View Full Version : Joining the military is an act of cowardice, ignorance, or greed-AdamKokesh

04-20-15, 17:15
Don't watch this video if you have a temper (SFW)


Seriously, if you watch this video and you have a temper, you might damage whatever electronic device you're watching it on.

**** this guy.

Joining the military is an act of cowardice, ignorance, or greed

04-20-15, 17:30
That's the dude that showed up in Freedom Plaza with a shotty.

They busted him living in a flophouse with shrooms and a bunch of guns over in Herndon.

04-20-15, 18:32
I just can't get worked up enough to be angry I guess.

When you have that level of stupidity, calling everyone else "stupid" it's more or less the rantings of a bag lady pushing a shopping cart down the street.

I actually laughed when they showed Obama getting off the plane while talking about the "evil government" part.

So to surmise, this video is so incredibly stupid, it actually caused a moment where I didn't hate Obama. And that isn't easy.

Boba Fett v2
04-20-15, 18:53
Cool story, bro.

Outlander Systems
04-20-15, 18:56
Total assclown.

Sounds like baby, throwing a tantrum.

Mr blasty
04-20-15, 19:31
Meh. I didn't really get that worked up. I just kinda zoned out his retarded rhetoric and watched the video for a bit until I got bored. I was more bummed by the fact that I can't punch people through screens.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

04-20-15, 20:54
A guy I served with went off the deep end of Government conspiracy, war crimes, war profit machine, etc.. a few years ago. Crazy people join the military too.

04-20-15, 21:44
A guy I served with went off the deep end of Government conspiracy, war crimes, war profit machine, etc.. a few years ago. Crazy people join the military too.

Pretty much. Post Vietnam "conspiracy vets" were a dime a dozen in the late 70s.

04-20-15, 21:48
Adam Kokesh has his own listing on wikipedia so feel free to start there than go to the bottom of the page and read the cited articles.

I guess he is just as much of a "welfare queen" as every one he condemned in that video

He earned those benefits just like everyone who has volunteered and worn that uniform.

IMO, the guy is a mess, can't find it in myself to hate him, but can't really find it in my self to like him either. Sort of like a next door neighbors dog that yaps at everything. You just learn to ignore them.

04-20-15, 23:09
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04-21-15, 00:17
Reminds me of Rev. Phelps a little bit, saying offensive things to make a name and then possibly cash in.

Reading this is all I need to know about the guy.

Kokesh came to disparage war and advocate nonviolent resistance to power. Variously identifying as anarchist, anarcho-capitalist, agorist, voluntaryist, Kokesh has called for a "new American revolution" for the "orderly dissolution of the federal government."

Either genuinely detached from reality or trying to earn a living as a "fringe" leader. Either way, I have almost no feelings about the guy. He is one of the costs of our freedom of speech and THANKFULLY thousands of men in uniform are defending his right to say stupid shit on Youtube.

04-21-15, 00:19
Reminds me of Rev. Phelps a little bit, saying offensive things to make a name and then possibly cash in.

Reading this is all I need to know about the guy.

Kokesh came to disparage war and advocate nonviolent resistance to power. Variously identifying as anarchist, anarcho-capitalist, agorist, voluntaryist, Kokesh has called for a "new American revolution" for the "orderly dissolution of the federal government."

Either genuinely detached from reality or trying to earn a living as a "fringe" leader. Either way, I have almost no feelings about the guy. He is one of the costs of our freedom of speech and THANKFULLY thousands of men in uniform are defending his right to say stupid shit on Youtube.

04-21-15, 00:58
I didn't know that he was still around. Meh; thought he was a waste of flesh when was in the news a lot last year and that hasn't changed any

04-21-15, 02:08
I'm really annoyed that he identifies himself as libertarian.

04-21-15, 03:13
I'm really annoyed that he identifies himself as libertarian.

No worse than Bill Maher. A LOT of communists, anarchists and just plain assholes call themselves libertarians because it just sounds better than being an asshole, anarchist or communists. Most people I've met outside the firearms community have no idea what being a libertarian even means, they mostly assume it is the "free weed for everyone" political party.

04-21-15, 09:17
I served with cats like him. Guys that got disenfranchised with the system because they kept getting NJP'd for being retards so they blamed their own ****uppery on the SYSTEM.

04-21-15, 11:53
I thought parts of the video were pretty humorous. He kept blathering on for so long I just tuned him out.

1 dickhead's opinion out of 330 million Americans, no biggie.

04-21-15, 12:33
I served with cats like him. Guys that got disenfranchised with the system because they kept getting NJP'd for being retards so they blamed their own ****uppery on the SYSTEM.

Yep...he's just a whiney little bitch-boy because he didn't get it his way...easy enough to ignore...

04-21-15, 15:31
People like that aren't worth the effort it takes to get worked up about.

04-21-15, 16:55
Former Marine. Just Great. What an embarrassment. So much for Semper Fi. David

04-22-15, 07:17
I guess douches like this Adam Kokesh has never heard of Pat Tillman, JD Potynsky, or the countless other Veterans that volunteered for service AFTER giving up money, careers, etc.

04-22-15, 07:21
I served with cats like him. Guys that got disenfranchised with the system because they kept getting NJP'd for being retards so they blamed their own ****uppery on the SYSTEM.

It never ceased to amaze me.

The USMC pays you. They paid you to move to Hawaii. They pay you more money because you live in Hawaii. They feed you. They house you. They clothe you.

All you had to do was run up KT every once in a while and keep your mouth shut when Gunny was trying to make a point...oh, and not do Heroine.

But so many couldn't....I don't get it.

04-22-15, 09:32
F'n ass-clown.

04-22-15, 09:49
But so many couldn't....I don't get it.

Yeah, I get that both ways, Marines doing things that they should of used their better judgement on, and people who were going to join and then didn't. I got sick of both of them.

04-22-15, 16:43
Nice stasche bro!

Straight Shooter
04-22-15, 20:38
As a former Marine...I just do not get my drawers in bunch over ****nuts like this. He is 100% meaningless to me. I actually WANT to know who feels like this...so if ever the time comes maybe someone can extract some sorta vengeance on the mothersucker.