View Full Version : ISIS does not discriminate.

03-05-15, 19:01
A news flash just now reported that ISIS is throwing gays from tall buildings. It may be that this tactic will be the one that inflames America's activists. Some may have this acronym: HAM. Am I homophobic? I am to a man but not to a woman. :D

03-05-15, 21:16
videos of this on LiveLeak have been posted for about a month and a half or so.

Not shocking the news is now just catching up, since Officer Wilson isn't getting charged with racism

03-05-15, 22:05
The people are sick and ****ing crazy, what more do we have to say about them? Besides they need to be wiped off the face of the Earth?

I have my own opinion about gay people, I'm going to say a man should be with a woman and a woman should be with a man, and I'll leave it at that on that topic. But nobody needs to be thrown from a rooftop because of their boyfriend/girlfriend.

These sick **cks would throw their own Mother off a roof, what else needs to be done to " Inflame America's Activists"

03-06-15, 11:35
The people are sick and ****ing crazy, what more do we have to say about them? Besides they need to be wiped off the face of the Earth?

I have my own opinion about gay people, I'm going to say a man should be with a woman and a woman should be with a man, and I'll leave it at that on that topic. But nobody needs to be thrown from a rooftop because of their boyfriend/girlfriend.

These sick **cks would throw their own Mother off a roof, what else needs to be done to " Inflame America's Activists"

The only real difference between ISIS and the Third Reich is their ability to conquer Europe. If it was morally imperative for the world to defeat Germany in WWII, it is no less morally imperative for the world to defeat ISIS now.

03-06-15, 11:42
But when they toss gays off the roof it's only a jayvee toss. So no worries.

03-06-15, 11:43
if THIS is the "news" that brings the rest of the world to the realization that ISIS needs to be wiped from the face of the world, there is no hope for us.

03-06-15, 11:48
if THIS is the "news" that brings the rest of the world to the realization that ISIS needs to be wiped from the face of the world, there is no hope for us.

I agree.

03-06-15, 12:23
So they will throw gays off a building and turn right around and pound a goat in the ass.

Doesn't make sense.

03-06-15, 12:47
So they will throw gays off a building and turn right around and pound a goat in the ass.

Doesn't make sense.

I laughed way harder then I should've of at this in the middle of a ER so thank you for that

03-06-15, 12:53
Maybe now that they are killing gays the ****ing stupid liberal world will pull their head out and realize these guys are a threat. "Kill all the Christians and Americans you want, but don't you dare kill our gays!!!!" -Barack Obama

03-06-15, 12:58
I say we arm the entire LGBT community & they hold their next PRIDE rally on ISIS's turf.

Singlestack Wonder
03-06-15, 13:08
Gay is a politically correct moniker for homosexual. The media needs to start using the term "homosexual" when speaking about homosexuals just as they should use the term "Radical Islamic Terrorists" when referring to isis. I'm surprised the mainstream media is still using the term "GAY" as it's origins in the 80's were derived from "Got aids yet?".

03-06-15, 13:12
Gay is a politically correct moniker for homosexual. The media needs to start using the term "homosexual" when speaking about homosexuals just as they should use the term "Radical Islamic Terrorists" when referring to isis. I'm surprised the mainstream media is still using the term "GAY" as it's origins in the 80's were derived from "Got aids yet?".

I literally learn something new on here every day.

03-06-15, 13:27
Gay is a politically correct moniker for homosexual. The media needs to start using the term "homosexual" when speaking about homosexuals just as they should use the term "Radical Islamic Terrorists" when referring to isis. I'm surprised the mainstream media is still using the term "GAY" as it's origins in the 80's were derived from "Got aids yet?".

So when we pass around nonsense we overheard somewhere, like claiming the ancient English word Gay is a backronym, we sound ignorant and uninformed on this site. It's literally the first Google result.


Let's talk next about how drop-in AR15 pistons increase reliability and Obama has unilaterally banned all .223 ammo, and it'll feel like a gun store or TOS in here.

03-06-15, 13:29
So when we pass around nonsense we overheard somewhere, like claiming the ancient English word Gay is a backronym, we sound ignorant and uninformed on this site. It's literally the first Google result.


Let's talk next about how drop-in AR15 pistons increase reliability and Obama has unilaterally banned all .223 ammo, and it'll feel like a gun store or TOS in here.

It's been dangerously close lately anyway, haven't you been paying attention?

03-06-15, 13:35
Let's be honest here. I'm pretty sure it was a well known fact that Islamo-fascists hated gays from the start so I doubt that this will prompt anyone not already inclined to lift a single finger. I think if you honestly look at our foreign policy you'll see that the oppression of gays has had absolutely zero effect on it whatsoever. For example, how are our good buddies the Saudis treating their gays? American left wing foreign policy is cowardly no matter what lives are at stake.

03-06-15, 14:30
I'm a little confused.

ISIS is burning people alive or slowly beheading people with a knife, and that's a little upsetting sure, but we're NOW supposed to get motivated to war against them because they're tossing homosexuals off the top of buildings, because hey man, that's just too wrong...

Do I have that right?

03-06-15, 16:09
I literally learn something new on here every day.

Except it isn't true.


By 1955, the word gay now officially acquired the new added definition of meaning homosexual males. Gay men themselves seem to have been behind the driving thrust for this new definition as they felt (and most still do), that “homosexual” is much too clinical sounding and is often thought of as offensive among gay people due to sounding like a disorder. As such, it was common amongst themselves to refer to one another as “gay” decades before this was a commonly known definition (reportedly homosexual men were calling one another gay as early as the 1920s). At this time, homosexual women were referred to as lesbians, not gay. Although women could still be called gay if they were prostitutes as that meaning had not yet 100% disappeared.

Since then, gay, meaning homosexual male, has steadily driven out all the other definitions that have floated about through time and of course also has gradually begun supplementing the word ‘lesbian’ as referring to women who are homosexual.

03-06-15, 16:11
Except it isn't true.


By 1955, the word gay now officially acquired the new added definition of meaning homosexual males. Gay men themselves seem to have been behind the driving thrust for this new definition as they felt (and most still do), that “homosexual” is much too clinical sounding and is often thought of as offensive among gay people due to sounding like a disorder. As such, it was common amongst themselves to refer to one another as “gay” decades before this was a commonly known definition (reportedly homosexual men were calling one another gay as early as the 1920s). At this time, homosexual women were referred to as lesbians, not gay. Although women could still be called gay if they were prostitutes as that meaning had not yet 100% disappeared.

Since then, gay, meaning homosexual male, has steadily driven out all the other definitions that have floated about through time and of course also has gradually begun supplementing the word ‘lesbian’ as referring to women who are homosexual.

This was the second thing that I learned today when Kingsiderook posted that link.

03-06-15, 16:20
I'm a little confused.

ISIS is burning people alive or slowly beheading people with a knife, and that's a little upsetting sure, but we're NOW supposed to get motivated to war against them because they're tossing homosexuals off the top of buildings, because hey man, that's just too wrong...

Do I have that right?

Insane as it is, people are banking on that being the example that finally gets the message all the way home. Personally I think if the murder of cartoonists wasn't enough, this isn't going to get it done.

03-06-15, 17:27
So "It's raining Men" and you want the gays to get upset about that?

03-06-15, 21:05
This was the second thing that I learned today when Kingsiderook posted that link.

But one thing that is true, AIDS was originally called GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency).



03-06-15, 21:35
videos of this on LiveLeak have been posted for about a month and a half or so.

Yes, and if you watch the latest one of a 9 year old being executed by the Shi'ite militia in a town reclaimed from ISIS, you may want to never watch another LiveLeak ever again.

03-06-15, 22:13
Except it isn't true.


By 1955, the word gay now officially acquired the new added definition of meaning homosexual males. Gay men themselves seem to have been behind the driving thrust for this new definition as they felt (and most still do), that “homosexual” is much too clinical sounding and is often thought of as offensive among gay people due to sounding like a disorder. As such, it was common amongst themselves to refer to one another as “gay” decades before this was a commonly known definition (reportedly homosexual men were calling one another gay as early as the 1920s). At this time, homosexual women were referred to as lesbians, not gay. Although women could still be called gay if they were prostitutes as that meaning had not yet 100% disappeared.

Since then, gay, meaning homosexual male, has steadily driven out all the other definitions that have floated about through time and of course also has gradually begun supplementing the word ‘lesbian’ as referring to women who are homosexual.


Insane as it is, people are banking on that being the example that finally gets the message all the way home. Personally I think if the murder of cartoonists wasn't enough, this isn't going to get it done.

Murder of cartoonists in Western Europe. Hell, murder of cartoonists in the US wouldn't likely get the message all the way home. Murder of kids in the US might. Anything short of that... not bloody likely.

03-06-15, 22:18
Nobody in the US is going to care. ISIS would have to come over here and start to kill young black thugs for anyone to get worked up. Then the media and all of the other assclowns would get worked into a frenzy. Other then that we still have to be culturaly nice to them.

03-06-15, 22:27
Nobody in the US is going to care. ISIS would have to come over here and start to kill young black thugs for anyone to get worked up. Then the media and all of the other assclowns would get worked into a frenzy. Other then that we still have to be culturaly nice to them.

No. Nobody cares about young black thugs, unless the people doing the killing are white and wearing uniforms - otherwise we'd have worked ourselves up into a nice, frothy rabid anger against young black thugs, because of how many young black thugs they are killing.

No, when ISIS starts killing white kids from affluent neighborhoods, then the handwringing will begin.