View Full Version : Need help finding a crime statistics chart.

05-01-15, 00:38
There was a chart about crime stats in the USA. It was a picture chart, one of those with lots of circles and such. It had a stat that went something like this: if you remove the crime stats of the "top" five inner cities, 200,000 people each, 1,000,000 total; if you remove their crime stats from the USA's stats, the overall USA stats fall drastically.

Oh BCM has a sale going on again, with plenty in stock. I just ordered an upper 11.5 fluted, with 10 inch KMR and bolt.


05-01-15, 08:28



The FBI compiles the most comprehensive crime statistics nationwide. Even so, these numbers should be taken with a grain of salt because many crimes go unreported.

05-01-15, 09:36
The sound bite I recall is that if you remove a dozen zip codes from the stats, criminal activity in the US drops like 90%....