View Full Version : More you did not build that stupidity from a politician.

03-23-15, 16:12
I have commented before how Liberals have a magical thinking defect,
like people with diagnosed mental disorders.


It is the only explanation for intelligent, highly educated people having such opinions.

The premise is, no matter what you did, it was all built on the backs of others so it is not your accomplishment.

I concur that productive, working, tax-paying citizens have contributed to the roads, schools, services, etc.

How this translates to people that have contributed NOTHING, and do nothing but TAKE from those that have produced,
makes those people that have done nothing part of some social contract that are owed something by you.

03-23-15, 16:41
I made it about .30 seconds.

I would like to assert that without ME breathing out CO2, which in turn supports plant life and provides oxygen to thieves like her...she would otherwise be dead. So I think I'm entitled to 10% of everything she owns.

As property owners, especially factory owners, we all kick in our fair share (more so for factory owners) in the form of property taxes which pays for all those roads, police, fire, medical, public schooling and every other damn thing she listed. So we owe NOTHING, we have already be assessed and taxed.

As for workers, those were paid for in the form of wages...NOTHING else is due.

Sadly this is not a mental disorder, she fully understands everything she is saying. This is nothing more than Marxism being applied in a capitalist system. And that is actually worse than pure Marxism because in Marxism you don't pay TWICE, you simply don't own anything.

What this stupid bitch is advocating is that property owners and business owners pay TWICE. Once in the form of property taxes and wages in a capitalist system and then a second time in additional assessments under a Marxist system.

03-23-15, 16:53
Isn't that an old video?

03-23-15, 22:41
I have commented before how Liberals have a magical thinking defect,
like people with diagnosed mental disorders.


It is the only explanation for intelligent, highly educated people having such opinions.

I'm going to challenge your assumption that she is intelligent. In fact, lawyers come a dime a dozen in my neck of the woods. Thus, I would not even consider her highly educated.

03-24-15, 01:00
and I thought this was going to be about obama when asked by some children at a science fair if he ever invented anything and he replied he invented health care !

and I wish a teacher corrected him and said you did not build that !

but of course he is taking credit for building health care :)

first gore and the internet and now obama and health care man good thing they were around where would be today !

03-24-15, 11:24
That video is old.

Still...it makes me wonder how someone that teaches at Harvard can be this stupid! Is she stupid or maybe just hoping her audience is dumb...I don't know.

The people that build factories pay road taxes, property taxes and school taxes. What a moron!

03-24-15, 13:52
Is it just me, or does it seem like she is making Indian, sorry, Native-American, hand-gestures and pantomimes to the words she is using???

0:14 "You moved your goods" with the thumb and arm pump sign
0:22 "The rest of us" with the circular hand motion.
0:37 "Come and seize" with the clenched hand drawn back to the body
0:50 "A big hunk of it" with the hands above her head like she is holding a big fish
0:52 "The underlying social contract"- isn't it interesting that she uses a clenched fist and pumps it when saying these words....
0:57 "A hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid"- A hunk of that is taxes and it is just her index finger to thumb which then extends away from her, and the other hand takes a thumb to the rear.

The most interesting thing is that when she talks about the things people build, she holds up her hands above her head, about two feet apart--but when she talks about giving back, she just uses one hand (finger to thumb). So she is implying that the taxes are only about 5% of what people make. What a symbolic lie. She lies with her hands. It's about 50% when you get done adding it all up.

I have no doubt that she is intelligent- smarter than BHO by far. He thinks he is as smart as Cruz and Lies-with-her-hands-atha. I've seen interviews where you can see her thinking thru something, but then she realizes that she has to get back on the Progressives path.

Please stop calling these people Liberals. Progressives killed off liberals like Dershowtiz, and now we are left with these sanctimonious, over-educated, politico-corporate fascists that parade themselves as champions of the poor.

03-24-15, 14:06
Take a good look at that woman.

Fair skin, blue eyes and blonde hair....she is as much native American as I am black! LOL

Indian....sorry...I am not buying it!

03-24-15, 14:06
Isn't that an old video?

Yep - she's the original Marxist, and our President merely paraphrased her.

Warren (aka "Princess Tiger Lily") also "self-identified" as having Cherokee ancestry in her academic years - and it couldn't be further from the truth. Did she unfairly benefit from this? She denies it, her peers at Harvard deny it, etc.

What a scumbag.

03-24-15, 14:09
I just can't watch this shit makes me too angry

3 AE
03-24-15, 14:36
See you next Tuesday.

03-24-15, 16:54

And people like her only make it worse for those poor Zombies.

03-24-15, 17:00
Tune in next week for Hillary's version.