View Full Version : ACA Rant: Perscription drug costs

03-15-15, 17:24
I have skin problems for those that do not know me. Psoriasis is my main bitch about my immune system, but I keep it in very tight and well maintained control with a topical steroid called clobetasol. This drug has been around for at least a decade when I first started using it back in 2005/2006ish. Fast forward to 2010 when I was insured through Group Health through my employee, and I was able to receive 12 tubes, 45g each, for about $90. I also got about 6 little squeeze bottles of the same in a topical solution for an additional $5, for a grand total of $100 give or take. Even with no insurance, each tube was ONLY $45 and would last me a few months before having to re-up at the local drug dispensory.

Now, I finally get back to the pharmacist for another tube, and guess what has happened within the last 3 months? That same med, in a smaller tube @30g, is $264. **** ME. I ask about the solution, $181. This has all happened within the last three months. I know she probably didn't want to make the connection for me, but I am not an idiot. Employee mandated ACA is in effect as of 1 Jan, right? Well, about three months ago... hmmm... Well, I will just go on being a little more itchy since I can't afford $700 every 2 months, can't afford insurance because I make too much money, and I don't qualify for the subsidies. The ***BEST*** plan I can get has a $7500 deductible, and is $329 after subsidies.


03-15-15, 17:32
POTUS and the Dems say thank you...

03-15-15, 17:33
POTUS and the Dems say thank you...

No, **** em. I am one of the bad ones that doesn't have coverage. If they want to bitch about it, I will tell them where to shove it.

03-15-15, 18:02
No, **** em. I am one of the bad ones that doesn't have coverage. If they want to bitch about it, I will tell them where to shove it.

So what happens if you have a major medical event and rack up a large hospital bill?

03-15-15, 18:04
So what happens if you have a major medical event and rack up a large hospital bill?

Easy. I will pay for it.

If the choice is making rent or giving someone else 4k each year for little benefit, I will make rent. I will soon be able to be a rider on my wife's policy, but right now, can't afford or do it.

03-15-15, 18:15
Easy. I will pay for it.

If the choice is making rent or giving someone else 4k each year for little benefit, I will make rent. I will soon be able to be a rider on my wife's policy, but right now, can't afford or do it.

Sure that's easy to say now without say, (God forbid) a bill in the five to six figure range. You can't afford rent and insurance, but you can pay back a large hospital bill?Your post just strikes a chord with me because part of the reason our healthcare system is screwed up is because of people with this attitude. You're a stand up guy, you'll honor your debts and pay the bill. Many won't.

03-15-15, 18:16
Sure that's easy to say now without say, (God forbid) a bill in the five to six figure range. You can't afford rent and insurance, but you can pay back a large hospital bill?Your post just strikes a chord with me because part of the reason our healthcare system is screwed up is because of people with this attitude. You're a stand up guy, you'll honor your debts and pay the bill. Many won't.
Or many can't in a lot of instances.

03-15-15, 18:24
I'm not trying to be a dick nor am I a fan of the ACA, but the price of your drug probably has little to do with the law. We go through periods where pharmaceutical companies cut back on the production of various drugs. This will cause the laws of supply vs. demand to kick in and prices go up. My suggestion is that you work the other side of that equation by shopping at other pharmacies (Walmart, CVS, Target, etc.), use a different preparation that is less expensive, or have your doctor prescribed a less expensive alternative.

As for the cost of insurance being less than affordable, you are correct. I suggest that you vote accordingly...

03-15-15, 18:24
Or many can't in a lot of instances.

That as well. Where does it land? On everyone else's back. OP, don't get me wrong, I feel for you. There are so many people willing to suck the tit today that it's made me overly sensitive.

03-15-15, 21:26

03-15-15, 21:37
I am pissed that the price has gone up almost 500% since I started buying it. It is not a new drug, and even the pharmacist was alluding to some outside influence. It is normal for a 75% price hike, but not something so sudden and in time with parts of a law taking effect. Anywyas, it was a rant and me being pissed off about something stupid. In the end, my cause is over kitte compared to a lot of others, good or bad.

03-16-15, 08:46
Talk to your doctor about alternatives to the treatment he has prescribed. Unless your doc is getting a kickback or is a dick he will work with you to insure that you can get treatment. Also talk to the pharmacist to see what is available. Try other pharmacies. Pharmacies are money making adventures not charity houses. They influence price as well. It's not like they aren't making any money in your transaction.

VOTE accordingly as well. While I doubt that the ACA is 100% responsible for all healthcare problems it doesn't help the situation. It also offers manufacturers and distributors and pharmacies the ability to hide the weeney by raising prices and blaming the other guy.

03-16-15, 09:24
I'm not trying to be a dick nor am I a fan of the ACA, but the price of your drug probably has little to do with the law. We go through periods where pharmaceutical companies cut back on the production of various drugs. This will cause the laws of supply vs. demand to kick in and prices go up. My suggestion is that you work the other side of that equation by shopping at other pharmacies (Walmart, CVS, Target, etc.), use a different preparation that is less expensive, or have your doctor prescribed a less expensive alternative.

As for the cost of insurance being less than affordable, you are correct. I suggest that you vote accordingly...

This. We paid $5 for generics before this crap, still $5..

03-16-15, 09:47
A couple of days ago we received a couple of discount savings cards from TheHealthcareAlliance.com with a phone number:866-368-1434. The card has this information printed on it and calls the cards Primary Rx Savings Card.

Are they legit?

I don't know, but from what little research I've read nothing negative.

The card claims the cardholder will save up to 75% on prescription medication at pharmacies everywhere as apparently they have agreements with many different pharmacies. Present the card to the pharmacist and ask for your discount with your prescription. Simple. Plus, they're not asking for a fee (at least not yet) from the card holders.

Again, I don't know if they're legit, but certainly worth looking into.

When I find out more, I'll post it.

03-16-15, 09:58
Easy. I will pay for it.

If the choice is making rent or giving someone else 4k each year for little benefit, I will make rent. I will soon be able to be a rider on my wife's policy, but right now, can't afford or do it.

If you can't afford 4K for an insurance policy, God forbid, how will you pay for, let's say a $15,000 appendectomy?

03-16-15, 10:07
I've mentioned this before, but it's worth a repeating.

I had a very problematic kidney stone that required a lot of things medical be done.

The final bill: $8500/8600

At the time, my health insurer required $250 out of pocket expense from me and they chipped in $500.00. So the hospital got a whopping $750.00 against an $8600.00 bill. The hospital was fine with that amount.

What does that tell you?

You can negotiate for far less than their (you can bet over padded) bill.

03-16-15, 10:17
I'm not trying to be a dick nor am I a fan of the ACA, but the price of your drug probably has little to do with the law. We go through periods where pharmaceutical companies cut back on the production of various drugs. This will cause the laws of supply vs. demand to kick in and prices go up. My suggestion is that you work the other side of that equation by shopping at other pharmacies (Walmart, CVS, Target, etc.), use a different preparation that is less expensive, or have your doctor prescribed a less expensive alternative.

As for the cost of insurance being less than affordable, you are correct. I suggest that you vote accordingly...

This, some drugs simply become unprofitable and therefore companies will stop manufacturing them. If only one or two companies are left manufacturing a certain drug they will generally charge more. It could also be a formulary change with the new insurance, so there is possibly an equivalent drug that would be cheaper for you.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

03-16-15, 12:19
If you can't afford 4K for an insurance policy, God forbid, how will you pay for, let's say a $15,000 appendectomy?

I don't mean to be combative, but looking at 4k for the insurance premium and $7500 for the deductible, I would only be out an additional $3500 for the surgery anyways. The opportunity cost of that $4000 is greater than the risk of not having insurance at this time which is why I am bitching so much at it. My mother-in-laws insurance premiums went up nearly 600% from last years because she broke her deductible in about 3 months last year. Is it right? Insurance companies are in it to make money so I don't blame them, but she is on a fixed income and she is now in the same boat I am in.

BTW, I am young and in great shape. I know it won't last, but I make choices that won't cause me to need to go to the hospital on a daily/weekly basis. The most dangerous thing I do is get in my car (insured) to drive to work (insured through employer).

03-16-15, 12:21
I've mentioned this before, but it's worth a repeating.

I had a very problematic kidney stone that required a lot of things medical be done.

The final bill: $8500/8600

At the time, my health insurer required $250 out of pocket expense from me and they chipped in $500.00. So the hospital got a whopping $750.00 against an $8600.00 bill. The hospital was fine with that amount.

What does that tell you?

You can negotiate for far less than their (you can bet over padded) bill.

This is also a very good point. I had knee surgery a while back that I paid for and the original bill was north of $17000. I managed to get the bill down to just over $6000 including the surgeons fee (623) and the two anesthesiologists ($300 a piece). The rest was hospital fees and $15 aspirins.

Crow Hunter
03-16-15, 14:39
Another thing to do is to contact the manufacturer and see if the have discounts. You would be surprised at how much some companies are willing to discount their product for someone that can't afford it at full price. The worst thing they can tell you is no.