View Full Version : LE officer administers cruel and unusual punishment: Forces woman to sit in hot car

04-26-15, 22:06
LE officer in Ohio discovers a woman left her dog in a hot car. The LE officer forces the guilty woman to sit in the hot car for several minutes to experience what her pet had experienced.

A police officer in Strongsville, Ohio, made a woman sit in a hot car so she could see what it felt like for her dog, according to a local police blotter.

The blotter did not name the officer or the woman, but stated that a concerned individual called police on April 12 to report that a dog was locked inside of a Nissan Sentra in a Walmart parking lot in Strongsville.

To prove a point, the officer made the woman sit inside of the warm car with the windows up and without the engine on for a few minutes.

The woman said she was fine but the officer noted she looked uncomfortable. The woman was advised if she did this again she would be cited.


The woman clearly is guilty of animal cruelty, but the officer should face consequences for his illegal actions. I'm interested to learn from LE officers how their supervisor/dept. head would likely respond if they performed a stunt like this.

26 Inf
04-26-15, 22:09
His heart was in the right place, his head wasn't.

04-26-15, 22:20
Not the smartest course oh action but, meh.

04-26-15, 23:22
I think he should be disciplined, but to call it cruel and unusual punishment seems a stretch.

Keep in mind, this topic is based on an article, not first hand accounts of the incident.

04-26-15, 23:40
My department would have fired him in a heartbeat. However its a bit hotter here in Phoenix. We have the go ahead to shatter a window if we see the dog in distress.

04-26-15, 23:47
LE officer in Ohio discovers a woman left her dog in a hot car. The LE officer forces the guilty woman to sit in the hot car for several minutes to experience what her pet had experienced.

The woman clearly is guilty of animal cruelty, but the officer should face consequences for his illegal actions. I'm interested to learn from LE officers how their supervisor/dept. head would likely respond if they performed a stunt like this.

That's a bit of a stretch. I'm sure she could have refused and simply been cited. Seems she took "the deal." Personally I'm with C-grunt, he should have just broken a couple windows to let the hot air out then called it in and cited her for animal cruelty / neglect or whatever the appropriate charge would be.

04-27-15, 08:52
He probably shouldn't have done that...but I did a few things I shouldn't have back in the day. Frankly, there are a lot of people out there with the mentality of mean little kids, and my sympathies are with the dog.

PD Sgt.
04-27-15, 09:02
In my experience, any time officers attempt to impart life lessons on someone, no matter how desperately needed and well intentioned, it ends poorly. Sometimes you can take someone around the track verbally but even then they usually are only following to avoid official sanctions, like a summons.

While I am sure the officer was well intentioned, he probably would have made a more lasting impression by breaking the window and issuing a citation for cruelty. The time and money that would take from the woman is a much more effective form of negative reinforcement.

04-27-15, 09:04
That's a bit of a stretch. I'm sure she could have refused and simply been cited. Seems she took "the deal." Personally I'm with C-grunt, he should have just broken a couple windows to let the hot air out then called it in and cited her for animal cruelty / neglect or whatever the appropriate charge would be.

How can you justify the legality of his actions?

04-27-15, 09:36
He had sorta-the-right-idea, but no. Will backfire on him in a heartbeat. Poor dog..

04-27-15, 10:02
Some people don't get it and never will, any life lesson you would like to impart will be lost on them.
I reported a lady who left her kid in the car and went in to store, an hour later it turns out to be a toddler and a infant in a car seat and still no Cop.
I dunno what to do with folks like that, but me teaching them simply isnt in the cards.

04-27-15, 11:21
Should have just taken her to jail and sent her dog with animal control. "Life Lessons" aren't typically heeded and usually just get the officer in trouble.