View Full Version : Question for current Navy guys

04-16-15, 05:44
Do they still do bread and water only for brig inmates while at sea?

04-16-15, 06:13
Piss and punk is still used, yes.

But I can't tell if your question means "do they still do only bread and water" or do they do it "only while at sea"

04-16-15, 09:10

On two of the vessels where I served bread and water would be an improvement over most of the chow we were served on the mess deck.

04-16-15, 09:15
Yup, only at sea. Ashore, they get sent to a brig facility which serves whatever chow they serve, probably as bad as being on bread and water.

04-16-15, 15:32

On two of the vessels where I served bread and water would be an improvement over most of the chow we were served on the mess deck.

Thanks for the link. The bread and water "diminished rations" thing seems a bit of a throwback to days-gone-by. I'm surprised in today's PC climate that this is still allowed. I did note it has a 3 day limit though.

Appreciate all the replies fellas!