View Full Version : BATF Director Resigns

03-21-15, 09:05

Any Obama appointee leaving office is good news.

03-21-15, 09:19
Good news.

Can't help but think this is a diversion though.

03-21-15, 09:21
My guess is that Democratic Party strategists asked for his resignation so as not to alienate voters in the upcoming election.

03-21-15, 09:23
POTUS can just appoint another puppet. This doesn't really help anything.

03-21-15, 09:24
That article shows acting director will be Barton ... his name is actually Brandon...
http://www.atf.gov/content/About/ATF-executive-staff -- scroll down.

03-21-15, 09:28
POTUS can just appoint another puppet. This doesn't really help anything.

No way, Senate has to approve. This guy is in because Obama couldn't get his first choice.

03-21-15, 09:37
No way, Senate has to approve. This guy is in because Obama couldn't get his first choice.

Son of a gun, you're right! Standing by for an "emergency executive order"... :rolleyes:

03-21-15, 13:52
Well... Bye.

03-21-15, 14:23
My guess is that Democratic Party strategists asked for his resignation so as not to alienate voters in the upcoming election.
Most probable IMO. Under the radar doesn't work if everyone sees it happening.

Well... Bye.
I see what you did there.

03-21-15, 16:42
ditto diversion and well lets see some quick history of the US deciding to take out other leaders in countries recently and then who stepped into power ? someone better or worse

IMHO we will have some one far worse coming in and the propaganda will be LOOK I removed that one bad guy who did things conservatives did not like this guy is for your side !!! and the left will run with see you conservatives are never happy etc....

03-21-15, 17:43
Wow, the "Peter Principle" finally caught up to ol B. Todd.!

I still laugh my behind off over Ares Armors' response to this tool...



03-22-15, 00:50
Hopefully he actually leaves, remember Eric Holder resigned as Attorney General nearly 6 months ago and never left the office.

03-22-15, 09:29
Hopefully he actually leaves, remember Eric Holder resigned as Attorney General nearly 6 months ago and never left the office.

Because his O'bummer nominated replacement is worse and can't get confirmed. This is actually, relatively speaking, a good thing.

03-26-15, 22:58
Annnnnnddddd he has a new job... (No, not a joke)

NFL to name former ATF director ‘special counsel for conduct’


"National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell told teams representatives at the annual league meeting in Phoenix this week that former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives director B. Todd Jones will soon be suiting up for the NFL.

Jones, who announced his plans to leave last week on the heels of a grocery list of scandals that affected the law enforcement agency, will be a special counsel for the football league.

The former head of the Department of Justice agency charged with enforcing the nation’s gun laws will be in charge of making initial disciplinary rulings for the NFL as reported by the Washington Post.

Jones, a former U.S. attorney, assumed the position of acting director of the ATF in 2011 following the resignation of Kenneth E. Melson in the aftermath of the Fast and Furious scandal. He was confirmed as director in 2013 after a close 53 to 42 Senate vote.

Since the post was established in 1970, the agency has seen a full dozen directors and acting directors. While long serving early holders of the post such as Rex D. Davidson and Stephen Higgins maintained their position for eight and eleven years respectively, since 2004 the assignment has been a revolving door with no less than seven directors in the past decade — of which Jones had been the longest serving.

Gun rights advocates weighed in on the NFL’s newest acquisition.

“I guess now in the NFL we will see a lot less passing and a lot more gun running,” Alan Gottlieb, the Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) and the founder of the Second Amendment Foundation told Guns.com Thursday."

03-27-15, 06:54
Hilarious.... Like, seriously.

03-27-15, 07:34
This only makes me hate the NFL even more.

03-27-15, 13:15
Well since he fumbled the "ball" on M855, and now he's headed to the NFL, should we all chip in and get him a parting gift in the form of an industrial sized tub of Stickum? :D


03-27-15, 20:31
NFL payout to keep the administration off their ass (TBI and other issues).