View Full Version : Florida PD using military APC to pull over motorist

04-13-15, 20:32

04-13-15, 20:46
I highly doubt that they were out on patrol in that thing. From the sounds of it he was getting some road head and flipped off the SWAT team while leaving a high profile event. Also a Navy vet should know that a Lenco Bearcat APC is not a tank.

04-13-15, 20:53
Chances are the SWAT guys were on their way back to Fleet/PD after training or an event and pulled that guy over. SWAT is comprised of patrol officers. ETA: I think the guy filming overreacted.

04-13-15, 21:09
Flipping the bird = reason to be pulled over and threatened with a ticket for improper signalling?

What would have been the proper way to flip off a cop or signal??

04-13-15, 21:16
I highly doubt that they were out on patrol in that thing. From the sounds of it he was getting some road head and flipped off the SWAT team while leaving a high profile event. Also a Navy vet should know that a Lenco Bearcat APC is not a tank.

I'm so sick of hearing that BearCats are tanks. They're just armored F-550s.

My local PD got one to much gnashing of teeth - much well-deserved gnashing of teeth, because of the secretive manner in which they went about acquiring it - but now every libtard in town is complaining about how the local PD has a 'tank' and that they'll use it in an excessive force sort of situation.

04-13-15, 21:39
Here's further: http://m.gainesville.com/Section/545/Article/150419878

Sheriff's armored vehicle makes traffic stop after rude gesture
By Arek Sarkissian Staff writer
Monday, April 13, 2015 8:59 PM

The Alachua County Sheriff’s Office has launched an investigation into why deputies in a beefy armored vehicle performed a traffic stop on a Gainesville man who allegedly directed an obscene hand gesture toward them.

Lucas Jewell, 23, recorded his interaction on a cellphone with a team of ASO deputies in special-operations uniforms after the imposing Lenco Bear Cat Armored Personnel Carrier stopped his Ford Taurus at the Alachua County Headquarters Library downtown.

Jewell had been a candidate in the March Gainesville City Commission election.

In an ASO report written for “informational purposes,” Deputy Charles Drake wrote that he and his colleagues were headed east along the 1400 block of West University Avenue in the APC when he spotted the Ford and its driver extending a hand gesture toward them. Inside the car, the deputy also saw a woman with her head in the lap of the driver, later identified as Jewell, according to the report. The woman pulled up her head from Jewell’s lap and smiled at the deputies as the Ford passed, the report states. The deputies suspected the woman was performing an oral sex act on Jewell, the report states.

The deputies in the APC caught up with the Ford at the downtown library and made a traffic stop. Jewell told the deputies federal law permitted his use of the middle finger toward law enforcement and that the woman had her head in his lap because she was sleeping, the report states.

The incident — including the conduct of the deputies — was placed under investigation, according to ASO spokesman Art Forgey.

“We just saw the video this morning and we are investigating the incident,” Forgey said in an email.

Later he added, “It will look at everything from the stop, conduct and did (the deputies) violate any directives.”

Forgey also said ASO Sheriff Sadie Darnell could not comment on the incident because it is now part of an “active internal investigation.”

Eighth Circuit State Attorney Bill Cervone said he has never heard of any investigation spurred by someone who made a rude hand gesture.

“I’m not aware of any case or criminal infraction that would constitute,” Cervone said. He added later, “There are some constitutional free speech issues involved here.”

Jewell’s video was posted to the website Truth Voice, and it includes his explanation that he gestured at the ASO vehicle because he does not approve of having a militarized police force.

On Monday, Jewell told The Sun he plans to file a formal complaint.

“Is this really the ethics of the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office? Is this how it conducts business?” Jewell said. “Have they really resorted to these bullying tactics?

“I thought they were above all this, but maybe I’m wrong.”

Jewell also said one of the deputies punched him shortly after he got out of his car. The informational report does not mention if Jewell was struck.

Jewell was issued the warning for a violation usually related to hand signals by motorists making various turns. The APC was on an assignment at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium during the Orange & Blue Debut football game at the request of the University of Florida.

UF Police Maj. Brad Barber said the APC and the ASO SWAT team was called to the game as part of a standing security plan that was drawn up years ago.

The vehicle, with extra thick glass and bullet-resistant skin, was headed back to ASO headquarters when it was used to conduct the traffic stop.

“It is not a vehicle that is on routine patrol,” Forgey said.

The APC was provided to the ASO through a U.S. Department of Homeland Security Grant for the county agency’s part in a regional SWAT team that serves agencies across Central Florida. The type of vehicle usually is deployed during dangerous operations when officers are placed at risk, but they became a contentious issue after the Ferguson Police Department in Missouri used them during riots in August that broke out in response to the fatal shooting of a black teenager.

Locally, a similar armored vehicle served as a life-saver for law enforcement. In June, members of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team took heavy gunfire in June from a Williston man who was wanted on several warrants. Marion County deputies dove for cover behind a nearby APC when a man identified as Dustin Heathman fired several rounds, which struck the heavy skin of the vehicle.

No deputies were injured, and Heathman was charged with 10 counts of attempted murder.

The controversy over militarized police brought on by the unrest in Ferguson also led to scrutiny over a federal program that provided state, county and municipal police departments with a variety of war-grade gear no longer in use by branches of the military. Last year, the Gainesville Police Department procured a Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle for roughly $2,000 to replace an aging former armored bank car used by its SWAT team. However, GPD has no current plans to place the MRAP into service, said Officer Ben Tobias, a department spokesman.

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04-13-15, 22:15
Flipping the bird = reason to be pulled over and threatened with a ticket for improper signalling?

What would have been the proper way to flip off a cop or signal??

Well first of all if you're going to flip off the cops, or do anything else that brings attention to yourself, you probably shouldn't be doing other things that are illegal such as getting blown by your girlfriend.

26 Inf
04-13-15, 22:40
So I wonder if the officers involved are smart enough to figure out who actually won that encounter? Somebody flips you off smile and wave, they want a reaction, don't give it to them.

Mr blasty
04-13-15, 22:43
It's always been my understanding that flipping the bird while driving counts as a form of road rage.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

04-13-15, 23:32
Improper hand signal . . . :lol:

Best traffic stop ever. Good on the LEOs! I bet those guys were coming back from a training event and or call out when the improper hand signal occurred. If they were rolling out to a call they wouldn't have given the douche the time of day.

04-14-15, 03:22
My question is if you are driving down the road getting blown, who decides to screw that up by flipping off the cops or anybody else. Whatever happened to sit back, get comfortable and enjoy the road?

Kids these days.

04-14-15, 03:46
My question is if you are driving down the road getting blown, who decides to screw that up by flipping off the cops or anybody else. Whatever happened to sit back, get comfortable and enjoy the road?

Kids these days.

No kidding, talk about your party foul and braux pah. What ever happened to good old fashioned road head etiquette? It was completely disrespectful to the young lady to interrupt her, umm hard work.

04-14-15, 03:56
thing is if the good leo want to keep up the good name for the whole group they are going to have to get some thicker skin and leave some stupid stuff like this alone and live with it otherwise more and more folks are going to be turning on LEO as good people !

04-14-15, 04:49
My question is if you are driving down the road getting blown, who decides to screw that up by flipping off the cops or anybody else. Whatever happened to sit back, get comfortable and enjoy the road?

Kids these days.

I guess he was feeling like a boss....

04-14-15, 07:21
Improper hand signal is a pretty lame call on the cops part, IMO. If they really thought he was getting a hummer, they should've slapped him with an inattentive driving ticket.
Either way, that kid seems like moron.

04-14-15, 07:26
I'm curious if the guy would have complained so vehemently (on youtube) if he was pulled over by a cruiser. His main irritation is aimed at "the tank".

04-14-15, 07:42
I am curious. What definitive proof is there that the girlfriend was performing fellatio? If it was a founded accusation, why didn't they cite someone for public lewdness? After all, in the vehicle ob public streets is "public".

04-14-15, 11:23
The improper hand signal was the basis for the stop to investigate a public sexual indecency crime. By the time they were pulled over she probably zipped him up. Therefor they didnt have any proof to testify to in court and they weren't charged.

The excuse of "she was sleeping" is about as common as "Ive had two beers" and "these aren't my pants".

Dumbasses flip off the cops all the time. If I found a reason to stop everyone that flipped me off or talked shit I wouldn't get any work done. However, like I said before, that kind of conduct does bring attention to yourself and you should be sure you are not committing any crimes at the time. Ive had a few arrests because of stupid stuff like that. Like my old buddy would say "The people who shouldn't have police contact always seem to find ways to have police contact".

04-14-15, 12:52
It takes 2 to tango and in this case both side are stupid. One for flipping off a "tank" while supposedly being blown. Really?? The other for taking the bait. Sorry, but unless the guy was driving all goofy due to being distracted the officers need to grow up and learn to prioritize. Hell they probably cost the tax payer more than any ticket they could issue by having that behemoth idle for the 10 minutes of who has more authority.

04-14-15, 13:47
I am curious. What definitive proof is there that the girlfriend was performing fellatio? If it was a founded accusation, why didn't they cite someone for public lewdness? After all, in the vehicle ob public streets is "public".

There is no proof, because, more than likely, it was just a bullshit excuse to pull the guy over and "teach him a lesson" for disrespecting them.

P.S. Put on a badge with a number, and a name tag, you're a police officer, not Johnny SOCOM in a war zone.

04-14-15, 14:07
I guess he was feeling like a boss....

A boss let's her finish and continues to his destination without issue.

04-14-15, 14:09
I watched the entire video.

The LEO was chest thumping - looked and sounded foolish.

The guy he pulled over was a complete jackass.

FWIW, the guy pulled over looked like one of those "occupy wall street" turds.

I'm sure he did give the cops the finger and they should've ignored it.

They, the guy and the cops all looked foolish.

04-14-15, 14:28
Would YOU give anyone in an APC going down your street the finger?

That hippie got off easy if you ask me.

04-14-15, 14:34
Would YOU give anyone in an APC going down your street the finger?

That hippie got off easy if you ask me.

You're right. They should've beat the **** out of him for exercising a constitutionally protected right.

04-14-15, 14:44
LEO's handled themselves well.

04-14-15, 15:12
I am sorry but as of today, we see people that run from cops, mouth off to cops or grab their sidearms end up in some very bad situations....often dead.

So...going forward...knowing this...why would anyone act they way they do to cops?

You are just begging for trouble!

04-14-15, 15:19
1. LEOs were leaving an event in the BearCat. They are not out patrolling in that thing.
2. Guy flips them off.
3. That draws attention to himself and the LEOs see what appears to be a woman giving the guy some road head.
4. They conduct a traffic stop to investigate. It's not the ideal vehicle to do that in but that's what they are in when they observed a possible crime occuring.
5. Guy on video admits to flipping the bird, verifying point 2, and says his girlfriend was sleeping in his lap, verifying point 3.
6. LEOs explain the reason for the stop and question the guy about the possible sexual offense.
7. LEOs do not get PC for the crime they suspected and the guy leaves.

A few things. First that girlfriend must have a very uncomfortable bed at home if she is falling asleep leaning over the center console of that car. Second I'd bet money that anyone here would be super pissed if you pulled up next to this guy getting road head and your 9 year old daughter saw what was happening. Given that this took place in broad daylight inside a city, I don't think that is a far fetched possibility.

04-14-15, 15:26
lets review...

If you don't grab a cop's sidearm...you don't get shot.

If you don't run from cops....you don't get shot.

If you allow cops to cuff you and don't resist...you don't get suffocated by cops.

If you don't have oral sex in public and make obscene gestures to a tactical police vehicle....you do not get stopped and hassled by cops.

How hard is this?

04-14-15, 18:27
You're right. They should've beat the **** out of him for exercising a constitutionally protected right.

Exactly. Well, or shot him... either way.

I guess everyone forgets about the 1st Amendment.

04-14-15, 18:31
Dammit, you said it was some dirty, loser hippie. Now I am picturing a wuss in a prius with some dirty, inky sandwich maker with a bunch of shit pierced through her face.

I had been picturing an all around well played by both sides scenario with a debonair young professional in a cool car getting blown by a supermodel flipping off the cops while adjusting his ascot,
then pulled over by cream of the crop officers in their new APC on the way back from training with
no harm, no foul,
and fun had by all.

04-14-15, 18:33
Would YOU give anyone in an APC going down your street the finger?

That hippie got off easy if you ask me.

Really? I guess the civilian population should live in fear and make sure they always smile and look down when dealing with or passing law enforcement? Giving the finger is nothing but free speech and shouldn't constitute a response harsher than a return finger.

04-14-15, 20:16
if someone flips me the bird I just wave and blow em a kiss :)

nothing was more fun than to throw rocks at a hornets nest when I was young :) hahahhhha

04-15-15, 07:20
If this was a case where TSA VIPRs were using MRAPs to stop random US citizens and said "papers please" I'd be the first person to call police state tactic, etc. This was not the case in this particular incident. Just another cell phone activists drawing attention upon himself.

04-15-15, 07:27
P.S. Put on a badge with a number, and a name tag, you're a police officer, not Johnny SOCOM in a war zone.

So many reasons why this statement is ignorant...

Perhaps a tactical team should wear polyester and ties as well as all the shiny shit you seem to love so much.

04-15-15, 07:44
So many reasons why this statement is ignorant...

Perhaps a tactical team should wear polyester and ties as well as all the shiny shit you seem to love so much.

Perhaps they should join the Marines if they want to play Marine.

04-15-15, 08:41
Perhaps they should join the Marines if they want to play Marine.

Sorry but it has nothing to do with "wanting to be a Marine."

It has everything with using the right tool for the job. If I had wanted to be a Marine I would have joined. I didn't want to so I didn't. Simple as that. It's not air soft cosplay bullshit. It's a job. Simple as that.

04-15-15, 09:57
Perhaps they should join the Marines if they want to play Marine.

How do you know some of them are not?

LE is one of, if not the biggest career fields veterans join. Ive been on squads that were over half veterans. The lowest ratio squad Ive been on is my current squad with two of us out of 9. Guys I train with at our patrol rifle courses include a former Navy SEAL, a couple Army SF guys, a former USMC Recon guy, a current AF reserve JTAC and a couple dozen of other 11Bs and 03xx guys. Lots of Reserve and Nasty Guard in my department.

04-15-15, 10:17
The driver got what he deserved.

04-15-15, 10:17
My ridiculous statement was made in response to another ridiculous statement.

Perhaps that was missed due to lack of tone of voice conveyance on the Internet.

04-15-15, 10:39
So many reasons why this statement is ignorant...

Perhaps a tactical team should wear polyester and ties as well as all the shiny shit you seem to love so much.

No, they should wear subdued name tags so that they're names are readily identifiable. You know what you can do with your snarky comment.



04-15-15, 12:08

04-15-15, 12:34

Of course it is!

Lol touché my friend.

04-16-15, 01:49
If you want attention I"ll give you attention cops don't get paid to put up with bullshit.
First Amendment my ass. You want to be a dick, then you get treated like one.
I've had plenty of people yell out "pig" as I drove past them. If it's safe to stop I get out and ask them if they have a problem. Everyone has acted like a coward, and denied it , or ran off like a wuss.
For the idiots that pop me the bird, they get it right back. I guess I'm just using my First Amendment right.

If you want I'll respect you , as long as you show the same to me. Pretty simple it's called common courtesy.

04-16-15, 02:26
If you want I'll respect you , as long as you show the same to me. Pretty simple it's called common courtesy.

Absolutely fair, and a reasonable expectation. And just like everyone I deal with, I'll assume you deserve respect, right up to the point where you show me you don't.

04-16-15, 02:39

I confess, for me, the blood-type patch detracts from credibility.

04-16-15, 04:50
SWAT uniforms are different than their standard patrol uniforms. They don't wear SWAT gear unless on a SWAT call. The particular OFC pictured was returning from a call (looked like a Dedicated Standby for an event).

04-16-15, 08:39
I confess, for me, the blood-type patch detracts from credibility.

Ours are mandated by uniform policy. All of our records are kept on file and brought with us to aid in medical treatment in case of incapacitation.

May not be the best way but it is policy. He may not have a choice.

04-16-15, 09:29
Ours are mandated by uniform policy. All of our records are kept on file and brought with us to aid in medical treatment in case of incapacitation.

May not be the best way but it is policy. He may not have a choice.Understood. I was our TAC Team's Medical Director for 15 years. When the blood type patch thing came up on our team, it was after a joint training exercise where another team had them. The impetus was that they "looked cool". I get that it says "I have a cool but dangerous job", but there isn't a civilian hospital, urgent care, or EMT in the US that would even remotely consider giving blood or other type-specific component therapy to someone based on a patch they have velcroed to their clothing or gear. It's malpractice. To people who don't know, wearing such a patch might be cool. To those who know, it's just an eye-roller.


04-16-15, 11:11
Understood. I was our TAC Team's Medical Director for 15 years. When the blood type patch thing came up on our team, it was after a joint training exercise where another team had them. The impetus was that they "looked cool". I get that it says "I have a cool but dangerous job", but there isn't a civilian hospital, urgent care, or EMT in the US that would even remotely consider giving blood or other type-specific component therapy to someone based on a patch they have velcroed to their clothing or gear. It's malpractice. To people who don't know, wearing such a patch might be cool. To those who know, it's just an eye-roller.


I don't disagree to a point but just because it doesn't work for you and your team and you feel it's "poser-ish," to other organizations it may be SOP. For mine, it is. Without getting into anything classified we may not have access to medical other than our medics for an unknown amount of time so if we've taken casualties we may be doing field TCCC and transfusions and we train for this.

04-16-15, 11:22
If you want attention I"ll give you attention cops don't get paid to put up with bullshit.
First Amendment my ass. You want to be a dick, then you get treated like one.
I've had plenty of people yell out "pig" as I drove past them. If it's safe to stop I get out and ask them if they have a problem. Everyone has acted like a coward, and denied it , or ran off like a wuss.
For the idiots that pop me the bird, they get it right back. I guess I'm just using my First Amendment right.

If you want I'll respect you , as long as you show the same to me. Pretty simple it's called common courtesy.
Interesting comments.

04-16-15, 12:03
I don't disagree to a point but just because it doesn't work for you and your team and you feel it's "poser-ish," to other organizations it may be SOP. For mine, it is. Without getting into anything classified we may not have access to medical other than our medics for an unknown amount of time so if we've taken casualties we may be doing field TCCC and transfusions and we train for this.

Gotta be in about the 1st percentile for function of civilian SWAT teams. You're telling me you're part of a civilian SWAT team that takes blood with you on call outs?

04-16-15, 12:21
Gotta be in about the 1st percentile for function of civilian SWAT teams. You're telling me you're part of a civilian SWAT team that takes blood with you on call outs?

No not civilian anymore.

04-16-15, 12:38
Ah. Ok. Exigencies of military operations, especially SOF, puts our respective discussions on different pages. Including the the one that applies to the guy in the picture.

05-27-15, 21:01
Consequences (http://www.gainesville.com/article/20150522/ARTICLES/150529896?p=1&tc=pg) for juvenile, bully behavior.

An Alachua County sheriff's sergeant was suspended for one day and a deputy was reprimanded after they used an armored vehicle to perform a traffic stop...

Sgt. Kevin Davis was issued one day of suspension without pay by Sheriff Sadie Darnell herself, and Deputy Richard Howell was given a written reprimand.

“Sgt. K. Davis is held accountable and responsible for the management of this incident overall,” the report stated “He demonstrated inadequate supervision of the incident and lack of knowledge of ordinances.”...

“Now, these two officers will be trained and I'm sure every other officer in Alachua County will be trained on the fact of expressing negative feelings by a hand signal is not illegal,” Jewell said...

Jewell was issued a warning by the deputies for failure to properly use a hand signal while driving a vehicle, which the internal affairs report found was not an accurate interpretation of state law.

05-27-15, 22:35
Consequences (http://www.gainesville.com/article/20150522/ARTICLES/150529896?p=1&tc=pg) for juvenile, bully behavior.

An Alachua County sheriff's sergeant was suspended for one day and a deputy was reprimanded after they used an armored vehicle to perform a traffic stop...

Sgt. Kevin Davis was issued one day of suspension without pay by Sheriff Sadie Darnell herself, and Deputy Richard Howell was given a written reprimand.

“Sgt. K. Davis is held accountable and responsible for the management of this incident overall,” the report stated “He demonstrated inadequate supervision of the incident and lack of knowledge of ordinances.”...

“Now, these two officers will be trained and I'm sure every other officer in Alachua County will be trained on the fact of expressing negative feelings by a hand signal is not illegal,” Jewell said...

Jewell was issued a warning by the deputies for failure to properly use a hand signal while driving a vehicle, which the internal affairs report found was not an accurate interpretation of state law.

The right decision.