View Full Version : Large Hadron Collider attempts to make contact with additional dimensions

03-23-15, 19:10
Now this is amazing stuff. If they succeed, it's a game changer:

The staggeringly complex LHC ‘atom smasher’ at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland, will be fired up to its highest energy levels ever in a bid to detect - or even create - miniature black holes.

If successful a completely new universe will be revealed – rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books too.

It is even possible that gravity from our own universe may ‘leak’ into this parallel universe, scientists at the LHC say.

The experiment is sure to inflame alarmist critics of the LHC, many of whom initially warned the high energy particle collider would spell the end of our universe with the creation a black hole of its own.

But so far Geneva remains intact and comfortably outside the event horizon.

Indeed the LHC has been spectacularly successful. First scientists proved the existence of the elusive Higgs boson ‘God particle’ - a key building block of the universe - and it is seemingly well on the way to nailing ‘dark matter’ - a previously undetectable theoretical possibility that is now thought to make up the majority of matter in the universe.

But next week’s experiment is considered to be a game changer.

Mir Faizal, one of the three-strong team of physicists behind the experiment, said: “Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist in a third dimension [height], parallel universes can also exist in higher dimensions.

“We predict that gravity can leak into extra dimensions, and if it does, then miniature black holes can be produced at the LHC.

"Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualised.

"This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science.

“This is not what we mean by parallel universes. What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions.



03-23-15, 19:30
When are they lighting it off so I can protect my self by putting my hand over my junk. Let's hope "Black Hole' isn't translated into multidimensional creature as 'dinner bell'.

03-23-15, 19:50
Most awesome. And to think we could have built the LHC here.. But no.

03-23-15, 19:51
Isn't this the plot to Pacific Rim?

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03-23-15, 20:05
I hope they don't set the Van Allen radiation belts on fire.

03-23-15, 22:18
As long as they don't blow us up.

03-23-15, 22:23
I hope they don't set the Van Allen radiation belts on fire.
Classic movie

03-24-15, 02:01
Well it was nice knowing everyone...

03-24-15, 04:22
I hope they don't set the Van Allen radiation belts on fire.


03-24-15, 05:19
Creating a miniature black hole......what could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

03-24-15, 06:10

03-24-15, 06:56
^ ok, that was funny. Good one.

03-24-15, 09:45
As long as they don't blow us up.

Or suck us into the blackhole they create...

03-24-15, 09:55
Where the hell is Buckaroo Banzai when you need him?

03-24-15, 10:10
Hopefully this isn't some Swiss version of hold my bierkrug and watch this.

03-24-15, 10:15
For anyone interested there is a really interesting documentary on Netflix called "Particle Fever" that's about the LHC and the search for the Higgs. I enjoyed it, but I like to read books on quantum theory in my down time.

03-24-15, 11:31
Isn't this the plot to Pacific Rim?

Sent from my PG41200 using Tapatalk 2

I thought it was the synopsis of the mist.

03-24-15, 11:33
Hey if this thing explodes and I become the Flash, that's ok in my book....

03-24-15, 11:38
Hey if this thing explodes and I become the Flash, that's ok in my book....

I'm no physics expert but I don't believe this is how black holes work. Maybe for a couple tenths of a second it will be similar to this but nothing long term we could benefit from.

03-24-15, 11:59
The experiment is sure to inflame alarmist critics of the LHC, many of whom initially warned the high energy particle collider would spell the end of our universe with the creation a black hole of its own.

As if anything we do on this lonely little planet could significantly affect the entire universe. People really have no concept of scale. :rolleyes:

The LHC does create black holes, they are just very, very small and decay out of existence really, really quickly.

Good post, Will.

03-24-15, 12:20
I'm no physics expert but I don't believe this is how black holes work. Maybe for a couple tenths of a second it will be similar to this but nothing long term we could benefit from.

Why do you have to be such a downer? If skijunkie becomes the Flash how do you know we won't have any long term benefits from that???

Seriously though how do you k is we wouldn't benefit from learning something. And also it won't be tenth's of second. I'm betting nanoseconds or less.

03-24-15, 12:37
Why do you have to be such a downer? If skijunkie becomes the Flash how do you know we won't have any long term benefits from that???

Seriously though how do you k is we wouldn't benefit from learning something. And also it won't be tenth's of second. I'm betting nanoseconds or less.

Oh, I know. That was me trying not to be such a downer. :p

03-24-15, 14:21
As if anything we do on this lonely little planet could significantly affect the entire universe. People really have no concept of scale. :rolleyes:

The LHC does create black holes, they are just very, very small and decay out of existence really, really quickly.

Good post, Will.

Yep, they would have to produce a black hole that was actually sustainable, would really suck if they produced a softball sized one, but even if they did create a black hole that consumed the entire planet, it still wouldn't have much impact on everything else. We have super massive black holes at the center of every galaxy.

03-24-15, 14:35
Why do you have to be such a downer? If skijunkie becomes the Flash how do you know we won't have any long term benefits from that???

Seriously though how do you k is we wouldn't benefit from learning something. And also it won't be tenth's of second. I'm betting nanoseconds or less.

Yeah! If this thing explodes and we have hundreds of super powered meta humans running around we will need the Flash! Or the reverse flash... or something.

Regardless of TV/comic book fantasy, all this talk of god particles and creating black holes, the patent Boeing just filed for a force field... It's crazy cool stuff. Hopefully we don't all die from it :D

03-24-15, 14:38
Yeah! If this thing explodes and we have hundreds of super powered meta humans running around we will need the Flash! Or the reverse flash... or something.

Regardless of TV/comic book fantasy, all this talk of god particles and creating black holes, the patent Boeing just filed for a force field... It's crazy cool stuff. Hopefully we don't all die from it :D
Hell, I just hope we live long enough to see all this stuff come to fruition. I want my real life Star trek now dammit.

03-24-15, 16:30
Hell, I just hope we live long enough to see all this stuff come to fruition. I want my real life Star trek now dammit.

"Beam me up Mr Scott, there's no intelligent life here"

03-24-15, 16:44
Hell, I just hope we live long enough to see all this stuff come to fruition. I want my real life Star trek now dammit.Hell, I just want the rocket packs and flying cars they promised my grandfather.

03-24-15, 17:43
I just want our grandkids to grow up in a world where they can freely wonder and investigate things, and think about how quaint we were that we thought a particle accelerator would endanger humanity.

03-24-15, 17:47
I just want our grandkids to grow up in a world where they can freely wonder and investigate things, and think about how quaint we were that we thought a particle accelerator would endanger humanity.
Reminds me of the folks who thought the first A bomb test would destroy the planet or ignite the atmosphere.

03-24-15, 18:08
Reminds me of the folks who thought the first A bomb test would destroy the planet or ignite the atmosphere.

I'm pretty sure that was actually a wager among a couple Los Alamos scientists. And while they couldn't be 100% certain they "wouldn't" ignite the atmosphere, all of the people who died from radiation exposure and other unexpected things does demonstrate that we sometimes jump in without knowing exactly and completely what we are doing. Granted we were trying to get a weapon into the war as fast as possible.

That said, it was a sucker bet. If you think it will destroy the world and you win, you still lose.

More importantly, as impressive as the LHC is, I don't think we've created anything that would actually get away from us and destroy the planet. Even if we attempted to build something that would do exactly that, I don't think it could be done. We are probably far more at risk of creating true AI than producing a planet sucking black hole or opening up a new dimension.

03-25-15, 12:22
2 day - 5 week delay.


Watched the netflix doc last night, cool stuff.