View Full Version : Loretta Lynch Confirmed as Attorney General

04-23-15, 13:53


I've already called Senator Mitch McConnell's Office and told them my thoughts. What a RINO Piece of Shit!

04-23-15, 13:58
Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

That's a "Who's who" list of GOP RINOs, right there.

04-23-15, 14:12

04-23-15, 14:15
I miss Holder already.

04-23-15, 14:41
Ten that must go in the next election cycle.

You'd never know the GOP had a majority anywhere...would you?

Beyond sad!

04-23-15, 15:44
again proof its us against them meaning the gov against us

they do not care one bit about you or me only care about there job and keeping it and advancing it making millions etc.

really wish we could get wages tied to military pay and term limits !

the way its going in history when Rome fell and when the US fell ! we might be the generation that gets to witness this sadly

04-23-15, 15:56
When a person in McConnell's position vote with the opposition Prez...you know we are soooo screwed.

In reality...there is no GOP majority.

04-23-15, 16:02
It pretty much is a one party, incestuous government..


04-23-15, 17:28
Lindsey Graham is a total doucher and seriously isn't fooling anyone by claiming to be an (R) we all know he is a closet (D).

Straight Shooter
04-23-15, 17:39
again proof its us against them meaning the gov against us

they do not care one bit about you or me only care about there job and keeping it and advancing it making millions etc.

really wish we could get wages tied to military pay and term limits !

the way its going in history when Rome fell and when the US fell ! we might be the generation that gets to witness this sadly

When a person in McConnell's position vote with the opposition Prez...you know we are soooo screwed.

In reality...there is no GOP majority.

These ****sticks ARE ALL IN ON IT. EVERYTHING we see in public is a show. I am...and was before today...officially OUT of the voting pool. Im DONE with it.

04-23-15, 18:41
These ****sticks ARE ALL IN ON IT. EVERYTHING we see in public is a show. I am...and was before today...officially OUT of the voting pool. Im DONE with it.

Yep, political theater orchestrated for the masses.

04-23-15, 20:01
A reminder of why you should never say "I'll take anyone but ___, no one can possibly be worse than them."

04-24-15, 09:15
It really does amaze me - really it does - that people still believe the Republican party is a viable solution to our mess. I can't understand why people would still vote and support them. And no, the argument that they are the only opposition to the Dems doesn't hold water.

And yes jmp45 nailed it with his post below...

It pretty much is a one party, incestuous government..


04-24-15, 12:16
One drunk mugging with another...yuck!

04-24-15, 12:42
All I know is I'm voting for Wacka Flacka in 2016....

04-24-15, 13:14
I'd really like to know what Mitch thinks he got out of it (because they were holding out for SOMETHING)..wonder what was enough...

04-24-15, 18:08
Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

That's a "Who's who" list of GOP RINOs, right there.

Lindsey Graham is a total doucher and seriously isn't fooling anyone by claiming to be an (R) we all know he is a closet (D).

These ****sticks ARE ALL IN ON IT. EVERYTHING we see in public is a show. I am...and was before today...officially OUT of the voting pool. Im DONE with it.

What a bunch of Chrony/Oligarch supporting dumbasses...



Shocker - resistance to Voter ID laws... I'm in dismay she has communists behind on the graphics being honored.


04-24-15, 18:12
Part 2 - b/c two videos are not allowed.

Listen to the level of avoidance. Avoidance = A-Hole. Smug-ass POS.

Oh Snap - she refuses to answer Cruz's questions on using drones to kill US citizens without proof of intent on American soil + other violations of our Natural/God Given Rights (which have supremacy to the Constitution BTW - in a free society any ways) + Oligarch moves of the administration via IRS, etc.


04-24-15, 18:31
Remember the good old days when we only had a "zionist occupied government"?

Can we bring them back?


Mauser KAR98K
04-24-15, 19:27
My hopes are officially fading.

If I can switch jobs to where I'm home, I'm thinking of getting active in my local Republician post and try to change things. I may fail. I may not, but I won't stand idly by waiting for the curtain to drop and doing nothing.

Vote and support conservative,and alas, Libertarian candidates.

We cannot loose next election cycle.

04-25-15, 06:40
The good news is that we "only" have 20 months left of this fascist (regime) Administration. The bad news is that they can do a lot of damage, especially with the cooperation of the statist Republicans like the ones listed in this thread. They should be ashamed. Better yet, they should be tarred and feathered!

04-25-15, 07:05
One party with two wings, locked in a continuing struggle to spend other peoples money.

"Leadership" and majorities change hands every couple of cycles so they can stay on script blaming the other guy. It's a hell of a long running hit with the American people.

If voting actually accomplished real change, they would have abolished it by now.

Yep, political theater orchestrated for the masses.

Sent from my PG41200 using Tapatalk 2

04-25-15, 17:45
Lindsey Graham is a total doucher and seriously isn't fooling anyone by claiming to be an (R) we all know he is a closet (D).

He seems to foll the voters in South Carolina very six years.

04-25-15, 17:51
I know I'll catch flak for this, but unfortunately elections have consequences. That means Shitstain gets to put his own peeps in governmental positions. Shy of her being a felon or such there is no reason for her to be denied. Any person appointed by a POTUS is going to do that POTUS's bidding. Did we really expect him to nominate a right-leaning conservative to the job?

04-26-15, 00:59
I know I'll catch flak for this, but unfortunately elections have consequences. That means Shitstain gets to put his own peeps in governmental positions. Shy of her being a felon or such there is no reason for her to be denied. Any person appointed by a POTUS is going to do that POTUS's bidding. Did we really expect him to nominate a right-leaning conservative to the job?

No, but we should expect that Republicans, and anyone who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, to honor that oath, and not sign off on corrupt, professional saboteurs and career criminals occupying government office.

That video was extremely frustrating to watch. Clear display of arrogant, but shrewd evasiveness from a calculating, race hustler lawyer. She, her predecessor, and her boss all belong in prison.

04-26-15, 03:36
No, but we should expect that Republicans, and anyone who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, to honor that oath, and not sign off on corrupt, professional saboteurs and career criminals occupying government office.

That video was extremely frustrating to watch. Clear display of arrogant, but shrewd evasiveness from a calculating, race hustler lawyer. She, her predecessor, and her boss all belong in prison.
Sadly, I believe most politicians regardless of party belong in prison. I don't think it's democrat vs republican anymore. It's them vs us.

04-26-15, 08:03
Sadly, I believe most politicians regardless of party belong in prison. I don't think it's democrat vs republican anymore. It's them vs us.

BINGO!!! There's a whole bunch of truth in that statement...

04-27-15, 14:05
No kidding!

The GOP only made it LOOk as if they were going to fight this...if only to try to fool some of their voters.

However, in the end, whomever is in the Oval Office pretty much gets to nominate whomever they put up there.


Big A
04-27-15, 20:03
Lindsey Graham is a total doucher and seriously isn't fooling anyone by claiming to be an (R) we all know he is a closet (D).

Am I the only one here that thinks of this whenever he is on TV?

And you're right, he is in the closet but it involves a different kinda D...

04-30-15, 08:57
This really sucks. Loretta is going to be awful for this country.

once the dems get a few more SCOTUS justices appointed this country and our rights will be tossed out the window. It scares me.

04-30-15, 14:18
However, in the end, whomever is in the Oval Office pretty much gets to nominate whomever they put up there.

Not "pretty much", the president literally nominates everyone. That's in the job description.

05-01-15, 10:53
I'm never unastounded by the smupid & smupidity.