View Full Version : Need to trouble shoot crazy situation

07-13-08, 15:12

Due to my extreme embarrassment, I wasn't going to post this question. Enough time has passed and I figured my ego could take a few flames.

Came back from the range after shooting my 6920 and my BM. Cleaned the Colt first and everything was fine. Not sure if I ran a brush through it. It was its second time at the range and it has only seen about 75 rounds so far. I think I ran four patched through it. All went well.

I then began to clean the BM which I clean after each and every use. It has seen perhaps 800 rounds.

Like I always do, I inserted my Dewey bore guide, set up my Dewey rod with a brass bore brush(I think it's brass), and the damn thing got caught up the instant it entered the barrel. Yeah, it got past the breach and (forgive me, I don't know the name of it) the transitional width section between the breach and the bore.

That thing was in there!

I pulled the rod guide back a bit and could easily see the brush...just jammed in there. It managed to get itself all the way into the bore...up to its full length...before it stopped cold.

I didn't try to force it. I gave up and tried to pull it back...but the damn thing wouldn't budge.

I eventually put the Dewey rod's plastic handle in my vise, grabbed my upper with both hands, and slowly pulled and turned the upper till I dislodged the brush.

What the Hell was that? There were no obstructions. The last time I cleaned it, it did give me a bit of resistance, but it was no big deal.

Any thoughts or advice?

I thought about buying an Otis system 'cause I heard it was a bit more "bore friendly."

07-13-08, 17:06
Don't exactly understand (wasn't there, didn't see it) your description but two things come to mind. One, if you reverse or attempt to reverse a bore brush while it is in the barrel it can 'lock up' sort of the way you described it. Two, could the brush been for something just a bit larger than .22? Just a couple of thoughts, hope it helps :)

07-13-08, 21:02
Don't get rid of the Dewey!!!!!!

As for Otis, look at the Sniper 7.62/5.56 kit. Should be able to find one for about $30 (or less) in a molle pouch.
It's a nice addition to any range bag.

07-13-08, 21:21
Are you sure it's a .22cal brush and not something similar in size like a .270cal, I'm looking at both right now and can see how they'd be easily confused if not next to each other? New brush by any chance? Going the same way as the last time?

07-13-08, 21:23
My guess is you were using a poor quality bore brush. All .233 bore brushs are not alike. The best bore brush I have found is from Pro-shot Products P.O. Box 763 Taylorville,Il.62568

Part #22CF .223 Cal.

This bore brush is Phos Bronze with a true Brass Core. It's sized correct and that is very important in a tight chrome lined .223 bores. Any off sizing of the bristles and you have real problems.

07-13-08, 22:41
My guess is you were using a poor quality bore brush. All .233 bore brushs are not alike. The best bore brush I have found is from Pro-shot Products P.O. Box 763 Taylorville,Il.62568

Part #22CF .223 Cal.

This bore brush is Phos Bronze with a true Brass Core. It's sized correct and that is very important in a tight chrome lined .223 bores. Any off sizing of the bristles and you have real problems.

Ok, I will get one right now. I'm too scared to use the one I've got now!

07-14-08, 08:00
Ok, I will get one right now. I'm too scared to use the one I've got now!

Let the forum know what you think about the brush after you use it.

Keep in mind try never to reverse the brush while it's in your bbl. go all the way through one way.

I remove the brush after pushing it through my bbl. and then pull my Dewey rod out.

07-14-08, 11:16
Let the forum know what you think about the brush after you use it.

Keep in mind try never to reverse the brush while it's in your bbl. go all the way through one way.

I remove the brush after pushing it through my bbl. and then pull my Dewey rod out.

I got your IM. Thanks.