View Full Version : Men tried to ram car into NSA HQ at Ft Meade - Shots fired, at least one killed

03-30-15, 11:24
One person is dead and two others are injured following an incident at the gate of National Security Agency headquarters in Maryland Monday morning, officials say.

A firefight erupted when two people in a car tried to ram a gate at Fort Meade, the U.S. Army installation that houses the NSA, according to preliminary reports cited by two U.S. officials.

U.S. law enforcement officials also tell CBS News that cocaine and a weapon were found in or near the vehicle, and that investigators believe the people in the car were men dressed as women.


03-30-15, 11:26
...how quick until they say it wasn't terrorism

03-30-15, 11:27
...how quick until they say it wasn't terrorism

This is clearly workplace violence - OSHA will investigate this...

03-30-15, 11:42
Clearly it is Radicalized Trans genders upset about the new law in Indiana.

03-30-15, 12:21
Had to be^ after all its not terrorism you know. Workplace violence? Nah, right wing trans gender bundy radicals? Maybe.

03-30-15, 12:27
Dressed as women in American garb or Muslim garb?

03-30-15, 13:11
Dressed as women in American garb or Muslim garb?

kimonos ! Transgender geishas hired by the Secret Services, they just showed up at the wrong address.

03-30-15, 13:15
Those evil guns, jumping out the safe again and incriminating a perfectly innocent coke head.

03-30-15, 13:47
kimonos ! Transgender geishas hired by the Secret Services, they just showed up at the wrong address.

LOL ! Now that right there is some funny shit!!:D

Doc Safari
03-30-15, 13:57
Wow. What a wonderful country we live in, where any transvestite can grow up to be an amateur terrorist.

03-30-15, 13:59
Oh wait, this is in Maryland isn't it? Thank goodness for the strict gun laws or they would have shot up joint.

Doc Safari
03-30-15, 14:02
Has anybody verified the story? Are you guys sure it isn't just an action sequel for "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar?"

03-30-15, 14:27
Has anybody verified the story? Are you guys sure it isn't just an action sequel for "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar?"

It's NOT to Wong Foo sequal filming, Wesley Snipes' gripe is not against the NSA, his is against the IRS.

03-30-15, 14:29
if we would just give them a job and health care ? or better yet just let them get on welfare so they can have some time off to do things they love and make them a better person !!

and to the others quit using racist/sexist/homophobic/islamaphobic/transgenderphobic/identitycrisisphobic code words
typical right wing idiots who want to make others think like they do !

03-30-15, 15:18
Crossdresser's lives matter ! Dress on - don't shoot !

03-30-15, 15:33
Manning was(is?) a cross dresser too.

Can't wait to see that question start popping up on background checks: "Are you or have you ever been a cross dresser?"

03-30-15, 15:39
Manning was(is?) a cross dresser too.

Can't wait to see that question start popping up on background checks: "Are you or have you ever been a cross dresser?"

Who's "Manning"?

I guess we shouldn't use "cross dresser" either - maybe we should use: "alternative opposite gender attire".

03-30-15, 16:14
Who's "Manning"?

Ever heard of Wiki Leaks?


I refuse to legitimize "his" claim to another gender, so I posted an older article about it.

03-30-15, 16:29
Manning was(is?) a cross dresser too.

Can't wait to see that question start popping up on background checks: "Are you or have you ever been a cross dresser?"

Ive worn women's underwear, but I didnt like it.

03-30-15, 16:33
Ever heard of Wiki Leaks?


I refuse to legitimize "his" claim to another gender, so I posted an older article about it.

Yes smarty pants but there are also Archie Manning, Peyton Manning, Eli Manning and a host of other Mannings. No I wasn't aware that the wikileak character is a cross dresser.

Doc Safari
03-30-15, 16:51
Hmmmm.....the WikiLeaks guy is a transgender....and it just so happens that cross-dressers attacked the NSA?

I think....no, I KNOW....there's a connection.

Maybe we should start calling this "GarterGate."

03-30-15, 17:47
Yes smarty pants but there are also Archie Manning, Peyton Manning, Eli Manning and a host of other Mannings. No I wasn't aware that the wikileak character is a cross dresser.

Not to be a pedant, but Bradley/Chelsea Manning is, I believe, transsexual. Or at the very least transgendered. Eddy Izzard is a transvestite (or cross-dresser).

03-30-15, 18:00
I keep wondering if they used their girly voices while ramming the gate and taking fire?
It' one thing to steal a car while wearing womens clothes , doing coke until your lost on the freeway exits, but how do they keep up apperances when the bullets start flying?
I'm at a loss to understand why this guy wasn't in charge of the FBI?

03-30-15, 19:20
Yes smarty pants but there are also Archie Manning, Peyton Manning, Eli Manning and a host of other Mannings. No I wasn't aware that the wikileak character is a cross dresser.

No disrespect intended, I was making a half-joking comment and it came off a lot snarkier than I meant it to. Sorry.

03-30-15, 20:29
No disrespect intended, I was making a half-joking comment and it came off a lot snarkier than I meant it to. Sorry.

No problem buddy.

03-30-15, 20:36
ISIS Trannies? Who would anticipate that?

03-31-15, 00:01
No terrorists or other groups have ever dressed in women's clothes to infiltrate and carry out attacks.

03-31-15, 07:53
No terrorists or other groups have ever dressed in women's clothes to infiltrate and carry out attacks.

Manjammas kind of look like dresses.;)

03-31-15, 09:25
No terrorists or other groups have ever dressed in women's clothes to infiltrate and carry out attacks.

I have found MEN in burkas before.

Are you joking or serous? I can't tell.

03-31-15, 09:27
Not the first time a couple of trannies tried to ram something up the back exit where it didn't belong...

03-31-15, 09:32
No terrorists or other groups have ever dressed in women's clothes to infiltrate and carry out attacks.

Are you kidding?

Because the sarcasm font isn't working.

03-31-15, 10:25
Jokes aside...I'd really like to see what was going on here....

03-31-15, 13:49
I have found MEN in burkas before.

Are you joking or serous? I can't tell.

Are you kidding?

Because the sarcasm font isn't working.

Knowing IG I'd wager he's very much on the joking side.

03-31-15, 23:29
I give you one guess. It's a 50/50 chance. Unless you follow some of my other stuff. In which case it's 100%.

I have found MEN in burkas before.

Are you joking or serous? I can't tell.

03-31-15, 23:36
Jokes aside...I'd really like to see what was going on here....

I'm not sure, but it sounds like some transvestites stole a car, got high, got lost, were confronted by NSA Police, and decided to GTFO ASAP only to have, well, totally misjudged their options. As one is wont to do when high and dressed like a member of the opposite sex while driving a stolen car.

04-01-15, 03:01
Sorry if I missed this, but did the trannies try to run the main gate at Fort Meade or did they try to run the gate into the NSA installation inside the base? How do they know the NSA was the target?

As far as soldiers/terrorists/ninja dressing in women's garb in order to gain the advantage of surprise this is nothing new. Off the top of my head Mossad operatives along with IDF SOF dressed as women with wigs and all to carry out hits on three Black September members.

Three of the targets on the Mossad's list lived in heavily guarded houses in Lebanon that were beyond the reach of previous assassination methods. In order to assassinate them, Operation Spring of Youth was launched as a sub-operation of the larger "Wrath of God" campaign. On the night of April 9, 1973, Sayeret Matkal, Shayetet 13, and Sayeret Tzanhanim commandos landed on the coast of Lebanon in Zodiac speedboats launched from Israeli Navy missile boats offshore. The commandos were met by Mossad agents, who drove them to their targets in cars rented the previous day, and later drove them back to the beaches for extraction. The commandos were disguised as civilians, and some were dressed as women.

04-01-15, 08:12
I give you one guess. It's a 50/50 chance. Unless you follow some of my other stuff. In which case it's 100%.

So I will go with joking......what do I win? :jester:

04-01-15, 11:20
It sounds like this situation was like the woman who got shot in her car outside the White House awhile back. Someone drives to where they didn't intend, which happens to be the entrance to a high security area. They get stopped by LE, freak out for whatever reason and try to escape, and in the process they ram things with their car, resulting in deadly force being used.

04-01-15, 16:20
It sounds like this situation was like the woman who got shot in her car outside the White House awhile back. Someone drives to where they didn't intend, which happens to be the entrance to a high security area. They get stopped by LE, freak out for whatever reason and try to escape, and in the process they ram things with their car, resulting in deadly force being used.

I still want to know who the biological father is of the infant that was in the back seat when she "rammed" the gate.

04-01-15, 16:32
Nothing nefarious happened. Not terrorist attack or terror related event occurred.

Some old man picked up 2 tranny hookers from the tranny hooker part of Baltimore. Went to his hotel (295 S area) to snort coke and play ass games. His tricks decided to rob him by stealing the blow and the car.

The exits are stupid, but CLEARLY marked. They made it to the main gate where they were asked to turn around and they bugged the **** out hitting a NSA PD car, injuring an officer and then they got capped in the process. Officer was taken to med, wounded ass bandit was taken to shock trauma. The dead one was covered in a sheet at the scene. The incident was portrayed as "MEN DISGUISED AS WOMEN ATTACKED NSA HEADQUARTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yeah, that didn't happen.

There was no attack on the NSA HQ, there was no breach into Federal property, there was no access to Meade. The press is ****ing full of shit with their reporting most of the time and blew this thing up way too big. There was no attempted breach anywhere but the main gate. To be completely honest I don't think you could even consider it an attempted breach because I don't think there was intent to actually carry that act out. I think the trannies freaked out because they took the wrong exit in a stolen car with blow in it and now their faced with armed police.

NSA is not on Fort Meade, they butt up against each other.

04-01-15, 16:36
Who cares who the biological father is??? Separate incident not even related to the this particular thread.

I still want to know who the biological father is of the infant that was in the back seat when she "rammed" the gate.

04-01-15, 17:58
NSA is not on Fort Meade, they butt up against each other.

Technically it is on the military reservation. I had to help reconstruct a pedestrian fatal there years ago, but it is all exclusive jurisdiction. NSA PD enforces 32 CFR, just a different section of the code than DoD.

You would have thought the driver got a clue when they drove by MSP sitting at the bottom of the ramp with their lights on working OT. David

04-01-15, 18:04
Who cares who the biological father is??? Separate incident not even related to the this particular thread.

We live in a country when a black gang banger is shot by either a white cop or a Hispanic neighborhood watchman the media, POTUS, DOJ, civil rights industry, etc. go full tilt boogie. But when an unarmed thirty something gainfully employed African-American woman is shot and killed by the USSS no one makes a stink of it. That's why it's important to know who the baby daddy is and BTW I'm not the one who brought that particular gate shooting up. Simply commented on it after the fact.

04-01-15, 18:16
I'm trackin with what you're saying. I just wanted to clarify that the NSA is not Fort Meade proper.

I can tell you that there were more MSP out there in the AM that day than what I'm used to seeing. The most I've seen since I've been down here.

But yeah, you would THINK that would be a clue. Or the big ass sign that says "NSA EMPLOYEES ONLY" at the on ramp.

Technically it is on the military reservation. I had to help reconstruct a pedestrian fatal there years ago, but it is all exclusive jurisdiction. NSA PD enforces 32 CFR, just a different section of the code than DoD.

You would have thought the driver got a clue when they drove by MSP sitting at the bottom of the ramp with their lights on working OT. David

04-01-15, 18:30
I get that you didn't originally bring it up. Your comment on biological father is what caught my attention.

There's tons of incidents that happen in this area where nothing is said/done/media craziness takes place.

Same project I'm on right now, 2 weeks prior to this most recent incident, there was a shooter who fired multiple shots at the direction of the NSA. The same shooter put 2 rounds through the front windshield of a work truck with 2 personnel inside that truck. The second round went through the shirt of the passenger. Missed hitting the dude by about a 1/4 inch.

PD eventually caught the dude (Asian background) that day. Said the "voices" told him to do it. Guess how much national press coverage that garnered?

We live in a country when a black gang banger is shot by either a white cop or a Hispanic neighborhood watchman the media, POTUS, DOJ, civil rights industry, etc. go full tilt boogie. But when an unarmed thirty something gainfully employed African-American woman is shot and killed by the USSS no one makes a stink of it. That's why it's important to know who the baby daddy is and BTW I'm not the one who brought that particular gate shooting up. Simply commented on it after the fact.

04-01-15, 19:11
NSA is not on Fort Meade, they butt up against each other.

NSA is on Fort Meade. Not in the center, but the property they are on is part of Fort Meade. There are exceptions, as they do rent a lot of commercial buildings in the area that are not part of Fort Meade.

Because of the enhanced security and control access since 9/11 it appears adjacent but it is not.

When I worked there as a badged employee, I had full access to the base from golf courses, to gyms, ranges, ball fields, sports courts, you name it. Even had a DOD/Army ID Badge (in addition to my NSA Badge).