton "Foundation" AKA Bill& Hillary's influence buying scam, shows just how stupid she thinks the American people are, and just how corrupt she really is. This time, she just might have bit off more than she can chew...I would love to see her so disgraced, that she withdraws from running for POTUS.

It won't matter one bit to the FSA and Democraps. They could have a pic of her urinating on the dead from Benghazi and they'd still vote for that bitch.

03-04-15, 05:38
I watched a Lindsay Graham interview yesterday and while he obliquely tsk, tsked her for probably doing something shady, he literally defended her use of private email to conduct business. Literally... :confused:

Lindsay Graham, the champion of freedom....

03-04-15, 06:43
Now that it looks likely that Patreus is going to go down the river for playing fast and loose with some classified documents to impress his "squeeze",

Decorated war veteran and former CIA director David Petraeus has entered into an agreement with federal prosecutors in which he would plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge for mishandling classified information.
The charge, unauthorized removal and retention of classified material, stems, in part, from documents the former director allegedly provided to his mistress

I think one has to ask "Just how much business can you do as Secretary of State and not disclose classified information on a private e-mail account?"
BTW there is already a guy in prison for hacking in to someone's e-mail that had some of Hillary's correspondences. I'm no hacker, but I bet if you had that e-mail, the possibilities would be endless.

You cannot bitch about a guy like Snowden exposing stuff when our own Secretary of State plays fast and loose with the rules.


Hillary Clinton: people felt betrayed by NSA surveillance

Hillary Clinton speaking to technology executives at the ‘Lead On’ conference in Santa Clara. Photograph: Brian Cahn/Zuma Press/Corbis
Hillary Clinton has softened her criticism of Edward Snowden and said that people felt betrayed by the National Security Agency’s mass surveillance programmes.

The former secretary of state dialled down her previous rhetoric about the whistleblower and hardened her tone towards the NSA while addressing a conference on women in Silicon Valley.

Asked by Kara Swisher, a journalist and founder of the news site Re/code, if Snowden was a traitor, Clinton replied: “I could never condone what he did. He stole millions of documents ... many of those documents had nothing to do with civil liberties.”

The criticism was notably milder compared to last year when she assailed the NSA leaker’s “outrageous behaviour” and accused him of aiding terrorists and foes of the United States.
And since he now wants to come back , she's "softening up?" I wonder what Ed knows?

03-04-15, 07:11
I'm begining to think this POTUS wont make it through the next two years as these things plus his ego keep raining on his parade.[/B]

Obama is teflon. Untouchable. Hillary is as well, to a somewhat lesser extent.

03-04-15, 07:27
You guys should head over to DU.

The tone? "What difference does it make?!!" Complete with gif images of it and everything of her reading her Blackberry emails.

Not sure if they are mocking us or don't understand the hypocrisy of it all...or both.

03-04-15, 07:38
Another in a long list of the "ruling class" who should be in jail.

03-04-15, 08:38
The former secretary of state dialled down her previous rhetoric about the whistleblower and hardened her tone towards the NSA while addressing a conference on women in Silicon Valley.

Asked by Kara Swisher, a journalist and founder of the news site Re/code, if Snowden was a traitor, Clinton replied: “I could never condone what he did. He stole millions of documents ... many of those documents had nothing to do with civil liberties.”

The criticism was notably milder compared to last year when she assailed the NSA leaker’s “outrageous behaviour” and accused him of aiding terrorists and foes of the United States.
And since he now wants to come back , she's "softening up?" I wonder what Ed knows?

Question is, will he exercise the "nuclear option" on her if she gets the nomination? :confused:

As for Betreus getting a slap in the wrist, a lot of people have been justifying what he did because she had a clearance as well. HELLOOOO? Do any of these idiots understand the nature of spycraft? He didn't just leave her in the room with what was likely SCI info while he took a shower, he fracking dropped it off at her residence for a long weekend! WTF??? He was supposed to be one of our best and brightest Generals? :rolleyes:

03-04-15, 09:06
I'll just leave this little Gem right here ====> http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=1755

03-04-15, 09:39
You guys should head over to DU.

The tone? "What difference does it make?!!" Complete with gif images of it and everything of her reading her Blackberry emails.

Not sure if they are mocking us or don't understand the hypocrisy of it all...or both.


03-04-15, 09:45
Bet she was sending nekkid pics to other diplomats :fie:

03-04-15, 09:53
The public is dying to elect her so bad, they will look completely over this..unfortunately....

03-04-15, 11:01
Well, like it or not, we're going to get the gov't we deserve.. Like the Roman Empire, the U.S. is in a downward spiral, and, like the Roman Empire, nothing is going to change until the money runs out, and I feel that's not too far in the future. I also expect these "Progressive" ****s to get us involved in a war in the very near future, and right now, there's several places that can happen. This too, is what corrupt gov'ts do when the gig is about up.. We, as a country are no longer a Constitutional Republic.. We are now Corporate Fascist.. And Hilliary is Wall St's choice for POTUS. Corrupt, easy to deal with, she'll do your bidding for a price.. I remember a quote from Stalin.." It's enough that the people know there was an election, The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." That in a nutshell, pretty much sums up 2016..

03-04-15, 12:01
Question is, will he exercise the "nuclear option" on her if she gets the nomination? :confused:

As for Betreus getting a slap in the wrist, a lot of people have been justifying what he did because she had a clearance as well. HELLOOOO? Do any of these idiots understand the nature of spycraft? He didn't just leave her in the room with what was likely SCI info while he took a shower, he fracking dropped it off at her residence for a long weekend! WTF??? He was supposed to be one of our best and brightest Generals? :rolleyes:

I think he is using his only option to get back to the States and hope to get a slap on the wrist and go on with his life.
I think you could use his sentence as a barometer as to just how much he really knows.
If he does have enough classified stuff to sink the ship with Hillary's e-mails and some damning stuff about the border and Benghazi, we will know because he gets a slap on the wrist and some stuff will stay on several thumb drives in a safe deposit box in Switzerland. The irony would be if the weak link was Hillary's non secure e-mail account.

03-04-15, 15:16
The public is dying to elect her so bad, they will look completely over this..unfortunately....

Yeah, 'cause the first black President has worked out so well. What could possibly go wrong with electing the Bitch?

03-04-15, 16:00
Do you honestly think this latest on Hillary will kill her chances in 2016?


The Benghazi scandal did not really phase her and Obama skated through two election cycles with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and other lovelies. Then, Obama got re-elected with "if you like your doctor..." and 10% plus unemployment.

All the while we watched Romney squirm over the dog carrier on top of the station wagon and his 47% comment!

This won't mean beans because big media controls the messaging and when you control the messaging you control the election. Especially when you consider that the gutless RNC has a hard on for nominating another loser like Jeb Bush.

The GOP makes it beyond easy for the left to win national elections.

03-04-15, 16:10
Do you honestly think this latest on Hillary will kill her chances in 2016?


The Benghazi scandal did not really phase her and Obama skated through two election cycles with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and other lovelies. Then, Obama got re-elected with "if you like your doctor..." and 10% plus unemployment.

All the while we watched Romney squirm over the dog carrier on top of the station wagon and his 47% comment!

This won't mean beans because big media controls the messaging and when you control the messaging you control the election. Especially when you consider that the gutless RNC has a hard on for nominating another loser like Jeb Bush.

The GOP makes it beyond easy for the left to win national elections.

Quoted for Truth.

03-04-15, 16:13
Do you honestly think this latest on Hillary will kill her chances in 2016?


The Benghazi scandal did not really phase her and Obama skated through two election cycles with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and other lovelies. Then, Obama got re-elected with "if you like your doctor..." and 10% plus unemployment.

All the while we watched Romney squirm over the dog carrier on top of the station wagon and his 47% comment!

This won't mean beans because big media controls the messaging and when you control the messaging you control the election. Especially when you consider that the gutless RNC has a hard on for nominating another loser like Jeb Bush.

The GOP makes it beyond easy for the left to win national elections.

I wish it wasn't, but this is pure gospel...the 'fat lady" is getting tuned up. I would love to be wrong... I have kids.

03-04-15, 16:39
Do you honestly think this latest on Hillary will kill her chances in 2016?


The Benghazi scandal did not really phase her and Obama skated through two election cycles with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and other lovelies. Then, Obama got re-elected with "if you like your doctor..." and 10% plus unemployment.

All the while we watched Romney squirm over the dog carrier on top of the station wagon and his 47% comment!

This won't mean beans because big media controls the messaging and when you control the messaging you control the election. Especially when you consider that the gutless RNC has a hard on for nominating another loser like Jeb Bush.

The GOP makes it beyond easy for the left to win national elections.

I wish it wasn't, but this is pure gospel...the 'fat lady" is getting tuned up. I would love to be wrong... I have kids.

Truer words have never been spoken. The fat lady's cankles are about to cackle with glee I'm afraid. :(

03-04-15, 16:49
I wish I could paint a better picture.

Haven't we seen other conservatives and Tea Party faves get lauded at CPAC then trashed when it came primary time? I think we did.

I would love to see someone like Rand Paul or Scott Walker get the nod but in the end...it does not matter what the people want. The biggies that run the RNC make the final decision and those people are NOT conservatives, libertarians or Tea Party types. In fact, they detest those types because they are a threat to the status quo 2 party system.

Judging how things are going with the immigration situation, funding DHS, Hillary's e-mail flip and other lovelies...you'd NEVER KNOW the GOP just won a huge election cycle a few months ago. In fact...you'd think they lost both the House and Senate! LOL

It is painfully obvious that the RNC is not interested in reforming, changing or leading a damn thing. They seem perfectly content being a squishy opposition party that SAYS they oppose the progressives but does little in action to prove it. Oh sure...come election time, they stand there with police, soldiers, Bibles and guns and ACT very conservative. When the electino season is over they are racing back to the center or back to their usual position with their lips planted on some Democrat's ass! LOL

I know the GOP has an uphill battle, having to fight not only the Democrat party but almost all of the media but having such spineless leadership ensures that they will never win a major national election ever again.

Again...I'd like to paint you all a better picture...but I have to be realistic in what we have seen in recent years...not optimistic.

03-04-15, 16:52
You're on a Roll!!! Grand Slam, again!

03-05-15, 09:27
So being that the Clintons we "Dead Broke" when Bill left office, how did Hillary afford to have a server put in her basement that was registered to an apparently non existent man?
If you're conducting State Department business on a private e-mail account certainly the people you are sending these messages to can see that you're not on a .gov account, so why are they opening them?
Why didn't someone demand she get security on her account?
Everyone had to know this allowed her to bypass the .gov archives and the pick and chose what she would decide to release later, why didn't someone raise a flag?
Will we get the documents that the investigators are asking for?
Only Hillary will know for sure, how convenient as she runs for POTUS.

03-05-15, 09:39
I wish I could paint a better picture.

Haven't we seen other conservatives and Tea Party faves get lauded at CPAC then trashed when it came primary time? I think we did.

I would love to see someone like Rand Paul or Scott Walker get the nod but in the end...it does not matter what the people want. The biggies that run the RNC make the final decision and those people are NOT conservatives, libertarians or Tea Party types. In fact, they detest those types because they are a threat to the status quo 2 party system.

Judging how things are going with the immigration situation, funding DHS, Hillary's e-mail flip and other lovelies...you'd NEVER KNOW the GOP just won a huge election cycle a few months ago. In fact...you'd think they lost both the House and Senate! LOL

It is painfully obvious that the RNC is not interested in reforming, changing or leading a damn thing. They seem perfectly content being a squishy opposition party that SAYS they oppose the progressives but does little in action to prove it. Oh sure...come election time, they stand there with police, soldiers, Bibles and guns and ACT very conservative. When the electino season is over they are racing back to the center or back to their usual position with their lips planted on some Democrat's ass! LOL

I know the GOP has an uphill battle, having to fight not only the Democrat party but almost all of the media but having such spineless leadership ensures that they will never win a major national election ever again.

Again...I'd like to paint you all a better picture...but I have to be realistic in what we have seen in recent years...not optimistic.

The primary process itself badly damaged the eventual GOP presidential nominee during the last election cycle. When you have to veer far right to win over Tea Party primary voters then veer centrist to appeal to as broad a swath of voters as possible during the general election you inevitably end up completely contradicting yourself in endless sound bites played ad nauseam on The Daily Show. Whether you blame the GOP leadership, blame major donors, or blame campaign leadership - the primary process needs to be shorter and better managed.

03-05-15, 09:47
Since it's drifting in that direction....Go ahead and nominated Christie, RINOs.

I'll pull the lever for Hillary myself, just to make a point.

Because your "Electability" idea is that ****ing bad.

03-05-15, 10:04
The primary process is a damn joke! By the time they get to Texas primaries...the candidate is pretty much chosen.

What kind of garbage is that?

Texas provides almost half of the new private sector jobs in America. We also house major industries and the energy business for America. There are more people living in my subdivision in suburban Houston than the whole damn state of NH....why do they count so much in choosing our candidate? Is there ANY real industry in NH? What do they produce that America cannot live without? I don't mean to dog on NH but why should a small state that produces and creates so little be the one that chooses our candidates?

Iowa? Well they do have a large agriculture base but again...they are a state that in no way produces the majority of goods and energy for the country but again....IA along with NH gets to choose our candidate every major election cycle?

Why do the smaller states with less production, industry and less "dog" in the fight get to choose for the major movers and shakers in the American economy?

It makes ZERO sense to me.

03-05-15, 10:27
The primary process itself badly damaged the eventual GOP presidential nominee during the last election cycle. When you have to veer far right to win over Tea Party primary voters then veer centrist to appeal to as broad a swath of voters as possible during the general election you inevitably end up completely contradicting yourself in endless sound bites played ad nauseam on The Daily Show. Whether you blame the GOP leadership, blame major donors, or blame campaign leadership - the primary process needs to be shorter and better managed.

That is not how you win elections, you articulate your principles to compare & contrast with your opponent, this is how Reagan won big. You don't "move to the center" to "appeal" to so called "moderates." You convince the "moderates" (low information voters) that your principles work.

03-05-15, 10:33
You also go into this arena KNOWING the left and media's tricks and avoid them like the plague. Forget about trying to make the folks at NBC news or CNN like you...it is NOT going to happen. Don't sit down for an interview/gotcha session with Katie Couric or any leftist media talking head. Sarah Palin made a HUGE mistake and I still cannot believe she could not see the "gotcha" coming from a mile away.

You also need to ditch the social issues and the issues that the left loves to trip GOP candidates up on every time like gay marriage or abortion. Todd Akin lost a very winnable race because he let the leftist media trip him up on questions about rape. Again...why can't they see that shit coming?

To win, they need to not play the media's game but the RNC does not seem to recognize it for what it is. It is like watching Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football. You KNOW what is coming and wonder why Charlie keeps falling for it.

03-05-15, 10:44
You also go into this arena KNOWING the left and media's tricks and avoid them like the plague. Forget about trying to make the folks at NBC news or CNN like you...it is NOT going to happen. Don't sit down for an interview/gotcha session with Katie Couric or any leftist media talking head. Sarah Palin made a HUGE mistake and I still cannot believe she could not see the "gotcha" coming from a mile away.

You also need to ditch the social issues and the issues that the left loves to trip GOP candidates up on every time like gay marriage or abortion. Todd Akin lost a very winnable race because he let the leftist media trip him up on questions about rape. Again...why can't they see that shit coming?

To win, they need to not play the media's game but the RNC does not seem to recognize it for what it is. It is like watching Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football. You KNOW what is coming and wonder why Charlie keeps falling for it.

But I is a double edged sword. You have to get out there in the media to get your name out there but they are going to try and take you apart if you are from the GOP. It is a loose- loose situation for the GOP.

What we need is some uber lib to win and after swearing in say, "Just kidding, I am really an ultra conservative Republican and my first act is an executive order outlawing all laws that prohibited any restrictions on the Second Amendment". :)

But I am sure the lubtards would call for impeachment based on them looking stupid.

03-05-15, 11:07
That is not how you win elections, you articulate your principles to compare & contrast with your opponent, this is how Reagan won big. You don't "move to the center" to "appeal" to so called "moderates." You convince the "moderates" (low information voters) that your principles work.

Reagan would be considered left of center by many ultra-conservative voters today, and he ran during a time without a 24/7 news cycle, social media, bloggers, etc.

Today, you have to deal with independent expenditure (IE) groups on both sides that do nothing but mine the Web and other media sources for comments that can be used to trip up a candidate. This is literally the only reason these IE groups exist, and they are very well funded. An extended primary process just feeds these vultures with endless source material.

In addition, there is just no way the mainstream media will allow true right-wing rhetoric to go unchecked or unspun, especially during a presidential election cycle.

Finally, the numbers game on specific voting blocs means that any candidate who wants a shot at the White House must please multiple constituencies, balance all messaging against what rich donors want to hear, and hope to God campaign staff don't shoot themselves in the foot with stupid offhand comments made at the end of exhausting days on the road.

It doesn't help, of course, that everyone in this country is now primed and trip-wired to be "hurt" or "offended" by any gaffe or slip of the tongue, even stupid ones that make no sense. I'm constantly reminded of the time some elected official used the word "niggardly," which is a perfectly fine word that has nothing to do with the "n" word that just happens to sound like it -- and he got pilloried and had to apologize. Just stupid. And one more reason the primary process needs to be shorter and better managed.

03-05-15, 11:24
Reagan would be considered left of center by many ultra-conservative voters today, and he ran during a time without a 24/7 news cycle, social media, bloggers, etc.

Today, you have to deal with independent expenditure (IE) groups on both sides that do nothing but mine the Web and other media sources for comments that can be used to trip up a candidate. This is literally the only reason these IE groups exist, and they are very well funded. An extended primary process just feeds these vultures with endless source material.

In addition, there is just no way the mainstream media will allow true right-wing rhetoric to go unchecked or unspun, especially during a presidential election cycle.

Finally, the numbers game on specific voting blocs means that any candidate who wants a shot at the White House must please multiple constituencies, balance all messaging against what rich donors want to hear, and hope to God campaign staff don't shoot themselves in the foot with stupid offhand comments made at the end of exhausting days on the road.

It doesn't help, of course, that everyone in this country is now primed and trip-wired to be "hurt" or "offended" by any gaffe or slip of the tongue, even stupid ones that make no sense. I'm constantly reminded of the time some elected official used the word "niggardly," which is a perfectly fine word that has nothing to do with the "n" word that just happens to sound like it -- and he got pilloried and had to apologize. Just stupid. And one more reason the primary process needs to be shorter and better managed.

Reagan would have been considered left of center, I'm sorry but I completely disagree with your premise. The rest of what you articulate is the democrat strategy for the past 40 years. If that is the strategy, cater to everyone, you will not out democrat the democrats I assure you, besides what would the point of winning be?

The one area I think we can agree on is how sound bytes can hurt along with allowing the media to frame issues. Not every issue is equal and for the past couple of elections the media has focused on a few unimportant issues & sound bites "binders full of women/war on women." Reagan knew how to frame the debate, despite the leftist media's attempts to frame it:

03-05-15, 11:33
And also what you refer to as "ultra conservative" (and you can throw in libertarian) is also nonsense. What you refer to as "ultra conservative" are simply people who are politically engaged and are actively witnessing the destruction of the greatest country in th world. It is not conservatives that have changed or become more extreme, it's the statists who have seized power:

03-05-15, 12:10
Back on topic...this happened:


From the cited IG report:

The ambassador's requirements for use of commercial email in the office and his flouting of direct instructions to adhere to department policy have placed the information management staff in a conundrum: balancing the desire to be responsive to their mission leader and the need to adhere to department regulations and government information security standards...

It is the department's general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized information system, which has the proper level of security controls. The use of unauthorized information systems increases the risk for data loss, phishing, and spoofing of email accounts, as well as inadequate protections for personally identifiable information...

The use of unauthorized information systems can also result in the loss of official public records as these systems do not have approved record preservation or backup functions. Conducting official business on non-department automated information systems must be limited to only maintaining communications during emergencies.

03-05-15, 12:38
Back on topic...this happened:


From the cited IG report:


It's hubris, pure and simple. As Steven Seagal points out in his seminal 1988 documentary about the CIA, "nobody is above the law."

03-05-15, 12:52
So being that the Clintons we "Dead Broke" when Bill left office, how did Hillary afford to have a server put in her basement that was registered to an apparently non existent man?
If you're conducting State Department business on a private e-mail account certainly the people you are sending these messages to can see that you're not on a .gov account, so why are they opening them?
Why didn't someone demand she get security on her account?
Everyone had to know this allowed her to bypass the .gov archives and the pick and chose what she would decide to release later, why didn't someone raise a flag?
Will we get the documents that the investigators are asking for?
Only Hillary will know for sure, how convenient as she runs for POTUS.

This is the crux of the whole issue.. This country will never know what, exactly was stored on that server. She made sure there was NO trail linking her to anything, And she's in total control of what, if any E-mails get released. A couple of keystrokes, and anything she doesn't want to get out, is gone forever..(which has probably already happened) What a devious, power hungry bitch! I wonder how much blackmail, er,ah, "fundraising" material she's also had/has stored on that server? God help us if she gets elected..

03-05-15, 18:25
This is the crux of the whole issue.. This country will never know what, exactly was stored on that server. She made sure there was NO trail linking her to anything, And she's in total control of what, if any E-mails get released. A couple of keystrokes, and anything she doesn't want to get out, is gone forever..(which has probably already happened) What a devious, power hungry bitch! I wonder how much blackmail, er,ah, "fundraising" material she's also had/has stored on that server? God help us if she gets elected..

Well if it can be proved that she used her office to get donations for the Clintons "foundations" and that is what it looks like happened, then that is a crime and if charged they need to sieze the whole system and get to work on her hardrives.

03-05-15, 18:28
I estimate the chances of this happening at 0%.

We need a new tactic to combat this breed of statism crap, and I'm not sure what it should be. Writing your Congressman used to make a difference.

03-05-15, 18:39
I estimate the chances of this happening at 0%.

We need a new tactic to combat this breed of statism crap, and I'm not sure what it should be. Writing your Congressman used to make a difference.

Correct. first, you need a Attorney General whos' willing to enforce the laws. Not just the ones he, and the shitstain in chief think are important.

03-05-15, 18:52
Brick has it right.
We tend to forget that a politician's number one concern is getting elected or reelected. Many Republican politicians use a strategy portraying abortion and butt sex as social evils and then beat their chests about immigration problems. Booty sex and abortion are not issues for mainstream America. Immigration reform ain't happening because certain lobby groups will prevent it. Here I refer to voices of agriculture, construction, and hotel/restaurant big money hacks who insist on having cheap labor. Oddly, these groups will toss money at both sides.

Oh. And about Hillary. What does getting a #### ### from her and walking a tight rope across Niagara Falls have in common? In
either case you should never look down.

03-06-15, 07:14

Sent to diplomatic and consular staff in June 2011, the unclassified cable, bearing Clinton's electronic signature, made clear to employees they were expected to "avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts." The message also said employees should not "auto-forward Department email to personal email accounts which is prohibited by Department policy.”

03-06-15, 07:57
Thursday afternoon Politico ran a story highlighting the portion of the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual that covers electronic communication over the internet. Section 544.3 states: “The Department is expected to provide, and employees are expected to use, approved secure methods to transmit SBU information when available and practical.” The purpose of this rule is spelled out a few subsections later. “SBU information resident on personally owned computers connected to the Internet is generally more susceptible to cyber attacks and/or compromise than information on government owned computers connected to the Internet,” the FAM states. According to Politico, these clear guidelines were in place at the State Department since 2005.

Even worse than the general guidelines, Fox News’s Catherine Herridge has uncovered a State Department cable dated 2011 which cites the same section of the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM 544.3) and reminds employees to “avoid conducting official Department from your personal e-mail accounts.” The cable is signed (electronically) by Secretary Clinton. Her signature does not mean that she personally saw the cable, but it does demonstrate that the policy was cited and reinforced during her tenure as Secretary of State.


The White House counsel’s office was not aware at the time Hillary Rodham Clinton was secretary of state that she relied solely on personal email and only found out as part of the congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The person said Clinton’s exclusive reliance on personal email as the nation’s top diplomat was inconsistent with the guidance given to agencies that official business should be conducted on official email accounts. Once the State Department turned over some of her messages in connection with the Benghazi investigation after she left office, making it apparent she had not followed the guidance, the White House counsel’s office asked the department to ensure that her email records were properly archived, according to the person who spoke on a condition of anonymity without authorization to speak on the record.
what the F'?
If you ask that the .gov release your e-mail, but you have all of your e-mail on a private server, how can they "release" your e-mail?

03-06-15, 08:14
I can tell that the news cycle is going to be quite engaging during the 8 years of her presidency.

03-06-15, 09:51
I can tell that the news cycle is going to be quite engaging during the 8 years of her presidency.

I just threw up my breakfast all over the keyboard.

Mauser KAR98K
03-06-15, 11:37
I'm hearing she's had more email accounts than a REDDIT troll.

03-06-15, 11:41

I doubt it.


Quite possible! LOL

You think big media covers up and kisses Obama's butt...you just wait. Hillary will be given a pass by big media on things that will make Benghazi look like a small accounting error!

There is no more hiding their bias and in fact they seem quite proud to basically be a DNC house organ 24-7.

From 2016 on...you will see media treatment of Hillary that will make you literally beat your heads against the wall. You will swear that you are watching tv in some 3rd world dictatorship like Venezuela or Columbia. The lying, covering up and ignoring of major damaging stories will be off the charts.

03-06-15, 12:16
Thursday afternoon Politico ran a story highlighting the portion of the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual that covers electronic communication over the internet. Section 544.3 states: “The Department is expected to provide, and employees are expected to use, approved secure methods to transmit SBU information when available and practical.” The purpose of this rule is spelled out a few subsections later. “SBU information resident on personally owned computers connected to the Internet is generally more susceptible to cyber attacks and/or compromise than information on government owned computers connected to the Internet,” the FAM states. According to Politico, these clear guidelines were in place at the State Department since 2005.

Even worse than the general guidelines, Fox News’s Catherine Herridge has uncovered a State Department cable dated 2011 which cites the same section of the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM 544.3) and reminds employees to “avoid conducting official Department from your personal e-mail accounts.” The cable is signed (electronically) by Secretary Clinton. Her signature does not mean that she personally saw the cable, but it does demonstrate that the policy was cited and reinforced during her tenure as Secretary of State.


The White House counsel’s office was not aware at the time Hillary Rodham Clinton was secretary of state that she relied solely on personal email and only found out as part of the congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The person said Clinton’s exclusive reliance on personal email as the nation’s top diplomat was inconsistent with the guidance given to agencies that official business should be conducted on official email accounts. Once the State Department turned over some of her messages in connection with the Benghazi investigation after she left office, making it apparent she had not followed the guidance, the White House counsel’s office asked the department to ensure that her email records were properly archived, according to the person who spoke on a condition of anonymity without authorization to speak on the record.
what the F'?
If you ask that the .gov release your e-mail, but you have all of your e-mail on a private server, how can they "release" your e-mail?

Simple, they can release whatever SHE DECIDED to allow them to have. Now she's going around telling the media bobbleheads that she has nothing to hide and SHE asked DoS to release her emails. Unfortunately, she's cleverer by half than those idiots in the media. :(

03-06-15, 12:28
Welcome to the most transparent administration in the history of the Universe.

03-06-15, 14:37
Watch Hillary when she claps her hands. Humans don't clap like that. Her programmers need to improve their hand clapping sub-routine.

She's a freaking tubby robot.

03-06-15, 14:46
If it was anyone else on the planet the DOJ would have already raided her home as part of criminal investigation. Un-f'ing believable.

03-08-15, 04:34
Hillary has practiced insincere, deceitful political tactics for at least 40 years and is real good at it. I predict that the various nut groups of do-gooders, anti war/peacenik types(who let others die for them) in addition to knee jerk Democrats will line up for a Cotton-Eyed Joe dance on her behalf. I suspect that groups like MADD, Humane Society, Girl Scouts, Red Cross, NEA, and other female dominated organizations are already organized to raise millions in dollars and votes. Labor unions, minority rights groups like NAACP, and baby boomer/senior citizen AARP type "clubs" will contribute. I forgot to add League of Women Voters and Junior League types who will step forward. Women will literally come out of the woods, vote for her, and then lie about doing so. Oh. The butt sex/lesbian crowd will be first in line. My point in writing all this negative stuff is this: For Republicans to have any chance of winning the election, they must select a candidate with moderate views--one who can appeal to an array of voters and not just me and you.

03-08-15, 05:35
For Republicans to have any chance of winning the election, they must select a candidate with moderate views--one who can appeal to an array of voters and not just me and you.

100% utter bullshit, When its democrat light vs. Democrat the people will vote for the real deal 100% of the time. What we need is someone with charisma who will articulate constitional conservativism, someone who when attacked with Alinsky tactics has the ability to turn it around on the attacker. Here is a small example of what I'm talking about:


03-08-15, 10:43
100% utter bullshit, When its democrat light vs. Democrat the people will vote for the real deal 100% of the time. What we need is someone with charisma who will articulate constitional conservativism, someone who when attacked with Alinsky tactics has the ability to turn it around on the attacker. Here is a small example of what I'm talking about:

No kidding.... Electability has done absolute wonders for us in recent years.. Gag me...

03-08-15, 11:52
President Obama says he first learned from news reports that his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, used a private email account during her tenure, amid reports the White House and State Department may have known as far back as last August that Clinton did not use government email.

“The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports,” Obama told CBS’ Bill Plante, in response to a question of when the president learned of Clinton’s use of a private email account for conducting government business

So the POTUS never recieved and e-mail from Hillary while she was Secretary of State?
Smell that Mr Prsident, it your pants; they're on fire!

03-08-15, 13:30
The man has never known anything until the news tells him it's so, evidently. That is so unimaginably laughable. My god.

03-09-15, 07:00
“We don’t have all of them,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Included in the gaps are e-mails from Oct. 18, 2011, the date of the well-known photo of then-Secretary of State Clinton wearing sunglasses and gripping her BlackBerry while on a plane to Libya.

In fact, there were no e-mails released to the committee from that entire trip, Gowdy said.

Even though Clinton was famously seen checking her Blackberry on October 18, 2011, no emails from that day were turned over to the House Benghazi Committee.

“It strains credibility to believe that if you’re on your way to Libya to discuss Libyan policy, that there’s not a single document that’s been turned
over to Congress,” said Gowdy, who issued subpoenas last week for Clinton’s Libya e-mails.

And your Boss didn't know your e-mail address and either did anyone else? Everyone She sent an e-mail to or recieved and an e-mail from was in the know.

03-09-15, 08:08
I am BLOWN AWAY that folks still think "Electability" and "appealing to a broad array of voters" matter.

03-09-15, 11:51
Nobody had her work email, but she made damn sure that people knew how to make online donations to the Clinton Foundation.


I'd love to see the day when Gowdy subpoenas her frumpy ass and she takes the 5th when asked about destruction of emails on her server.

03-09-15, 11:54
Double tap

03-09-15, 13:00
If running a moderate is the solution for the GOP...why then didn't McCain or Romney win by a landslide?

I am convinced that those that run the RNC really don't want to win the presidency. They prefer to be a following, minority opposition party that goes along to get along and does not lead or reform a damn thing.

03-09-15, 13:18
If running a moderate is the solution for the GOP...why then didn't McCain or Romney win by a landslide?

I am convinced that those that run the RNC really don't want to win the presidency. They prefer to be a following, minority opposition party that goes along to get along and does not lead or reform a damn thing.

It's all a dog and pony show. Republicans and democrats are the same thing in government. The bickering back and forth is just for show to keep us complacent enough while they way shadow wars against our liberty, sovereignty and America in general.

They keep citizen D's and R's fighting each other instead of fighting the real enemy- the hydra headed monster federal government.

Bread and circus' works; works really well when you have the media acting as the propaganda wing and distracting everyone, controlling the narrative, down playing what's important and up playing what is meaningless.

Almost everyone in the world is asleep. Some are more awake than others, but even then the amount of cognizant dissidence and head in the sand is astounding.

Things have got to change.

Hilary should be tarred and feathered at the very least for all the wrongs she and her husband have directly and indirectly done to this nation.

Obama constantly being in the dark is so convenient, how do people not get it that he knew and is lying or him not knowing is a clear indicator of how ****ing incompetent he is.

If we don't hold these idiots accountable when we catch them red handed, we are just aiding or own demise and basically supporting tyranny.

03-09-15, 13:27
Hillary has practiced insincere, deceitful political tactics for at least 40 years and is real good at it. I predict that the various nut groups of do-gooders, anti war/peacenik types(who let others die for them) in addition to knee jerk Democrats will line up for a Cotton-Eyed Joe dance on her behalf. I suspect that groups like MADD, Humane Society, Girl Scouts, Red Cross, NEA, and other female dominated organizations are already organized to raise millions in dollars and votes. Labor unions, minority rights groups like NAACP, and baby boomer/senior citizen AARP type "clubs" will contribute. I forgot to add League of Women Voters and Junior League types who will step forward. Women will literally come out of the woods, vote for her, and then lie about doing so. Oh. The butt sex/lesbian crowd will be first in line. My point in writing all this negative stuff is this: For Republicans to have any chance of winning the election, they must select a candidate with moderate views--one who can appeal to an array of voters and not just me and you.

Sure, let us know how that works out for you. :rolleyes:

President Obama says he first learned from news reports that his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, used a private email account during her tenure, amid reports the White House and State Department may have known as far back as last August that Clinton did not use government email.

“The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports,” Obama told CBS’ Bill Plante, in response to a question of when the president learned of Clinton’s use of a private email account for conducting government business

So the POTUS never recieved and e-mail from Hillary while she was Secretary of State?
Smell that Mr Prsident, it your pants; they're on fire!

You're assuming he'd either be intelligent enough or engaged enough to actually observe the sender's email address. :rolleyes:

03-09-15, 14:05
Sure, let us know how that works out for you. :rolleyes:

You're assuming he'd either be intelligent enough or engaged enough to actually observe the sender's email address. :rolleyes:
It wouldn't surprise me to hear that his handlers screen everything in going and outgoing so he can disavow any knowledge of anything. All the while playing candy crush.

03-09-15, 14:06
[QUOTE=You're assuming he'd either be intelligent enough or engaged enough to actually observe the sender's email address. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

It's been a while since I was using an Army.mil e-mail address for work, but I believe when I did if you were sending something out of the loop you got a little warning and had to check the block before it went out.
Now I know we're in the middle of the "Most Transparent", but I'm sure that level of security must come up with some sort of warning when dealing with international diplomacy.

03-09-15, 14:07
Hillary has practiced insincere, deceitful political tactics for at least 40 years and is real good at it. I predict that the various nut groups of do-gooders, anti war/peacenik types(who let others die for them) in addition to knee jerk Democrats will line up for a Cotton-Eyed Joe dance on her behalf. I suspect that groups like MADD, Humane Society, Girl Scouts, Red Cross, NEA, and other female dominated organizations are already organized to raise millions in dollars and votes. Labor unions, minority rights groups like NAACP, and baby boomer/senior citizen AARP type "clubs" will contribute. I forgot to add League of Women Voters and Junior League types who will step forward. Women will literally come out of the woods, vote for her, and then lie about doing so. Oh. The butt sex/lesbian crowd will be first in line. My point in writing all this negative stuff is this: For Republicans to have any chance of winning the election, they must select a candidate with moderate views--one who can appeal to an array of voters and not just me and you.
And they'd all be hypocrites.


03-09-15, 17:44
It's been a while since I was using an Army.mil e-mail address for work, but I believe when I did if you were sending something out of the loop you got a little warning and had to check the block before it went out.
Now I know we're in the middle of the "Most Transparent", but I'm sure that level of security must come up with some sort of warning when dealing with international diplomacy.

That's only for the little people.

03-11-15, 17:37
Now there is speculation that POTUS himself may have been and still is using a private non .gov email address.....

03-11-15, 19:28
My guess is, nothing will continue to happen. The teflon that Obama uses is good teflon.

03-11-15, 20:07
Do you honestly think this latest on Hillary will kill her chances in 2016?


The Benghazi scandal did not really phase her and Obama skated through two election cycles with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and other lovelies. Then, Obama got re-elected with "if you like your doctor..." and 10% plus unemployment.

All the while we watched Romney squirm over the dog carrier on top of the station wagon and his 47% comment!

This won't mean beans because big media controls the messaging and when you control the messaging you control the election. Especially when you consider that the gutless RNC has a hard on for nominating another loser like Jeb Bush.

The GOP makes it beyond easy for the left to win national elections.

This is the correct answer.

03-11-15, 21:34
This is the correct answer.

Sadly it's true.

I still can't decide which is worse, the disdain politicians show for the intelligence of the average American voter or the fact that they are regularly correct in their assessment of voter intelligence.

It has gotten so bad that people like Hillary can actually tell the truth about many things but word it in a way that suggests they are saying something else entirely that put's them in a different light. The media dutifully carries and promotes the message and a shocking number of viewers eat it right up.

03-11-15, 21:44
Sadly it's true.

I still can't decide which is worse, the disdain politicians show for the intelligence of the average American voter or the fact that they are regularly correct in their assessment of voter intelligence.

It has gotten so bad that people like Hillary can actually tell the truth about many things but word it in a way that suggests they are saying something else entirely that put's them in a different light. The media dutifully carries and promotes the message and a shocking number of viewers eat it right up.

You got it. This is one of the most concise, accurate statements I have seen today, and encapsulates exactly why I have stopped watching or listening to 24-hour news sources. They fear-monger and openly assume their viewers are idiots. Getting my news through papers, internet, and periodicals is better for my blood pressure.

03-11-15, 22:08
For Republicans to have any chance of winning the election, they must select a candidate with moderate views--one who can appeal to an array of voters and not just me and you.

I have a warning for you and your "moderate" buddies: go ahead into the primary booth and vote for a Bush/Christie/Rubio. I will proudly tell you right now that I will help ensure that you have Democrat POTUS again for the next 4-8 years. That's right, there are enough of us out here who are SICK of holding our noses for a RINO and won't do it again. I'd never hit the "D" lever but I'll damn sure skip the POTUS election altogether and that's all it'll take.

So, choose wisely in the primaries. VERY wisely.

03-11-15, 23:26
Rather than skipping the election, what about voting for an independent candidate? I realize they don't stand a chance if they're not part of the Republicademocrat 2 party system, but participation and voting for other than the establishment is the only way it will change. Independent votes send a strong message to both parties that they are disenfranchising their base. Not voting is saying "I don't care", so the big parties just write you off and cater to the "free shit" crowd, who comes out and votes in spades. Skip the vote, and you will have no right to complain when Billary re-takes the throne.

03-11-15, 23:41
Don't have any buddies,...,but I can read the writing on the wall: election of a Republican president won't happen unless the candidate has enough voter appeal to win. Note that I listed all nut job groups backing Hillary. Others will jump on her wagon and won't necessarily look like or talk like or claim to be nuts, but they will still vote for her. Explaining my viewpoint does not mean that I'm beating the drum for another nut to get the Republican nomination, but I hope that we can field someone who can beat Hillary.

03-12-15, 00:44
Don't have any buddies,...,but I can read the writing on the wall: election of a Republican president won't happen unless the candidate has enough voter appeal to win. Note that I listed all nut job groups backing Hillary. Others will jump on her wagon and won't necessarily look like or talk like or claim to be nuts, but they will still vote for her. Explaining my viewpoint does not mean that I'm beating the drum for another nut to get the Republican nomination, but I hope that we can field someone who can beat Hillary.

You may think the GOP can't win without a moderate that appeals to both sides, but I GUARANTEE the GOP can't win without their own base. I can assure you they will not come to the polls in the necessary numbers to elect a moderate, period. Your premise is fatally flawed.

03-12-15, 01:04
Rather than skipping the election, what about voting for an independent candidate? I realize they don't stand a chance if they're not part of the Republicademocrat 2 party system, but participation and voting for other than the establishment is the only way it will change. Independent votes send a strong message to both parties that they are disenfranchising their base. Not voting is saying "I don't care", so the big parties just write you off and cater to the "free shit" crowd, who comes out and votes in spades. Skip the vote, and you will have no right to complain when Billary re-takes the throne.

Sure I will. I'll pin it directly on the shoulders of the spineless "electability" types who voted in the Republican primary.

I will also add that Cuntlery is NOT unbeatable. In fact, it seems a significant portion of her party seems to be looking for "new(er)" blood. I've heard it said her time has passed, i.e. 2008. Enter Liawatha Warren.

03-12-15, 01:06
Don't have any buddies,...,but I can read the writing on the wall: election of a Republican president won't happen unless the candidate has enough voter appeal to win. Note that I listed all nut job groups backing Hillary. Others will jump on her wagon and won't necessarily look like or talk like or claim to be nuts, but they will still vote for her. Explaining my viewpoint does not mean that I'm beating the drum for another nut to get the Republican nomination, but I hope that we can field someone who can beat Hillary.

Curiosity question: of the names currently thrown around on the Republican side who would you vote for today if the primary was here.

03-12-15, 06:45
I am amazed to see how many people are so stuck in the "my way or no way" mentality. This is what got us to where we are today, this is what will ensure vile leftists like hillary getting into office.

You dont have to like it, you dont have to agree with everything, you just have to vote.

not voting is the same as voting for the other side, sugar coat it all you want, make excuses all you want, justify it all you want but in the end of the day if the right loses itll because of nonvoters not the party or the stances.

03-12-15, 09:24
I am amazed to see how many people are so stuck in the "my way or no way" mentality. This is what got us to where we are today, this is what will ensure vile leftists like hillary getting into office.

You dont have to like it, you dont have to agree with everything, you just have to vote.

not voting is the same as voting for the other side, sugar coat it all you want, make excuses all you want, justify it all you want but in the end of the day if the right loses itll because of nonvoters not the party or the stances.

I agree. You will never find a candidate that you agree with 100%. Just find one that takes the stand with what you find really important. If you don't vote than you are just as bad as those that are currently destroying our country.

Now my rant:
If you are one of those F@#$ing retards that votes for an independent because you don't like that Republican you are worse than the current administration. You might as well just start to physically attack our country. You are wasting your vote and helping the libtard left win every time. A perfect example was Ross Perot. He GAVE Clinton his second term. All of the dusche bags that voted for him took votes away from the Republican party and gave us four more years of BS. Like it or not on the national level you must choose one of the two parties or you are voting for the other side.

03-12-15, 11:07
Liawatha Warren may be the front runner if the fire storm doesn't get put out.

She may be worse than Her Majesty Hillary.

Warren is a corporate hating Marxist.

03-12-15, 11:22
That reminds me. I remember cheering for Obama to win the Democratic primary because at the time I thought having Hillary as president should be avoided at all costs..... and any alternative would be better.

Now I wonder which would have been worse. Would we have been better off with Hillary elected in 2008?

It was obvious that McCain sure wasn't going to win.

03-12-15, 11:27
I'm still curious how in the hell this email thing never came to light during Benghazi.. Like really?

03-12-15, 11:34
I agree. You will never find a candidate that you agree with 100%. Just find one that takes the stand with what you find really important. If you don't vote than you are just as bad as those that are currently destroying our country.

Now my rant:
If you are one of those F@#$ing retards that votes for an independent because you don't like that Republican you are worse than the current administration. You might as well just start to physically attack our country. You are wasting your vote and helping the libtard left win every time. A perfect example was Ross Perot. He GAVE Clinton his second term. All of the dusche bags that voted for him took votes away from the Republican party and gave us four more years of BS. Like it or not on the national level you must choose one of the two parties or you are voting for the other side.

Right.... Because voting for the liberal phucktard with an R by his name is sooooooo much better than the liberal phucktard with the D by her name.

Sorry, but not going to happen. I don't have illusions about agreeing 100% with any candidate that runs for office. However, the candidate I will vote for will be one that best represents my views on how this country needs to be run. They need to talk the talk and their previous actions need to match their talk. I know this is a foreign concept to most these days as people just vote for whoever the liberal media deems electable. IMO that is one of the reasons why we are in this mess. Instead of people voting for candidates who represent their ideas they vote for the candidate that represents the ideas of the media.

If the Republicans run another McStain they are screwed and I won't vote for them.

As far as Hitlery's emails. She has obviously pissed in the wrong persons cornflakes cause this seems to be sticking around a lot longer than I thought. Hoping that the consistent hide the weeny our elected leaders play is finally brought to light and people get sufficiently pissed; but I am not holding my breath.

03-12-15, 11:37
Liawatha Warren may be the front runner if the fire storm doesn't get put out.
She may be worse than Her Majesty Hillary.
Warren is a corporate hating Marxist.

Warren may not be ideal at all in any sense of the word, but you're on crack if you think she would be worse than Hillary. "Corporate hating"... Ok, because Comcast, BP, Verizon, Bank Of America are all doing so very will with regulating themselves. Grow up. The world isn't black and white.

Seriously, this hardline "they're a marxist!" crap has got to stop... You DO realize there is no (D) that you would like, not one, they're all Marxists to you I'm sure, so why even bother to get all fluffed up? Hardline nonsense.

03-12-15, 11:42
I'm still curious how in the hell this email thing never came to light during Benghazi.. Like really?

I think this and the reason the email thing is sticking around this time is because it's the Ds pushing it now. They're killing her chances to even get serious in the primary. Not even they want her, or they know she wouldn't win a general. My guess is there are more skeletons out to come still.

03-12-15, 12:12
I think this and the reason the email thing is sticking around this time is because it's the Ds pushing it now. They're killing her chances to even get serious in the primary. Not even they want her, or they know she wouldn't win a general. My guess is there are more skeletons out to come still.

That would be wonderful, I hope you're right.

03-12-15, 12:33
Right.... Because voting for the liberal phucktard with an R by his name is sooooooo much better than the liberal phucktard with the D by her name.

Sorry, but not going to happen. I don't have illusions about agreeing 100% with any candidate that runs for office. However, the candidate I will vote for will be one that best represents my views on how this country needs to be run. They need to talk the talk and their previous actions need to match their talk. I know this is a foreign concept to most these days as people just vote for whoever the liberal media deems electable. IMO that is one of the reasons why we are in this mess. Instead of people voting for candidates who represent their ideas they vote for the candidate that represents the ideas of the media.

If the Republicans run another McStain they are screwed and I won't vote for them.

As far as Hitlery's emails. She has obviously pissed in the wrong persons cornflakes cause this seems to be sticking around a lot longer than I thought. Hoping that the consistent hide the weeny our elected leaders play is finally brought to light and people get sufficiently pissed; but I am not holding my breath.

I agree with you in principal but not in reality. Life sucks and it is hard. You can rest on your principles all day but in the end it is the lesser of two evils. That is the reality of it. So yes it IS better to vote for the dousche that had a R behind his name that the total dousche with a D. If not then you are just throwing your vote away or by not voting helping the evil leftist powerbase that is counting on conservatives not voting because the Republican candidate is not conservative enough. Over the last few years it is working for them.

Like I said, if you abstain from voting or vote third party you are doing exactly what the libtards want you to do. They have no principles so if you rest on yours you will loose Evey time, and so will the rest of us.

Yes this is a very dark way of looking at things but this is the reality we have created and one that we have to live in.

03-12-15, 12:58
I agree with you in principal but not in reality. Life sucks and it is hard. You can rest on your principles all day but in the end it is the lesser of two evils. That is the reality of it. So yes it IS better to vote for the dousche that had a R behind his name that the total dousche with a D. If not then you are just throwing your vote away or by not voting helping the evil leftist powerbase that is counting on conservatives not voting because the Republican candidate is not conservative enough. Over the last few years it is working for them.

Like I said, if you abstain from voting or vote third party you are doing exactly what the libtards want you to do. They have no principles so if you rest on yours you will loose Evey time, and so will the rest of us.

Yes this is a very dark way of looking at things but this is the reality we have created and one that we have to live in.

Completely agree. Even voting for a 3rd party candidate is better than not voting at all. Get out and vote! It does matter, despite what you and others may think.

03-12-15, 12:58
Or the GOP could actually run a not as shitty candidate for once and earn some of those votes back... No point in putting blame on the voters.

03-12-15, 13:04
Or the GOP could actually run a not as shitty candidate for once and earn some of those votes back... No point in putting blame on the voters.

This time around, I got in touch with the GOP to give them my opinions and vote on the candidates they were touting. That way, at least they're getting feedback early in the game. There are some candidates who in my opinion would be absolutely terrible in the Oval office. Can't fix a process if we aren't involved in it from the beginning.

Oh, and slightly unrelated, but why does "moderate" have to mean "flip-flopper" or worse? I am tired of the extremism in politics (and everywhere else). Maybe a principled moderate who believes in maintaining the Constitution is exactly what this country needs. Someone who can lead and get people to work together. If anyone like that even still exists in our political establishment (and can convince me they are geniuine), they would probably get my vote.

03-12-15, 13:47
This time around, I got in touch with the GOP to give them my opinions and vote on the candidates they were touting. That way, at least they're getting feedback early in the game. There are some candidates who in my opinion would be absolutely terrible in the Oval office. Can't fix a process if we aren't involved in it from the beginning.

Oh, and slightly unrelated, but why does "moderate" have to mean "flip-flopper" or worse? I am tired of the extremism in politics (and everywhere else). Maybe a principled moderate who believes in maintaining the Constitution is exactly what this country needs. Someone who can lead and get people to work together. If anyone like that even still exists in our political establishment (and can convince me they are geniuine), they would probably get my vote.

I believe this particular subspecies is extinct...

03-12-15, 14:16
I don't think the E-Mail drama is going to leave Hillary for some time. Knowing that she had control of her own messages back and forth between the State Department, the White House and all of the Benghazi players is going to come back on her hard.
Trey Gowdy isn't going to let this Benghazi investigation go and they have been asking for these e-mails for over a year. She didn't reveal this information about having her own server until a couple of weeks ago. I have a feeling she'll be brought up on charges for this as She has already admitted to destroying some of the stuff on that server. Even if she claims it was only personal e-mail is it was sent through State Department channels she had no right to destroy any of it. You simply don't get to work for the Government and grade your own papers and not be accountable for your work.
As far as holding my nose and voting for a weak Republican, I think you have to have seen what happened after Jimmy Carter nearly brought this country to ruin to understand that there is a "snap-back" where at some point even Democrats quite believing their own line of crap.

03-12-15, 15:09
I am amazed to see how many people are so stuck in the "my way or no way" mentality. This is what got us to where we are today, this is what will ensure vile leftists like hillary getting into office.

You dont have to like it, you dont have to agree with everything, you just have to vote.

not voting is the same as voting for the other side, sugar coat it all you want, make excuses all you want, justify it all you want but in the end of the day if the right loses itll because of nonvoters not the party or the stances.

And the non-voters will be created because of the same shit RINO candidates over and over again. THAT is what will be responsible. And you can stow that crap about not voting is the same as a vote for the other side.....utter horseshit.

Tell ya what: we've done it the "moderate's" way the last two POTUS elections and you see how successful that was. How about this time we do it the Conservative's way? Seems fair to me.

03-12-15, 15:12
I agree. You will never find a candidate that you agree with 100%. Just find one that takes the stand with what you find really important. If you don't vote than you are just as bad as those that are currently destroying our country.

Now my rant:
If you are one of those F@#$ing retards that votes for an independent because you don't like that Republican you are worse than the current administration. You might as well just start to physically attack our country. You are wasting your vote and helping the libtard left win every time. A perfect example was Ross Perot. He GAVE Clinton his second term. All of the dusche bags that voted for him took votes away from the Republican party and gave us four more years of BS. Like it or not on the national level you must choose one of the two parties or you are voting for the other side.

And what if, like 2008 and 2012, the spineless primary voters give you yet another RINO to vote for? Hold your nose AGAIN? Nope, not gonna do it. This time the burden is on the shitheads who think "electability" in the primary booths and not conservative values.

03-12-15, 15:16
I agree with you in principal but not in reality. Life sucks and it is hard. You can rest on your principles all day but in the end it is the lesser of two evils. That is the reality of it. So yes it IS better to vote for the dousche that had a R behind his name that the total dousche with a D. If not then you are just throwing your vote away or by not voting helping the evil leftist powerbase that is counting on conservatives not voting because the Republican candidate is not conservative enough. Over the last few years it is working for them.

Like I said, if you abstain from voting or vote third party you are doing exactly what the libtards want you to do. They have no principles so if you rest on yours you will loose Evey time, and so will the rest of us.

Yes this is a very dark way of looking at things but this is the reality we have created and one that we have to live in.

No, it's not.....at least not in 2016. My warning to the douchebag "electability" types stands: vote conservative in the primaries or enjoy 4+ years more of a Democrap POTUS.

03-12-15, 15:19
Or the GOP could actually run a not as shitty candidate for once and earn some of those votes back... No point in putting blame on the voters.

Oh no, it's much easier with some of these guys to say "You HAVE to eat the shit sandwich we keep offering you and if you don't it's all your fault". Perhaps a little introspective look is in order, like why did you not vote for a conservative candidate in the primaries instead of pussing out and thinking "Who is the most electable?"

Look, I like Ted Cruz, but in lieu of him I'd consider a Scott Walker type if I knew a little more about him. Or Mike Lee. However, DO NOT give me a Christie/Bush/Rubio or I'll pass on it this time. I'm willing to vote for a mostly conservative (like 80-20 at a minimum) candidate but absolutely refuse to do Dem-Lite again. Ain't happening. Soooo, perhaps the Establishment/electability types can get off their high horse and cooperate instead of ramming a RINO down our throats yet again.

03-12-15, 15:21
I think this thread might be jumping a bit off topic. Hillary's email was the title, but it's becoming more about voting practices, with a lot of accusation thrown in. Remember, 2016 hasn't happened yet and we still have a chance to make our voices heard by the RNC. If you think there is a problem, you don't have to be a Republican to do something about it.

Just sayin'. And when the SHTF, let's not turn on each other, OK?

03-12-15, 15:34
I think this thread might be jumping a bit off topic. Hillary's email was the title, but it's becoming more about voting practices, with a lot of accusation thrown in. Remember, 2016 hasn't happened yet and we still have a chance to make our voices heard by the RNC. If you think there is a problem, you don't have to be a Republican to do something about it.

Just sayin'. And when the SHTF, let's not turn on each other, OK?

I'm tracking.

There is an undercurrent that is slowly gaining momentum on the Dem side that Hillary is falling into disfavor. Will the email thing be the last nail in the coffin? Maybe not, but it will be one of them. She would be as old as Reagan was if she took office in 2017.....I think the Dems are looking for newer, younger socialist blood. Not to mention (as Rush said in 2008 when it was her vs. Obama) she reminds most men of their ex-wife!

03-12-15, 16:03
I'm tracking.

There is an undercurrent that is slowly gaining momentum on the Dem side that Hillary is falling into disfavor. Will the email thing be the last nail in the coffin? Maybe not, but it will be one of them. She would be as old as Reagan was if she took office in 2017.....I think the Dems are looking for newer, younger socialist blood. Not to mention (as Rush said in 2008 when it was her vs. Obama) she reminds most men of their ex-wife!

You make a compelling argument, And I hope you're right. If the left would run a younger socialist, against say, Scott Walker, or Rand Paul. They'd likely mop the floor with them.. I'm thinking if the Dems run anyone but Hillary, they'll probably lose, as they've pretty much ran out of viable candidates, and they've pretty much put all their eggs in one basket with Hillary. I also think that maybe, just maybe, people are starting to wake up, and realize that hope and change, obamacare, etc, doesn't work. I think this especially resonates with those young gullible collage students, who voted for the Keynan shitstain the first time around, and are now back home, living with their parents, and working a minimum wage job in retail, with a degree in their pocket, wondering how they're going to pay that $50,000 plus student loan back...

03-12-15, 16:07
You make a compelling argument, And I hope you're right. If the left would run a younger socialist, against say, Scott Walker, or Rand Paul. They'd likely mop the floor with them.. I'm thinking if the Dems run anyone but Hillary, they'll probably lose, as they've pretty much ran out of viable candidates, and I think that maybe, just maybe, people are starting to wake up, and realize that hope and change, obamacare, etc, doesn't work. I think this especially resonates with those young gullable collage students, who voted for the Keynan shitstain the first time around, and are now back home, living with their parents, and working a job in retail, with a degree in their pocket, wondering how they're going to pay that $50,000 plus collage loan back...

Whether or not Hillary is their candidate, they will lose in 2016 as long as Jeb Bush or fat bastard are not the R candidate. This is the R Election to win, unless of course they blow it... But I don't think that is going to happen.

03-12-15, 16:10
And if you don't think Scott Walker would win if he were the candidate, you haven't been paying attention. This guy looks and sounds presidential has pushed through a SUCCESSFUL CONSERVATIVE AGENDA IN A BLUE STATE, with virtually no help from the RNC after being targeted heavily with heavy funding from the DNC. The left has hit Walker with everything and got their clocks cleaned in 3 elections against him, Scott Walker just might be the best candidate!

03-12-15, 16:20
And if you don't think Scott Walker would win if he were the candidate, you haven't been paying attention. This guy looks and sounds presidential has pushed through a SUCCESSFUL CONSERVATIVE AGENDA IN A BLUE STATE, with virtually no help from the RNC after being targeted heavily with heavy funding from the DNC. The left has hit Walker with everything and got their clocks cleaned in 3 elections against him, Scott Walker just might be the best candidate!

You're getting no argument from me.. Walker or Paul are the only two Candidates I'm interested in.. If the RNC runs Bush or Christie it's over before it got started.

03-12-15, 16:26

I know it took off from Hillary's action leads to her electability/accountability, then to who are her opponents, etc. but it's getting away a wee bit. Everyone is being civil and that's good but talking about Scott Walker or Jeb Bush at this point doesn't explain to us non IT people about the EMAILS.

How about teaching some of us who are not internet savvy, how one can track the IP address to the actual physical location of the server, how easy one can hack into her server, etc.

Let's try, shall we...


03-12-15, 16:54
I'd also like to know if any .gov entity was tasked with keeping said server secure on her behalf. People obviously knew it existed.

03-12-15, 16:59
And what if, like 2008 and 2012, the spineless primary voters give you yet another RINO to vote for? Hold your nose AGAIN? Nope, not gonna do it. This time the burden is on the shitheads who think "electability" in the primary booths and not conservative values.

So what is your answer to the issue?

And back on topic:

I have to agree that it looks lime the democrats may be cutting her away. They may be doing this in order for her to not take votes away from their true choice in the primarys.

03-12-15, 17:08
I personally think it's completely bogus that anyone is accepting her personal email as a valid way to conduct business as secretary of state.

EVERY military or civil servant gets their own email. It's how they can be looked up and contacted, as well as providing easy distribution lists for mass emails (which are more frequently sent out the higher you get in an organization). The government maintains networks, both internal and external, for different security levels all the way to the top (at least the stuff that they can put on networks). I can 100% guarantee there was a .gov email provided to her, actually probably several, one on each network to which she had access. If she needed a private server for security reasons, that should have been administered and maintained by other government employees. Do you really think the secretary of state has time and tech savvy to swap out RAID drives and apply firmware updates? Me neither.

Bottom line, I smell a giant, dirty political rat and it really makes my blood boil that the media and HRC think we are dumb enough to swallow this as an acceptable explanation, ESPECIALLY after the IRS scandal and the lack of any resolution there.

03-12-15, 17:50
I'd also like to know if any .gov entity was tasked with keeping said server secure on her behalf. People obviously knew it existed.

Doesn't matter, it was not secure, a security firm rated it "F." You can pretty much bet it was less secure than Grandma's email because at least AOL has IT folk watching things.

There is no way this should have been allowed to happen. Explain to me how no-body noticed she didn't have a .GOV email address? As pervasive as email is in the office today this should never have been allowed to happen, regardless of the situation or security that didn't exist.

-Notice I didn't mention her ability to delete her own emails before submitting. I could care less about this aspect, because she won't be held accountable for anything.

Above the Law - No Control - No Leadership and No Accountability at any level.


03-12-15, 21:57
While it's pretty clear that Hillary probably committed a couple of felony's here, I want to know what does it take for the DOJ to do something about it? How much cover can the media, the white house, and the DOJ provide? I just hope to God, the people of this country wake up and start asking themselves, How could they trust this woman as POTUS? If anything she's a serial liar.. Hillary is the new face of the Democratic party. This is what they stand for.

03-12-15, 22:54
While it's pretty clear that Hillary probably committed a couple of felony's here, I want to know what does it take for the DOJ to do something about it? How much cover can the media, the white house, and the DOJ provide? I just hope to God, the people of this country wake up and start asking themselves, How could they trust this woman as POTUS? If anything she's a serial liar.. Hillary is the new face of the Democratic party. This is what they stand for.





03-13-15, 10:18
The stupid it burns.

03-13-15, 11:57
I'm not hopeful that government document OF 109 will be produced. Much like the IRS records were "lost", they'll come up something to claim it can't be found with her signature on it, but in the unlikely chance it is produced, I think she may be toast.

So, who will fill her shoes?

Liawatha Warren the Marxist?

I can't think of anyone waiting in the wings except Warren.

Can you?

I'd really like to Condoleeza Rice step up to plate for the Repubs, but that too is quite unlikely.

If she did, I'd vote for her, with Rubio as V.P.

03-27-15, 18:46
Not all that surprising but for the love of god she needs to go to prison.


03-27-15, 22:33
Not all that surprising but for the love of god she needs to go to prison.


That's pretty impressive of the Hildebeast. I've been in the office of the chief legal officer of a Fortune 100 company, and had them forcefully explain why that is an extraordinarily bad idea. Nobody had suggested doing so, but they felt like preaching a little fire and brimstone that day.

Okay, more than a little fire and brimstone. Rather a lot, actually.

03-27-15, 23:09
And yet not one sanctioned will be imposed upon her for her actions. Tragedy.

03-28-15, 07:26
And yet not one sanctioned will be imposed upon her for her actions. Tragedy.

You are correct.

If she got away with the murder of Vince Foster, she can certainly delete a few emails.

This is childs play for the Hildebeast

03-28-15, 19:16
Not all that surprising but for the love of god she needs to go to prison.


This is the second article I've read concerning this, I'm not sure how she'll deflect the calls for her to be charged and face a trial.

03-30-15, 06:57
This is the second article I've read concerning this, I'm not sure how she'll deflect the calls for her to be charged and face a trial.
This should make me you feel even more warm and fuzzy.


03-30-15, 08:08
This should make me you feel even more warm and fuzzy.


The agency says that the Freedom of Information Act “creates no obligation for an agency to search for and produce records that it does not possess and control.”

Justice also criticized Klayman’s motion to hold Clinton and her former State Department aide Cheryl Mills in contempt.

Klayman initially filed the suit challenging the State Department, which he claims did not adequately respond to his FOIA request for documents relating to Iran sanctions.

This is like "Alice in Wonderland" at some point when is the truth, true and when do the rules apply anymore?
Using the DOJ as a stick that will punish you by tying you up in court in order to delay this crap until after the election and all on the taxpayers dime is criminal.
When the dust settles on this bunch Nixon will look like a saint.

03-30-15, 09:03
I actually saw a "I'm ready for Hillary" sticker on a minivan (fat woman driving) on Friday and I really thought I was going to throw up....Might as well be "I am one among the largest collection of fools on the planet" sticker...

03-30-15, 17:37
I actually saw a "I'm ready for Hillary" sticker on a minivan (fat woman driving) on Friday and I really thought I was going to throw up....Might as well be "I am one among the largest collection of fools on the planet" sticker...


investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson said common sense dictates coming to the conclusion that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton scrubbed clean her email server because there must have been “very very bad or embarrassing things on there” because she would rather “take the heat'” from destroying evidence when there are active congressional investigation requesting the material.

It's kind of funny when you consider the Dem's "War on Attkisson" included ruining her reputation, her job and especially when they have no answer to her charges on Libya.
I would take a minute and try and educate "I'm ready for Hillary", but I'm sure she's working on matching her cankles by deep throating some fries.

03-30-15, 19:02

investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson said common sense dictates coming to the conclusion that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton scrubbed clean her email server because there must have been “very very bad or embarrassing things on there” because she would rather “take the heat'” from destroying evidence when there are active congressional investigation requesting the material.

It's kind of funny when you consider the Dem's "War on Attkisson" included ruining her reputation, her job and especially when they have no answer to her charges on Libya.
I would take a minute and try and educate "I'm ready for Hillary", but I'm sure she's working on matching her cankles by deep throating some fries.
Either she had incriminating evidence about her or about POTUS on it and the latter will give her a get out of jail free card for it.

Also much hilarity over the French fry comment. That was a good one.

03-31-15, 11:26
Hillary and other leftists in out govt do these things because WHO is going to stop them?

Boehner? McConnell?

Maybe Gowdy or Issa will have another "hot seat" styled inquisition that goes nowhere and gets nobody punished? I mean...really...those Q&A sessions broadcast on C-Span are only good for making them stumble over their words or squirm in their seats for a few hours. Then they get to go home and life goes on as usual. BFD!

People like Hillary do the things they do because they know there is nobody that is going to stop them and they will never see jail time.

This is EXACTLY the type of person our founders NEVER wanted to ever see office in America. That much I do know.

03-31-15, 12:03
The irony that Hillary was thrown off of the legal team that was going after Nixon for using less than legal, let alone honorable legal tactics has not been lost on me.
I'm not sure why this is being allowed to fall through the cracks, but for the good of our Nation, action, real legal action needs to be started immediately against this. To not do so sets a precedent that allows our leaders to not be held accountable for their actions.
The very idea that She was allowed to use her own server had to be a security violation, to then allow her to vet her own documents for legal review is clearly another. Again, if the light of day is ever cast on these ass clowns Nixon will look like a Saint.

03-31-15, 12:11
The irony that Hillary was thrown off of the legal team that was going after Nixon for using less than legal, let alone honorable legal tactics has not been lost on me.
I'm not sure why this is being allowed to fall through the cracks, but for the good of our Nation, action, real legal action needs to be started immediately against this. To not do so sets a precedent that allows our leaders to not be held accountable for their actions.
The very idea that She was allowed to use her own server had to be a security violation, to then allow her to vet her own documents for legal review is clearly another. Again, if the light of day is ever cast on these ass clowns Nixon will look like a Saint.
Ant yet people question why there is talk of resistance and mistrust amongst the masses. Pretty obvious really.

03-31-15, 15:44
The irony that Hillary was thrown off of the legal team that was going after Nixon for using less than legal, let alone honorable legal tactics has not been lost on me.
I'm not sure why this is being allowed to fall through the cracks, but for the good of our Nation, action, real legal action needs to be started immediately against this. To not do so sets a precedent that allows our leaders to not be held accountable for their actions.
The very idea that She was allowed to use her own server had to be a security violation, to then allow her to vet her own documents for legal review is clearly another. Again, if the light of day is ever cast on these ass clowns Nixon will look like a Saint.

I think the path to any accountability for her actions is through civil courts. Get a case to a judge who won't dismiss it unilaterally for political reasons, pursue her wrongdoing under "preponderance of evidence" rather than "beyond a reasonable doubt" burden of proof rules, then get the shrewdest, most cunning legal mind you can hire to go after her. IF, she goes on the stand, then have said attorney grill her for hours upon hours, until she makes a mistake.

Of course I'm just daydreaming here, but wouldn't it be a glorious thing to witness? :dirol:

03-31-15, 18:06
I think the path to any accountability for her actions is through civil courts. Get a case to a judge who won't dismiss it unilaterally for political reasons, pursue her wrongdoing under "preponderance of evidence" rather than "beyond a reasonable doubt" burden of proof rules, then get the shrewdest, most cunning legal mind you can hire to go after her. IF, she goes on the stand, then have said attorney grill her for hours upon hours, until she makes a mistake.

Of course I'm just daydreaming here, but wouldn't it be a glorious thing to witness? :dirol:

Could the average citizen bring such actions?
I would think that someone in our government wants to hold her accountable, but I'm just not seeing it happen. Would someone outside the system be able to file against her based upon the security and documents being destroyed?

Big A
03-31-15, 18:44
Could the average citizen bring such actions?
I would think that someone in our government wants to hold her accountable, but I'm just not seeing it happen. Would someone outside the system be able to file against her based upon the security and documents being destroyed?

What about a wrongful death suit by the families of the four Americans killed in Bengahzi?

03-31-15, 18:46
What about a wrongful death suit by the families of the four Americans killed in Bengahzi?
A difference it makes, not?


01-09-16, 20:18
The email cover-up produces another convenient death close to the Clinton machine:

This message includes a detailed intelligence report from Sid Blumenthal, Hillary’s close friend, confidant, and factotum, who regularly supplied her with information from his private intelligence service. His usual source was Tyler Drumheller, a former CIA senior official and veteran spy-gadfly, who conveniently died just before EmailGate became a serious problem for Hillary’s campaign.


01-10-16, 09:28
The email cover-up produces another convenient death close to the Clinton machine:

This message includes a detailed intelligence report from Sid Blumenthal, Hillary’s close friend, confidant, and factotum, who regularly supplied her with information from his private intelligence service. His usual source was Tyler Drumheller, a former CIA senior official and veteran spy-gadfly, who conveniently died just before EmailGate became a serious problem for Hillary’s campaign.


Lets not forget about this convenient death:
