View Full Version : 500 million worth goes missing says Pentagon

03-17-15, 18:57
So much fail. :bad:

U.S. firearms supplied to the Interior Ministry in Yemen, which has received $500 million in aid from the United States since 2007 under an array of Defense Department and State Department programs. (Government Accountability Office)

The Pentagon is unable to account for more than $500 million in U.S. military aid given to Yemen, amid fears that the weaponry, aircraft and equipment is at risk of being seized by Iranian-backed rebels or al-Qaeda, according to U.S. officials.

With Yemen in turmoil and its government splintering, the Defense Department has lost its ability to monitor the whereabouts of small arms, ammunition, night-vision goggles, patrol boats, vehicles and other supplies donated by the United States. The situation has grown worse since the United States closed its embassy in Sanaa, the capital, last month and withdrew many of its military advisers.

In recent weeks, members of Congress have held closed-door meetings with U.S. military officials to press for an accounting of the arms and equipment. Pentagon officials have said that they have little information to go on and that there is little they can do at this point to prevent the weapons and gear from falling into the wrong hands.



03-17-15, 19:17
This is part of why giving aid to anyone in the middle east is a bad idea.

On the other hand, it's no more than Obama gave to Solyndra, so I'm sure it's no big deal... right? (joking, not trolling)

03-17-15, 19:36
They can consider this batch already gone. What's $500 million compared to equipment lost by Iraqi military?

03-17-15, 19:52
Only $500 million? I would have expected it to be more than that in all honesty.

Serious, if that is all that they can't account for I think they need to go a few pages deeper.

03-17-15, 21:38
Sure hope they didn't get any of that incredibly powerful M855 stuff. If they did, we're screwed.

03-17-15, 22:36
If there was any ammo in that contract, check with the DHS... :rolleyes:

03-18-15, 07:11
same like Libya

03-18-15, 07:30
What difference does it make?

03-18-15, 16:31
Chump change. There is more where that came from.

03-18-15, 17:20
Nothing to see here... just Obummer arming his Boys so they can slaughter more Christians and Jews.

03-18-15, 17:50
Just a drop in the bucket compared to the hardware we've given to our enemies in the last few years.

Nothing to worry about though; King Obama has things under control :bad::bad::bad::bad:

03-18-15, 19:55
$500 million; that could buy 3 maybe 4 of the money pit aircraft that is the F-35 JSF. Our gov't has no idea how to purchase things or manage our money.

Coal Dragger
03-18-15, 20:16
As much as I hate to say it, I think the DoD needs to see some massive budget cuts in the next few years. They are collectively extremely careless with tax payer money.

03-18-15, 21:25
As much as I hate to say it, I think the DoD needs to see some massive budget cuts in the next few years. They are collectively extremely careless with tax payer money.

What I think the DoD really needs is better fiscal oversight more than anything.

You could cut the DoD's budget as much as you want, all they're going to do is talk about how they can't do their mission on such a shoestring budget, and then prove it by cutting everybody in a combat MOS until the military is nothing but a bureaucracy for redistributing money from the federal government to defense contractors in the states of the most influential and powerful Congresscritters.

I bet if we cut our military spending to the NATO mandated minimum of 2% of GDP (vice our current 4-5%) with strong oversight to ensure that what needs money gets money (and not what simply wants money because it benefits the jobs of the constituents of some Congresscritter), we could maintain very nearly the same if not exactly the same military readiness we already have.