View Full Version : Colt BCG Oddities...

07-09-08, 06:54
I just received a Colt 6920 and I inspected it very closely at the dealer to check for anything that wasn't right.
Upon looking at the carrier, I noticed a little hole (or DIVOT actually) that was located on the TOP REAR of the carrier. Basically, it's at the very tail end of the carrier, ON TOP. It's almost like a drilled hole that was STARTED, but never finished (IOW's, the hole does NOT go through the carrier.). It's NOT a THROUGH-HOLE, but rather, a shallow hole drilled about half way through the top of the carrier.
I inspected three other 6920's, and they ALL had the exact same hole. However, a 4th 6920 did NOT have this hole, and I've never seen it before.
Can anyone tell me what it is? I've just never seen this before.

One other thing I've never seen before, is the finish that was applied to some of these carriers. Unlike the smooth blackish finish on previous Colt carriers that I've seen, these carriers had very "fine-grained" sandpaper like finish to them. It wasn't rough, or bad looking, but it just looked like a black colored emery board (only not quite as rough). There was almost a "glitter" like look to the carrier, when you held it properly in the light.
It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I mean, from a distance, you wouldn't notice it too much, but up close, in your hand, it's noticeable.
Is Colt possibly doing something different to the carriers, or using another companies carriers? Anyone ever noticed this odd finish, or this weird hole in the top of the carrier before???
The only explanation I can think of, for the hole, would be to lighten it up in the tail a bit? However, that little hole is so small, I can't see it making any difference in carrier function/weight.?????

Robb Jensen
07-09-08, 07:08
The divot you're seeing is likely where they tested it for hardness. The finish you're seeing is the difference zinc phosphating manganese phosphating.

07-09-08, 08:07
I just received a Colt 6920 and I inspected it very closely at the dealer to check for anything that wasn't right.


I'd have no problem buying a Colt 6920 unseen.

07-09-08, 09:50
Why? I'd have no problem buying a Colt 6920 unseen.

No problem at a reliable dealer. Elsewhere, some less scrupulous dealers have been found to swap parts.

At worst, such an effort is an expenditure of time.

07-09-08, 10:12
The divot is from a drill or ball mill.

This appeared about 2 years ago. I don't know what it is for. Your carrier is genuine.

It is not a hardness test.

07-09-08, 10:23
No problem at a reliable dealer. Elsewhere, some less scrupulous dealers have been found to swap parts.

Hmm.. I though that was just internut paranoia.

I forget how many scum bags are in the gun bizz! We've had a bunch out here in AZ over the years.

07-09-08, 18:20

I'd have no problem buying a Colt 6920 unseen.

Well my friend don't get too caught up in the Colt Kool Aid.
NEVER give ANY company too much credit.
It's a simple fact that any company that is mass producing products, WILL eventually let something slip out the door, regardless of how strict the QC is.

I can't tell you HOW MANY Colt 6920's I've seen that have misaligned/canted FSB's. In fact, my very first 6920 had (and still HAS) a canted FSB, and this is a problem YOU DON'T WANT on your rifle. Pain in the ass to fix, and just something that sucks to find on a $1300 gun. I still haven't felt like fixing it and most people would have to send it off to have it fixed.
I'll tell you another issue with Colt, which SOME have had problems with, is fit and finish on the receivers. Colt has been known to ding up a few lowers (and uppers too), and just send them right on through, and while many don't care about minor dings in the receivers, I personally DO. That's not to say it's a major problem, but it is all the MORE reason to look over ANY weapon before you buy it. (IF you have the opportunity to do so, as I did).
I am not saying that it's totally unsafe to purchase a Colt "sight unseen" (like internet/mail order), but you have got to be insane to walk into a dealers shop and purchase ANY gun (yes, EVEN a Colt) WITHOUT even looking it over! ????? WTH????

By the way guys,
I had been trying to contact Tina regarding this issue and she had been away from SAW each time I'd called recently. (so I posted here).
I just so happened to get in touch with her today, regarding the milled hole at the tail end of the carrier. She told me it was normal, and seen quite often. She said she knows for a fact that it's an "inspection mark".
I also have my doubts about it being a hardness test, but I cannot say for sure. I do know that I've seen a LOT of Colt carriers, both past and present, and only in this latest batch of guns from Colt have I ever seen this mark. I personally have owned a number of very recent Colts, and this is the first I've seen the inspection mark.
If scottryan says he's seen it for a couple years now, I guess I just have happened to have missed it up until now...
All is good though. A new 6920 is such a soothing site...

07-09-08, 18:57
I can't tell you HOW MANY Colt 6920's I've seen that have misaligned/canted FSB's. In fact, my very first 6920 had (and still HAS) a canted FSB, and this is a problem YOU DON'T WANT on your rifle. Pain in the ass to fix, and just something that sucks to find on a $1300 gun. I still haven't felt like fixing it and most people would have to send it off to have it fixed.

Wow! I've heard this often about Bushmaster over the years, but not COLT. Do you have to dial a ton of windage into your sight to get it to zero?

As far as Koolaid... I don't even own a 6920.... and there's no bigger guzzlers than S.A.W. I was just there last week.... Oh boy!:eek:

07-09-08, 20:39
My LMT has a canted FSB too.

07-10-08, 00:14
The divot is from a drill or ball mill.

This appeared about 2 years ago. I don't know what it is for. Your carrier is genuine.

It is not a hardness test.
It wasnt one of these? I cant figure out what else. I see you said not hardness too.
