View Full Version : Local Judge berates victims of home invasion.

04-13-15, 20:33
So this has been making the rounds here in my area pretty heavily.

These wastes of good oxygen busted into home and traumatized a family. The daughter is very young and now has a fear of black men. Given her age and the situation this is understandable. She has come to associate Black men with a traumatizing experience. It is something that she will probably need help with as she ages.

So the judge decides to berate the parents and accuse them of fostering racism in their daughter.

"I am offended. … I am deeply offended that they would be victimized by an individual and express some kind of fear of all black men," he said.

"This little girl certainly has been victimized, and she can't help the way she feels," he said. "My exception is more with her parents and their accepting that kind of mentality and fostering those type of stereotypes."

He has been given ample chance to redeem himself. Instead he has Doubled down on the stupidity. He is refusing to apologize and is even lashing out at the Commonwealth attorney and Judicial Ethics Experts who have commented on the situation.

And the real shit of it all. He gave the dirtbags probation.

04-13-15, 20:40
saw this today ! guy needs to be disbarred so he cant be a judge anymore and then have a civil suit against him

So this has been making the rounds here in my area pretty heavily.

These wastes of good oxygen busted into home and traumatized a family. The daughter is very young and now has a fear of black men. Given her age and the situation this is understandable. She has come to associate Black men with a traumatizing experience. It is something that she will probably need help with as she ages.

So the judge decides to berate the parents and accuse them of fostering racism in their daughter.

He has been given ample chance to redeem himself. Instead he has Doubled down on the stupidity. He is refusing to apologize and is even lashing out at the Commonwealth attorney and Judicial Ethics Experts who have commented on the situation.

And the real shit of it all. He gave the dirtbags probation.

04-13-15, 23:52
well..... Judges used to be laywers...... Just sayin..

04-14-15, 00:49
Oh, the judge is black . . .

What is appalling is that the judge is entrusted to preside over an unbiased court. He was more concerned with the victim's possibility of being "RACIST" than the fact that the victims were VICTIMS of a violent hate crime. Nice going probating home invaders judge. What a clown, where is his red nose and big funny shoes?

May the blood rot in his veins.

04-14-15, 01:01
This is why we must defend ourselves and love ones, justice is just a pipe dream nowadays.

04-14-15, 02:26
I used to think we had a serious problem with racism in this country. So many things wrong with that story I just don't have the energy to address them all.

04-14-15, 06:25
As a judge I do my work without regard to race.

Clearly BS.

It is incumbent on me to confront and dispose of language based on racism and stereotypes. We should all do our part to eradicate such nonsense. And let me be clear, silence does nothing to contribute. It simply sends a message that such views are acceptable and fear somehow excuses wrong.

It's incumbent on you to uphold the Constitution and the law. Not push a social agenda, eliminate all that you consider wrong, or to be the thought police.

04-14-15, 08:15
How can this be? I thought Berry was going to cure this problem in America......

Is it just me or does it seam that this issue is worse now then it has been in a very long time?

04-14-15, 10:03
The judge is clearly a racist.

04-14-15, 10:51
May family was killed by someone with a gun. Now I associate all gun owners with murderers.

That line of thinking is dangerous....

04-14-15, 12:16
May family was killed by someone with a gun. Now I associate all gun owners with murderers.

That line of thinking is dangerous....

How else do you think children learn?

04-14-15, 12:27
What a sack of shit. Hope his home address is public information so those nice men he gave second chances to can come by and give him a proper thanks.

04-14-15, 14:06
Jus helpin' couple brothers out...

They should be in jail, asshole.

04-14-15, 14:15
May family was killed by someone with a gun. Now I associate all gun owners with murderers.

That line of thinking is dangerous....

Had trouble reading the article because the website had a bunch of hoops.

Did the parents actually teach her that all black men are dangerous or was it a case that the parents didn't properly indoctrinate her that this was an "isolated incident of a black person being dangerous" and she has nothing to fear?

Personally I think the JUDGE is going to be the black person that gives her the biggest impression of black people. After all he is the one who did something to her parents after everyone was robbed.

04-14-15, 17:02
if the person in your family was killed by a biker and now your 3 year old is kinda are afraid of all biker looking types that might make sense
if your family member was killed by a skin head guy with tats all over would you kinda expect your kid to be afraid of those types

and you have to remember this poor child had what she thought was her one safe place her home and what she thought was her one safe refuge for protection her parents violated ! so its actually quite a big deal for a child

and now the judge who is black is also going off on her and her parents as said sadly one more point of reference for her in her growing learning real world experiences and confirming in her growing mind black people are something to be afraid of
the judge did the exact opposite of what he should have done but his own hatred showed through loud and clear

May family was killed by someone with a gun. Now I associate all gun owners with murderers.

That line of thinking is dangerous....

04-14-15, 17:48
and now the judge who is black is also going off on her and her parents as said sadly one more point of reference for her in her growing learning real world experiences and confirming in her growing mind black people are something to be afraid of
the judge did the exact opposite of what he should have done but his own hatred showed through loud and clearI have to agree with this. Judge should have chose a different course of action, instead of adding to the classical conditioning of fear & hatred. The parents also should have known better too.

04-14-15, 18:20
Judges are far too legally protected and isolated from consequences of their courtroom conduct and rulings.

I assume he lives in a nice gated community with a few other black professionals and lots of white, asian, and jewish professionals.

Anyone who acts like using race as a factor in where they live or sends their kids to school is either a damn liar or a damn fool.

Several politicians and the media have long had an agenda to equate any deviation from the party line on race as the equivalent of believing in the inherent superiority of the white master race and concentration camps.

The same ones that would love to equate gun ownership with being a smoking pedophile.

PD Sgt.
04-15-15, 08:39
We investigate and charge people for offenses regardless of what we think of the victim, their beliefs or their lifestyle. That is why it is illegal to rob or murder skinheads, drug dealers, or anyone else society finds offensive. The same standard applies to the prosecution and sentencing of the offenders.

This judge has obviously lost sight of his obligations and responsibility to apply the standards equally across the board to those who appear before him. In this case it sounds as if there is an understandable reason the child is scared of people with a certain appearance, but even if the victim had "white power" tattooed on his forehead that is not an excuse to fail to appropriately sentence those who committed a home invasion.

04-15-15, 08:50
We investigate and charge people for offenses regardless of what we think of the victim, their beliefs or their lifestyle. That is why it is illegal to rob or murder skinheads, drug dealers, or anyone else society finds offensive. The same standard applies to the prosecution and sentencing of the offenders.

This judge has obviously lost sight of his obligations and responsibility to apply the standards equally across the board to those who appear before him. In this case it sounds as if there is an understandable reason the child is scared of people with a certain appearance, but even if the victim had "white power" tattooed on his forehead that is not an excuse to fail to appropriately sentence those who committed a home invasion.Perfect answer! Bravo sir, bravo.