View Full Version : Mandatory voting....

03-18-15, 21:24
So much for the land of the free, first mandatory health insurance, now mandatory voting...because we can't just sit by and let parasites only vote D when it's a presidential election. Yeah that's why they got their asses handed to them in the midterms :suicide:


03-18-15, 21:35
Well Ya! What was the point of opening flood gates of illegals if they don't vote for you when they get here.

03-18-15, 21:47
That's definitely some statist BS if I ever saw some... Probably get hit with a tax penalty too.

03-18-15, 21:47
Well Ya! What was the point of opening flood gates of illegals if they don't vote for you when they get here.

That would be funny, if it wasn't for the truth surrounding it.

03-18-15, 21:58
That doesn't have a snowball's chance. Such a change would likely require a Constitutional Amendment. In some ways, voting is the ultimate form of speech, hence the term "the voters have spoken." Good luck getting that one passed.

03-18-15, 22:10
What a piece of garbage he is. Can't stand him.

03-18-15, 22:35
I heard the shitstain-in-chief on the radio say "....it would completely change the political map in this country". Oh yeah, I bet he'd LOVE that.

That's all we need is more uninformed idiots going into the voting booth. Wonder which way they'd vote? Hmmm.......

03-18-15, 22:37
Mandatory voting and take the population any votes not counted for go dem by default would be the way they would want it

03-18-15, 22:42

03-18-15, 22:45
What a piece of garbage he is. Can't stand him.

All hail King Obama,
What a ****in quack. If they don't vote mo, lets make dem vote fo us Yo.

He is truly an Asshole in his own little world.

03-18-15, 23:02
Sounds like a great idea. Just go ahead and issue an executive order making it so. Let the IRS collect fines for not voting and exempt illegals from these fines (especially since they're eligible now to vote in US elections).

03-19-15, 08:31
Just read the fox article. He thinks it would be "fun" to AMEND the constitution..... :nono:

03-19-15, 08:35
This kenyan fukk is a joke.

03-19-15, 09:37
My blood is boiling just reading that. Absolutely infuriating. Whether or not it has a chance of passing, the fact that "he" said it will get a bunch of morons on board. Yet another statist issue which will be repeatedly brought up in future.

03-19-15, 09:41
What a sack of shit.

Although it could back fire in the short term as I know a lot of apathetic I'm not going to vote conservatives.

With the SC as screwed in the head of owned as they seem to be this could pass their review. Remember these same phuckheads thought it OK to tax you for not having health insurance.

Hope and change = hope the change doesn't hurt going in.

Doc Safari
03-19-15, 09:58
Although it could back fire in the short term as I know a lot of apathetic I'm not going to vote conservatives.

We have a winner.

This bunch is going to outsmart itself one of these days.

03-19-15, 14:27

Include Presidential election day as a holiday to coincide with mandatory voting. Can he just do an executive order for it?

RE: Obama

This guy is on a roll. He is saying some awesome shit.

This is a wonderful idea.

I think anyone who doesn't vote should be ineligible for any and all government benefits, earned or not.

That would get people to the polls.


101. No, it's a horrible idea.

You would be in favor of throwing the poor and needy off govt. benefits because they didn't vote?
Benefits that keep poor families afloat?
Not very progressive of you.

That Jeff47 character is a loon. It's horrifying. When you're on DU and multiple people are telling you how you are wrong....that should tell you something.

He literally says, in post 253 and 260 that the Constitution does not authorize a military. Literally.

03-19-15, 14:56
Did you post the verbatim text from the Constitution that says it does?

I don't think I could spend time on DU- I would literally smash my computer out of fury.

03-19-15, 15:00

03-19-15, 15:44
Why do folks go to these other sites ?

It's like OH I hate this food think I will eat some more so I can puke ?

03-19-15, 16:02

RE: Obama

That Jeff47 character is a loon. It's horrifying. When you're on DU and multiple people are telling you how you are wrong....that should tell you something.

He literally says, in post 253 and 260 that the Constitution does not authorize a military. Literally.
You've got me hooked on the DU. I'll pop in from time to time to boost my confidence.

It's quite the collection of "thinking" minds. It's amazing what they will support while oppressing logic and facts.

Big A
03-19-15, 16:32
Why do folks go to these other sites ?

It's like OH I hate this food think I will eat some more so I can puke ?


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

03-19-15, 17:30
yes I understand that and yes I have read that :)

its like saying you need to step in dog crap every day to remind you its dog crap ? once you step in it you know what it is without having to do so over and over IMHO :)
we know the enemy already in a sense of what they do how they do it but I don't feel going to there ground and adding post counts etc... is doing anything good :)

"Never let the enemy pick the battle site."

and this is what happens IMHO when one goes there and posts or even gives them more post counts etc.....
you need to know not live in and dwell in what they are doing


03-19-15, 17:36
Do you think freedom-hating lefties like that peruse this site? I bet some do.

Still, I stay away from junk like DU for my blood pressure's sake. I have to pass a yearly physical, after all.

Outlander Systems
03-19-15, 19:06

How 'bout I don't vote. Don't pay taxes. Don't collect any benefits from uncle sugar. Then let me keep the fruits of my labor. I'll let the local gas taxes pay to keep my local roads maintained, and we can call it good.


03-19-15, 19:45
How about a compulsory vote of no confidence in our "great leader"?

03-19-15, 19:57
I'm fine with it, as long as we also mandate that people earn a fricken' living to support themselves.

Frankly I'd be more in for a constitutional amendment that made it one vote for everyone dollar in taxes paid.

Big A
03-19-15, 20:42
yes I understand that and yes I have read that :)

its like saying you need to step in dog crap every day to remind you its dog crap ? once you step in it you know what it is without having to do so over and over IMHO :)
we know the enemy already in a sense of what they do how they do it but I don't feel going to there ground and adding post counts etc... is doing anything good :)

"Never let the enemy pick the battle site."

and this is what happens IMHO when one goes there and posts or even gives them more post counts etc.....
you need to know not live in and dwell in what they are doing

If you don't gather intel into how your enemies think and operate then how can you formulate a plan to counteract and defeat them?

And I'm not posting there, just lurking, observing and learning so I know what I'm up against.

03-19-15, 21:19
I hear ya but IMHO the forum and its minions are not the enemy but the useful idiots that follow blindly and are spineless and say what they do but when it came down to it against you ? well I think they will cower (spelling)

our opponent is the current admin and progressive liberals and what they are doing to our country

now see I take a different approach then you when you say how do we defeat them that means we lost ? well my view is how do they defeat us ! cause we have not lost everything yet

counteract them ? what they say and do has little to do with what I feel and want and will stick to that
I know they want to take guns religion and freedoms away

I do understand knowing what the other side is up to but again cruising and responding to those forums does nothing for that IMHO :)

watching our congress and laws and other things are what is more critical

alo again as said :) why when it steams most peoples twinkies :) same reason I wont go talk to a starbucks idiot about race ? why bother even hearing listening to people who are that stupid about there views to me its a waste of time :)

so gathering intel and responding to them etc... are very different things :) and where you get your info is key
disinformation is HUGE as most of us know and IMHO the forum is not where I would get good info from just a bunch of lib headed punks spewing there communist propaganda dreams

If you don't gather intel into how your enemies think and operate then how can you formulate a plan to counteract and defeat them?

And I'm not posting there, just lurking, observing and learning so I know what I'm up against.

03-19-15, 21:31
If you don't gather intel into how your enemies think and operate then how can you formulate a plan to counteract and defeat them?

And I'm not posting there, just lurking, observing and learning so I know what I'm up against.

This. Get a VPN, and learn how to use Tor and Tails.

03-19-15, 21:39
I'm fine with it, as long as we also mandate that people earn a fricken' living to support themselves.

Frankly I'd be more in for a constitutional amendment that made it one vote for everyone dollar in taxes paid.

I like the idea of getting a vote only if you paid taxes on wages earned. Scaling it based on amount of taxes paid might tilt things in favor of the filthy rich, and while I have no desire to tear people down simply for being rich, I'm not sure it's a good idea to have them controlling the majority of the vote either, any more than allowing a bunch of freeloaders to vote is helping things now.

Didn't it used to be just landowners back when the country started?

Robert Heinlein's idea of earning your franchise (the vote) is a good one too, IMHO.

03-20-15, 03:21
So Barry wants everyone to be forced via the rule of law to vote. Gee what could go wrong with that?

He is against voter I.D., aka allow M I L L I O N S of illegals to vote as many times as they want for those who promise them more tax payer funded luxuries. Oh and his political career began in Chicago, that magical place where you end up getting more votes than you have actual voters lol.

03-20-15, 05:01
I'm fine with it as long as only taxpayers can vote. If you do not pay any net Fed, state or local taxes you can not vote in those elections. If you have no skin in the game, why would you care? Oh yeah freebies from gov't. Well there you go.

03-20-15, 10:30
I'm fine with it as long as only taxpayers can vote. If you do not pay any net Fed, state or local taxes you can not vote in those elections. If you have no skin in the game, why would you care? Oh yeah freebies from gov't. Well there you go.


03-20-15, 16:40
I'm fine with it as long as only taxpayers can vote. If you do not pay any net Fed, state or local taxes you can not vote in those elections. If you have no skin in the game, why would you care? Oh yeah freebies from gov't. Well there you go.

I brought this same idea a few weeks ago while having drinks with some friends. These are all people who are all middle and upper middle class, they all thought it was racist, unfair blah blah blah. If you don't have cash in the pot, why should you get to play? The people getting the free shit, will always vote for more free shit.

03-20-15, 19:55
How on God's green Earth is it racist? You pay taxes, you get a vote. That's the idea being suggested. Absolutely nothing to do with race whatsoever.

But it's the left we are dealing with, so now we have to FORCE all the freeloaders to come out and vote more of our tax dollars to themselves... :angry:

03-20-15, 20:17
I would say the same folks say blacks cantbe racist and only whites can :) the logic on lefty folks escapes me :)

agree pay to play OH I meant vote :) pay your taxes you get to vote and if you dont want to vote you dont have to pay taxes :) ahahahahaha

How on God's green Earth is it racist? You pay taxes, you get a vote. That's the idea being suggested. Absolutely nothing to do with race whatsoever.

But it's the left we are dealing with, so now we have to FORCE all the freeloaders to come out and vote more of our tax dollars to themselves... :angry:

03-20-15, 20:46
Very dangerous/bad idea. I do think that Election Day should be a National Holiday. It would only be once every 4 years. I don't think it will solve the nations Apathy towards politics, but it couldn't hurt. Just my 2 cents.

03-20-15, 20:47
I would say the same folks say blacks cantbe racist and only whites can :) the logic on lefty folks escapes me :)

agree pay to play OH I meant vote :) pay your taxes you get to vote and if you dont want to vote you dont have to pay taxes :) ahahahahaha

I disagree with the second part. I don't think not voting should exempt someone from paying taxes, I just think you shouldn't get a vote UNLESS you pay income tax.

That being said, anyone who buys anything pays sales tax, so technically we all pay some kind of tax, be it local, state, or federal.

F it. Just vote if you want, and you're over 18 and haven't been convicted of a felony. Maybe there's something to this Constitution business that I've taken an oath to support and defend, after all... Too bad the politicians don't take it seriously.

03-20-15, 21:00
Of course Obama would LOVE mandatory voting! Just take a look at the fine upstanding citizens that would vote for him or other like him!:
Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI
Poster child for welfare: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VthkEW6aB9s

Aaahhhhh... Money for nothing and 6 kids for free...

03-20-15, 21:18
the hahahahaha on the end :)

a joke thing

I disagree with the second part. I don't think not voting should exempt someone from paying taxes, I just think you shouldn't get a vote UNLESS you pay income tax.

That being said, anyone who buys anything pays sales tax, so technically we all pay some kind of tax, be it local, state, or federal.

F it. Just vote if you want, and you're over 18 and haven't been convicted of a felony. Maybe there's something to this Constitution business that I've taken an oath to support and defend, after all... Too bad the politicians don't take it seriously.

03-23-15, 00:06
Mandatory voting only if you pass mandatory IQ test