View Full Version : We Have Officially Passed The Tipping Point...All Is Lost...

04-24-15, 17:40
I really thought I had seen everything and usually nothing annoys me more than the last segment of the nightly news where they provide some social indoctrination under the guise of a human interest story.

This weeks special person is "transgendered children."

Think I'm kidding?





Listening to the "experts" is beyond frightening. They seem to be basing their determinations on nothing more than social opinion. Listening to the parents is disturbing, reminds me of listening to parents who explain that they killed their child because it was possessed by demons.

Now I don't claim to have an easy, obvious answer for this one. But I think most kids feel like they "don't fit in" at some point in their early development about a variety of issues. But I'm not sure each one of those identity crisis issues needs to be addressed and validated, especially this early in the life of a developing child.

I'm also willing to accept that "some" of these kids will have gender identification issues into early adulthood regardless and at that point a decision will have to be made.

But by declaring this the "new normal" we are going to likely do far more harm than good. Kids who would never even question this part of their personality are now going to have to consider it along with all the other things they are forced to deal with as a child.

And rather than protect these kids, who have identity problems, they are putting them on the news front and center. Case in point the parents who took the time to relocated their child at a new school so she could "live as a boy" without being socially rejected by those who knew him as a girl, but then he is on the nightly news for everyone to see.

More importantly, instead of quietly allowing children to make social adjustments, every other child will instead be forced to recognize and accept the "transgender" status of these children. Really happy I didn't even know what that was when I was this age.

I'm actually at a loss for words...

04-24-15, 18:25
Steyr - well put and representative of my POV. I was typing a response and realized you had put forth my questions and concerns better than me.

I'd add - how much of this was faciliated/projected by the parents? Regardless, that kid is likely in for a mind twisting journey.

04-24-15, 18:53
I feel sorry for the kid.. A mind twisting journey is, at best being polite. When he/she/it gets to adult age they are in for a rough ride. Despite the gov't best efforts at making homosexuality a "endangered species" There still enough people in this country who reject it wholesale. The kid needs help, the parents need locked up.

04-24-15, 20:38
I feel sorry for the kidS.. A mind twisting journey is, at best being polite. When he/she/it gets to adult age they are in for a rough ride. Despite the gov't best efforts at making homosexuality a "endangered species" There still enough people in this country who reject it wholesale. The kid needs help, the parents need locked up.

That would be KIDS as in plural. They featured a different transgendered kid aged 4-6 each night. If this was just one kid, I wouldn't be terribly concerned about the sky falling.

04-24-15, 20:51
We're totally doomed. Awesome

04-24-15, 21:13
I've heard of "studies" as early as middle-school age that suggest "trying" an "alternative" sexual experience to see if it is kosher. That is sooooo f****d up it isn't even funny. Sure, encourage some boy to smoke a pole and you don't think he'll have issues later on?

I've analogized this to the current social "norm" that if a gay guy hits on you it should be viewed as "flattering", just like if a chick hit on you. No, it's insulting to a normal man, and would likely instill a hostile reaction if it involved physical contact. Of course that reaction, in today's disgustingly PC society, would be viewed as a hate crime.

04-24-15, 21:20
I really thought I had seen everything and usually nothing annoys me more than the last segment of the nightly news where they provide some social indoctrination under the guise of a human interest story.

This weeks special person is "transgendered children."

Think I'm kidding?





Listening to the "experts" is beyond frightening. They seem to be basing their determinations on nothing more than social opinion. Listening to the parents is disturbing, reminds me of listening to parents who explain that they killed their child because it was possessed by demons.

Now I don't claim to have an easy, obvious answer for this one. But I think most kids feel like they "don't fit in" at some point in their early development about a variety of issues. But I'm not sure each one of those identity crisis issues needs to be addressed and validated, especially this early in the life of a developing child.

I'm also willing to accept that "some" of these kids will have gender identification issues into early adulthood regardless and at that point a decision will have to be made.

But by declaring this the "new normal" we are going to likely do far more harm than good. Kids who would never even question this part of their personality are now going to have to consider it along with all the other things they are forced to deal with as a child.

And rather than protect these kids, who have identity problems, they are putting them on the news front and center. Case in point the parents who took the time to relocated their child at a new school so she could "live as a boy" without being socially rejected by those who knew him as a girl, but then he is on the nightly news for everyone to see.

More importantly, instead of quietly allowing children to make social adjustments, every other child will instead be forced to recognize and accept the "transgender" status of these children. Really happy I didn't even know what that was when I was this age.

I'm actually at a loss for words...

Transgenderism is a mental disorder for which you can receive treatment in the form of psychotherapy. Studies show that 70-80% of children who express transgender feelings will spontaneously lose those feelings over time. Those that defend transgenderism as a civil right, rather than a mental disorder that necessitates treatment and prevention, are doing the public and the transgendered a huge disservice, especially those that promote this ideology to young children. It is tantamount to child abuse to cater to these childrens' "confusion" and promote this mental disorder.

04-24-15, 21:43
Transgenderism is a mental disorder for which you can receive treatment in the form of psychotherapy. Studies show that 70-80% of children who express transgender feelings will spontaneously lose those feelings over time. Those that defend transgenderism as a civil right, rather than a mental disorder that necessitates treatment and prevention, are doing the public and the transgendered a huge disservice, especially those that promote this ideology to young children. It is tantamount to child abuse to cater to these childrens' "confusion" and promote this mental disorder.

Yeah, and when these stories hit the MSM you will usually find that the parents aren't exactly "conservative" in their views either, i.e. they somehow encouraged it. Go figure.

04-24-15, 21:50
You guys are all white privileged cishets, and ought to be ashamed of yourselves, lol.

04-24-15, 22:09
You guys are all white privileged cishets, and ought to be ashamed of yourselves, lol.

I am. :(

26 Inf
04-24-15, 22:10
I've analogized this to the current social "norm" that if a gay guy hits on you it should be viewed as "flattering", just like if a chick hit on you. No, it's insulting to a normal man, and would likely instill a hostile reaction if it involved physical contact. Of course that reaction, in today's disgustingly PC society, would be viewed as a hate crime.

I do believe you could charge the aggressor with a sex crime, sexual battery, if there was uninvited physical contact. No different then a guy grabbing a gal's breast. Waiting for the test case.

26 Inf
04-24-15, 22:37
The problem with any one-size fits all approach to this whole LGBT business is that, well, one size doesn't fit all.

God allows mistakes to happen, folks are born with MS, CP, blind, mental disorders, etc. all the time, it is the nature of things. Is it far-fetched that in some cases that includes the part of the brain that determines sexuality? No it isn't. So, in that respect if we don't hate on, or discriminate against a person with cerebral palsy, then we ought not hate on a person whose sex circuits got twisted.

Some folks don't have the 'oops we put a girl's brain in a boy's body' thing going on, instead they make their choice based on psychological trauma, rejection, low-self-esteem, etc. And some folks are just freaking nuts. We have a local guy who rides around on a bike, wearing 70's era net stockings, and a mini-skirt - with cowboy boots. Pretty fetching, especially in the summer when he goes shirtless. This guy fried his brain in the 70's, if you talk to him he is harmless, he isn't transgender, or gay, he wears his dead wife's clothes because he misses her with all his heart.

Some folks are the victims of enablers. They are victims of the 'gay is normal' bunch. These are kids who have completely normal curiosity, feelings and then because of this mindset, think 'well, I'm gay.' In the case of many (if not most) of these transgendered kids their parents (the enablers) doom them to a life of ridicule and unhappiness because they want to be hip.

So in my view the big problem is one size doesn't fit all. I try to teach my kids the difference between 'it is okay to be gay' and 'it is normal to be gay.'

I like sex, with women, a lot. I also like my wife's vanilla brown sugar body wash - she thinks my daughters are using it, I feel bad when they take the rap for me. Is there any hope for me, or should I go to J. Edgars dressmaker and get fitted, I understand he (the dressmaker) is discreet.

04-24-15, 23:09
ummm once again sorry the brain is not cross wired or anything to make someone gay !
another post someone trying to say its genetics and yet no proof ! to bad the other poster tried to post articles but even the articles said we dont know as there is no genetic proof !!!!
having MS or CP is something that is a known thing so to put those two together is not very fair to those with a true disability !

sadly folks like you who like to try to say its God making mistakes is your opinion ? its just not true its a choice ! and the parents of these kids enable that most likely for attention cause the parents have issues most likely

I guess when kids make the choice they want to only eat chocolate we should enable that and embrace it and allow it cause its there choice !
I guess then if someone likes to kill animals and torture them they were made that way and we should accept it cause its normal for them !

04-24-15, 23:13
Hang in there, it is not over yet. The rest of us are still here.

04-25-15, 01:52
99.9% of the problem of these "confused" children are the parents/legal guardians.

04-25-15, 02:32
Hang in there, it is not over yet. The rest of us are still here.

It ain't you guys I'm worried about. It's the rest of the country who vastly outnumber us that concern me.

99.9% of the problem of these "confused" children are the parents/legal guardians.

That might be too simplistic. Most kids are confused about most things. Sadly life is confusing and trying to reconcile your personal experiences with what your parents tell you life is "supposed" to be like causes enough problem.

Like Honu pointed out, you don't let your kids eat birthday cake for dinner every night simply because they feel deep inside that it's the best thing for them. I don't think these parents are causing the problem in most cases so much as enabling them. I think the real damage is done by the therapists who specialize in treating "transgender" children. How many time do you imagine they tell the parent's "Not to worry, it's perfectly fine and there is nothing wrong with your child beyond curiosity. You should take him home, he doesn't need my help."

04-25-15, 03:38
That might be too simplistic. Most kids are confused about most things. Sadly life is confusing and trying to reconcile your personal experiences with what your parents tell you life is "supposed" to be like causes enough problem.

Like Honu pointed out, you don't let your kids eat birthday cake for dinner every night simply because they feel deep inside that it's the best thing for them. I don't think these parents are causing the problem in most cases so much as enabling them. I think the real damage is done by the therapists who specialize in treating "transgender" children. How many time do you imagine they tell the parent's "Not to worry, it's perfectly fine and there is nothing wrong with your child beyond curiosity. You should take him home, he doesn't need my help."

I know it's not a catch all cause but it's a huge part of the problem. There is a reason we only see transgender specific schools in CA. IMHO the parents sway and lead their children in these directions. Kind of like how Brad and Angela are dressing one of their little girls as a boy.

This typical feminist lesbian couple are a prime example.

The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

04-25-15, 04:24
I know it's not a catch all cause but it's a huge part of the problem. There is a reason we only see transgender specific schools in CA. IMHO the parents sway and lead their children in these directions. Kind of like how Brad and Angela are dressing one of their little girls as a boy.

This typical feminist lesbian couple are a prime example.

The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

Yeah, I was going to cite that example, but it is just so monstrously deranged it's an entire topic by itself.

04-25-15, 06:17
No, it's insulting to a normal man, and would likely instill a hostile reaction if it involved physical contact. Of course that reaction, in today's disgustingly PC society, would be viewed as a hate crime.

You want to see some liberal head explosions? Invite your black friends (well, at least my black friends are like this) out when your liberal college friends are hanging out and then transition the convo to gay people.

They can't disagree with the black dudes because that's racist, but they can't let the black dudes continue talking about f***ots and other such things because that's "homophobic". :suicide:

04-25-15, 06:27
More media and government driven nonsense to further divide us along gender, and sexuality. Trumped up controversy to p*ss off the majority of Americans who don't want government education to further sexualize CHILDREN.

04-25-15, 08:39
This is child abuse. Institutionalizd child abuse in the schools.

One really efed up part of it is it is so artificial, that same old genderized roles and interests BS.
These children do not have sexualized desires for approval and affection of their same gender, which is the vast majority of cases of homosexuality, IMO, and which, in part, may be due to a hormonal predisposition but is nurtured nontheless. No, these kids are being told they ARE a boy/girl simply because they prefer or don't prefer artificially designated gender assignments. "Oh little child, you like riding bikes, wrestling, bugs and dirt? And get along better with most boys because of it? Well, then, you're not a girl, you're a boy."

Sick! Deranged! CHILD ABUSE!
When jackass kids at school make fun of a boy calling them gay for being different and musical that kid goes home to tell his parents and what do they say? "Well maybe they are right... You might be a girl."
The whole concept of transgenderism grants the very premises the LGBT community has fought.

This goes both ways. Religious communities adverse to homosexuality can inadvertently twist kids around by rebuking them for the same artificialities.

04-25-15, 10:57
If anyone, straight or homo, puts their unwelcome hands on you it could easily be considered assault.

LEO"S won't stand for it, so why should anyone else...?

04-25-15, 15:43
good point about this being child abuse jerry ! and sadly these days good parenting and spanking a child is now child abuse in some places !

agree our country as a whole is on a spiral I do believe more than half do not want this kinda stuff but the ones in power do and these days it just amazes me like the hillary email if it was anyone else they would be on trial ? what holder did they would be on trial
OH but spank your childs bottom in wal mart cause they kept screaming for that toy and you go to jail get your kids taken away from you

04-25-15, 17:46
If anyone, straight or homo, puts their unwelcome hands on you it could easily be considered assault.

LEO"S won't stand for it, so why should anyone else...?

Well, I guess most men wouldn't press the issue if some chick (especially if hot!) grabbed their ass. However, another dude does it and there's gonna be a beat down; I wouldn't find it to be a "compliment".

26 Inf
04-25-15, 18:19
ummm once again sorry the brain is not cross wired or anything to make someone gay !

I am sure you support nambla and there views on what they think normal is to

Hey, thanks for the gratuitous insult. Don't see where I said anything about nambla.

It sounds as if you read the first paragraph/sentence of my post, decided you didn't agree and read no further. If you took the time to read what I posted - I think you would see that at no point did I say homosexuality was normal. Your equivocal statement that the brain 'is not cross wired or anything to make someone gay' is still open for debate in the scientific community - there is no absolute evidence one way or the other.

I erred in my post in that I did not state 'I believe' there are 3 causes or homosexuality, those are my beliefs, obviously they differ from yours.

Regarding the kids, I'm thinking this statement from my post: In the case of many (if not most) of these transgendered kids their parents (the enablers) doom them to a life of ridicule and unhappiness because they want to be hip - pretty much is in line with what you said.

Regarding killing animals and torturing them, that generally is not a consensual thing, and it isn't normal. Please leave over the top strawman arguments/comparisons such as these out of the discussion.

04-25-15, 18:52
At risk of sounding like I work here, and not directed at anyone specifically, PLEASE keep it on topic and not about each other. I get enough threads locked because we can't discuss a subject without getting personal.

04-26-15, 01:07
this is the problem I had with what you said :) sorry to be so harsh then I took that part out but getting sick of the God made gay people that way viewpoint we all have free choice which you understand and that goes for anyones actions and what they do

where I have a issue

So in my view the big problem is one size doesn't fit all. I try to teach my kids the difference between 'it is okay to be gay' and 'it is normal to be gay.'
what is normal ?

God allows mistakes to happen, folks are born with MS, CP, blind, mental disorders, etc. all the time, it is the nature of things. Is it far-fetched that in some cases that includes the part of the brain that determines sexuality? No it isn't.

so it seems you think God made a mistake and cross wired someones brains to be Gay or its up for debate ? then murderers and child molesters must fall under that as they have no proof of what makes them that way either but are trying so its not so far fetched we have to accept them the way they are !

we do know what causes MS and other diseases so there is a HUGE difference to try to say that its not far fetched ? well yeah IMHO it is far fetched one is known thing the other is not known and cant be proved even though they keep trying ?

Hey, thanks for the gratuitous insult. Don't see where I said anything about nambla.

It sounds as if you read the first paragraph/sentence of my post, decided you didn't agree and read no further. If you took the time to read what I posted - I think you would see that at no point did I say homosexuality was normal. Your equivocal statement that the brain 'is not cross wired or anything to make someone gay' is still open for debate in the scientific community - there is no absolute evidence one way or the other.

I erred in my post in that I did not state 'I believe' there are 3 causes or homosexuality, those are my beliefs, obviously they differ from yours.

Regarding the kids, I'm thinking this statement from my post: In the case of many (if not most) of these transgendered kids their parents (the enablers) doom them to a life of ridicule and unhappiness because they want to be hip - pretty much is in line with what you said.

Regarding killing animals and torturing them, that generally is not a consensual thing, and it isn't normal. Please leave over the top strawman arguments/comparisons such as these out of the discussion.

04-26-15, 01:07
it double posted for some reason ?

04-26-15, 09:09
My opinion: Straight folks don't "choose" to be hetero. They are born that way.

When I hit puberty, I didn't say to myself, hhmmmm, do I want to be pole smoker or go for girls?

There was "no choice to be made."

You either find girls/women appeal to you or they don't. There no decision, it just happens.

Same for gays.

04-26-15, 09:15
My opinion: Straight folks don't "choose" to be hetero. They are born that way.

When I hit puberty, I didn't say to myself, hhmmmm, do I want to be pole smoker or go for girls?

There was "no choice to be made."

You either find girls/women appeal to you or they don't. There no decision, it just happens.

Same for gays.

I tend to agree with that statement. However, if you somehow coerce a kid in a particular direction (namely to "explore" homosexuality) you are altering that kid's normal programming and setting him/her up for a very troubled future.

04-26-15, 10:41
I got into an argument on Facebook with someone about whether or not transgenderism is a mental disorder, so I had to go to the DSM to prove it was. Unfortunately, the accepted treatment is now to encourage their transformation, to include gender reassignment surgery, instead of helping them accept the reality of what plumbing they have. The inmates truly run the asylum now.

04-26-15, 11:58
I tend to agree with that statement. However, if you somehow coerce a kid in a particular direction (namely to "explore" homosexuality) you are altering that kid's normal programming and setting him/her up for a very troubled future.

Of course. I don't even understand how it got to be "generally accepted" that it was any different. One need not look any further than kids that are exposed to molestation, incest, sexuality in general, etc at young ages.

How psychologists can look at a girl who grew up to date assholes that beat her and blame her dad who treated her like shit, but look at a son who grew up wanting to be a girl and not blame his parents for encouraging the sex change is beyond me.

26 Inf
04-26-15, 13:54
Honu: Thanks.

where I have a issue

So in my view the big problem is one size doesn't fit all. I try to teach my kids the difference between 'it is okay to be gay' and 'it is normal to be gay.'

what is normal ?

Ahhh, I think this is the misunderstanding, I don't believe it is normal, it is an affliction - the norm is heterosexual for procreation and happiness. My value system, which I try to impart to my kids, is that we need to treat everyone with basic human dignity, but be aware and prepared for the fact that some folks mean us harm. So 'it's okay to be gay' to me means, I'll let God figure out whether they were sinful, I'm not going to hate on them because of their gayness. However, it is okay for us to dislike obnoxious folks of any persuasion.

God allows mistakes to happen, folks are born with MS, CP, blind, mental disorders, etc. all the time, it is the nature of things. Is it far-fetched that in some cases that includes the part of the brain that determines sexuality? No it isn't.

so it seems you think God made a mistake and cross wired someones brains to be Gay or its up for debate?

I believe that a percentage of folks are crosswired - for some reason - God doesn't make mistakes. There are researchers on both sides of the issue, and, to date no conclusive information. I doubt there ever will be totally conclusive evidence. I believe another percentage are gays by choice - whether that be because of low self-esteem, or abuse, or the mistaken belief that thoughts/curiosity makes them gay, IDK.

then murderers and child molesters must fall under that as they have no proof of what makes them that way either but are trying so its not so far fetched we have to accept them the way they are !

Nope. Ultimately we are responsible for our actions. Actions between two consenting adults differ from murder, molestation and other crimes where there is an unwilling victim.

04-26-15, 14:51
then murderers and child molesters must fall under that as they have no proof of what makes them that way either but are trying so its not so far fetched we have to accept them the way they are !

Nope. Ultimately we are responsible for our actions. Actions between two consenting adults differ from murder, molestation and other crimes where there is an unwilling victim.

I think we are beginning to drift.

The entire point of this thread is that these are children. Influencing them to literally disfigure their bodies permanently before they've even reached puberty is certainly not an action between two consenting adults.

04-26-15, 15:28
thanks for the clarification and accepting sorry :)

the normal explanation is much more clear :) and pretty much in line with me and my kids
as I say my neighbors are gay but great folks would trust my kids to run to there house over some looser dude who has a wife and claims to be nice but is not :) I think we are on the same page :)

and the rest to is much more clear :)
again sorry I might be on edge just getting burnt out maybe and quick to jump :)
burnt out on the hate on Christians that seems to be happening (not saying you did this) but just in general making me finally decide to say something back rather than suck it up

Honu: Thanks.

where I have a issue

So in my view the big problem is one size doesn't fit all. I try to teach my kids the difference between 'it is okay to be gay' and 'it is normal to be gay.'

what is normal ?

Ahhh, I think this is the misunderstanding, I don't believe it is normal, it is an affliction - the norm is heterosexual for procreation and happiness. My value system, which I try to impart to my kids, is that we need to treat everyone with basic human dignity, but be aware and prepared for the fact that some folks mean us harm. So 'it's okay to be gay' to me means, I'll let God figure out whether they were sinful, I'm not going to hate on them because of their gayness. However, it is okay for us to dislike obnoxious folks of any persuasion.

God allows mistakes to happen, folks are born with MS, CP, blind, mental disorders, etc. all the time, it is the nature of things. Is it far-fetched that in some cases that includes the part of the brain that determines sexuality? No it isn't.

so it seems you think God made a mistake and cross wired someones brains to be Gay or its up for debate?

I believe that a percentage of folks are crosswired - for some reason - God doesn't make mistakes. There are researchers on both sides of the issue, and, to date no conclusive information. I doubt there ever will be totally conclusive evidence. I believe another percentage are gays by choice - whether that be because of low self-esteem, or abuse, or the mistaken belief that thoughts/curiosity makes them gay, IDK.

then murderers and child molesters must fall under that as they have no proof of what makes them that way either but are trying so its not so far fetched we have to accept them the way they are !

Nope. Ultimately we are responsible for our actions. Actions between two consenting adults differ from murder, molestation and other crimes where there is an unwilling victim.

04-26-15, 16:53
My opinion: Straight folks don't "choose" to be hetero. They are born that way.

When I hit puberty, I didn't say to myself, hhmmmm, do I want to be pole smoker or go for girls?

There was "no choice to be made."

You either find girls/women appeal to you or they don't. There no decision, it just happens.

Same for gays.

I agree. But it's different when you are 4 years old. When you are four years old you feel like you want to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex. And so long as it does no harm you are indulged enough that you may be allowed to stalk around the house making dinosaur noises. But nobody comes along and suggest you might actually BE a dinosaur inside and one day they can sharpen your teeth and shorten your arms.

Thankfully life long decisions weren't made for me based upon "how I felt" at 4-6 years old. Now if it's still there and still going strong when you hit your teens, then it starts being more obvious and by then everyone pretty much knows anyway.

There is one thing I noticed about every gay kid I ever knew about, we all pretty much saw it coming and nobody was really surprised.

04-26-15, 18:05
would be curious though did you know anything about his private life and up bringing ?
and what or how did that effect things

example dad always calling him a sissy cause he would not do something etc. ? no idea and not saying that makes him that way just wondering or the opposite they never corrected the kids behavior and helped it along ? mommas boy coddled to the ends of the earth etc...

There is one thing I noticed about every gay kid I ever knew about, we all pretty much saw it coming and nobody was really surprised.

09-02-15, 21:15
would be curious though did you know anything about his private life and up bringing ?
and what or how did that effect things

example dad always calling him a sissy cause he would not do something etc. ? no idea and not saying that makes him that way just wondering or the opposite they never corrected the kids behavior and helped it along ? mommas boy coddled to the ends of the earth etc...

Just realized I missed this question.

In most cases the parents didn't criticize the kid but just tried to find a suitable place for him. For example they tended to play soccer rather than football, not that soccer is inherently gay, but they didn't have the build to excel at football.

They tended to be focused more on style than girls in middle school. It was a clue. They cared about things most of the rest of us didn't care about. They remained friends and we never made fun of them, at least not anymore than we made fun of everyone else, but we knew something was off and it didn't take us very long to figure it out.

But despite strong feminine traits and some other oddities, in most cases they were still good friends and we treated them accordingly. They never made sexual advances towards any of us, if they weren't sure they were gay, they were sure that we weren't.

Of the half dozen kids I considered "friends" who eventually realized they were gay, only one of them went weirdo on us. Even if he was heterosexual, he was just too damn bizarre to relate to or put up with. The rest are just kids I went to school with, not part of my close circle of friends, just not enough in common, but I don't really have any negative feelings. It's their life, hope they are happy. I don't understand everything they do, but that's probably mutual.

Alex V
09-03-15, 06:18
I guess you guys have not seen advertisements for the show I Am Jazz on TLC?

I saw a few seconds on this story during some news show. Not all the girls in school were cool with this. I think It will continue to use the girls bathroom (I assume since there are stalls and enough privacy) but will have to use the "Gender Nuetral" locker room for gym class.

WTF? I've done a design for one school, no one ever asked me for a Gender Nuetral locker room. If this is the new direction education/institutional architecture is going to have to go, I want off this train.

Can you imagine beeing a girl in this school. You're trying to change for gym and all of a sudden there is a dude with a wig strutting around with his cock-n-nuts dangling in the breeze. "oh don't worry, it's just us girls here!"

Yet another reason the wife and I have decided not to have kids.

09-03-15, 07:02
Communist Goals (1963)

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

09-03-15, 07:42
Communist Goals (1963)

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
I usually stay out of these topics but I'll add my thoughts to this one.

I don't know what a Communist Goal of 1963 is but having been born and raised in a communist country I can tell you that homosexuality was not considered normal, natural or healthy and god help you if someone found out. Especially if you were a teen. And the few instances that I've heard off usually didn't end well for that person and it was considered ok. It wasn't as bad as ISIS throwing gays off of rooftops but it wasn't far from it

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

09-03-15, 07:48
My opinion: Straight folks don't "choose" to be hetero. They are born that way.

When I hit puberty, I didn't say to myself, hhmmmm, do I want to be pole smoker or go for girls?

There was "no choice to be made."

You either find girls/women appeal to you or they don't. There no decision, it just happens.

Same for gays.

Except that there is no science which supports that personal opinion.

But this commentary makes a very strong case that the cause of same-sex attraction is in fact free will.

How Choice And Emotion Can Influence Sexual Orientation http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/08/how-choice-and-emotion-can-influence-sexual-orientation/

09-03-15, 08:18
It has nothing to do with running an existing communist country, but bringing down a constitutional republic. Today's useful idiots are tomorrows "political prisoners".


I usually stay out of these topics but I'll add my thoughts to this one.

I don't know what a Communist Goal of 1963 is but having been born and raised in a communist country I can tell you that homosexuality was not considered normal, natural or healthy and god help you if someone found out. Especially if you were a teen. And the few instances that I've heard off usually didn't end well for that person and it was considered ok. It wasn't as bad as ISIS throwing gays off of rooftops but it wasn't far from it

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

09-03-15, 09:41
I've really debated whether to say anything here, or what to say if I did.
So, here goes.
A few people are gay. They just are. Just like a few have other serious mental/physical issues that is going to make their lives much different than the rest of us. By few I mean a small percentage of the population. Doesn't mean it's normal. Doesn't mean we should be stoning them to death in the streets.

However, as part of the destruction of our society, and to make it more in line with the desired end of puppets easy to control, all bonds of society must be broken down. When no one will stand for anything, either together or alone, we will all fall for anything.

Which is why this whole gay, transgender, pangender, whatever else thing is so out of hand. I am not a religious person at all, so this isn't a "God is the answer" or other religious view. You may think it sounds tin foil, and that's fine. But every day, we look more like Rome in their end times, and less like the strong America (or Rome, for that matter) than we were. We are being systematically destroyed from all directions.
Too many people are still blind to it to accomplish a change in direction. Or, they still think they actually want to go where it ends.
We are along for the ride.

You may disagree, and that's fine by me. I really do hope I'm wrong. After all, if everyone always agreed, this would be one boring world to live in.

I do know one thing. I'm sure glad my son is an adult, and my daughter has only one year left. If either one had come home and told me there was some kid of the opposite sex naked in their bathroom/locker room in front of them naked, and the school was OK with it, I'd have probably been in jail by sundown.

Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk

09-03-15, 09:57
This is pretty easy to solve...

Look down.

If you see a penis, you go in one bathroom/locker room/changing room.

If you see breasts and a vagina, you go in the other bathroom/locker room/changing room.

That is it...end of story.

No exceptions...no excuses. If your kid feels like a girl but packs a penis....he still must go in the boys room....m-kay?

09-03-15, 10:07
As a father of a 5 year old daughter, I can tell you anyone who encourages this is doing it for their own personal gain. Not for the child. This is exploitation of children, pure and simple.

09-03-15, 10:43
I do believe you could charge the aggressor with a sex crime, sexual battery, if there was uninvited physical contact. No different then a guy grabbing a gal's breast. Waiting for the test case.

True story. 1995ish, I was a paramedic. In back of the bus, a 20-something male patient casually brushed his arm again my leg. Bouncy ambulance, no big deal, I moved a bit. Happened again. Then again, but moved his hand near my crotch. I told him if he did that again I would beat the shi* out of him and report him for sexual assault. When we off-loaded at the hospital, I brought this up with a buddy, a cop. He said yep, sexual assault. Just like women need to report unwanted physical contact, that knife cuts both ways. BTW, I am not a particularly fetching fella, either (ask my wife). Perv was a sicko.

09-03-15, 10:55
I care not a whit about someones sexuality/gender/proclivities etc... folks don't need to hide. I oppose the announcements, glorification and forced acceptance generated in the media. Lead your private life in private.

09-03-15, 11:09
I guess you guys have not seen advertisements for the show I Am Jazz on TLC?

We cut the cable long ago. Nothing like paying an exorbitant fees to be brain washed.

Communist Goals (1963)

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

Very few people realize and can appreciate what the debasement of traditional values is really all about. But hey let's all drink the Kool-Aid and say it's just about people's "rights".

09-03-15, 11:25
I've really debated whether to say anything here, or what to say if I did.
So, here goes.
A few people are gay. They just are. Just like a few have other serious mental/physical issues that is going to make their lives much different than the rest of us. By few I mean a small percentage of the population. Doesn't mean it's normal. Doesn't mean we should be stoning them to death in the streets.

However, as part of the destruction of our society, and to make it more in line with the desired end of puppets easy to control, all bonds of society must be broken down. When no one will stand for anything, either together or alone, we will all fall for anything.

Which is why this whole gay, transgender, pangender, whatever else thing is so out of hand. I am not a religious person at all, so this isn't a "God is the answer" or other religious view. You may think it sounds tin foil, and that's fine. But every day, we look more like Rome in their end times, and less like the strong America (or Rome, for that matter) than we were. We are being systematically destroyed from all directions.
Too many people are still blind to it to accomplish a change in direction. Or, they still think they actually want to go where it ends.
We are along for the ride.

You may disagree, and that's fine by me. I really do hope I'm wrong. After all, if everyone always agreed, this would be one boring world to live in.

I do know one thing. I'm sure glad my son is an adult, and my daughter has only one year left. If either one had come home and told me there was some kid of the opposite sex naked in their bathroom/locker room in front of them naked, and the school was OK with it, I'd have probably been in jail by sundown.

Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk

This post is spot on.

26 Inf
09-03-15, 17:27
Just realized I missed this question.

They tended to be focused more on style than girls in middle school. It was a clue. They cared about things most of the rest of us didn't care about. They remained friends and we never made fun of them, at least not anymore than we made fun of everyone else, but we knew something was off and it didn't take us very long to figure it out.

But despite strong feminine traits and some other oddities, in most cases they were still good friends and we treated them accordingly. They never made sexual advances towards any of us, if they weren't sure they were gay, they were sure that we weren't.

Pretty much describes the two guys that I knew going through jr. high and high school. One lived in the same neighborhood I did and he was a better athlete than most of us, just overly concerned about style and a little prissy. We were friends, but drifted apart after I my family moved and we attended different high schools.

I don't live in that city anymore and last I knew, both guys had moved out of the region, but if we bumped into each other someplace, the fact that they are gay would have no impact on me, we'd talk about jr high adventures and high school adventures like any guys who have that in common.

09-03-15, 18:16
Pretty much describes the two guys that I knew going through jr. high and high school. One lived in the same neighborhood I did and he was a better athlete than most of us, just overly concerned about style and a little prissy. We were friends, but drifted apart after I my family moved and we attended different high schools.

I don't live in that city anymore and last I knew, both guys had moved out of the region, but if we bumped into each other someplace, the fact that they are gay would have no impact on me, we'd talk about jr high adventures and high school adventures like any guys who have that in common.

One used to trounce me in chess pretty regularly. It was one of the things we had most in common. He's one of the people I mentally contemplate when someone tells me homosexuality is a mental disorder. He actually had a very organized mind.

Of course somebody is sure to come along and explain that serial killers have organized minds so I guess there is no point in having that discussion. Suffice to say if I take the segment of my high school that I was on friendly terms with, I'd rather hang out with those two guys than half of the group today. Some of them took serious wrong terms and I no longer have anything in common with them.

09-03-15, 20:23
True story: Had a friend who was gay. He was closeted and stayed that way until he died. Only like close friends and his dad knew. He confided that he really did try to be heterosexual. He could get women with literally zero effort but it just wasn't him.

He was a late bloomer and made some mistakes because aside from horror stories nobody told him anything. He was a great guy. Very friendly. Religious. Conflicted.
He always said that he liked other men because it felt 'right'. He had an amiable personality that was pretty type B. He said that he needed someone stronger than himself. Emotionally. Sex was not even the biggest part. He got taken advantage of because he just wanted to be loved and it did him in.
Like girls who give up sex for love.

My point is that he had a good upbringing and no one recruited him.
There are a lot of posers and queer for the cheers types. But, these things happen.

I think that people should have answers for questions but kids shouldn't make adult decisions until they are adults.

I can't judge some people's inner turmoils but people go overboard trying to be 'progressive'.

09-03-15, 23:06
I know it's not a catch all cause but it's a huge part of the problem. There is a reason we only see transgender specific schools in CA. IMHO the parents sway and lead their children in these directions. Kind of like how Brad and Angela are dressing one of their little girls as a boy.

This typical feminist lesbian couple are a prime example.

The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

WTF these are children!!! Let them make those decisions as ADULTS. That is beyond FUBAB'ed.

09-04-15, 02:42
WTF these are children!!! Let them make those decisions as ADULTS. That is beyond FUBAB'ed.

There is all kinds of child abuse, this is one of them.

09-04-15, 12:29
This sure is popular this year. Elementary school in (where else?) California going to gender neutral bathrooms:


09-04-15, 12:35
This sure is popular this year. Elementary school in (where else?) California going to gender neutral bathrooms:


While there at it they might as well get rid of faculty restrooms as well. I'm sure all the pedophiles would like a peak too.

09-06-15, 00:37
I usually stay out of these topics but I'll add my thoughts to this one.

I don't know what a Communist Goal of 1963 is but having been born and raised in a communist country I can tell you that homosexuality was not considered normal, natural or healthy and god help you if someone found out. Especially if you were a teen. And the few instances that I've heard off usually didn't end well for that person and it was considered ok. It wasn't as bad as ISIS throwing gays off of rooftops but it wasn't far from it

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Those goals are not for Communist countries themselves, but for how to destroy the enemies' countries (i.e. ours).
It's like Progressives. Their goals are for disarmament and crushing of dissent - but only for other people. They, the elite anointed ones, get to keep 24/7 armed security, and can say and do as they please.
One law for the peasants, another for the nobility.