View Full Version : Chris Christie says we need to find the right balance on gun rights

04-16-15, 20:26
“We’ve got to make sure we have public safety, but on the other hand we have to protect people’s rights both as sportsmen and hunters and for self protection too, find the right balance,” Christie told a group of New Hampshire voters at Chez Vachon in Manchester, according to New Jersey newspaper The Record.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/chris-christie-gun-rights-new-hampshire-second-amendment-nra-117000.html#ixzz3XWcMPCoS

Like New Jersey is a model state for 2nd amendment freedom/rights "sigh".

I'll need to re-read that 2nd amendment again...I just fail to recall where the 2nd Amendment specifically identifies:

1. sportsman
2. hunters
3. self protection
4. balance

Let's double check:

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

04-16-15, 21:06
I know some things he needs to find the "right balance" for too.....

04-16-15, 21:11
He needs to find a damn treadmill.

04-16-15, 21:28
I know some things he needs to find the "right balance" for too.....

Yeah, like his diet.

04-16-15, 21:41
I thought we established the balance with the Bill of Rights.

Maybe he can find the right balance concerning the "right to vote" and the "election of retards."

04-16-15, 22:14
Christie needs to find a balance? He might find a better balance once he takes his head out of his ass. I could never vote for that lib-tard rino from NJ and I don't think he has a chance in hell of being elected. He is such a dumb ass jerk. You notice he didn't even bother to show up at the NRA gathering. I guess he is afraid of booes. Rant off.

04-16-15, 23:10
I'll go first and say F that guy.

04-16-15, 23:17
I doubt Chris Christie will get the Republican nomination. I am more worried about Jeb Bush. They say he's a Moderate Republican, which basically means RINO. He's disqualified in my book already because of Common (Commie) Core, but I know little of his stand on Gun Rights. I'm still examining Scott Walker and Rand Paul, but like what I hear out of Ted Cruz. Any of these would destroy grandma Hillary in a debate. She can follow a script pretty well, gets shrill and ugly when she gets off message.

04-16-15, 23:33
The correct balance is **** You Crispy Kreme! :mad:

04-16-15, 23:42
Chris Christie needs to embrace exercise and cut back on the calories, -the guy is a land-based whale.

04-16-15, 23:56
I'll go first and say F that guy.

To add to this he needs to choke on a bologna sandwich.

04-16-15, 23:58
I doubt Chris Christie will get the Republican nomination. I am more worried about Jeb Bush. They say he's a Moderate Republican, which basically means RINO. He's disqualified in my book already because of Common (Commie) Core, but I know little of his stand on Gun Rights. I'm still examining Scott Walker and Rand Paul, but like what I hear out of Ted Cruz. Any of these would destroy grandma Hillary in a debate. She can follow a script pretty well, gets shrill and ugly when she gets off message.

Jeb is just another NWO NEOCON like his grandfather, father, and older brother. We DO NOT need another one of them in the White House. Their dynasty needs to go into obscurity.

04-17-15, 01:10
I doubt Chris Christie will get the Republican nomination. I am more worried about Jeb Bush. They say he's a Moderate Republican, which basically means RINO. He's disqualified in my book already because of Common (Commie) Core, but I know little of his stand on Gun Rights. I'm still examining Scott Walker and Rand Paul, but like what I hear out of Ted Cruz. Any of these would destroy grandma Hillary in a debate. She can follow a script pretty well, gets shrill and ugly when she gets off message.

I personally know something about Jeb Bush and guns.

Back in 1999 local POS rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz introduced a Broward County Assault Weapon Ban.


Working with co POS then Sheriff Ken Jenne (later sentenced for corruption charges) they introduced a bill that was essentially a copy of the CA assault weapon ban for our county in FL. But without the grandfather clause, they simply become illegal and you are a felon if you keep them.

Despite being SLAMMED by gun owners at the hearing (I was there personally) it actually passed with only a single vote against it. The state rep who voted against it would become the victim of "redistricting" and would not be re elected.

So the ****ING thing passed. Debbie Wasserman Schultz personally took it to then Governor Jeb Bush for a signature and he told her something along the lines of "stop wasting my time with this crap."

If that had been Governor Lawton Chiles we'd have been screwed bad. If that had been Governor Buddy Mackay we'd have been screwed bad. If that had been Governor Charlie Christ we'd have been screwed bad. The only reason that damn thing didn't get signed into law is because Jeb Bush happened to be the only "real" Republican governor FL has had in the last 100 years. We currently have Rick Scott and he's also good on guns but has a few other issues.


Now perhaps it would have been challenged by the FL Supreme Court but I wouldn't have wanted to bet all my marbles on that.

That is when I became a Jeb Bush FAN, I actually wish we could have traded him for George (43) instead. I wouldn't want him to run this time simply because all the "anyone but Bush" retards would elect Hillary.

And yes, he supported Common CORE, yes it's bullshit but it's what the majority of retards in Florida wanted and they got it. I don't think he supported it out of personal views but as a career decision. He's also crappy on illegal immigration but so was Reagan.

04-17-15, 01:19
"We need to find a balance on the gay rights issue"

said no-one, ever without being savaged by the left. But we just take it.

Why is self-defense and a check to govt tyranny the only civil right that has to be limited?

All these corps and municipalities that went after travel bans for Indiana, how about we we go after NY and CA for not respecting people's right to self defense?

04-17-15, 03:35
I agree. I assume by balance he means repealing the excessive gun laws in place and returning some weight to the 2nd Amendment.

04-17-15, 05:40
Jeb is just another NWO NEOCON like his grandfather, father, and older brother. We DO NOT need another one of them in the White House. Their dynasty needs to go into obscurity.

Much of America has Clinton and a Bush fatigue.

To be clear, that was CLINTON and BUSH fatigue. Not some other combination of those two words. ;)

04-17-15, 06:16

Jeb Bush may not be everyone's cup of tea, but he is gun friendly. (And not in that Harry Reid sort of way)

I personally know something about Jeb Bush and guns.

Back in 1999 local POS rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz introduced a Broward County Assault Weapon Ban.


Working with co POS then Sheriff Ken Jenne (later sentenced for corruption charges) they introduced a bill that was essentially a copy of the CA assault weapon ban for our county in FL. But without the grandfather clause, they simply become illegal and you are a felon if you keep them.

Despite being SLAMMED by gun owners at the hearing (I was there personally) it actually passed with only a single vote against it. The state rep who voted against it would become the victim of "redistricting" and would not be re elected.

So the ****ING thing passed. Debbie Wasserman Schultz personally took it to then Governor Jeb Bush for a signature and he told her something along the lines of "stop wasting my time with this crap."

If that had been Governor Lawton Chiles we'd have been screwed bad. If that had been Governor Buddy Mackay we'd have been screwed bad. If that had been Governor Charlie Christ we'd have been screwed bad. The only reason that damn thing didn't get signed into law is because Jeb Bush happened to be the only "real" Republican governor FL has had in the last 100 years. We currently have Rick Scott and he's also good on guns but has a few other issues.


Now perhaps it would have been challenged by the FL Supreme Court but I wouldn't have wanted to bet all my marbles on that.

That is when I became a Jeb Bush FAN, I actually wish we could have traded him for George (43) instead. I wouldn't want him to run this time simply because all the "anyone but Bush" retards would elect Hillary.

And yes, he supported Common CORE, yes it's bullshit but it's what the majority of retards in Florida wanted and they got it. I don't think he supported it out of personal views but as a career decision. He's also crappy on illegal immigration but so was Reagan.

Alex V
04-17-15, 06:37
As a New Jersey resident I will gladly add to the tally and say F@&k You Chris.

Sure he has not made things worse for fun owners but that is only because it's hard to subtract from zero. He sure as hell did not make it any better, and for that, I would never vote for him in a national elevation.

When he was AG he ran on an Anti-Gun platform. What more needs to be said?

04-17-15, 09:20
“We’ve got to make sure we have public safety, but on the other hand we have to protect people’s rights both as sportsmen and hunters and for self protection too, find the right balance,” Christie told a group of New Hampshire voters at Chez Vachon in Manchester, according to New Jersey newspaper The Record.

I just wish I could get in these people's faces and say:
"Hunting is not the issue. Hunting is not the issue. Hunting is not the issue. Hunting is not the issue. Hunting is not the issue. Hunting. Is. Not. The. Issue. HUNTING IS NOT THE ISSUE! HUNTING IS NOT THE GODDAMN ISSUE!!! DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION NOW??? Do we have it clear? Am I going to hear the words 'hunting' or 'sporting' out of your fat mouth again? Now, let me ask you, is hunting the issue???"

04-17-15, 09:45
But they rarely to never propose the other Amendments need "balancing". If one was to propose for example a tracking device put on all computers that would send an instant alert to law enforcement the second someone searched site for bomb making instructions to "balance" the safety of the nation vs individual rights, people would freak out.

And the usual problem, who gets to decide what "balance" is? You have to take the Const. at face value and work from there, not the reverse.

People today forget a key (the key) aspect of the US: It's not, nor has it ever, been intended as the safest country on earth, but the freest. And we all know what the man said about those willing to give up Liberty for safety...

04-17-15, 09:48
IMHO, his " right balance" statement means, bye bye for AR's or any other semi auto rifle that accept hi-cap mags, all hi-cap pistols and all hi-cap mags. I do not trust him, I think he is dead in the water, and doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of going anywhere.

04-17-15, 11:51
In my best Frank Sinatra voice, with melody, " Chris Chisty'........You need to f@#k off, and let us be......

04-17-15, 11:57
Jeb is just another NWO NEOCON like his grandfather, father, and older brother. We DO NOT need another one of them in the White House. Their dynasty needs to go into obscurity.


I personally know something about Jeb Bush and guns.

.........So the ****ING thing passed. Debbie Wasserman Schultz personally took it to then Governor Jeb Bush for a signature and he told her something along the lines of "stop wasting my time with this crap."

If that had been Governor Lawton Chiles we'd have been screwed bad. If that had been Governor Buddy Mackay we'd have been screwed bad. If that had been Governor Charlie Christ we'd have been screwed bad. The only reason that damn thing didn't get signed into law is because Jeb Bush happened to be the only "real" Republican governor FL has had in the last 100 years. We currently have Rick Scott and he's also good on guns but has a few other issues.

That is when I became a Jeb Bush FAN, I actually wish we could have traded him for George (43) instead. I wouldn't want him to run this time simply because all the "anyone but Bush" retards would elect Hillary.

Bush is good on guns, but that is not the only right that could be lost. Every time Gov. grows we loose some economic and personal freedoms. Property rights are being stripped away, there is an attack on privacy, and first amendment rights. The laws are being turned upside down and taxation and regulation are killing jobs. The deficit will be 20 trillion when Obama leaves office.

Who do you trust to turn this around? Jeb Bush from the NEOCON Bush family, or someone like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, or even Marco Rubio.

I see the difference between Hillary and Jeb, but is it enough to get people to vote for Jeb?

IMHO, his " right balance" statement means, bye bye for AR's or any other semi auto rifle that accept hi-cap mags, all hi-cap pistols and all hi-cap mags. I do not trust him, I think he is dead in the water, and doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of going anywhere.

I like hearing someone from NJ chime in. Let's hope Christie doesn't have a chance.

04-17-15, 13:15
Christie and the rest of the Rhino asshats can choke on a bag of dicks. Balance...what a plucking joke.

04-17-15, 13:28
Ah, trading safety for freedom. Never heard that one before.

04-17-15, 14:17
Who do you trust to turn this around? Jeb Bush from the NEOCON Bush family, or someone like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, or even Marco Rubio.

I actually would prefer Paul. I stated several issues I have with Jeb as the Presidential candidate this time. To beat Hillary, we need a clear contrast and it can't be somebody that can be easily marginalized as a "bible thumper who wants to outlaw abortion."

And that is why we can't do "Clinton vs. Bush: Part Deux" even if Jeb was actually a fantastic candidate all the way around (he isn't) the name brings too much luggage along with it.

Republicans need to stop screwing around and DEFEAT Hillary. Hillary is going to try and make her campaign about the economy and of course the "first woman President" milestone. The Republicans better have a serious campaign that is about the economy, the economy and the economy and the first time they get started talking about something like gay marriage, abortion or similar stupid shit they might as well just endorse Hillary.

04-18-15, 20:25
My concern is that ultimately they don't really seem to care about winning. They sure don't seem enthusiastic about repealing bad laws to the point of actually getting it done. They get paid too much with no accountability for results

04-18-15, 20:55
He should spend more time figuring out how to better balance his bloated self.

04-19-15, 00:19
He should spend more time figuring out how to better balance his bloated self.

I know it's a joke, but we need to be really specific in our rejection of Christie. We don't want anyone to get the impression that we are in the least bit concerned with "image." He can actually look for sympathy if he can promote the idea that his "appearance" is costing him the nomination.

And if we are going to elect somebody based upon appearance, I'm voting for Christy Canyon before I'm voting for Chris Christie.

04-19-15, 04:38
Republicans need to stop screwing around and DEFEAT Hillary. Hillary is going to try and make her campaign about the economy and of course the "first woman President" milestone. The Republicans better have a serious campaign that is about the economy, the economy and the economy and the first time they get started talking about something like gay marriage, abortion or similar stupid shit they might as well just endorse Hillary.

Agree 110%. Gay Marriage and Abortion (right or wrong) are sideshows in elections. The 'pubs need a clear plan on the economy and they need the energy to deliver that plan along with a candidate who hasn't screwed him or herself. Hillary has miles of skidmarks on record that the PACs can take advantage of.

04-19-15, 06:47
Jeb is just another NWO NEOCON like his grandfather, father, and older brother. We DO NOT need another one of them in the White House. Their dynasty needs to go into obscurity.

I will go even farther. Jeb, like his father, and brother are patrician PROGRESSIVES. They mean well, but like Dems want to use government for social engineering because it is "good for us". We don't need another Bush.

Christie is another RINO who wants to continue the use of "Sporting Purpose" as the reason for the 2A when it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

04-19-15, 07:01
I will go even farther. Jeb, like his father, and brother are patrician PROGRESSIVES. They mean well, but like Dems want to use government for social engineering because it is "good for us". We don't need another Bush.

No they don't mean well, and at their core they are all FABIAN SOCIALISTS that have taken over the GOP and DNC. They even pander and play to both sides of the conservative/liberal aisle.

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy” Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1966.

04-19-15, 09:56
I lost all faith in Jeb when he came out with the statement in support of Loretta Lynch for AG.

04-19-15, 10:13
I lost all faith in Jeb when he came out with the statement in support of Loretta Lynch for AG.

This, and when he said he was Hispanic. :confused:

04-19-15, 10:23
I personally know something about Jeb Bush and guns.

Back in 1999 local POS rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz introduced a Broward County Assault Weapon Ban.


Working with co POS then Sheriff Ken Jenne (later sentenced for corruption charges) they introduced a bill that was essentially a copy of the CA assault weapon ban for our county in FL. But without the grandfather clause, they simply become illegal and you are a felon if you keep them.

Despite being SLAMMED by gun owners at the hearing (I was there personally) it actually passed with only a single vote against it. The state rep who voted against it would become the victim of "redistricting" and would not be re elected.

So the ****ING thing passed. Debbie Wasserman Schultz personally took it to then Governor Jeb Bush for a signature and he told her something along the lines of "stop wasting my time with this crap."

If that had been Governor Lawton Chiles we'd have been screwed bad. If that had been Governor Buddy Mackay we'd have been screwed bad. If that had been Governor Charlie Christ we'd have been screwed bad. The only reason that damn thing didn't get signed into law is because Jeb Bush happened to be the only "real" Republican governor FL has had in the last 100 years. We currently have Rick Scott and he's also good on guns but has a few other issues.


Now perhaps it would have been challenged by the FL Supreme Court but I wouldn't have wanted to bet all my marbles on that.

That is when I became a Jeb Bush FAN, I actually wish we could have traded him for George (43) instead. I wouldn't want him to run this time simply because all the "anyone but Bush" retards would elect Hillary.

And yes, he supported Common CORE, yes it's bullshit but it's what the majority of retards in Florida wanted and they got it. I don't think he supported it out of personal views but as a career decision. He's also crappy on illegal immigration but so was Reagan.

Ruben Mendiola has been very vocal in his support for Jeb. That is a clear sign to me that he stands for the same 2a values we do.

04-19-15, 10:36

Bush is good on guns, but that is not the only right that could be lost. Every time Gov. grows we loose some economic and personal freedoms. Property rights are being stripped away, there is an attack on privacy, and first amendment rights. The laws are being turned upside down and taxation and regulation are killing jobs. The deficit will be 20 trillion when Obama leaves office.

Who do you trust to turn this around? Jeb Bush from the NEOCON Bush family, or someone like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, or even Marco Rubio.

I see the difference between Hillary and Jeb, but is it enough to get people to vote for Jeb?

I like hearing someone from NJ chime in. Let's hope Christie doesn't have a chance.

I am a single issue voter. Whoever is the most pro-2A gets my vote in the primary, and whoever is the most pro-2A gets my vote in the general election.

That's why I voted for Obama in 2012. He was the guy on the ballot who hadn't signed an assault weapons ban.

04-19-15, 10:41
Ruben Mendiola has been very vocal in his support for Jeb. That is a clear sign to me that he stands for the same 2a values we do.

Good info. Josh. RM is a stand-up guy.

Are you left or right coast now?

04-19-15, 10:54
I am a single issue voter. Whoever is the most pro-2A gets my vote in the primary, and whoever is the most pro-2A gets my vote in the general election.

That's why I voted for Obama in 2012. He was the guy on the ballot who hadn't signed an assault weapons ban.

Agreed. I am also a single issue voter. But hold on, tell me you didn't vote for Obama? Hillary also never signed the AW ban, I still wouldn't vote for her.

Good info. Josh. RM is a stand-up guy.

Are you left or right coast now?

Back to good 'ole North Cackalackey. Only had a one year stint in NorCal. And that was plenty.

04-19-15, 12:15
The idea that some in the party "wait their turn" is what kills the Republicans.
You can't continue to put up Romney's and McCain's and expect to win ever again. It just kills me that they stand their with pie on their faces and do the same stupid stuff again and again.
I would hate to think the Republicans think Jeb Bush can win, he can't, he wont and he sure shouldn't even be considered. How many times do you burn your hand on a hot stove before you learn not to touch it?
There are some hot up and comming Republicans that can win, but the party continues to go back to the same formula to lose again. I'm sure if Jeb wins you will be able to hear tin foil hats being tightened down all over America as it will insure a Democrat will win.

04-19-15, 13:11
The Primary Process is broken, states like Florida who have a winner take all delegate system for example. McCainiac (barely)won FL but the winner takes all mindset sealed his nomination.

I am trying to figure out why no democrat is willing to challenge Hillary, or is the "let's elect a woman (any woman) mentality going to tube us?

Boba Fett v2
04-19-15, 13:15
Chris Christie should focus more on finding the "right balance" in his diet. Yes, I went there.

04-19-15, 13:33
That anyone is even considering Christie is even a viable candidate or a Republican should be the real question.
Lets find a balance on what makes someone a "Conservative" or a "Republican" and cull that herd. His "Magic Moment on the beach holding hands with Obama should immeadiatly have cost him any further support or consideration from his Party.

04-19-15, 14:12
Yep... I think he's just throwing anything he can find against the wall just to see if he can get anything to stick long enough for anyone to notice. He is completely irrelevant. He's not even Jimmy Falon's play toy any longer.

You could take Jeb Bush and CC on the same ticket and they would be less exciting than paint drying.

04-19-15, 14:22
I don't think we are going to have to choose between Hillary and Christie, I can't see him making it that far in the process.

04-19-15, 17:38
Christie’s first two campaigns were run on his support of New Jersey’s assault weapons ban, in place since 1990, which includes the 15-round magazine cap.
In April 1993, the future governor (then just a lawyer) announced he would run for the State Senate. He told the Star-Ledger, “The issue which has motivated me to get into this race is the recent attempt by certain Republican legislators to repeal New Jersey’s ban on assault weapons...In today’s society no one needs a semiautomatic assault weapon...We already have too many firearms in our communities.” Christie said that while he absolutely supported the right to bear arms, he would prevent any “weakening” of existing gun laws. The campaign only lasted a week.

In 1995, Christie, while serving as a county Freeholder, mounted a campaign for the State Assembly. He teamed up with Richard Merkt, then a legislative aide, to give running on assault weapons another go. Today, Merkt says that he just “went along” with Christie on the issue. Team Christie, he told The Daily Beast, “took control of that whole process.” The process including distributing mailers attacking the duo’s two main opponents, the vulnerable incumbent, Anthony Bucco, and a prominent conservative voice in the district, Michael Patrick Carroll. The mailers deemed repealing the ban on automatic assault weapons “dangerous,” “crazy,” and “radical.”

“He was basically kind of mocking the Second Amendment people,” Merkt said. “I think he thought the Second Amendment issue was kind of a joke, and was not significant.”

Christie and Merkt lost, with Christie coming in fourth place.

04-19-15, 17:52
I don't think we are going to have to choose between Hillary and Christie, I can't see him making it that far in the process.

I remember when people thought McCain would never actually be a candidate.


04-19-15, 21:24
Tell that Fat lying douche to start by stopping all the False Flags by trying to brain wash people.

04-20-15, 08:34
The "right balance" is that envisioned and explicitly stated in the Constitution: power in the hands of The People, with limited and only specifically enumerated powers of government.
****ing socialist scum pisses me off, but even more so when it has infiltrated the Republican party.
If you want to defeat Socialism, you don't run Socialist candidates.

04-20-15, 09:10
Traitorous persons deserve the fate of a traitor.

04-20-15, 09:31

04-20-15, 16:47
Wouldn't it be funny if the Democratic candidate is endorsed by the NRA and the Republican candidate isn't?

04-20-15, 22:49
I know it's a joke, but we need to be really specific in our rejection of Christie. We don't want anyone to get the impression that we are in the least bit concerned with "image." He can actually look for sympathy if he can promote the idea that his "appearance" is costing him the nomination.

And if we are going to elect somebody based upon appearance, I'm voting for Christy Canyon before I'm voting for Chris Christie.

Agree and understand your point. Yes it was a joke......

Question; Christie Canyon today or 20 years ago? [emoji3]

04-28-15, 21:19

All conservatives have to do to make that happen is convince a few million of us that OUR candidate is not liberal enough and that we should protest by staying home and not voting. And they are MORE than pleased to have the "Democrats" here at DU help them.

Let's face it, it worked when Nader did it in the 2000 election. Worked like a charm. Remember his mantra - there is no difference between Gore and Bush? Remember that? Remember how many justices Bush appointed to the USSC? Remember how we got Citizen's United, which did more to destroy our democracy than any other single USSC decision in history?

Worked in the 2010 and 2014 mid-terms too. Let's all sit home because Obama is not liberal enough. Now you have a republican house and senate to go with it.

You want to see all hell really break loose in this country? You think we can't be more screwed than we already are? Let republicans own every branch of government. Oh yeah, it can get worse.

The only thing Reagan ever said in his whole life that made any sense was "thou shall not bash a republican." They know how to win. We, on the other hand, know how to help republicans win.

Foolish. Just foolish. You can discuss policy differences without bashing other democrats. Try it. Please.

It's kind of interesting how similar "democrats" are to "republicans". You could swap a few words around and that post could have easily been made in this thread.

We need some people in office who are neither.

04-28-15, 23:34

It's kind of interesting how similar "democrats" are to "republicans". You could swap a few words around and that post could have easily been made in this thread.

We need some people in office who are neither.

I'm going to do my part. I will not vote for Hillary and I will not vote for this fat turd either!

04-29-15, 09:47
Gov. Christie Creme' represents everything I dislike about the current Technocracy / Corpocracy crop of political buffoons. He tries to be relevant & a "Hipster" in his "manufactured consent" & "cult of personality" approach when he is the "poopy pants kid" in the room. Nothing like a real leader that America is capable of. Huckster, Charleton, Manipulator, Traitor, Elitist Coward etc. Gladly say it to his face in exercising my right to opinion & speech. His feelings do not trump my rights. I think he is a "poop stain" on a dark period in American History & politics.

Crow Hunter
04-29-15, 12:30
Wouldn't it be funny if the Democratic candidate is endorsed by the NRA and the Republican candidate isn't?

Actually, if the Democrats would lay off the guns, they would probably wind up in power forever.

Honestly there are quite a bit of things that I prefer on the Democratic platform to the Republican platform but those don't outweigh my preferences for guns.

04-29-15, 13:40
He lost any chance for election when he practically blew Jerry Jones in his booth at the playoff game for Dallas...remember him bouncing around trying to hug Jerry, and Jerry was, like, "No"?