View Full Version : Storing a knife for 10+ years?

04-27-15, 20:55
Call me a sentimental sap, but I just purchased a Benchmade for my son for his first birthday. I had it engraved for him and my plan is to give it to him somewhere between the time he turns 12 and 16. Point being, it'll be in storage for a very long time.

The knife was oiled and I placed a bag of silica gel in with the knife, but is there anything else I should? Routine oiling every few years? VCF paper? Etc. The blade is stainless, for what it's worth.


04-27-15, 21:50
I'd keep it in the gun safe and wipe it down every so often with an oily rag. also open/close it as well. some oils get sticky after being left for a while - maybe some others can chime in on which ones work better.

I'm sentimental as well - i bought an AR-15 for my son when he turned one. i've just been shooting the hell out of it until he's old enough to give it to ;)

04-27-15, 22:45
As the owner of knives I've personally had for 35+ years I'd just store it someplace cool, dry and safe and give it the once a year wipe down.

04-28-15, 01:25
What's the steel on that knife? I have a Benchmade skinner that just lives in my hunting pack. Not a sign of corrosion in over 5 years and it's never seen oil in it's life. I have other stainless knives that are over 30 years old that are cast about the house and don't show any ill effects. I'd just put it in the gun safe and not worry about it.

04-28-15, 10:59
Agree with all here that you could put it in any dry place and it will be good for years.

But I've done similar by buying some anniversary Buck 110's and putting them away for yet unborn grandkids. I gave them all a good wipe down with Ballistol, which I've used for years for long term storage, and it has never failed me for metal, wood, or synthetic materials.

Take Care,


04-28-15, 11:01
Fire up the cosmoline vat and dip it. Could bury it in a swamp after that and it would come out looking new lol :D

Seriously though, as said above, if it's good quality stainless like most Benchmades are, I wouldn't worry about it a whole lot. Even if it's D2 it should be fine with a light coating of good oil...


Good idea on the knife for the future. I'm gonna steal that for my boy....

04-28-15, 11:02
I've used these. So far, no known issues.


04-28-15, 11:14
Thanks for the replies. The blade material is 154CM, FYI.

04-28-15, 11:24
I have knives in my collection, many of them benchmades that are over 20 years old.

I do nothing special, they are in their factory package with factory oil on them. There are stored in a drawer in a bureau.

They are all as new.

I wouldn't do anything else.

04-28-15, 22:30
I use nano-lube for the pivot and Corrosion-X for long term protection.