View Full Version : Open-carry activist approaches Gun Free Zone

03-16-15, 09:35
I don't know the laws of the state, but in many states, X distance around the school is a "gun free zone" and a gun within that range an arrestable offense. I "get" what these activists are trying to achieve, but they help no one by taking that approach in my view.

Open-carry activist speaks out after school lockdown scare

Literally in the faces of disbelieving school administrators and wary police, two Michigan gun advocates tested their rights in the last 10 days to openly carry in the most controversial of places allowed by the state — public schools.

One rifle-carrying man caused Madison Heights educators to lock down Lamphere High School twice in a week, including over Wednesday's noon hour, although he barely set foot on school grounds, police said. And, the Ann Arbor School Board is demanding change after a man openly carried a handgun into a school concert.

Videos posted on the Internet show a confrontation near Lamphere High School between police and gun-rights activist Shawn Nixon, 39, of Royal Oak. Nixon was carrying a rifle slung over one shoulder and a semi-automatic pistol in a holster. Nixon shot the videos himself with a camera mounted to his chest.

Cont: http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2015/03/12/gun-rights-open-carry-michigan-school-property/70249066/


03-16-15, 09:47
And, the Ann Arbor School Board is demanding change after a man openly carried a handgun into a school concert.

That moron should be beaten silly.

03-16-15, 10:04

03-16-15, 10:12
First of all, I commend Officer Cole for his restraint in the face of such asshatery. No matter how hard the OCR tried to instigate a negative action by the officers, Officer Cole never took the bait. He never stopped offering hand in friendship. Even after the OCR's proceed to school the officers on city ordinances, in which they were in violation, the officers kept their cool. I could barely watch the entire video, because I was so embarrassed for the OCR's. OCR even took the opportunity to preach about officer shootings. Keep it classy OCR.

Who, in their right mind, thinks that it is a good idea to push their vision of open carry near a school? In between, parents and their children at school no less, you are going to prance down the sidewalk with your rifle. Who makes this shit up? <Palm to Face>

03-16-15, 10:16
Who, in their right mind, thinks that it is a good idea to push their vision of open carry near a school? In between, parents and their children at school no less, you are going to prance down the sidewalk with your rifle. Who makes this shit up? <Palm to Face>

Exactly. You have to know you're only hurting the image of gun owners with this level of retardation.

03-16-15, 12:32
Can these guys PLEASE do us all a favor and stay off our side? Please...

03-16-15, 13:49
The individual in Will Brink's video appears agitated, and generally does a poor job exercising his rights and interacting with the police. That being said, nothing illegal is taking place.

In the video below, the same guy is much more confrontational, even suggesting he might put his hand on his gun. By all means open carry, but don't do it like this guy...

ETA: mild mental illness, low IQ, or a combination of the two may be present.



03-16-15, 14:20
When a person walks around looking for confrontation in a day that would have otherwise been peaceful and uneventful, it never wins people to his cause. OC'ers need to take note of that. Know what is going to happen and then pretending to be outraged when it happens is the same playbook the leftists use. We hate it when they do it, why are some gun rights activists doing the same damn thing??

I know the point they're trying to make: It's our right to open carry, and it's wrong that it causes any kind of disruption. But this jerk behavior is only setting us back. These guys even insinuate in the video description that the police were morally wrong for not ignoring the call.

Open carriers like these are NOT our friends. They are just as much an enemy as the anti-gunners. They view anyone who chooses to carry concealed and doesn't lock step with them as cowards and traitors. Granted, I'd side with them over Michael Bloomberg, but still, they are a problem.

03-16-15, 14:51
The OC movement, proving to the public that gun owners are that dumb and shouldn't be trusted with guns.

If anyone ever wanted to make open carry illegal this would be the best way to go about it.

03-16-15, 15:21
I would have to say those cops handle it Very well.

03-16-15, 15:26
I feel that someone should tell these guys the old adage about public decorum and decency and how there's nothing wrong with having sex in the street... except that it scares the horses.


Or the bit from Hunt for Red October (the book) where the US SecState (IIRC) tells the Soviet ambassador that a man is well within his rights to patrol his own yard with a shotgun... but the neighbors are going to get a little bit nervous and want to know what he's doing.

03-16-15, 16:25
I don't know the laws of the state, but in many states, X distance around the school is a "gun free zone" and a gun within that range an arrestable offense. I "get" what these activists are trying to achieve, but they help no one by taking that approach in my view.

Open-carry activist speaks out after school lockdown scare

Literally in the faces of disbelieving school administrators and wary police, two Michigan gun advocates tested their rights in the last 10 days to openly carry in the most controversial of places allowed by the state — public schools.

One rifle-carrying man caused Madison Heights educators to lock down Lamphere High School twice in a week, including over Wednesday's noon hour, although he barely set foot on school grounds, police said. And, the Ann Arbor School Board is demanding change after a man openly carried a handgun into a school concert.

Videos posted on the Internet show a confrontation near Lamphere High School between police and gun-rights activist Shawn Nixon, 39, of Royal Oak. Nixon was carrying a rifle slung over one shoulder and a semi-automatic pistol in a holster. Nixon shot the videos himself with a camera mounted to his chest.

Cont: http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2015/03/12/gun-rights-open-carry-michigan-school-property/70249066/


On one hand by being activists the police are now AWARE of open carry laws and their rights are being respected, amazingly enough the cops are showing a huge degree of restraint and consideration and there was mention of a lawsuit that probably brought the entire thing to light.

But at the same time these "activists" need to be a lot more "good citizen" and a lot less "confrontational asshole" about these encounters. It is to be expected that somebody will call in, LEOs really don't have a choice in the matter about responding to these calls and honestly if they blew off a "man with a gun" and it turned out to be a bad guy everyone will scream bloody murder.

If these guys are going to exercise their rights in an open manner such as this they should be as polite as the LEO who is talking to them. Being confrontation with police who are not being confrontational isn't going to win you any consideration. And just because your rights were recently upheld is no reason to rub a cops nose in shit, it is the time to prove you are a decent guy who only wants his rights respected.

03-16-15, 22:23
Can these guys PLEASE do us all a favor and stay off our side? Please...

Definitely this.

Good work by the officers.

03-16-15, 22:32
On a side note, open carry in Texas moved one step closer today. However, by the time it passes OCT retards will have effectively pissed off every business owner, woman, and child in the state, and there will be a vote to end it.

03-16-15, 23:27
On a side note, open carry in Texas moved one step closer today. However, by the time it passes OCT retards will have effectively pissed off every business owner, woman, and child in the state, and there will be a vote to end it.

Not just them, some of us responsible gun owning pro-freedom men get pissed off too. Is there a way to get through to these idiots, or are they determined to ruin it for the rest of us?

03-16-15, 23:47
The OC crowd is ignorant and stupid. Otherwise, they would not be damaging gun owners' image as they do. My opinion is that many would not qualify for a CHL. Few would go to the trouble and expense to obtain one.

Boba Fett v2
03-17-15, 16:00
SMH... Attention whore ass clown.

03-17-15, 17:58
I would be 100% ok with a nationwide ban on open carry, save for parks/hunting type areas.

And a plane ticket to the Australian outback for the makers of all these ****ing videos.

03-17-15, 19:47
I think open carry is OK in theory, but bad in practice, simply because it invites crap like this. Personally, I'm OK with "shall issue" concealed carry permits being the norm, and open carry being legal but discouraged by businesses, LEO, etc. in order to reinforce what should be common sense without actually passing legislation which could limit 2nd amendment rights. The problem with these open carry idiots is that they intimidate normal folks, and the response is to enact "gun free zones". A business which says open carry isn't allowed is OK with me. A business which says "gun free zone" is just stupid, for reasons which should be obvious to any CCW permit holder.

My $0.02.

03-17-15, 20:27
I would be 100% ok with a nationwide ban on open carry, save for parks/hunting type areas.

And a plane ticket to the Australian outback for the makers of all these ****ing videos.

I think open carry is OK in theory, but bad in practice, simply because it invites crap like this. Personally, I'm OK with "shall issue" concealed carry permits being the norm, and open carry being legal but discouraged by businesses, LEO, etc. in order to reinforce what should be common sense without actually passing legislation which could limit 2nd amendment rights. The problem with these open carry idiots is that they intimidate normal folks, and the response is to enact "gun free zones". A business which says open carry isn't allowed is OK with me. A business which says "gun free zone" is just stupid, for reasons which should be obvious to any CCW permit holder.

My $0.02.

The OC crowd is ignorant and stupid. Otherwise, they would not be damaging gun owners' image as they do. My opinion is that many would not qualify for a CHL. Few would go to the trouble and expense to obtain one.

OC is a Constitutionally-protected Right, and many OCers do it everyday without a problem and the need to draw attention to themselves. We should NOT call for any further limitations on our Rights. With that being said, some OCers intentionally provoke LE, which is generally not a good idea, and may backlash.

03-18-15, 02:30
I think open carry is OK in theory, but bad in practice, simply because it invites crap like this.

I prefer the "option to choose." There are times and places where a visible deterrent and faster access takes priority, there are times when not drawing attention to yourself takes priority. I also prefer to not have my options restricted due to the actions of a bunch of retards.

Pretty sad that all it takes is a bunch of trailer park hillbillies to get people on this forum to be ok with banning open carry. I guess the KKK saying stupid shit is enough to restrict free speech and the antics of Rev. Phelps should be enough to restrict religion, or at least to some folks. Btw this last paragraph was specifically directed at you.

03-18-15, 17:00
I tend to agree that open carry in today's society is not a good idea. Doesn't mean it needs to be illegal. There are a lot of things I don't consider to be good ideas. Black panthers, KKK, Al Sharpton, Rev Phelps...But I'd NEVER consider making them illegal. I won't piss on them if they were on fire, but I wouldn't make them illegal. I didn't swear an oath to defend parts of the Constitution, but rather all of it.

The OC activists are generally idiots. Same level of individual as the hands up don't shoot folks. Plane effing stupid. IMO they work for Bloomberg and his ilk in trying to submarine any effort to restore Constitutional rights.

03-18-15, 18:28
I prefer the "option to choose." There are times and places where a visible deterrent and faster access takes priority, there are times when not drawing attention to yourself takes priority. I also prefer to not have my options restricted due to the actions of a bunch of retards.

Which is exactly what I was trying to articulate. You did a much better job of summing it up than I did. I was not, and do not advocate a ban on open carry, or any aspect of our right to bear arms. I just want groups like OCT to stop being antagonistic- it can, and has, resulted in turning opinion against all gun owners.

Pretty sad that all it takes is a bunch of trailer park hillbillies to get people on this forum to be ok with banning open carry. I guess the KKK saying stupid shit is enough to restrict free speech and the antics of Rev. Phelps should be enough to restrict religion, or at least to some folks. Btw this last paragraph was specifically directed at you.

At me? Not sure why... I don't oppose free speech, even when it hurts causes I believe in (which it does, all the time). I'm sorry my position wasn't clear. While others in this thread do seem to support a ban on OC, I don't. Hope that's clear enough.

03-18-15, 19:43
At me? Not sure why... I don't oppose free speech, even when it hurts causes I believe in (which it does, all the time). I'm sorry my position wasn't clear. While others in this thread do seem to support a ban on OC, I don't. Hope that's clear enough.

Freaking dyslexic keyboard. That last paragraph was specifically NOT directed at you.

My apologies.

03-18-15, 21:07
No harm done. I just wish I'd been more clear from the beginning. I re-read my first post and realized it came off a lot more anti-OC than I intended it to.

03-18-15, 21:17
Open carry activists who complain about being followed by police officers are about as intelligent as scantily-clad couples who are into BDSM complaining about being kicked out of a restaurant or a store or getting strange looks in public while they're out for "walkies". I imagine both groups are about equally as welcome on school grounds.

Being free to do something doesn't mean you're free from the consequences. In this instance, the consequences are being followed and "harassed" by the police.

03-18-15, 22:51
No harm done. I just wish I'd been more clear from the beginning. I re-read my first post and realized it came off a lot more anti-OC than I intended it to.

No worries, at least you didn't forget to type "NOT" when you were making a point about specifically NOT referencing another member. You were pretty clear and that is why I intended to specify my last paragraph was NOT directed at you.

03-18-15, 22:53
Open carry activists who complain about being followed by police officers are about as intelligent as scantily-clad couples who are into BDSM complaining about being kicked out of a restaurant or a store or getting strange looks in public while they're out for "walkies". I imagine both groups are about equally as welcome on school grounds.

Being free to do something doesn't mean you're free from the consequences. In this instance, the consequences are being followed and "harassed" by the police.
I made the mistake of googling that out of curiosity. I loathe you now

03-18-15, 22:54
Open carry activists who complain about being followed by police officers are about as intelligent as scantily-clad couples who are into BDSM complaining about being kicked out of a restaurant or a store or getting strange looks in public while they're out for "walkies". I imagine both groups are about equally as welcome on school grounds.

Being free to do something doesn't mean you're free from the consequences. In this instance, the consequences are being followed and "harassed" by the police.

True story.

Back around 1991 some guy walks into the grocery store with a 6 foot blond wearing 6 inch heels, PVC corset and thigh high spike boots and a rhinestone poodle leash and collar. She was about a 12 on a scale from 1 to 10.

I really didn't mind.

03-18-15, 22:56
I made the mistake of googling that out of curiosity. I loathe you now

And apparently "walkies" means something completely different from what I thought it meant. Sometimes I hate google.

03-18-15, 23:34
That's somewhat worrisome... Either what I said was more risqué than I thought or my Google brings up wildly different things than y'alls. Y'all's? Y'alls'? Whatever.

All I get are pictures of dogs. If I add 'BDSM' I get mostly dogs, an otter, a horse, and a couple people with a human on a leash. Which is what I thought I was talking about. Not necessarily on all fours, though.

03-19-15, 00:41
I'm fine with it if was done as a group.

Single guys........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

03-19-15, 00:49
That's somewhat worrisome... Either what I said was more risqué than I thought or my Google brings up wildly different things than y'alls. Y'all's? Y'alls'? Whatever.

All I get are pictures of dogs. If I add 'BDSM' I get mostly dogs, an otter, a horse, and a couple people with a human on a leash. Which is what I thought I was talking about. Not necessarily on all fours, though.

As soon as the search with the words "BDSM" and "walkies" produced pictures of dogs...I stopped looking and closed the page. I honestly was afraid of what I might see if I scrolled down.