View Full Version : Pew: Most Americans Believe Gun Ownership – Not Gun Control – Makes People Safer

Amp Mangum
04-21-15, 10:47
Exactly two years after President Obama's bid for gun control following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting died in Congress, a new poll has discovered a huge shift in public opinion to backing Second Amendment gun rights and away from controlling gun ownership.


04-21-15, 11:03
Interesting that this is correlated with the perception of a rising national crime rate, while the reality is exactly the opposite.

04-21-15, 12:35
Interesting that this is correlated with the perception of a rising national crime rate, while the reality is exactly the opposite.

As we well know, perception has more impact on people than reality. Sad, but very true. The way the media sensationalizes all the crime stories in order to push a POV and sell advertising the perception is that the country is ripe with violence. For some weird reason, my parent watch the news all the time and in my times visiting them, the news reports a laden with criminal activity. The perception there is that their world is full of violent rapists ready to pounce at any moment. At the same time that perception causes a realization that the police can't help you.

04-21-15, 14:39
I think it's interesting in light of how much the media hates guns that their own fear mongering may result in more people thinking they need guns, despite a lowered crime rate.

That's what you call ironic.

04-21-15, 15:18
I think it's interesting in light of how much the media hates guns that their own fear mongering may result in more people thinking they need guns, despite a lowered crime rate.

That's what you call ironic.

Ironic is the fact that Obama has been responsible for more guns sold than Charlton Heston X100. Obama is gun salesmen of the decade. Being totally out of touch with most 'Mericans, he's caused a huge rush on guns and ammo with every attempt to increase restrictions on guns, ignoring the will of most people and the Const. of the county he's POTUS for. Paying no attention to what most people actually want and or ignoring the Const. is far from an Obama or Dem specialty by any means, but Obama's major legacy will be a statue put up by the NRA in his honor for the huge increase in NRA memberships (which were slipping fast prior to his election) and guns sold.