View Full Version : Why I'm Fat by Vickers Tactical

04-07-15, 12:57
Larry, thanks for sharing some of your personal life with us and thanks again for your service to this country. IMHO, unless you have walked in a persons shoes you can't really judge or criticise that person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4M7ud5gk8g

04-07-15, 13:21
It's a damn shame Mr. Vickers even felt the need to do that video.

The situation is obvious, he went from a period of constant training, and the related metabolism, to civilian life and it all caught up with him. In my 20s and 30s I was teaching 3 to 4 classes a night and I had to eat constantly to keep from losing weight. Then I had to get a "sit down" job and didn't have the time to train as frequently and it caught up to me. That's it, end of story.

Anyone making comments about this guy should be forced to go through at least Ranger school at the age of 35 and then see what kind of shape they are actually in.

It's great Larry is working out, and the opportunity to promo the gym is the only reason to do a video like this, but all of the 20 somethings giving him shit probably don't understand he can't run around the block with the same trouble free effort they do. While they were playing HALO, he was actually doing it and some injuries just never go away. And they make keeping fit that much more challenging. It's great he found a gym run by some former SF guys who know that stuff.

All that said, screw the haters, Larry should enjoy his steak. I hope he keeps working out, not that I am being critical of his physical condition, but because I want him to have and enjoy all the years he deserves.

04-07-15, 13:34
It's a damn shame Mr. Vickers even felt the need to do that video.

The situation is obvious, he went from a period of constant training, and the related metabolism, to civilian life and it all caught up with him. In my 20s and 30s I was teaching 3 to 4 classes a night and I had to eat constantly to keep from losing weight. Then I had to get a "sit down" job and didn't have the time to train as frequently and it caught up to me. That's it, end of story.

Anyone making comments about this guy should be forced to go through at least Ranger school at the age of 35 and then see what kind of shape they are actually in.

It's great Larry is working out, and the opportunity to promo the gym is the only reason to do a video like this, but all of the 20 somethings giving him shit probably don't understand he can't run around the block with the same trouble free effort they do. While they were playing HALO, he was actually doing it and some injuries just never go away. And they make keeping fit that much more challenging. It's great he found a gym run by some former SF guys who know that stuff.

All that said, screw the haters, Larry should enjoy his steak. I hope he keeps working out, not that I am being critical of his physical condition, but because I want him to have and enjoy all the years he deserves.

Not much that can be added to this. I doubt that some of those who bitch and moan the most still couldn't keep up with Larry if pitted against him, and that is now. Forget in his day. I know I wouldn't screw with the man.

04-07-15, 13:44
It's a damn shame Mr. Vickers even felt the need to do that video.

The situation is obvious, he went from a period of constant training, and the related metabolism, to civilian life and it all caught up with him. In my 20s and 30s I was teaching 3 to 4 classes a night and I had to eat constantly to keep from losing weight. Then I had to get a "sit down" job and didn't have the time to train as frequently and it caught up to me. That's it, end of story.

Anyone making comments about this guy should be forced to go through at least Ranger school at the age of 35 and then see what kind of shape they are actually in.

It's great Larry is working out, and the opportunity to promo the gym is the only reason to do a video like this, but all of the 20 somethings giving him shit probably don't understand he can't run around the block with the same trouble free effort they do. While they were playing HALO, he was actually doing it and some injuries just never go away. And they make keeping fit that much more challenging. It's great he found a gym run by some former SF guys who know that stuff.

All that said, screw the haters, Larry should enjoy his steak. I hope he keeps working out, not that I am being critical of his physical condition, but because I want him to have and enjoy all the years he deserves.

It's all the armchair operators that have nothing better to do than to run people down who are superior to them. It's pretty sad actually.

04-07-15, 13:45
This is the part of the internet that always gets to me... Why do people think they even have the right to address a man like Larry, let alone try to insult him over his weight, school him on the definition of an "assault rifle," or anything else that pops up on his posts.

Some people's kids. -_-

04-07-15, 14:07
People actually have the nerve to leave comments like that on his channels? Wow...that is beyond crazy!

I rarely pay attention to the comments section in most places because it is usually full of trolls, spammers and people with questionable grammar skills.

With the amount of information one cal glean from a man like Mr. Vickers, nobody has the right to say things like that to him....sorry. It is beyond disrespectful. Mr. Vickers is one of the only people in the tactical world that I go to first for information and gear recommendations. If he says it works - it does and you can take it to the bank.

As one that is a few years younger than he, I too know that as we get around age 50 it is damned hard to keep weight off. Especially if you have a busy schedule and don't have loads of spare hours to run or spend in a gym.

I am glad to see that he is getting back into the fitness routine but hey, the if the man wants to have a beer and pizza now and then I think he has more than deserved it!

The amount of rudeness that pops up on the web never ceases to amaze me. It is a tragedy that he even had to make a video like that.

04-07-15, 14:34
Im a bit overweight myself but I lift regularly. I definitely wont badmouth Mr Vickers for working out though I will give him some shit for choosing Crossfit. HAHA


04-07-15, 14:57
1) I wish that was the reason I am fat.

2) That is the nature of social media. First comment is always "you suck," second "show us your tits."

3) That's what happens when you get old(er). What are you going to, defend the nature of human anatomy? I don't understand why this video was made.

04-07-15, 15:35
No need for me to post on M4C as of late. Steyr seems to be hitting all the points I want to make.

04-07-15, 15:45
The smart-ass young 'uns commenting about Larry's weight should put on a 45+lb ruck and pass to standards (not just complete) the "Long Drag" they do at the end of CAG's selection phase. Yep, ~45 MILES overland with a compass, no time specified, just "Do the best you can". Then they can talk shit, but I'd wager those who have done it wouldn't knock Larry 'cause he's BTDT just like them. Something about a brotherhood......

04-07-15, 15:45
if one could live life backwards they might not ask stupid questions and what is wrong with folks for even asking ?

maybe its being old enough to realize things and what he has done and did

and still bet the dude would destroy most folks if push comes to shove :)

04-07-15, 16:19
and still bet the dude would destroy most folks if push comes to shove :)
Oh heck yeah, he is probably as strong as an ox and must know some plenty devastating fighting moves. Delta operators receive extensive training in so many things.

His accomplishments are very impressive to put it mildly.

04-07-15, 17:10
In addition to the comments already made here...

What the hell does his current waist size or state of physical fitness have to do with the hard earned knowledge that Larry possesses and is generous enough to share? Are their people out there that think adding an inch to your waist line makes makes knowledge and experience drop out of your brain?

This is one of the reasons I come to M4C. Its nice to see some sane, intelligent, reasonable people to remind me that not everybody "out there" in the world is an idiot. The previous comments on this thread remind me that there is still hope for humanity.

{I remove my hat...} Thank you Mr. Vickers for your years of service.

04-07-15, 17:25
Not much that can be added to this. I doubt that some of those who bitch and moan the most still couldn't keep up with Larry if pitted against him, and that is now. Forget in his day. I know I wouldn't screw with the man.

Yup....I'd second the above.

04-07-15, 17:27
As an Aviator who transported and provided CAP for operators like Larry Vickers, I saw some of what these patriots endured. With the Service induced physical conditions he suffers from, I'm surprised he has the energy and will to do what he does now. As a young 1LT at Fort Campbell in 1983, I thought my completion of Air Assault School in July of that year was the toughest thing I had ever undertaken. I soon learned that I was not in the same class as these hardcore operators.

04-07-15, 17:34
As an aside, imagine anyone talking about a MOH winner like this.

Imagine someone during the 50s calling Murphy a pipsqueak. Imagine someone calling York a back woods hillbilly. When exactly did it become acceptable to criticize men who have done more than their critics ever will with their entire lives.

Now if another member of Delta, NSW or any other similar group wants to make a criticism then that is fine. But I just don't think Ventura is going to have the nerve to have a discussion about weight.

04-07-15, 17:37
As an aside, imagine anyone talking about a MOH winner like this.

Imagine someone during the 50s calling Murphy a pipsqueak. Imagine someone calling York a back woods hillbilly. When exactly did it become acceptable to criticize men who have done more than their critics ever will with their entire lives.

Now if another member of Delta, NSW or any other similar group wants to make a criticism then that is fine. But I just don't think Ventura is going to have the nerve to have a discussion about weight.

Minute 27 after Gore invented the internet.

04-07-15, 17:42
to say I have been in a helicopter crash is freaking insane to say you have been in 3 I cant put it into words ;)

04-07-15, 18:26
I always thought he had a bit of an elevated ego. That's the impression I got from YouTube and stuff. No ,I never met the guy. It's just how he appears to me. Does he know his stuff? without a doubt. Not arguing that. This brought him down to earth some. It was nice to see.

04-07-15, 18:46
I always thought he had a bit of an elevated ego. That's the impression I got from YouTube and stuff. No ,I never met the guy. It's just how he appears to me. Does he know his stuff? without a doubt. Not arguing that. This brought him down to earth some. It was nice to see.

He's earned whatever "ego" he has developed by the time he's put in, and what he has done for this country. I respect the hell out of him. Not saying you don't, but I think a certain confidence comes with the territory of being among the best of the best. He's done shit that I can only accomplish with a controller on my couch.

Ned Christiansen
04-07-15, 19:08
Every time I see something with Larry I think how lucky we are, as consumers of all things and info gun / tactics related, to have such a guy.

There are soooooo many gunwriters and interwebs goofball pundits whose been-there-done-that rating goes way into the negative zone. Hmm, maybe they think they've found a way to improve that..... it ain't working lads!

I have a young friend who has recently made it through today's version of the training Larry had, or at least, the first parts. I don't know how anyone comes out of that training and testing with enough of themselves left to do the job once they make the grade.

Few people with Larry's background have personalities that are low key. For me, his self confidence and in-charge personality just add to the credibility!

04-07-15, 19:11
I gave this country, the best part of my life. The U.S. Military and this Country got 20 years of my best.

This says it all. I'm embarrassed that knuckleheads would even go where they have gone. I saw this video the other day, but I didn't have the words to go along with re-posting it. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your service, LAV. Thanks for sharing your knowledge through TacTV and your classes. Good luck with your training, and most importantly, thank you for giving us the best part of your life.

04-07-15, 19:14
Larry knows how to drop 185 pounds... Fast and hard and repeatedly.

04-07-15, 19:20
I would have expected it to go more like this

Why I'm Fat by Vickers Tactical
- Cause I'm the bad-ass they write stories about...and fvck you!

04-07-15, 19:41
About ego... the fighter pilot, bull fighter, and surgeon--just to name a few examples--often walk with confidence because they have repeatedly proved themselves. If they aren't top notch, the first two are likely dead, and the third is working for a health department.

Rude comments are made by rude people. Having spent a lifetime in teaching, I promise you that rudeness is part of our culture. People get away with shit today that would have incurred an ass whipping in years past.

04-07-15, 21:20
to say I have been in a helicopter crash is freaking insane to say you have been in 3 I cant put it into words ;)

Helicopters - especially military helicopters - crash all the time.

Spend enough hours in a helicopter and you will be in a crash. And SOF guys spend a lot of time in helicopters, needless to say.

I always thought he had a bit of an elevated ego. That's the impression I got from YouTube and stuff. No ,I never met the guy. It's just how he appears to me. Does he know his stuff? without a doubt. Not arguing that. This brought him down to earth some. It was nice to see.

Really? I never really got that from him.

He always struck me as being like any other competent, knowledgeable, quiet professional.

Larry knows how to drop 185 pounds... Fast and hard and repeatedly.

...By moving five pounds an eighth of an inch each time.


04-07-15, 21:31
...By moving five pounds an eighth of an inch each time.

I see what you did there. Well played.

04-07-15, 21:42
I always thought he had a bit of an elevated ego. That's the impression I got from YouTube and stuff. No ,I never met the guy. It's just how he appears to me. Does he know his stuff? without a doubt. Not arguing that. This brought him down to earth some. It was nice to see.

Funny how years of training a combative mindset determined to win can be perceived by others. There is a reason your typical Marine is encouraged to think they are hot shit.

04-07-15, 21:42
and how many live through 3 ? I might guess not tons of folks have that luck
still pretty good at beating the odds as even he said many are not where he is
and to do again what he has done he needs no explanation of his current self :)

still pretty insane IMHO

Helicopters - especially military helicopters - crash all the time.

Spend enough hours in a helicopter and you will be in a crash. And SOF guys spend a lot of time in helicopters, needless to say.


04-07-15, 21:45
thinking about this I bet quite a few folks who pretend to be like him post videos why they think they are such a bad a$$ !
pretty darn nice humble seeming guy and never got the idea he was full of himself only confident in himself

04-07-15, 22:06
About ego... the fighter pilot, bull fighter, and surgeon--just to name a few examples--often walk with confidence because they have repeatedly proved themselves. If they aren't top notch, the first two are likely dead, and the third is working for a health department.

Rude comments are made by rude people. Having spent a lifetime in teaching, I promise you that rudeness is part of our culture. People get away with shit today that would have incurred an ass whipping in years past.

This, if you walk in and your surgeon doesn't seem like the most confident guy in the room..... Find another surgeon.

I hate that Larry even felt the need to post the damn thing but it ended up being a great video.

04-07-15, 22:33
Anyone who is an OTC grad, and survives long enough to retire, deserves thanks for their dedicated service to our nation.

By survives, I'm not talking about getting good fitness reports. I'm talking about about being still alive after 20 years.

04-07-15, 22:49
About ego... the fighter pilot, bull fighter, and surgeon--just to name a few examples--often walk with confidence because they have repeatedly proved themselves. If they aren't top notch, the first two are likely dead, and the third is working for a health department.

Rude people make rude comments without thinking. Having spent half of my lifetime teaching, I promise you that rudeness is part of our current culture. People get away with shit today that would have incurred an ass whipping in years past.

You bring up some valid points.

If you live life to it's fullest and spend a good portion of your life serving others, you will pick up a few scars along the way. If some anonymous limp dick makes a rude comment on the internet, I say tell them to bugger off.

04-07-15, 23:51
I have the utmost respect for Mr. Vickers. Playing the SOF game takes a hard toll on the body, no matter how HSLD the guy, the body wears. Mr. Vickers has cemeted his place in history as a total badass. Whatever punk wants to say anything about his current state should be sent to boot camp, strapped with kit and run! If anything the video has inspired me to get out there! I am a bit overweight myself and its awesome to have inspiration like that! Go Larry go!!

04-08-15, 03:14
Many respect Mr. Larry Vickers and his many accomplishments, obviously including the years Service given to our great Country. I don't believe the video was necessary either, but the back story was interesting and informative.

I would repeat the sentiment that I hold the Greatest respect for LAV and many others whom have selflessly served our Nation. I also give thanks for the many contributions that he gas provided to the general shooting community in his videos and classes as well. And agree with others that LAV is at the top of the short list of the best shooting instructors in the industry.

04-08-15, 04:14
It's a damn shame Mr. Vickers even felt the need to do that video.

The situation is obvious, he went from a period of constant training, and the related metabolism, to civilian life and it all caught up with him. In my 20s and 30s I was teaching 3 to 4 classes a night and I had to eat constantly to keep from losing weight. Then I had to get a "sit down" job and didn't have the time to train as frequently and it caught up to me. That's it, end of story.

Anyone making comments about this guy should be forced to go through at least Ranger school at the age of 35 and then see what kind of shape they are actually in.

It's great Larry is working out, and the opportunity to promo the gym is the only reason to do a video like this, but all of the 20 somethings giving him shit probably don't understand he can't run around the block with the same trouble free effort they do. While they were playing HALO, he was actually doing it and some injuries just never go away. And they make keeping fit that much more challenging. It's great he found a gym run by some former SF guys who know that stuff.

All that said, screw the haters, Larry should enjoy his steak. I hope he keeps working out, not that I am being critical of his physical condition, but because I want him to have and enjoy all the years he deserves.

+1000 to this.
I've seen some of the courses Larry runs nowdays in some of his shooting vids. I am only 37, and I think at 52 he matches or even surpasses me in physical CAPABILITY-- screw looks, it's what you can DO that counts.
I guarantee you that LAV makes up in heart, intestinal fortitude, gravitas, and balls whatever he may lack in appearance.

If some of those 25 year olds criticizing him encountered the same obstacles and pain that Larry has to push through to finish a run or other physical activity, they would wuss the **** out!

Besides, I really don't think he's that heavy to be called, "fat."

04-08-15, 05:50
Anyone who has actually USED their bodies for over 20 years can attest to cumulative injuries and damage. Looking at the job he had would doubtlessly take it's toll. His current lifestyle - on the road training as he does also plays a role.

I fully understand.

I'm with him: if you don't like it go somewhere else.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

04-08-15, 06:31
They're called "internet bullies". Bullies are everywhere in our society. They are on the playgrounds, they make a workplace toxic, etc. The "internet bully" are the 02 thieves that will make fun of a guy like LAV from the safety of their keyboards for being "fat" and then turn around on Instagram and bully a supermodel for being too "skinny". They're the same tards that harass high school cheerleaders for posting pics of their hunting trips on Facebook.


As for LAV having an "ego" it's called S E L F - C O N F I D E N C E. Most people don't have it and they are intimidated by those that do.

04-08-15, 06:46
I always thought he had a bit of an elevated ego. That's the impression I got from YouTube and stuff. No ,I never met the guy. It's just how he appears to me. Does he know his stuff? without a doubt. Not arguing that. This brought him down to earth some. It was nice to see.

Wow, "brought him down to earth some", "It was nice to see". I have no understanding of how someone can make a statement like that about a person who has put his life on the line for this country! I've taken 4-5 classes from LAV and after the first one quickly realized that soaking up every word of instruction would greatly benefit me. Ego! I believe that is more a confidence in himself and the knowledge he has acquired over the years. His language is very plain spoken and to the point. No need to candy coat it and to do so may not drive the point home he is trying to make. That style may rub people the wrong way sometimes but it's effective and you definitely understand what he is trying to teach you. I don't think I have ever been confused as to what the objective of a point of instruction is or what the results should be with LAV. There are quite a few people out there that definitely know their stuff but very few can express that body of knowledge in an effective manner. LAV can and does.

As far as his weight is concerned, who cares! No real need to elaborate on that.

04-08-15, 09:48
I never got the ego thing from Mr. Vickers at all. He has been there and done that and that is called confidence - not ego!

We are just flat out lucky to have someone like that, willing to impart his experiences here and share them with us.

04-08-15, 11:33
I have learned a great deal from Mr. Vickers posts.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for those who have served.

Those who wish to poke fun at injured veterans can screw themselves.

LAV is a patriot and hero

04-08-15, 11:38
What the hell does his current waist size or state of physical fitness have to do with the hard earned knowledge that Larry possesses and is generous enough to share? Are their people out there that think adding an inch to your waist line makes makes knowledge and experience drop out of your brain?

Unfortunately, so many people are far too stupid to go beyond the superficial and unimportant.

04-08-15, 12:03
I have learned a great deal from Mr. Vickers posts.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for those who have served.

Those who wish to poke fun at injured veterans can screw themselves.

LAV is a patriot and hero

Amen. What is wrong with these people?

04-08-15, 12:06
I always thought he had a bit of an elevated ego. That's the impression I got from YouTube and stuff. No ,I never met the guy. It's just how he appears to me. Does he know his stuff? without a doubt. Not arguing that. This brought him down to earth some. It was nice to see.
I would never expect a man with his achievements to be humble. I fully expect some swagger. I think he exhibits the appropriate level. He strikes me as more of a rugged intellectual than anything. He doesn't have a string of fancy college degrees, but has been educated in ways few men ever will be.

04-08-15, 12:59
Most of the adverse commentaries made towards Mr Vickers are by jealous business competitors or boorish mental masturbates who could not hold a candle to him as the expression goes. Perhaps these pathetic 'wannabes' are so engrossed in their own inadequacies or invented sense of alleged superiority or false sense of self worth that the only way they maintain their fragile egos is by denigrating a man of Mr Vickers talent, character and skill. Or a more eloquent way of putting it, phuck those haters.

04-08-15, 13:05
I admire him for making the video.

I admire him even more for working to get his weight back under control. He and I are very close to the same age, and I know how tough it is to maintain a workout regimen at our age when you *aren't* carrying 50 or so excess pounds. Whittling off the extra 10 pounds I put on over the winter is kicking my ass.

You go, LAV.

04-08-15, 13:29
.........boorish mental masturbates..................pathetic 'wannabes'..............

That pretty much describes most of the Trolls on the internet.

04-08-15, 16:45
If you want to be in the limelight making the big bucks......you have to take the lewd comments. There is a price for celebrity and $$$.

04-09-15, 11:48
I, for one, respect him even more for making this video. I just turned 37 years old and I know all too well the battle he's currently facing. I too was a larger young man much the same build LAV was when he was younger. I was very athletic and very strong for my size... which at 225lbs wasn't small to begin with. When someone needed to move they called me to move couches by myself and lift refrigerators onto trucks by myself or move a safe with a dolly by myself and catch the thing before falling face-first to the concrete when said dolly breaks under the weight. I was very active and ate like a horse and lifted heavy things all day long for sport along with actual sports and high-paced activities whenever possible. I was almost never injured and when I was I healed almost overnight. I was freakish. Not your average man. I still couldn't dream of being a fraction of the man LAV is.

That sort of life takes it's toll on a human body.

Fast forward a decade later and things have changed for me. A lot. A few years ago I realized I was a sloth and set out to change that. I engaged my previous mindset of beast most and promptly injured myself. Again and again. Shoulders. Knees. Things that are fragile when you age and add weight then try to be young again. The injuries took longer to mend meaning setbacks every time I hurt myself. On top of that I was getting fed up with the cardio/lifting scene. I had been doing it since I was a teenager and after a couple decades was tired of it. I was a 299lbs and was determined to not break 300lbs. I did a juice fast for a solid month and got all the way down to just under 270lbs. I put a few back on but not too much. That fast allowed me to change my eating habits in a way previously not possible as it reprogrammed my mind in what it craved and thought was food.

Using that tool I transformed my diet and started down the Crossfit path with a lighter body weight (by almost 30lbs) in hopes that I would lower the amount of injury I sustained battling the bulge. I realize it's not for everyone and gets a horribly bad rap by most of them but I can tell you that for me... it was perfect. In every way. The education I got after decades of lifting (incorrectly) was invaluable. The motivation I get from competing against others in my range, those juts out of my range and myself is also invaluable. I could do the same workouts at home by myself and even though I consider myself a workout monster I know I would get half the workout that I do at a Crossfit class. I'm rarely the first/best but I am getting healthier and stronger in ways I never thought I would again. I thought that life was behind me but I was wrong and I have Crossfit and the Crossfit life style to thank for my renewed health and vigor. I don't have to drink energy drinks or listen to hateful music to motivate me and take my mind off of what I'm doing. I look forward to Crossfit. I can't wait to go every day. When I miss a day I feel like I'm missing out on something I love. I can't explain it but if it's right for you then it's really right. I know a lot is made out of how much of a cult it is but if you get into it, and I mean really get into it, who can blame someone who wanting to share something so healthy with those that they care about? *shurgs*

I went off on a bit of a tangent but watching that video really hit home for me as he was showing himself working out. That's me. The body of an aging human being with the heart of a champion. We've lived different life paths (his is one I couldn't even imagine) but we're kindred spirits so I have a feeling I understand his daily struggles. Never give up LAV. Keep going and I will do the same. We may never be able to be who we once were but that doesn't mean we won't strive to be the best current version of us we can be. Father time may be undefeated but that doesn't mean you can't scratch and fight your way into extra innings. **** the haters who don't know the first thing about relentless drive and not settling for good enough. It's up to each one of us to find happiness in every season of our lives and if people are hating on you... well... you're doing something right.

Drive. Fight. Never give up.

04-09-15, 13:15
LAV why I am fat:

Because you are a BAMF who has done more, experienced more, seen more than 99% of most humans will ever in a lifetime. Survived 3 helo crashes that should have killed you, been through the most rigorous training known to mankind, lived on the razors edge for 20 years.

Was in one of the most prestigious and highly coveted and respected SOF units in the world not to mention being in a SABR (spelling) unit for 9 years. You've had men try and kill you from all over the world l, survived some pretty heavy shit (combat wise) and are still able to wake up and try and pass on that knowledge to others when in reality you could just sit back and live life to the end speaks volumes on the kind of man you are.

**** the haters they are nothing more than people who wish they had your background but we're too much of a bitch to go out and try to accomplish what you have. But are totally ok with sitting back and talking shit anonymously on the internet.

04-09-15, 16:07
Haven't taken any classes for Mr. Vickers (sadly); but having watched some of his vids and seen interviews with him, I've never gotten the ego vibe. To me he comes across as a confident guy talking about things which he knows a lot. Something he has earned. But then I am always drawn to people who speak frankly and don't beat around the bush.

I guess with celebrity comes the haters and Internet bullies. It sucks that people that are assholes have a big venue to practice their trade, but you have to take to good with the bad I guess.

Now that LAV has explained why he is overweight and began a program to change that as best as he can; which if he haters are going to get on line and give us an explanation of why their peckers are so small and which penis pump they are purchasing to remedy the problem???

04-09-15, 18:17
I have learned a great deal from Mr. Vickers posts.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for those who have served.

Those who wish to poke fun at injured veterans can screw themselves.

LAV is a patriot and hero


and I'll only add - I wish he would run for the NRA Board of Directors.

04-10-15, 11:45
No kidding!

You just don't berate or disrespect ANY of our veterans. Who does this?

LAV deserves our respect and admiration. Think of the knowledge and information he provides all of us. If LAV says a product works and he uses it...you KNOW it is GTG.

04-10-15, 16:09
Dont matter what shape hes in, LAV is a bad ass dude.

04-10-15, 19:55
As an arthritic I can report that pain makes people limit physical activities with the result that we lose muscle mass and range of motion. The less we do the more weight that we gain. LAV no doubt has signs of the original trauma which has become even more painful because of the related arthritis. An aggravating factor for him and his team mates is that they continued to work and train while injured--which caused more damage.

I remain incensed that others insulted him.

04-10-15, 22:12

and I'll only add - I wish he would run for the NRA Board of Directors.

+1 to this.

Also, just the concept that some dumbass like me can pay to have access to train with someone of the calibre, experience, knowledge and professionalism of LAV is mindboggling. The fact that he would share what he knows is just awesome.


04-11-15, 10:11
After watching Larry's video, I was inspired to make my own as to why I'm fat. Then, I realized that my reasons were not as compelling as Larry's. So, I decided to go have another piece of pie and take a nap instead.

Larry Vickers
04-11-15, 12:25
Thanx everyone for the positive feedback - to be honest the haters were small in number ( my director told me a couple days ago our videos have a 98.5 % like vs dislike rating ) but now the chorus of support has been off the charts. We obviously struck a nerve with that video and my takeaway is people in general are sick of the side of social media that allows others to insult perfect strangers after having no clue what that person has went thru in their life. It has truly been humbling to receive the wave of positive feedback ( not a single one negative BTW) and I appriciate the support.

FYI the 'Long Walk' at the end of Delta Force selection is 40 miles not 45 - with a 60 lb rucksack and weapon - over mountainous terrain. Without question the hardest thing I have ever done in my life

Delta selection has an historical 85% failure rate for a reason - it is challenging at a level few will ever comprehend. Thank God I only had to comprehend it once!!

04-11-15, 18:32
Thanx everyone for the positive feedback - to be honest the haters were small in number ( my director told me a couple days ago our videos have a 98.5 % like vs dislike rating ) but now the chorus of support has been off the charts. We obviously struck a nerve with that video and my takeaway is people in general are sick of the side of social media that allows others to insult perfect strangers after having no clue what that person has went thru in their life. It has truly been humbling to receive the wave of positive feedback ( not a single one negative BTW) and I appriciate the support.

FYI the 'Long Walk' at the end of Delta Force selection is 40 miles not 45 - with a 60 lb rucksack and weapon - over mountainous terrain. Without question the hardest thing I have ever done in my life

Delta selection has an historical 85% failure rate for a reason - it is challenging at a level few will ever comprehend. Thank God I only had to comprehend it once!!

Thanks for clarifying that Larry! While I have the utmost respect for your career in general, that particular aspect of it is awe inspiring. I cannot fathom completing that hump. Everyone says mental toughness is the key to stuff like that, and I'm sure it plays a HUGE part. That said, you still have to be in ungodly physical shape to accomplish that. My hat is off to you for that alone, not to mention all the HSLD stuff that followed!

04-11-15, 18:33
Double tap

04-12-15, 01:47
Thanx everyone for the positive feedback - to be honest the haters were small in number ( my director told me a couple days ago our videos have a 98.5 % like vs dislike rating ) but now the chorus of support has been off the charts. We obviously struck a nerve with that video and my takeaway is people in general are sick of the side of social media that allows others to insult perfect strangers after having no clue what that person has went thru in their life. It has truly been humbling to receive the wave of positive feedback ( not a single one negative BTW) and I appriciate the support.

FYI the 'Long Walk' at the end of Delta Force selection is 40 miles not 45 - with a 60 lb rucksack and weapon - over mountainous terrain. Without question the hardest thing I have ever done in my life

Delta selection has an historical 85% failure rate for a reason - it is challenging at a level few will ever comprehend. Thank God I only had to comprehend it once!!

While this would normally be against my personal libertarian philosophies, I think the next person to actually give you crap about anything related to your posted videos (which are basically FREE information) should be IP tracked by the NSA, located, positively ID'd, involuntarily inducted into the military, flown to the Syrian / Iraq border and then strapped into a 1968 Buick which should then be air dropped to the ground from a height of 60 feet. They should be provided with a map showing their location in relating to ISIS and Iranian forces, a M-4 rifle with 10 thirty round magazines of ammo and a note saying "Good Luck."

If they are billy badass enough to critique you, they should be able to handle the above scenario just fine.

04-12-15, 02:46
or just say when you retire from being a Delta guy lets go out talk story till then just say thanks !