View Full Version : Jeb Bush defends NSA surveillance

03-31-15, 19:24
Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush defended the NSA’s surveillance methods on the “Hugh Hewitt Show” Monday, praising President Obama’s expansions of the controversial agency.


03-31-15, 19:31
I have no words to express such a disgrace to America..

03-31-15, 19:32
progressive !

Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush defended the NSA’s surveillance methods on the “Hugh Hewitt Show” Monday, praising President Obama’s expansions of the controversial agency.


03-31-15, 19:47

03-31-15, 19:48
I have no words to express such a disgrace to America..

i think that sums up my feelings nicely.

03-31-15, 20:28
Well, now we know what he is, and where he stands...And, just like I figured, he's dumber than his brother...

03-31-15, 20:46
Y'all think the NSA will let someone become president who publicly criticized them?

03-31-15, 21:27
Y'all think the NSA will let someone become president who publicly criticized them?

I understand what you're saying, but I have to ask..Since when did the NSA decide who became president? As despicable as they are, the last time I looked they were still a gov't agency, whose funding is still controlled by congress.

03-31-15, 22:16
I understand what you're saying, but I have to ask..Since when did the NSA decide who became president? As despicable as they are, the last time I looked they were still a gov't agency, whose funding is still controlled by congress.

The FBI under J. Edgar Hoover knew the secrets of anybody who was anybody, making it easy for them to blackmail whoever they had to in order to get what they wanted.

The NSA is spying on Americans on a level that J. Edgar Hoover couldn't have dreamt of in his wildest transvestite dreams. You think they don't know enough secrets about enough people in DC to ruin who ever they need to in order to get their way? They certainly have the capability.

03-31-15, 22:49
Let's hope he keeps talking about it. That crap might've sold last decade, but not now!

04-01-15, 02:51
Well his father as director of the CIA has done more against the cause of Liberty than the NSA could ever hope to, his brother while POTUS created the ****'n Patriot Act, so as the good little NEOCON NWO puppet that he is simply keeping the family interests alive and well.

04-01-15, 06:47
And this is the knucklehead the GOP has been pushing on us for months.
I'm stunned that most Americans are all right with this crap.

04-01-15, 06:57
And this is the knucklehead the GOP has been pushing on us for months.
I'm stunned that most Americans are all right with this crap.

Polls show Jeb Bush ahead of Hillary in Florida.

For what it is worth, he is the first Republican to be ahead of one of these polls in Florida since his brother was running in 2004.

I've said no compromises, etc and I'd love a Walker or Cruz. But unlike Christine or Romney, I will actually hold my nose and vote for Jeb. Unlike the "electable" primary crowd thought in the last 2 elections, he really does have a shot at winning the whole thing and while he may be a NWO loon like his family, he's certainly no Mitt Romney and has not already signed an assault weapons ban.

04-01-15, 08:47
Let's hope he keeps talking about it. That crap might've sold last decade, but not now!

You may be on to something.. People in general are getting sick and tired of having their phone calls listened to, and of having the gov't looking over their shoulder when they're on their own personal computers..Now, whether they're sick and tired enough to do something about it, is anyone's guess.. Clearly voting for Jeb isn't the answer...

04-01-15, 09:02
What a shit bag.

Freedom as an American value is quickly eroding.

Crow Hunter
04-01-15, 09:22
Personally, I won't vote for him.

I won't vote for ANYONE who has had direct relatives that are holding political office again, period. Even if they offer to abolish the BATF, remove the NFA, eliminate the IRS and give free blow jobs to everyone.

The USA is not a monarchy. All these "political families" have GOT to be thrown out of political office period. We are creating a political aristocracy in this country and it is an anathema to everything that our forefathers fought for.

Until we get a paradigm shift of the People being those in power, we will continue to see further freedoms eroded over time to the point we return to a form of feudal society. Probably a form of political patronage similar to the Roman "Republic".

I hope all of you will stand on principal and just say "NO!" to any more Bushs, Kennedys, Clintons, Regans, etc.

04-01-15, 09:35
Personally, I won't vote for him.

I won't vote for ANYONE who has had direct relatives that are holding political office again, period. Even if they offer to abolish the BATF, remove the NFA, eliminate the IRS and give free blow jobs to everyone.

The USA is not a monarchy. All these "political families" have GOT to be thrown out of political office period. We are creating a political aristocracy in this country and it is an anathema to everything that our forefathers fought for.

Until we get a paradigm shift of the People being those in power, we will continue to see further freedoms eroded over time to the point we return to a form of feudal society. Probably a form of political patronage similar to the Roman "Republic".

I hope all of you will stand on principal and just say "NO!" to any more Bushs, Kennedys, Clintons, Regans, etc.

I agree, I want a president whose last name is not Bush or Clinton. Or Obama. Or Kennedy.

At this point, it's easier to say what I don't want in the next POTUS based on what I see in the field.

04-01-15, 10:23
I'm going to slam my nuts in a desk drawer if we get another Clinton or bush as potus.....

Fml... You watch. He'll be the rnc nod.... Eff ::) ng hell...

04-01-15, 10:25
Our grandfather's would be so pissed at us right now.

04-01-15, 10:41
What ARE the real differences in Jeb and Hillary?

Other than a "D" or "R" after their names...their policies and world views are very similar.

04-01-15, 11:34
Guys, here is what the people at the top of the party are thinking: Electoral college. If you can show them a path to victory with the available votes outside the Cali/New York axis, they'll listen. As it stands, Florida has a ton of leverage in those calculations.

Not that I want Jed either, but that is reality in American presidential politics.

04-01-15, 13:42
Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush defended the NSA’s surveillance methods on the “Hugh Hewitt Show” Monday, praising President Obama’s expansions of the controversial agency.


Well that takes care of that. Next.

04-01-15, 16:41
Guys, here is what the people at the top of the party are thinking: Electoral college. If you can show them a path to victory with the available votes outside the Cali/New York axis, they'll listen. As it stands, Florida has a ton of leverage in those calculations.

Not that I want Jed either, but that is reality in American presidential politics.

No no no. The GOP wants to lose! They have more power that way. :rolleyes: