View Full Version : Black men gang rape white teen on public beach - bystanders laugh.

04-18-15, 08:19

I sent an email to Sabrina Rubin Erdely l, the author of the Rolling Stones article regarding gang rapes by white middle class guys at Frat houses (that turned out to be made up). I asked if she will be writing about this. I'm not holding my breath.

04-18-15, 08:40
I'm not sure what's more disturbing. The criminal double standard, or the fact that people stood around and did jack shit about it. :mad:

I'm sure they were upstanding honor students with plans to go to college.

04-18-15, 08:50
They dint do nuffin.

04-18-15, 09:24
I'm not sure what's more disturbing. The criminal double standard, or the fact that people stood around and did jack shit about it. :mad:

I'm sure they were upstanding honor students with plans to go to college.

...well it's not happening to them so why get involved?

04-18-15, 09:48
I'm not sure what's more disturbing. The criminal double standard, or the fact that people stood around and did jack shit about it. :mad:

I'm sure they were upstanding honor students with plans to go to college.

Along with,
A young woman was watching a video on the news when she discovered a nightmare scenario: She may have been drugged and gang-raped on a crowded Florida beach in broad daylight, as bystanders watched.
I'm not sure how She wasn't aware that something was amiss long before She saw herself on the news.

04-18-15, 09:50
Along with,
A young woman was watching a video on the news when she discovered a nightmare scenario: She may have been drugged and gang-raped on a crowded Florida beach in broad daylight, as bystanders watched.
I'm not sure how She wasn't aware that something was amiss long before She saw herself on the news.

That also crossed my mind... something is fishy here. Seems like yet another rape case with questionable circumstances.

04-18-15, 10:02
That also crossed my mind... something is fishy here..

Well if it wasn't "Fishy" before, I'm pretty sure it is now.

04-18-15, 10:03
I'm not sure what's more disturbing. The criminal double standard, or the fact that people stood around and did jack shit about it. :mad:

Because these days if someone ran over and made them stop the headline would read "White college students attack two black men on a beach". And the article would be about what harmless and wonderful upstanding citizens of the world these fellas were, and how all they were trying to do was have a good time with everyone else.

I'm also curious to see how much outrage this sparks in the "white community". I'm guessing a barely elevated heart rate in the five minutes it takes to read the page. I'm also guessing this story, despite the multiple incidents mentioned, doesn't get any publicity aside form what it has locally, maybe a notice to future spring breakers to be more careful. I mean considering previous worse related crimes in the past where people have been burned and nearly buried alive...
Of course I'm sure if the situation was reversed and it was two white guys and a drugged black girl, there would be protests and riots, public decrying of the event from the agitato..er.... "leaders" of the "black community". BHO be like "If I had a daughter.... There would probably even be feminist groups involved running around telling everyone how eeeeeevil white men are and it's all a result of our backwards patriarchal society. And of course everyone who read the article would be shocked and outraged that this has happened more than once.


04-18-15, 13:55
Incert shocked face here........

04-18-15, 20:10
I'm not sure how She wasn't aware that something was amiss long before She saw herself on the news.

You'd probably be amazed at how many regularly drunk over hosed whores don't realize they've been gang raped while they were passed out. This isn't the first time it's happened.

04-19-15, 00:22
"If I had a son he would have looked like _______________, __________________, and __________________." - Obama

So this young woman who was passed out was specifically targeted for her gender and her race. But according to Holder and the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ this is NOT a hate crime . . .

04-19-15, 05:29
Along with,
I'm not sure how She wasn't aware that something was amiss long before She saw herself on the news.

Seems to be the standard that the "O" lives by.... "Didn't know anything about it until I read it in the paper".

I'd think she'd have been a bit sore "down there", unless it was a common daily occurrence for her.

04-19-15, 06:22
What a shame. Hope the rapists are convicted and get their just due in prison.

04-19-15, 08:07
So her story is completely doubted because she didn't remeber it? I have seen plenty of people be that drunk if you add pills or other drugs it is very believable.

04-19-15, 08:16
So her story is completely doubted because she didn't remeber it? I have seen plenty of people be that drunk if you add pills or other drugs it is very believable.

If it's the one I've been reading about lately it was recorded on multiple cell phones. It is that footage that the SO and the DA is building a case from.

04-19-15, 10:33
If it's the one I've been reading about lately it was recorded on multiple cell phones. It is that footage that the SO and the DA is building a case from.

Yeah. I'm embarrassed that someone had the balls to write "something is fishy here". Perhaps sevenhelmet did not read the entire article, or watch the video.

Because comments like these imply she's given consent:

"Hey n&&&a, watch me finna stick my hand down her pants and see what she do! She won't know"
"yo bend her ass over n&&&a man lemme know how it feels!"

04-19-15, 12:00
Yeah. I'm embarrassed that someone had the balls to write "something is fishy here". Perhaps sevenhelmet did not read the entire article, or watch the video.

Because comments like these imply she's given consent:

"Hey n&&&a, watch me finna stick my hand down her pants and see what she do! She won't know"
"yo bend her ass over n&&&a man lemme know how it feels!"

I think the point was, you wake up with a raging hangover and somethings a bit sore below the Mason Dixon, you might be a bit curious as to why.
Rape is an ugly crime, and I cannot imagine how a young girl would discount any physical evidence upon awakening.
You have to ask yourself, "Why wasn't that taken in to account immeadiatly?"

04-19-15, 12:19
So we all complain about the media playing up the fact that a white cop shot a black man... And justly critique the media... And then we start threads that have the same type of headline. Interesting double standard.

04-19-15, 12:29
So we all complain about the media playing up the fact that a white cop shot a black man... And justly critique the media... And then we start threads that have the same type of headline. Interesting double standard.

I'm sure that some folks are a bit outraged that the entire national crime rate is slewed so far out of whack and under reported when it comes to race.
Black on Black and Black on White crime rates are disproportionally high. White on Black crimes are relatively rare in comparison, but they always seem to recievie plenty of Press and manufactured "Outrage".

Boba Fett v2
04-19-15, 12:29
So we all complain about the media playing up the fact that a white cop shot a black man... And justly critique the media... And then we start threads that have the same type of headline. Interesting double standard.
That's because people seize on opportunities to prove that minorities are not an exception when it comes to criminal behavior. The perception is that there's a double standard in the media when it comes to reporting on race related issues. Fox, MSNBC, CNN... all guilty. The way to keep the masses under your heel is to keep them bickering and distracted over trivial matters. But people eat this shit up and continue to use shit like this to perpetuate their own agendas. What you're seeing here is just that. My .02 cents.

Boba Fett v2
04-19-15, 12:33
I'm sure that some folks are a bit outraged that the entire national crime rate is slewed so far out of whack and under reported when it comes to race.
Black on Black and Black on White crime rates are disproportionally high. White on Black crimes are relatively rare in comparison, but they always seem to recievie plenty of Press and manufactured "Outrage".
That works both ways, and holds true for most mainstream media outlets. Faux News is just as guilty as manufacturing outrage as any of the other news media outlets. Let's call a spade a spade.

Straight Shooter
04-19-15, 12:47
That works both ways, and holds true for most mainstream media outlets. Faux News is just as guilty as manufacturing outrage as any of the other news media outlets. Let's call a spade a spade.

DAMN RIGHT. Ive told people for years now that FOX isnt a conservatives best friend. They lie as much, maybe more, than any others, exception being MSNBC.
And Averageman is 100% correct about black on black and black on white crime. ESPECIALLY black on white. Anyone that doubts the media doesn't hide and/or omit info on these crimes is either a damned lier or too ignorant to speak on the subject.

04-19-15, 12:53
That works both ways, and holds true for most mainstream media outlets. Faux News is just as guilty as manufacturing outrage as any of the other news media outlets. Let's call a spade a spade.

I agree, lets skip all of the outrage.
That is what I go by and I'm not outraged, just a bit surprised that this isn't reported. It takes a bit of the "juice" out of guys like Rev Al comming out and blaming it all on white (or hispanic's who fall under the white catgory here) people.

Boba Fett v2
04-19-15, 13:05
I agree, lets skip all of the outrage.
That is what I go by and I'm not outraged, just a bit surprised that this isn't reported. It takes a bit of the "juice" out of guys like Rev Al comming out and blaming it all on white (or hispanic's who fall under the white catgory here) people.
Interesting. Blacks lead Whites in arrest for rape, which is funny considering most Black celebrities who get caught up in scandal typically revolves around some sort of sexual misconduct. I would say the stats are pretty much proportional with the overall demographic make-up in this country as well.

Anyway. I stand by my assessment that Soul Train was waaay better than American Bandstand.

04-19-15, 13:28
Interesting. Blacks lead Whites in arrest for rape, which is funny considering most Black celebrities who get caught up in scandal typically revolves around some sort of sexual misconduct. I would say the stats are pretty much proportional with the overall demographic make-up in this country as well.

Anyway. I stand by my assessment that Soul Train was waaay better than American Bandstand.

I don't want to pick nits, but not so much. 12.6% vs 72.2%.
And "Midnight Special" was the best of the three.

04-19-15, 13:40
I think the point was, you wake up with a raging hangover and somethings a bit sore below the Mason Dixon, you might be a bit curious as to why.
Rape is an ugly crime, and I cannot imagine how a young girl would discount any physical evidence upon awakening.
You have to ask yourself, "Why wasn't that taken in to account immeadiatly?"

Maybe she likes to drink and has a bf she has a ton of sex with? Maybe she doesn't have a bf and just enjoys consensual sex? Maybe she had a kid and is loose, or her rapists were only equipped with pencil sized tools?

There are many reasons she might not have noticed.

04-19-15, 13:44
Maybe she likes to drink and has a bf she has a ton of sex with? Maybe she doesn't have a bf and just enjoys consensual sex? Maybe she had a kid and is loose, or her rapists were only equipped with pencil sized tools?

There are many reasons she might not have noticed.

I think that's "stretching" things a bit.

Boba Fett v2
04-19-15, 13:53
Maybe she likes to drink and has a bf she has a ton of sex with? Maybe she doesn't have a bf and just enjoys consensual sex? Maybe she had a kid and is loose, or her rapists were only equipped with pencil sized tools?

There are many reasons she might not have noticed.
It's "open" for interpretation.

04-19-15, 14:00
Some of the posts in this thread are absurd. She was obviously gang raped and likely drugged in the process. Full stop. That's the end of the story, and I absolutely despise SJW-types that flop all over the place about rape culture.

Just because she may have some extenuating circumstances that may have affected her anatomy the morning after (sleeps around a lot, a larger disposition, lots of sex with a loved one, felt sore but didn't do anything about it because she couldn't remember, whatever) doesn't change the fact that she got gang raped. Her potential whoring around has nothing to do with the criminal actions of multiple men.

Boba Fett v2
04-19-15, 14:11
Some of the posts in this thread are absurd. She was obviously gang raped and likely drugged in the process. Full stop. That's the end of the story, and I absolutely despise SJW-types that flop all over the place about rape culture.

Just because she may have some extenuating circumstances that may have affected her anatomy the morning after (sleeps around a lot, a larger disposition, lots of sex with a loved one, felt sore but didn't do anything about it because she couldn't remember, whatever) doesn't change the fact that she got gang raped. Her potential whoring around has nothing to do with the criminal actions of multiple men.
And I'm sure this happens far more often then what is being reported. It's just being brought to the forefront because there's race and don't-give-two-****s bystanders involved. I think the bigger question here is why the double standard when it comes to media coverage? There's far worse tragedy happening in the world than just this I guarantee you that. Sucks for the girl, but maybe justice will prevail and life will go on. Why get emotionally invested?

04-19-15, 16:46
Some of the posts in this thread are absurd. She was obviously gang raped and likely drugged in the process. Full stop. That's the end of the story, and I absolutely despise SJW-types that flop all over the place about rape culture.

Just because she may have some extenuating circumstances that may have affected her anatomy the morning after (sleeps around a lot, a larger disposition, lots of sex with a loved one, felt sore but didn't do anything about it because she couldn't remember, whatever) doesn't change the fact that she got gang raped. Her potential whoring around has nothing to do with the criminal actions of multiple men.

I don't think it would matter what "extenuating circumstances" there might be, being gang raped by four guys is going to leave her with some personal questions, perhaps some physical evidence and some soreness in the morning. Hopefully She went to an ER in the morning.
I would think regardless of her sexual experiance or perhaps because of it, She would know someone has been doing something to her while She was passed out.
The crimminal actions of multiple men, I agree is pretty disgusting.

04-19-15, 18:04
I think the point was, you wake up with a raging hangover and somethings a bit sore below the Mason Dixon, you might be a bit curious as to why.
Rape is an ugly crime, and I cannot imagine how a young girl would discount any physical evidence upon awakening.
You have to ask yourself, "Why wasn't that taken in to account immeadiatly?"

Well in my experience with vaginas is they all are a bit different some may not be split wide open after sex. lets see here reasons someone may not want immediately say something, shame to themselfs, parents, STD, ridicual by thier peers. Once video is linked they know they cannot hide it and pretend nothing happened. Several reasons why this may not have happened.

04-19-15, 19:01
If denial and or shame is why She didn't seek out some sort of medical help or report the possibility that She was drugged and raped, something pretty vital was missing on the Home Front when She was being raised.
I think if my Kid and especially if my Daughter asked for 3K to go to South Padre, St Pete or anywhere else for Spring break on my dime, all while I was paying the toll at the Major Univeristy of their choice; I think "Pound Sand" would be my reply.
I don't have a lot of tollerance for those who are born with the silver spoon in their mouths and then screw up and get themselves in a situation. I don't want to blame the victim here, but how do you raise a daughter in this day and age and skip the "Some Boys will try and get you drunk and drugged so they can rape you." Talk? or the " No matter what happens, no matter how bad, just tell us and we will support you" Talks?
I'm probobly from another generation, but I can't help but think something vital was missing in this kid long before She took her SAT's.

04-19-15, 19:22
Who cares if they were black and she was white?

04-19-15, 19:23
Well in my experience with vaginas is they all are a bit different some may not be split wide open after sex...

It sounds like you are opening the door to a variation of the Johnnie Cochrane defense. This version is called: "If the dick don't fit, you must acquit."

04-19-15, 19:27
Who cares if they were black and she was white?

Obviously not the usual race hustlers who come out of the wood work when the roles are reversed a la Duke Lacrosse and Tawana Brawley.


04-19-15, 19:35
Who cares if they were black and she was white?

You might want to look at the numbers of those crimes black on white and get back to us.

04-19-15, 19:39
ditto others :)

only because if it was 2 white guys on a black chick it would be riots and sharpton and the BP running down there
its a double standard that is happening
the black lives matter screaming yet so many of the crimes of blacks on whites goes silent

IMHO its about time people should be screaming and making notice and showing the truth

agree does not matter in some sense of the crime but matters in the political and divided country we have today that we have to look at when rolling stones makes a huge deal about white kids but turns out fake and we have real things happening and silence IMHO that is why sadly !

Who cares if they were black and she was white?

04-19-15, 20:17
If denial and or shame is why She didn't seek out some sort of medical help or report the possibility that She was drugged and raped, something pretty vital was missing on the Home Front when She was being raised.
I think if my Kid and especially if my Daughter asked for 3K to go to South Padre, St Pete or anywhere else for Spring break on my dime, all while I was paying the toll at the Major Univeristy of their choice; I think "Pound Sand" would be my reply.
I don't have a lot of tollerance for those who are born with the silver spoon in their mouths and then screw up and get themselves in a situation. I don't want to blame the victim here, but how do you raise a daughter in this day and age and skip the "Some Boys will try and get you drunk and drugged so they can rape you." Talk? or the " No matter what happens, no matter how bad, just tell us and we will support you" Talks?
I'm probobly from another generation, but I can't help but think something vital was missing in this kid long before She took her SAT's.

What I'm getting from this post is, "I don't want to blame the victim here... but I'm blaming the victim."

04-19-15, 21:15
Who cares if they were black and she was white?

Personally nothing! However as others have said if it had been white on black it would be on my local news stations. So it's only importance is media basis maybe. How many woman are subjected to abuse regaudless of thier race by pimps. It makes my skin crawl and my stomach turn with fury as I see it more then I ever wish I would have years ago.

04-19-15, 21:32
If denial and or shame is why She didn't seek out some sort of medical help or report the possibility that She was drugged and raped, something pretty vital was missing on the Home Front when She was being raised.
I think if my Kid and especially if my Daughter asked for 3K to go to South Padre, St Pete or anywhere else for Spring break on my dime, all while I was paying the toll at the Major Univeristy of their choice; I think "Pound Sand" would be my reply.
I don't have a lot of tollerance for those who are born with the silver spoon in their mouths and then screw up and get themselves in a situation. I don't want to blame the victim here, but how do you raise a daughter in this day and age and skip the "Some Boys will try and get you drunk and drugged so they can rape you." Talk? or the " No matter what happens, no matter how bad, just tell us and we will support you" Talks?
I'm probobly from another generation, but I can't help but think something vital was missing in this kid long before She took her SAT's.

Sorry but not everyone gets those heart to hearts, most young people don't believe in human savagery until they witness it. Let's say she did notice a " soreness" is it out of the question for her to think damn I got really drunk accidentally and had some crazy sex with a dude? If the video evidence shows or depicts her attempting to resist or others commenting about how she will not know so what ever you want is good to go. Then she sees this and immediately realizes that several guys forced thier selfs inside her while other scum watched and videoed. Huh guess that would be her fault to. I hope you don't have children because most are kinda of thick headed and have to learn the hard way. I hope yours don't as she did. I also like how you immediately assumed she is some privileged person. Maybe if she was a pulper's child you would care. That almost sound like a commie I guess her privilege made her deserving of the dark clouds and cold winds of fate. I cannot even fathom your assumptions nor your lack of empathy. should she have known better maybe, but youth embrace the ignorance of the world which their parents created only to be food for the wolf. Sorry but I will always stand against the predator who ever the victim maybe.

04-19-15, 21:54
Seems like Florida in general is a Mecca for the dregs of society.

04-20-15, 00:58
So we all complain about the media playing up the fact that a white cop shot a black man... And justly critique the media... And then we start threads that have the same type of headline. Interesting double standard.

This is an udder crock of bovine feces.

We all know the mainstream media, the DOJ, POTUS, LULAC, NAACP, Rainbow Coalition, National Action Network, et al. all ignore black on white hate crimes in this country yet sensationalize any time a "minority" is the perceived victim of a white person.

04-20-15, 01:01
Some of the posts in this thread are absurd. She was obviously gang raped and likely drugged in the process. Full stop. That's the end of the story, and I absolutely despise SJW-types that flop all over the place about rape culture.

Just because she may have some extenuating circumstances that may have affected her anatomy the morning after (sleeps around a lot, a larger disposition, lots of sex with a loved one, felt sore but didn't do anything about it because she couldn't remember, whatever) doesn't change the fact that she got gang raped. Her potential whoring around has nothing to do with the criminal actions of multiple men.

This post is spot on!

04-20-15, 01:07
Who cares if they were black and she was white?

Since Holder's appointment one of the first things he did was censor the FBI crimes by demographic data. So we can look to the data published in 2007.

After researching the FBI numbers for "Suicide of a Superpower," this writer concluded: "An analysis of 'single offender victimization figures' from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study."

Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.

If interracial crime is the ugliest manifestation of racism, what does this tell us about where racism really resides — in America?

04-20-15, 01:47
Seems like Florida in general is a Mecca for the dregs of society.

That's what passes for "Spring Break" these days. We've come a long way from Connie Francis. Even worse goes on at the Hip Hop Festival every year, thankfully that is mostly confined to Dade county.

04-20-15, 08:37
I also like how you immediately assumed she is some privileged person. Maybe if she was a pulper's child you would care. That almost sound like a commie I guess her privilege made her deserving of the dark clouds and cold winds of fate. I cannot even fathom your assumptions nor your lack of empathy. should she have known better maybe, but youth embrace the ignorance of the world which their parents created only to be food for the wolf. Sorry but I will always stand against the predator who ever the victim maybe.

You're way off track with this assumption. I tend to see a lot of Children of privledge go through life with blinders to this kind of stuff ever happening to them. I think Parents owe it to their kids to be honest with them.
A paupers child, or someone earning their own way through school would most likely be working or studying rather than going to Spring Break.

04-20-15, 10:15
You're way off track with this assumption. I tend to see a lot of Children of privledge go through life with blinders to this kind of stuff ever happening to them. I think Parents owe it to their kids to be honest with them.
A paupers child, or someone earning their own way through school would most likely be working or studying rather than going to Spring Break.

I see plenty that may not party as much or in wealth due to money, however to say they never part take in such events is BS.

04-20-15, 10:57
Don't get me wrong it annoys me to no end watching people's ignorant bliss. However I still believe the victim to be a victim and all who took part and watched doing whole nothing should be charged. Unfortunately I am sure the punishment will not fit the crime in my eyes.

04-20-15, 11:08
Nary a whisper from the MM..but wait - look here - black man cuffed by cops dies - protesters go nuts...


04-20-15, 15:25
Who has seen the unedited video? Maybe the reason no one did anything about it was because they didnt think they were raping her or they just thought hey they're just having sex on the beach no big deal.

Boba Fett v2
04-20-15, 16:46
Police brutality is back in style.