View Full Version : Attack in Garland Texas

05-03-15, 21:32

Two attackers dead and laying on the road, one officer shot. Now searching the car for explosives. Live coverage on fox.

05-03-15, 21:51
Already the left is saying: "If they weren't so insensitive to Allah, this never would have happened..." while simultaneously enjoying Family Guy portraying Jesus as a wife stealer (http://community.ew.com/2014/12/08/family-guy-jesus/) and television reporters berate Christians that don't look like old fat white guys (http://www.salon.com/2015/04/16/the_daily_show_skewers_hipster_christians_in_pitch_perfect_correspondent_segment/).

Their hypocrisy, intolerance, and blindness to absurdity with respect to Christianity knows no bounds.

05-03-15, 22:05
A little different outcome in Texas than in France....

05-03-15, 22:05
Watching th coverage on fox, is it just ,me or do both robots look disabled? There seems to be a wheel/tire laying in the road and the other robot looks like it is on its side. Neither has moved in a long time.

05-03-15, 22:08
They are reporting that the security guard is recovering, which is great news. Once again, good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. It is amazing how that works.

psst.....Don't Mess with Texas.

05-03-15, 22:16
Garland Police terminated the threat. Goat f****rs were incapable even with the element of surprise.

More Pics here:


ETA: Garland Police SWAT has some nice gear.

Islamist posted about the attack - BEFORE the attack.



Waiting for the Islam apologists to come along and condemn Judicial Watch and the 1st Amendment.

05-03-15, 22:19
Watching th coverage on fox, is it just ,me or do both robots look disabled? There seems to be a wheel/tire laying in the road and the other robot looks like it is on its side. Neither has moved in a long time.

I also see what you are seeing. They must be waiting on more robots to arrive. It was reported that the security guard has been released from the hospital. Garland Police took care of business swiftly and with almost no casualties, way to go gentlemen. Apparently, they were properly prepared for an event that was no surprise.

05-03-15, 22:23
"Automatic weapons" were allegedly used by the gunmen.

05-03-15, 22:38
GARLAND, Texas — Two suspects were killed after they opened fire Sunday in a parking lot outside a provocative contest for cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, authorities said.

Garland's city government issued a statement saying that as a Muhammad Art Exhibit event was coming to a close at the Curtis Culwell Center, "two males drove up to the front of the building in a car'' and started shooting at a security officer.

"Garland police officers engaged the gunmen, who were both shot and killed,'' the statement posted online said.

Somewhere a couple of dead French Cartoonist's are laughing their asses off.

05-03-15, 22:47
They are reporting that the security guard is recovering, which is great news. Once again, good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. It is amazing how that works.

This happens in Paris and there are twelve dead victims plus the wounded and the country shuts down for days as the shooters are on the loose.

Happens in Texas, and there are two dead bad guys before they get inside the building and we have one wounded.


Jihad: you are doing it wrong....

05-03-15, 22:48

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." George Washington

26 Inf
05-03-15, 23:03
Damn, that was a lot of trouble to only bag two. Got to think of a more efficient way to lure them in. BZ Garland PD!

05-03-15, 23:34
Stupid Hadjis.... Texas of all places.. Glad to hear the bad guys got put down and it didn't turn into a shit show.


Mauser KAR98K
05-03-15, 23:55
Garland SWAT was camping the spawn point.

05-04-15, 00:07
Atleast we know without question that it wasn't terrorism related or perpetuated by radical islamists.... Definitely not a terrorism related incident, nope, no way, no how.

Mauser KAR98K
05-04-15, 00:16
Atleast we know without question that it wasn't terrorism related or perpetuated by radical islamists.... Definitely not a terrorism related incident, nope, no way, no how.

JPmuscle for White House Spokesman.

05-04-15, 00:34
Garland SWAT was camping the spawn point.

Operators. Operators everywhere...

05-04-15, 01:41
Damn, that was a lot of trouble to only bag two. Got to think of a more efficient way to lure them in. BZ Garland PD!

Yeah, but in the meantime maybe it can be a monthly contest.

Maybe a photography exhibit only instead of a "Piss Christ" we can do a "Feces Koran."

05-04-15, 03:36

http://i907.photobucket.com/albums/ac279/jaxman7/FB_IMG_1430728453949_zpsjb7bt0ir.jpg (http://s907.photobucket.com/user/jaxman7/media/FB_IMG_1430728453949_zpsjb7bt0ir.jpg.html)


05-04-15, 03:46
Stupid Hadjis.... Texas of all places.. Glad to hear the bad guys got put down and it didn't turn into a shit show.

that's too funny :laugh:

05-04-15, 05:08
Great pictures from the dailyMail


05-04-15, 05:26
JPmuscle for White House Spokesman.
Regrettably I forgot to add the JV bit..

05-04-15, 06:15
Right on cue.

"68. Sounds like this was essentially entrapment.
These hate mongers knew exactly they'd receive this sort of violent response. They planned this with the expectation that they would be "proven right" about the extreme branch of Islam. I'd like to see them charged.
"80. I hope the dead guys are named Billy Bob and Bubba.

"101. Clever Cover for Entrapment
How convenient that there were a lot of real police at an art show available to gun down anyone that came by wielding a weapon. Just think, if there wasn't an art show, there would be no dead bodies lying on the ground all night for Fox News to cover.

"13. Islamophobia
Should be an aggravated Hate Crime.

Can you blame the 2 victims for defending their religion against Islamophobes?

Why do some people think their right to free speech includes hate speech?


05-04-15, 06:38
I have no words to respond that.... ***k...

Mauser KAR98K
05-04-15, 06:42
Right on cue.

"68. Sounds like this was essentially entrapment.
These hate mongers knew exactly they'd receive this sort of violent response. They planned this with the expectation that they would be "proven right" about the extreme branch of Islam. I'd like to see them charged.
"80. I hope the dead guys are named Billy Bob and Bubba.

"101. Clever Cover for Entrapment
How convenient that there were a lot of real police at an art show available to gun down anyone that came by wielding a weapon. Just think, if there wasn't an art show, there would be no dead bodies lying on the ground all night for Fox News to cover.

"13. Islamophobia
Should be an aggravated Hate Crime.

Can you blame the 2 victims for defending their religion against Islamophobes?

Why do some people think their right to free speech includes hate speech?


I'm afraid if someone where to kick these individuals in the nuts, they will be disappointed to find nothing there, physically or figuratively.

All joking aside, this does confirm that ISIS is operating in the country. Wonder if these two came up from El Paso.

05-04-15, 07:05
In before someone from Infowars calls this a false flag in order for the military under the guise of Jade Helm to declare martial laws and take over the Texas Government.

05-04-15, 07:21
Atleast we know without question that it wasn't terrorism related or perpetuated by radical islamists.... Definitely not a terrorism related incident, nope, no way, no how.

They were just 'youths'.

I wondering how far these types of attacks are going to go, along with peoples reactions to them. Maybe, tolerance towards Islam will lessen.

05-04-15, 07:32
Well shit. It is indeed a crazy crazy world we live in. Never in my life did I imagine the leftist loonies championing for AK-47 wielding gunmen but today that day has come........

05-04-15, 07:38
Great work by the Garland PD. Glad the dogs were put down quickly and no one was seriously hurt. Thankfully the security guard is fine and already out of the hospital.

05-04-15, 08:08
Nothing wrong with hunting over bait IMO.

JBecker 72
05-04-15, 08:11
Garland SWAT was camping the spawn point.

Well done sir.

05-04-15, 08:17
Right on cue.

"68. Sounds like this was essentially entrapment.
These hate mongers knew exactly they'd receive this sort of violent response. They planned this with the expectation that they would be "proven right" about the extreme branch of Islam. I'd like to see them charged.
"80. I hope the dead guys are named Billy Bob and Bubba.

"101. Clever Cover for Entrapment
How convenient that there were a lot of real police at an art show available to gun down anyone that came by wielding a weapon. Just think, if there wasn't an art show, there would be no dead bodies lying on the ground all night for Fox News to cover.

"13. Islamophobia
Should be an aggravated Hate Crime.

Can you blame the 2 victims for defending their religion against Islamophobes?

Why do some people think their right to free speech includes hate speech?


Sadly, this mentality is becoming more common, and is aplicable to more than this issue. Violence is acceptable when against the "right", which is actually center. Tolerance is demanded as long as it lines up with the leftist agenda. And remember, these people vote, raise children, and drive on the highway with you. Be careful out there.

05-04-15, 08:17
While I can not stand the group putting on this event, I applaud the quick response in these two peices of sub human trash. Good job on the behalf of the police. I hope the security guard has a quick recovery.

Given how some on the left have responded I wonder how they would feel if this kind of attack had happened near them over something else that would set off the extremists? They live in their nice safe and isolated little world. Feeling safe to judge because they never take a stand for anything It is pathetic.

You can disagree with a group and still support their right to exist. Not liking something doesn't make it entrapment. In the end the lions on the left, the extremist Muslims, and the group putting the event on, all fail to realize that.

05-04-15, 08:27
I fully expect complete apologies from those individuals who criticized reports of an ISIS camp on TX/Mexico border.

05-04-15, 08:52
I just want to know what cartoon won.......... :jester:

Good job to those LEO. Nicely done.

05-04-15, 08:59
Remember how Sinead OConner has to have bodyguards because of ripping up a picture of the Pope?

Hell, the major issue with Maplethorpe wasn't as much the the content of the artwork as much as it was supported by public money. Imagine how the Progressives would go nuts if this were sponsored by the state of Texas?

Soooo, if the Progressives argument is that the exhibition should have not happened because of the threat of violence, what does that teach us? For some reason when there were attacks on abortion clinics, they didn't try to understand the bombers feelings and thoughts, they passed a bunch of laws violating protestors 1A rights.

05-04-15, 09:07
I just want to know what cartoon won.......... :jester:

Good job to those LEO. Nicely done.

Will someone please post the Mohammed paintings on display?

05-04-15, 09:12
I just want to know what cartoon won.......... :jester:

Good job to those LEO. Nicely done.

From what I've seen, this was the winning entry:


05-04-15, 09:38

Allah Fukbar!

JBecker 72
05-04-15, 09:45
Haha ^

05-04-15, 10:06
Did someone say aloha snackbar???

05-04-15, 10:11
Right on cue.

"68. Sounds like this was essentially entrapment.
These hate mongers knew exactly they'd receive this sort of violent response. They planned this with the expectation that they would be "proven right" about the extreme branch of Islam. I'd like to see them charged.
"80. I hope the dead guys are named Billy Bob and Bubba.

"101. Clever Cover for Entrapment
How convenient that there were a lot of real police at an art show available to gun down anyone that came by wielding a weapon. Just think, if there wasn't an art show, there would be no dead bodies lying on the ground all night for Fox News to cover.

"13. Islamophobia
Should be an aggravated Hate Crime.

Can you blame the 2 victims for defending their religion against Islamophobes?

Why do some people think their right to free speech includes hate speech?


Reading that site for entertainment is a guilty pleasure of mine.

If there is one thing that drives me absolutely insane about that crowd, it is that they have zero ability to be logically and intellectually consistent. If you applied the same logic to a woman walking down the street in a short dress as "inciting" rape, and therefore should have known what was going to happen, then the entire damn website would stomp you. But, for whatever reason, their emotional compasses don't allow them to maintain moral consistency in other matters.

05-04-15, 10:35
Reading that site for entertainment is a guilty pleasure of mine.

If there is one thing that drives me absolutely insane about that crowd, it is that they have zero ability to be logically and intellectually consistent. If you applied the same logic to a woman walking down the street in a short dress as "inciting" rape, and therefore should have known what was going to happen, then the entire damn website would stomp you. But, for whatever reason, their emotional compasses don't allow them to maintain moral consistency in other matters.

A consistent argument is very hard to find for both sides.

One of my favorite things to do when seeing a uber left and right talking about something stupid is to point out how much they have in common on the topic of death and that they are both wrong. Left is against the death penalty because it is state murder but for abortion because it is all about choice. The Right is for the death penalty because the criminal made their choise and not for abortion because it is murder allowed by the state. I then tell them that they are both wrong and need to shut up because they both should have been aborted and should now be executed for being retarded. ;)

It is so nice that we live in a society that can go off and blow up and kill people over their beliefs yet we do not have to be consist at all.........

05-04-15, 10:37
Reading that site for entertainment is a guilty pleasure of mine.

If there is one thing that drives me absolutely insane about that crowd, it is that they have zero ability to be logically and intellectually consistent. If you applied the same logic to a woman walking down the street in a short dress as "inciting" rape, and therefore should have known what was going to happen, then the entire damn website would stomp you. But, for whatever reason, their emotional compasses don't allow them to maintain moral consistency in other matters.

I'm really not sure how you can stand reading that site on any regular basis. I just tried to read it for about five minutes and I feel a migraine coming on from the stupidity.

05-04-15, 10:43
I'm glad it turned out the way it did, and that only contract security was wounded.

If only one police officer were killed or wounded, it would seriously call into question the logic of calling upon public servants to protect intentionally provocative speech.


05-04-15, 10:44
I'm really not sure how you can stand reading that site on any regular basis. I just tried to read it for about five minutes and I feel a migraine coming on from the stupidity.

I dunno, maybe I just need more drama elsewhere in my life? I am pretty consistently put off by their faux poutrage over just about everything, but it does serve as a broad swath of lefty opinions for me to account for when forming my own arguments.

05-04-15, 10:45
A consistent argument is very hard to find for both sides.

One of my favorite things to do when seeing a uber left and right talking about something stupid is to point out how much they have in common on the topic of death and that they are both wrong. Left is against the death penalty because it is state murder but for abortion because it is all about choice. The Right is for the death penalty because the criminal made their choise and not for abortion because it is murder allowed by the state. I then tell them that they are both wrong and need to shut up because they both should have been aborted and should now be executed for being retarded. ;)

That would be double jeopardy?

The inability to understand the difference in the taking of the life of someone like Ted Bundy and a literally with-out-guilt baby is what makes me shake my head.

05-04-15, 10:53
That would be double jeopardy?

The inability to understand the difference in the taking of the life of someone like Ted Bundy and a literally with-out-guilt baby is what makes me shake my head.

You don't understand that they use the same argument for both but choose what is good and what is bad?

05-04-15, 11:00
"The inability to understand the difference in the taking of the life of someone like Ted Bundy and a literally with-out-guilt baby is what makes me shake my head."


We're past "decadent", approaching depraved.

05-04-15, 11:02
The attack was wrong, but not unexpected.

We will see more of this in CONUS until we get strong leadership in Washington, D.C.

26 Inf
05-04-15, 11:08
That would be double jeopardy?

The inability to understand the difference in the taking of the life of someone like Ted Bundy and a literally with-out-guilt baby is what makes me shake my head.

Consistency is unobtainium. Situational ethics. Edited to add: Shaking my head also.

26 Inf
05-04-15, 11:14
I'm glad it turned out the way it did, and that only contract security was wounded.

If only one police officer were killed or wounded, it would seriously call into question the logic of calling upon public servants to protect intentionally provocative speech.

Hey Kev, is that scene from a movie? I tried the link and it is broken.

05-04-15, 11:35
From what I've seen, this was the winning entry:


Honorable mention:

http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e225/teehee321/Honorable%20Mention%20_zpsai5mldfw.jpg (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/teehee321/media/Honorable%20Mention%20_zpsai5mldfw.jpg.html)

BTW, it's our CULTURE that is the TARGET & being assailed on a multi-pinniated multi-pronged front..

05-04-15, 11:36
I'm glad it turned out the way it did, and that only contract security was wounded.

If only one police officer were killed or wounded, it would seriously call into question the logic of calling upon public servants to protect intentionally provocative speech.

The government has no specific duty to protect you.

"… a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen.” - SCOTUS ruling in Warren vs. D.C.

The 2A, non-infringed, is all that's necessary.

05-04-15, 11:37
A little different outcome in Texas than in France....

Roger that.

05-04-15, 11:40
Reading that site for entertainment is a guilty pleasure of mine.

If there is one thing that drives me absolutely insane about that crowd, it is that they have zero ability to be logically and intellectually consistent. If you applied the same logic to a woman walking down the street in a short dress as "inciting" rape, and therefore should have known what was going to happen, then the entire damn website would stomp you. But, for whatever reason, their emotional compasses don't allow them to maintain moral consistency in other matters.

Absolutely concur 100%.

05-04-15, 11:42

http://i907.photobucket.com/albums/ac279/jaxman7/FB_IMG_1430728453949_zpsjb7bt0ir.jpg (http://s907.photobucket.com/user/jaxman7/media/FB_IMG_1430728453949_zpsjb7bt0ir.jpg.html)



05-04-15, 11:46
Right on cue.

"68. Sounds like this was essentially entrapment.
These hate mongers knew exactly they'd receive this sort of violent response. They planned this with the expectation that they would be "proven right" about the extreme branch of Islam. I'd like to see them charged.
"80. I hope the dead guys are named Billy Bob and Bubba.

"101. Clever Cover for Entrapment
How convenient that there were a lot of real police at an art show available to gun down anyone that came by wielding a weapon. Just think, if there wasn't an art show, there would be no dead bodies lying on the ground all night for Fox News to cover.

"13. Islamophobia
Should be an aggravated Hate Crime.

Can you blame the 2 victims for defending their religion against Islamophobes?

Why do some people think their right to free speech includes hate speech?


02 thieves such as these just need to disappear, they represent everything that is FUBAR in our nation.

05-04-15, 11:50
Honorable mention:

http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e225/teehee321/Honorable%20Mention%20_zpsai5mldfw.jpg (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/teehee321/media/Honorable%20Mention%20_zpsai5mldfw.jpg.html)


05-04-15, 11:53
So those crappy cartoons REALLY draw Muslims out to kill other people?

Man...this is what happens when grown men do without alcohol, porn and bacon! LOL

05-04-15, 12:16
So those crappy cartoons REALLY draw Muslims out to kill other people?

Man...this is what happens when grown men do without alcohol, porn and bacon! LOL

That's a sig line right there fellas

05-04-15, 12:16
I must say though above all this, kudos to the "traffic" Officer for being trained and performing incredibly under stress. This is what we all train and go to the range for, and this guy did superb. That man saved several lives.

05-04-15, 12:30
Hey Kev, is that scene from a movie? I tried the link and it is broken.

That's a scene from real life.

Race agitators from the Klan wanted to hold a rally in Austin, TX (probably so they could get maximum butt hurt without having to drive too far). Police were ordered to protect the Klan from the angry mob of citizens who encircled and attacked them.

That black policeman is protecting the Klan member.

The government has no specific duty to protect you.

...and that's why it's probably a good thing I'm not law enforcement.

If Westboro, the Klan, or these clowns want to hold a deliberately provocative rally with the goal of inciting violence, I'd probably take a coffee break and come back in 20 minutes to clean up.

We enjoy 1A, and nobody is going to arrest you for saying what's on your mind... but that, to me, would fall under "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

05-04-15, 12:44
To me the real irony of it is this:

There are two reasons images of Mohammed are prohibited under Islam. First off is that Muslims are not supposed to know what he looks like. When they get to heaven they are supposed to identify him and seeing an image is cheating. Of course in the modern day we have no idea what he looked like so irbid impossible to accurately depict him.

Secondly is to avoid idle worship. However the irony is in the fact that the opposition to imagery depicting him has almost become idol worship in and of itself.

What is funny is that many Muslims don't really care. They will have images of Mary and even Jesus. And most won't react violently to an image of Mohammad. But these idiots aren't most and they are not reasonable.

05-04-15, 12:47
02 thieves such as these just need to disappear, they represent everything that is FUBAR in our nation.

Not to bust your balls, but in a thread where we are making fun of Islamists using violence against others that they don't like, you imply that people that disagree with you should 'disappear'.... ;)

I'm not disagreeing with the sentiment, I just found it funny.

05-04-15, 12:54
To me the real irony of it is this:

There are two reasons images of Mohammed are prohibited under Islam. First off is that Muslims are not supposed to know what he looks like. When they get to heaven they are supposed to identify him and seeing an image is cheating. Of course in the modern day we have no idea what he looked like so irbid impossible to accurately depict him.

Secondly is to avoid idle worship. However the irony is in the fact that the opposition to imagery depicting him has almost become idol worship in and of itself.

What is funny is that many Muslims don't really care. They will have images of Mary and even Jesus. And most won't react violently to an image of Mohammad. But these idiots aren't most and they are not reasonable.

I've always found necklaces with Jesus on the cross being worn by strippers working the pole to be incongruent. It's not for me to judge, just to tip based on their athleticism- but I can't think that it helps business. Kind of like putting the calorie counts on a menu- you might enjoy it now, but you'll pay for it later. Imagine if strippers wore little Mo's on a chain. I find diamond studded crosses kind of odd too, but I'm not going to go all Jihad over it.

I get the anti-idol aspect of it. I'm Catholic, we like a good depiction- the bigger the better, and it can get in the way of the underlying message.

05-04-15, 13:02
A little different outcome in Texas than in France....

This happens in Paris and there are twelve dead victims plus the wounded and the country shuts down for days as the shooters are on the loose.

Happens in Texas, and there are two dead bad guys before they get inside the building and we have one wounded.


Jihad: you are doing it wrong....

In France's defense, I suspect things would have gone a little bit differently if there had been a SWAT team outside Charlie Hebdo's offices.

Great work by the Garland PD. Glad the dogs were put down quickly and no one was seriously hurt. Thankfully the security guard is fine and already out of the hospital.

That's an insult to dogs.

I fully expect complete apologies from those individuals who criticized reports of an ISIS camp on TX/Mexico border.

When and if the investigation turns up that these guys illegally crossed the border from Mexico to Texas and received training from ISIS in Mexico, I might apologize. In fact, I'll even request that the mods change my handle to EuroPanties.

More likely, these guys didn't have any training and came here on now-expired student visas (or through Canada). And I'll bet that they probably legally acquired the firearms used in the attack from a gunstore a few weeks ago and never even fired them until last night.

I've always found necklaces with Jesus on the cross being worn by strippers working the pole to be incongruent. It's not for me to judge, just to tip based on their athleticism- but I can't think that it helps business. Kind of like putting the calorie counts on a menu- you might enjoy it now, but you'll pay for it later. Imagine if strippers wore little Mo's on a chain. I find diamond studded crosses kind of odd too, but I'm not going to go all Jihad over it.

I get the anti-idol aspect of it. I'm Catholic, we like a good depiction- the bigger the better, and it can get in the way of the underlying message.

Are you familiar with iconoclasm?

05-04-15, 13:15
Does anyone have a link to a breakdown of the shoot-out? I heard that their AKs were full-auto. Right now all I know is that the two were engaged by one security guard- I assume with a handgun? I'm guessing that more security engaged them, or is this like the Colorado Springs Church shoot out where the security lady took out an assailant bringing an AR rifle with her CCW pistol.

05-04-15, 13:24
Does anyone have a link to a breakdown of the shoot-out? I heard that their AKs were full-auto. Right now all I know is that the two were engaged by one security guard- I assume with a handgun? I'm guessing that more security engaged them, or is this like the Colorado Springs Church shoot out where the security lady took out an assailant bringing an AR rifle with her CCW pistol.

After the recent incident in France and other attacks over cartoons, I would think it irresponsible for the event organizers to not provide well trained security in sufficient numbers.

I would be interested in knowing what security measures were taken as well and how they reacted to the threat both inside and outside the building.

05-04-15, 13:33
well seems one is from Phoenix and has had FBI run ins with wanting to join jihadist before !

once again like the Boston Marathon the FBI knew and had talked to these people and did nothing about them to stop them hmmmmmm almost like the gov kinda wants this stuff to happen ? hmmmmmmmm

but yeah maybe next time they should say OK and revoke there citizenship and then put them on a plane to some muslim nation but first tattoo USA is #1 and draw a cartoon of mohammed on there back :)

More likely, these guys didn't have any training and came here on now-expired student visas (or through Canada). And I'll bet that they probably legally acquired the firearms used in the attack from a gunstore a few weeks ago and never even fired them until last night.

05-04-15, 14:03
Right on cue.

"68. Sounds like this was essentially entrapment.
These hate mongers knew exactly they'd receive this sort of violent response. They planned this with the expectation that they would be "proven right" about the extreme branch of Islam. I'd like to see them charged.
"80. I hope the dead guys are named Billy Bob and Bubba.

"101. Clever Cover for Entrapment
How convenient that there were a lot of real police at an art show available to gun down anyone that came by wielding a weapon. Just think, if there wasn't an art show, there would be no dead bodies lying on the ground all night for Fox News to cover.

"13. Islamophobia
Should be an aggravated Hate Crime.

Can you blame the 2 victims for defending their religion against Islamophobes?

Why do some people think their right to free speech includes hate speech?


Because the people who populate DUh.com live in a Bizarro world.

05-04-15, 14:07
This is why the whole argument about the govt. spying on us to prevent terrorist attacks really hold no water.

They knew about these guys that tried to kill in Garland. They followed one of the Boston Bomber brothers for 5 years and did nothing. They knew about Nidal Hassan long before he shot up Ft. Hood and they did nothing. They also knew about the 9-11 hi-jackers before the planes hit the buildings and again....they did nothing.

So nope...I don't buy the whole "we must scan your e-mail, check your phone records and spy on you to keep you safe" nonsense.

05-04-15, 14:10
This is why the whole argument about the govt. spying on us to prevent terrorist attacks really hold no water.

They knew about these guys that tried to kill in Garland. They followed one of the Boston Bomber brothers for 5 years and did nothing. They knew about Nidal Hassan long before he shot up Ft. Hood and they did nothing. They also knew about the 9-11 hi-jackers before the planes hit the buildings and again....they did nothing.

So nope...I don't buy the whole "we must scan your e-mail, check your phone records and spy on you to keep you safe" nonsense.

-well put.

05-04-15, 14:15
I've always found necklaces with Jesus on the cross being worn by strippers working the pole to be incongruent. It's not for me to judge, just to tip based on their athleticism

funniest thing I've read in a while!

05-04-15, 14:21
This is why the whole argument about the govt. spying on us to prevent terrorist attacks really hold no water.

They knew about these guys that tried to kill in Garland. They followed one of the Boston Bomber brothers for 5 years and did nothing. They knew about Nidal Hassan long before he shot up Ft. Hood and they did nothing. They also knew about the 9-11 hi-jackers before the planes hit the buildings and again....they did nothing.

So nope...I don't buy the whole "we must scan your e-mail, check your phone records and spy on you to keep you safe" nonsense.

Ahhh good to see you've figured that out. Just imagine a covert splinter cell as "controllers" operating to create chaos under National Security.

More smupid & smupidity brought to you by the CFR & Stink Tanks.

05-04-15, 14:33
YUP :)

I do have to wonder though the same theory was F&F let the bad guys go see what happens and they cant control the bad guys
but can easily control the good ones with the IRS or gun registration or many other ways to leverage good folks

This is why the whole argument about the govt. spying on us to prevent terrorist attacks really hold no water.

They knew about these guys that tried to kill in Garland. They followed one of the Boston Bomber brothers for 5 years and did nothing. They knew about Nidal Hassan long before he shot up Ft. Hood and they did nothing. They also knew about the 9-11 hi-jackers before the planes hit the buildings and again....they did nothing.

So nope...I don't buy the whole "we must scan your e-mail, check your phone records and spy on you to keep you safe" nonsense.

05-04-15, 14:47
I have been reading a lit of articals and comments about this all over the web. Most of the responded that I have seen is that it was stupid to even hold the contest and calling them an Islamic hate group based on information from the Southern Poverty Law Center. (Don't get me started on them.... I will count them as a creditable source when All Sharpton is on their list)

So here is my question, were they in front of a mosque protesting? Were they seeking out muslims?

To break it down it is the same as me watching porn in my house and some Bible thumping a@#hole kicking in my front door to stop me. I did not invite him or even go into his area. OK, so it is a little different because the muslins get so butt hurt over a cartoon....... Did they know it would piss off the muslins? Sure, but who cares. This is not an islomic country, yet, and there are no laws against cartoons of people.

Yes I understand that their motives were to piss off the muslims. OK, so who cares? The left does stuff everyday to upset people. It is kind of like those morons that set up that fake gun store to "shame" people into not buying a firearm. They did it just to upset people.

So I take it we are all supposed to just his under a rock so we don't of end anyone until we get our heads cut off? All they really did was prove that they are correct. If you draw a cartoon of a person and stupid people will try and kill you. Does that sum it up?

05-04-15, 15:27
Think about it, there are thousands of people on this planet, living in modern times, that are willing to kill people over cartoons. Amazing isnt it!?

05-04-15, 15:46
its just silly IMHO to dress like they do :)

kinda reminds me of wedding photographers and they say they try to dress to blend in ? hahahahahah OK so the stranger at the wedding with all the camera gear hanging out in the brides dressing room is trying to blend in :) SURE !!!!!

but unlike some previous instances they were not pulling over a guy for flipping them the bird !
and they are not on road blocks pulling over citizens !

I do think what they are doing when dressed like this is a different thing for sure and yeah they are over dressed IMHO and it looks silly

If these guys had been trained and operating in say, fire team- or squad-level strength - or a hundred with no training - would it still be a bit silly?

Think about it, there are thousands of people on this planet, living in modern times, that are willing to kill people over cartoons. Amazing isnt it!?

IMHO, the cartoons are just an excuse, a justification to act out their fantasies.

Fantasies that involve killing unarmed people, to boot.

It wasn't even a SWAT officer who engaged... it was a traffic officer who wasn't even on duty.

Those look like they're two pulled pork sandwiches away from a Heart Attack...



Hmm... I love me some Cubano sammiches....

05-04-15, 15:48
'Shariah Is Light' Twitter Account Tweets '#TexasAttack' Minutes Before Mohammad Art Contest Shooting



http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e225/teehee321/Twitter%20account%20%20_zpseu3uffjt.jpg (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/teehee321/media/Twitter%20account%20%20_zpseu3uffjt.jpg.html)

05-04-15, 16:41
It wasn't even a SWAT officer who engaged... it was a traffic officer who wasn't even on duty.

That is what I was trying to figure out, was it a dude with his Glock against two guys with AKs? It seems to me there should have been a lot of lead flying, so I was interested to know about what ended up being the backstops?

Why the quiet on what happened? OPSEC for the next attack, why teach them the simple fails?

05-04-15, 16:41

05-04-15, 17:13
That is what I was trying to figure out, was it a dude with his Glock against two guys with AKs? It seems to me there should have been a lot of lead flying, so I was interested to know about what ended up being the backstops?

Why the quiet on what happened? OPSEC for the next attack, why teach them the simple fails?

Anything is possible when you aren't visibly a target or opponent. Often times the badguys focus on uniforms and vehicles, they will miss someone eye-f*cking them from 5 feet away with their hand on their gun.

05-04-15, 17:14
Dont Mess With Texas



05-04-15, 17:36
If OK by OPSEC it would be good to know if this was a just a regular patrol officer that took these assholes down. I'm guessing this was the case given how much gear Garland SWAT had on because I doubt they would have had time to assemble the crew and respond to stop the shooters in the parking lot.

05-04-15, 17:37
From what I've seen, this was the winning entry:

Wolverine Muhammad? :confused:

05-04-15, 17:38
http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e225/teehee321/Stalin%20Terror%20_zpscen4xt2i.png (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/teehee321/media/Stalin%20Terror%20_zpscen4xt2i.png.html)

05-04-15, 17:41
If OK by OPSEC it would be good to know if this was a just a regular patrol officer that took these assholes down. I'm guessing this was the case given how much gear Garland SWAT had on because I doubt they would have had time to assemble the crew and respond to stop the shooters in the parking lot.

I read here the traffic cop got both kills and a security guard was the one injured.


05-04-15, 17:55
...I doubt they would have had time to assemble the crew and respond...


If that's the plan, then it's time for a new plan.

05-04-15, 18:16
Those look like they're two pulled pork sandwiches away from a Heart Attack...

Here a fantastic idea. Instead of playing like a tough guy in the internet try being appreciative of what those guys do day in and day out. Several of the Garland PD guys are personal friends (two of which I know we're there last night) and I'd suggest a little respect. If you can't even manage that then I'd suggest removing yourself from the thread or we can show you the door. Your continued participation here I this thread is done. Your participation on M4C is your call.

05-04-15, 19:47
In France's defense, I suspect things would have gone a little bit differently if there had been a SWAT team outside Charlie Hebdo's offices.

Which is really an irrelevant point since the Officer who returned fire and put these two Evil Men down was a Patrol Officer, not SWAT Team 6.

Futhermore, Armed Citizenry was and is fully capable of putting things like this to rest. Police Officers aren't the only ones carrying effective weaponry that are well trained.

But good job Garland PD, and every single American Citizen that was carrying that day, ready and willing to run into Harm's Way to protect the Innocent. My Hats off to you folks.

05-04-15, 20:08
Here a fantastic idea. Instead of playing like a tough guy in the internet try being appreciative of what those guys do day in and day out. Several of the Garland PD guys are personal friends (two of which I know we're there last night) and I'd suggest a little respect. If you can't even manage that then I'd suggest removing yourself from the thread or we can show you the door. Your continued participation here I this thread is done. Your participation on M4C is your call.

To be fair, in the past there's been a sizable M4C contingent that would automatically attack anyone displaying "rotund tendencies" as subpar when discussing operatordom. I've personally known more than one fat ass that I absolutely would not want to tangle with, regardless of the circumstances.

When I looked at the pics in the Daily Mail article, the thing that immediately jumped out at me was a couple of the SWAT guys appear to be wearing plate carriers that don't adequately cover the thoracic cavity. If a couple of them are friends, you might want to mention that.

05-04-15, 20:35
I'll be sure to pass it along. Thanks.

I'm just taking issue with comments towards guys that have put in their time in both the mil and LE who were there to stop the killing and some keyboard commando can't think of anything to say other than "hey look at that fat ass." All of those guys are solid dudes who would not hesitate and did not hesitate to run towards the gun fire. I'd ask for the same respect if it was a mil situation and some ass hat was calling them out.

05-04-15, 20:35
In the pics, it looks like a hipoint carbine.

05-04-15, 20:37
Appears to be an AK and Hi-point or Ruger carbine.

Daily Mail - for educational purposes

Daily Mail - for educational purposes

05-04-15, 20:42
Agreed. I see the ak now, 2nd pic btm right for the curious. Thanks.

05-04-15, 20:44
In the pics, it looks like a hipoint carbine.

keltec? https://www.keltecweapons.com/our-guns/sub-2000/rifle/

05-04-15, 20:46
The attack was wrong, but not unexpected.

We will see more of this in CONUS until we get strong leadership in Washington, D.C.

Yep. Inconceivable that we've had open borders for so long.

05-04-15, 21:14
Thankfully no Sig brace or green tip was involved.

05-04-15, 21:27
Nothing wrong with hunting over bait IMO.

Absolutely! Flush them out...

05-04-15, 21:49
NPR reported this evening that the attackers were wearing body armor, drove up to the "first line of defense" (described as being an unarmed security guard and off-duty traffic cop in a marked police car), walked behind it and proceeded to unload on the occupants. The off-duty traffic cop is reported as having utilized a revolver to calmly and cleanly dump one assailant and then the other (the unarmed security guard was being reported as having been wounded while exited the automobile).

Weapons used do appear to be a Kel-Tec and an AK... with a telescoping AR-type stock fitted.

05-04-15, 21:55
FBI Identifies Both Gunmen in Muhammad Cartoon Exhibition Attack

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier identified one of the shooters in the attack as Elton Simpson from the US state of Arizona. The second shooter, Simpson's roommate, was identified as Nadir Soofi, 34.


05-04-15, 21:56
Glad to see the billions spent on homeland security worked... Oh wait...

Also not a peep from the admin I've noticed.

05-04-15, 22:12
Glad to see the billions spent on homeland security worked... Oh wait...

Also not a peep from the admin I've noticed.

They're too busy spying on the "Bitter Clingers", not Johnny Jihadist who wants to Aloha Snackbar.

26 Inf
05-04-15, 22:33
FBI Identifies Both Gunmen in Muhammad Cartoon Exhibition Attack

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier identified one of the shooters in the attack as Elton Simpson from the US state of Arizona. The second shooter, Simpson's roommate, was identified as Nadir Soofi, 34.


In that article there is a screen shot of some fools tweet bemoaning the fact that Geller had paid for ads on San Francisco muni buses which featured Hitler - failing to mention that Hitler is pictured with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - wonder if the fool even knew?

05-04-15, 23:12
NPR reported this evening that the attackers were wearing body armor, drove up to the "first line of defense" (described as being an unarmed security guard and off-duty traffic cop in a marked police car), walked behind it and proceeded to unload on the occupants. The off-duty traffic cop is reported as having utilized a revolver to calmly and cleanly dump one assailant and then the other (the unarmed security guard was being reported as having been wounded while exited the automobile).

Weapons used do appear to be a Kel-Tec and an AK... with a telescoping AR-type stock fitted.

"One Jihad, one transit cop".

05-05-15, 00:21
This happens in Paris and there are twelve dead victims plus the wounded and the country shuts down for days as the shooters are on the loose.

Happens in Texas, and there are two dead bad guys before they get inside the building and we have one wounded.


Jihad: you are doing it wrong....

I wouldn't say "merica'" id say "Texas!"

05-05-15, 02:19
Glad to say the FBI under Holder/Lynch prevented this DOMESTIC ACT OF TERRORISM that we've all just been waiting for. Oh wait, they didn't.

Just like FF they had the names but it got away from them. Ooops. Thank god for transit cops I guess.

05-05-15, 06:21
Nothing wrong with hunting over bait IMO.

Is this what happened, or are you guessing?

05-05-15, 07:05
ISIS claims responsibility.

ISIS is claiming responsibility for the Texas shooting in which two suspects were killed after opening fire outside a “Draw Muhammad” event.

In an audio statement released by al-Bayan radio, ISIS’ propaganda radio network, the group says that “two of the Caliphate’s soldiers attacked an exhibition in the city of Garland in Texas. The exhibition hosted contest of cartoons insulting the prophet. The two brothers opened fire and were killed during the operation.


05-05-15, 07:27
ISIS claims responsibility.
Well, of course they did since there is no one left alive to dispute it.

05-05-15, 07:39
Is this what happened, or are you guessing?

Said tongue in cheek. No prior knowledge that I know of.

But hunting over bait is legal in TX so……

05-05-15, 07:40
Also FWIW the officer who ended this is 60 years old, a 38 year veteran, and did it with his issued Glock.

Balls. They clang when he walks.

05-05-15, 07:47
Also FWIW the officer who ended this is 60 years old, a 38 year veteran, and did it with his issued Glock.

Balls. They clang when he walks.

Indeed they do. I am still baffled that one LEO with a pistol took out two guys with long guns.

I'm sure the LEO was good, and the bad guys were untrained but being out numbered 2 to 1 and facing long guns with only a pistol are long odds. Did he achieve an element of surprise? I am glad they weren't wearing armor (or he was wise enough to go for the face or the hips)

05-05-15, 07:50
originally posted by KalashniKEV

... If Westboro, the Klan, or these clowns want to hold a deliberately provocative rally with the goal of inciting violence, I'd probably take a coffee break and come back in 20 minutes to clean up...

Sorry, but no, no and no.

Pam Geller, Geert Wilders et al are not clowns. They and AFDI, Jihad Watch and similar outlets seek to provide the truth about Islam and the goals of many of its followers (not all perhaps, but I believe far more than a small minority). The rally was only "provocative" because "peace loving muslims" choose to go postal over a bunch of cartoons, or anything they find insulting or "kafir". The event's goal was not to "incite violence", it was to show how the West (and all who believe in freedom) cannot back down from being willing and able to say (or draw) whatever the hell we want without thought to who might be offended.

This event in Texas was a statement of freedom. If it is indeed "predictable" that terrorists would respond to this "provocation" in the way they did, we need to hold more of these events, not less.

05-05-15, 08:03
Well, of course they did since there is no one left alive to dispute it.


05-05-15, 08:07
Indeed they do. I am still baffled that one LEO with a pistol took out two guys with long guns.

I'm sure the LEO was good, and the bad guys were untrained but being out numbered 2 to 1 and facing long guns with only a pistol are long odds. Did he achieve an element of surprise? I am glad they weren't wearing armor (or he was wise enough to go for the face or the hips)

Perps had body armor and "assault weapons." SWAT team was already AT the scene. Officially, maybe not hunt over bait, but pretty darn close.

Police say the two gunmen were armed with assault rifles and wearing body armor when they pulled up to the Curtis Culwell Center shortly before 7 p.m. Sunday. They began shooting almost immediately and wounded an unarmed Garland ISD security guard who was with the officer. The officer returned fire and killed the gunmen.

“We had a SWAT react team in the back that very quickly responded within seconds and helped secure the scene.”


05-05-15, 08:10

05-05-15, 08:37

05-05-15, 08:40
Also FWIW the officer who ended this is 60 years old, a 38 year veteran, and did it with his issued Glock.

Balls. They clang when he walks.
Indeed. Buy this gent a beer for me. I'll PayPal you funds. Seriously.

05-05-15, 09:03
Indeed. Buy this gent a beer for me. I'll PayPal you funds. Seriously.

That gentleman should be able to walk into any establishment in DFW and get a free drink for the rest of his days. I'd for sure cover more than a few for him.

05-05-15, 09:30
Think about it, there are thousands of people on this planet, living in modern times, that are willing to kill people over cartoons. Amazing isnt it!?

IIRC there were (are?) results from widespread census-type materials that claimed that "only" about 20% of the muslim world believes it's okay to kill Americans. The problem being that in January 2011, there were 1.57 BILLION muslims on the planet, so 20% is a rather large number. I don't think it's a stretch to assume that there are a good number of them already in the country, as we are not only inviting them, but flying them in, housing them, setting them up with benefits and generally opening up the welcome wagon for them with little to no incentive for them to Americanize/acclimate to our way of life.

05-05-15, 09:54
Bravo Zulu to the Garland Police Officer who engaged the threats when things escalated.

I don't view this as the downhill side of managing the incident, but the uphill side. Hopefully, the computer whiz kids and administrators from all the agencies involved in the investigation are monitoring potential threats of retaliation against the Garland Police Officer.

05-05-15, 09:54
Was this an attack that mass-surveillance and mass-infringement of US citizens' liberty failed to predict? Or was it a ploy to draw them out?

05-05-15, 09:56
I'll believe the body armor when they show the plates. The Aurora movie shooter in early reports had on 'body armor' but it was just a carrier. Not saying they didn't have body armor, but these guy weren't screaming competence.

On the other hand, that might mean that the cop took them out with head shots-sweet.

That 20% number could be misleading in two ways. Most Asian Muslims are far less prone to violence- which means that the percentage in the ME could be much higher. The other is what was the actual question? Just kill Americans for being Americans, civilians or military in their country.

05-05-15, 10:20
Found out last night these two shit stains lived in my squad area. Hell my mother lived in the same apartment complex for years. Maybe with them being so close it will get some more people to open their eyes around here.

05-05-15, 10:36
Found out last night these two shit stains lived in my squad area. Hell my mother lived in the same apartment complex for years. Maybe with them being so close it will get some more people to open their eyes around here.

I doubt it. Profiling is illegal.

05-05-15, 10:44
Also FWIW the officer who ended this is 60 years old, a 38 year veteran, and did it with his issued Glock.



It doesn't matter much, but I heard that the officer's weapon was a 1911 , then a shotgun and now a Glock. So which one :)

05-05-15, 10:52

It doesn't matter much, but I heard that the officer's weapon was a 1911 , then a shotgun and now a Glock. So which one :)

I heard a 6 shot .357. I won't speculate, but if I had to walk the streets, I would want at least 12+1 on me, plus 3 reloads.

05-05-15, 10:53
Profiling is illegal.

No, racial profiling is illegal. However profiling based on other factors is an everyday thing and a good habit to have

05-05-15, 11:05
No, racial profiling is illegal. However profiling based on other factors is an everyday thing and a good habit to have

I was referring to racial profiling. Thanks for clarifying.

05-05-15, 11:29
No, racial profiling is illegal. However profiling based on other factors is an everyday thing and a good habit to have

If you aren't profiling, you aren't doing your job.

edit; before people flip out, not racial profiling.

05-05-15, 12:26
I'll believe the body armor when they show the plates. The Aurora movie shooter in early reports had on 'body armor' but it was just a carrier. Not saying they didn't have body armor, but these guy weren't screaming competence.

On the other hand, that might mean that the cop took them out with head shots-sweet.

That 20% number could be misleading in two ways. Most Asian Muslims are far less prone to violence- which means that the percentage in the ME could be much higher. The other is what was the actual question? Just kill Americans for being Americans, civilians or military in their country.

Again, IIRC, and I have to look for the article where I got it, but I believe the question was "is it okay to kill Americans" period.

05-05-15, 12:57
Again, IIRC, and I have to look for the article where I got it, but I believe the question was "is it okay to kill Americans" period.

The US has been entangled in the ME for over a decade, and hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed as a result of the war. It is not hard to imagine that many of those afflicted by war in the ME hate Americans, and want them dead. Put yourself in their shoes, and imagine how you would react to being invaded and occupied, and the deaths of family members or friends. Children growing up in a war zone come to accept a culture of death, and ISIS/AQ have plenty of recruits wanting to wage Jihad, in part because of our involvement over there.

05-05-15, 13:35
The US has been entangled in the ME for over a decade, and hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed as a result of the war. It is not hard to imagine that many of those afflicted by war in the ME hate Americans, and want them dead. Put yourself in their shoes, and imagine how you would react to being invaded and occupied, and the deaths of family members or friends. Children growing up in a war zone come to accept a culture of death, and ISIS/AQ have plenty of recruits wanting to wage Jihad, in part because of our involvement over there.

Yep, our invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan is what caused 9-11...oh wait.

Seems the big deal there was our "mere presence" in Saudi Arabia as we rescued Kuwait from Iraq and then LEFT. And a bunch of other radical dirka dirka nonsense about why it's ok to attack The Great Satan.

While I feel sorry for any innocent that dies, my main sympathies remain with innocents like these guys.


If you want to talk about people who were "attacked while doing NOTHING to anyone" these guys pretty much go to the head of the line. So I simply do NOT share your "we are partly to blame" analysis.

On September 10, 2001 nobody wanted to go to Afghanistan and few people wanted to go back to Iraq.

05-05-15, 13:44
Yep, our invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan is what caused 9-11...oh wait.

Seems the big deal there was our "mere presence" in Saudi Arabia as we rescued Kuwait from Iraq and then LEFT. And a bunch of other radical dirka dirka nonsense about why it's ok to attack The Great Satan.

While I feel sorry for any innocent that dies, my main sympathies remain with innocents like these guys.

If you want to talk about people who were "attacked while doing NOTHING to anyone" these guys pretty much go to the head of the line. So I simply do NOT share your "we are partly to blame" analysis.

On September 10, 2001 nobody wanted to go to Afghanistan and few people wanted to go back to Iraq.

"Those afflicted by our war in ME" clearly do not apply to those responsible for 9/11, since the 9/11 events preceded the sandbox invasions. My argument is valid, which is that the ME is more unstable and there are more recruits willing to do terror, in part because of our entanglements in the ME.

Big A
05-05-15, 14:24
I'm disappointed in my fellow members here from Texas... 136 posts and ain't a one a y'all said it....


Y'all slippin mane...

05-05-15, 14:43
imagine in the beginning of the country the fear of the barbary pirates ! research how much we used to pay out to them !
so who started what is a better question !

the muslims have been attacking us since the beginning of our country ! and before that they have been attacking everyone

they need no excuse other than you are not muslim ! so yes put yourself in their shoes and realize in their eyes you are either converted dead or enslaved

The US has been entangled in the ME for over a decade, and hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed as a result of the war. It is not hard to imagine that many of those afflicted by war in the ME hate Americans, and want them dead. Put yourself in their shoes, and imagine how you would react to being invaded and occupied, and the deaths of family members or friends. Children growing up in a war zone come to accept a culture of death, and ISIS/AQ have plenty of recruits wanting to wage Jihad, in part because of our involvement over there.

05-05-15, 14:44
I'm disappointed in my fellow members here from Texas... 136 posts and ain't a one a y'all said it....


Y'all slippin mane...

Dont Mess With Texas

Post 84 bro. I'm actually surprised it took that long. :D

05-05-15, 14:52
imagine in the beginning of the country the fear of the barbary pirates ! research how much we used to pay out to them !
so who started what is a better question !

the muslims have been attacking us since the beginning of our country ! and before that they have been attacking everyone

they need no excuse other than you are not muslim ! so yes put yourself in their shoes and realize in their eyes you are either converted dead or enslaved

The solution is more killing I suppose. Allahu Akbar!

Big A
05-05-15, 14:52
Post 84 bro. I'm actually surprised it took that long. :D

Damn, I reread through this thread before I posted and must have missed it.

But right, post 84? Shoulda been by post 5 at the most!

05-05-15, 15:07
I'll believe the body armor when they show the plates. The Aurora movie shooter in early reports had on 'body armor' but it was just a carrier. Not saying they didn't have body armor, but these guy weren't screaming competence.

On the other hand, that might mean that the cop took them out with head shots-sweet.

Check out this pic, bottom right side just to the left of the rifle:


Looks like a white concealable soft armor vest to me, stained with blood. Appears as though it may have been cut off one of the gunmen by first responders.

05-05-15, 15:13
Article on the officer who downed the two scumbags. Looks like he was using a Glock 21. Absolutely amazing job by that officer.


"He [the officer] had a .45-caliber Glock pistol, a much less powerful weapon than the rifles used by the attackers..."

05-05-15, 15:22
Article on the officer who downed the two scumbags. Looks like he was using a Glock 21. Absolutely amazing job by that officer.


"He [the officer] had a .45-caliber Glock pistol, a much less powerful weapon than the rifles used by the attackers..."

The police chief stated the perps used "assault rifles." I am doubtful they were select-fire rifles....

05-05-15, 15:33
Article on the officer who downed the two scumbags. Looks like he was using a Glock 21. Absolutely amazing job by that officer.


"He [the officer] had a .45-caliber Glock pistol, a much less powerful weapon than the rifles used by the attackers..."

Showing the person, via training and violence of action, not the gear, wins the day in most cases.

05-05-15, 15:46
I am saying they have been doing it before we were a country to folks around the world when we became a country they started attacking us and have not stopped ?

you are saying we deserve this ?
just seems you don't know any history !

The solution is more killing I suppose. Allahu Akbar!

05-05-15, 15:47
"He [the officer] had a .45-caliber Glock pistol, a much less powerful weapon than the rifles used by the attackers..."
Although the news reports said they had AK's, one photo I saw of the FBI boxing up a rifle for evidence looked to be a KelTec Sub 2000 (9mm).

05-05-15, 15:50
Although the news reports said they had AK's, one photo I saw of the FBI boxing up a rifle for evidence looked to be a KelTec Sub 2000 (9mm).

Truth. Though at the distances we're talking about caliber has little meaning, long guns (even pistol caliber carbines) vs hand guns is a pitched fight

05-05-15, 16:06
Truth. Though at the distances we're talking about caliber has little meaning, long guns (even pistol caliber carbines) vs hand guns is a pitched fight

The police chief said "assault weapons." Most likely semi 9mm carbine and semi AK clone (7.62x39).

05-05-15, 16:11
The police chief said "assault weapons." Most likely semi 9mm carbine and semi AK clone (7.62x39).

If you use a weapon, any weapon, in an assault, can't you then rightfully call it an "assault weapon?" I don't mean to stir the pot, I just think that sometimes we miss the forest for the trees with semantics...I think we all know what the police chief means.

FWIW I do understand the distinction you're making... neither my AR or AK is an assault weapon, considering they're both semi, and have never been used in an assault (well except against a deer, once).

05-05-15, 16:16
I am saying they have been doing it before we were a country to folks around the world when we became a country they started attacking us and have not stopped ?

you are saying we deserve this ?
just seems you don't know any history !

Fine. Let's go full retard. Christians were killing Arabs since before Mohammad was born. Happy?

Deus vult!

05-05-15, 17:00
Article on the officer who downed the two scumbags. Looks like he was using a Glock 21. Absolutely amazing job by that officer.


"He [the officer] had a .45-caliber Glock pistol, a much less powerful weapon than the rifles used by the attackers..."

Showing the person, via training and violence of action, not the gear, wins the day in most cases.


05-05-15, 17:26
Fine. Let's go full retard. Christians were killing Arabs since before Mohammad was born. Happy?

Deus vult!

If you're going to go that far, I'd venture that Arabs were killing Arabs before Christians got in on the action. Just sayin...

05-05-15, 18:53
If you're going to go that far, I'd venture that Arabs were killing Arabs before Christians got in on the action. Just sayin...

So let's keep killing!

05-05-15, 19:03
gotta love CNNs portrayal of the two cops being fully geared out with Aimpointed MP5s and the terrorists as North Hollywood geared out

05-05-15, 19:51
ummmm again learn history

so lets go back to our countries history and look the muslims are the ones who are murdering all over the world in great numbers second only to the atheist leaders

Fine. Let's go full retard. Christians were killing Arabs since before Mohammad was born. Happy?

Deus vult!

05-05-15, 19:54
Yep, our invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan is what caused 9-11...oh wait.

Seems the big deal there was our "mere presence" in Saudi Arabia as we rescued Kuwait from Iraq and then LEFT. And a bunch of other radical dirka dirka nonsense about why it's ok to attack The Great Satan.

While I feel sorry for any innocent that dies, my main sympathies remain with innocents like these guys.

If you want to talk about people who were "attacked while doing NOTHING to anyone" these guys pretty much go to the head of the line. So I simply do NOT share your "we are partly to blame" analysis.

On September 10, 2001 nobody wanted to go to Afghanistan and few people wanted to go back to Iraq.

Awesome post Steyr! Spot on.

05-05-15, 19:55
The solution is more killing I suppose. Allahu Akbar!

So be it then.

05-05-15, 19:56
IIRC there were (are?) results from widespread census-type materials that claimed that "only" about 20% of the muslim world believes it's okay to kill Americans. The problem being that in January 2011, there were 1.57 BILLION muslims on the planet, so 20% is a rather large number. I don't think it's a stretch to assume that there are a good number of them already in the country, as we are not only inviting them, but flying them in, housing them, setting them up with benefits and generally opening up the welcome wagon for them with little to no incentive for them to Americanize/acclimate to our way of life.

And then there's this. Good points.

05-05-15, 19:59
Yep, our invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan is what caused 9-11...oh wait.

Seems the big deal there was our "mere presence" in Saudi Arabia as we rescued Kuwait from Iraq and then LEFT. And a bunch of other radical dirka dirka nonsense about why it's ok to attack The Great Satan.

While I feel sorry for any innocent that dies, my main sympathies remain with innocents like these guys.

If you want to talk about people who were "attacked while doing NOTHING to anyone" these guys pretty much go to the head of the line. So I simply do NOT share your "we are partly to blame" analysis.

On September 10, 2001 nobody wanted to go to Afghanistan and few people wanted to go back to Iraq.

Thank you!!!

05-05-15, 20:14
So has it come out yet....did he headshoot the Neo-Muj?

05-05-15, 20:37
Post 84 bro. I'm actually surprised it took that long. :D

Damn, I reread through this thread before I posted and must have missed it.

But right, post 84? Shoulda been by post 5 at the most!

Both of you should look at the avatar associated with post #5.

05-05-15, 20:56
If you're going to go that far, I'd venture that Arabs were killing Arabs before Christians got in on the action. Just sayin...

And they were killing each other before Jesus. Jews and Gentiles. People will kill each other. Anyone who kills is violent, not the religion. No matter the teaching, they are exposing themselves and committing the acts, not the books.

05-05-15, 21:12
I have come across some compelling evidence that the SWAT team was in place because of a credible threat to the exhibition.

05-05-15, 21:14
I have come across some compelling evidence that the SWAT team was in place because of a credible threat to the exhibition.

And this is the part where you want someone to disagree with you, and then ask you to prove it? Why not just share what you've got in the first place?

05-05-15, 21:16
And this is the part where you want someone to disagree with you, and then ask you to prove it? Why not just share what you've got in the first place?

I won't share the source, but the evidence presented is compelling. Apparently, the intelligence business serves a purpose after all!

05-05-15, 21:16
Lol ok.

05-05-15, 23:23

05-05-15, 23:26
Obama: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/09/25/remarks-president-un-general-assembly

05-05-15, 23:28
Message from ISIS:


Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem

“The New Era”

To our brothers and sisters fighting for the Sake of Allah, we make dua for you and ask Allah to guide your bullets, terrify your enemies, and establish you in the Land. As our noble brother in the Phillipines said in his bayah, “This is the Golden Era, everyone who believes… is running for Shaheed”.

The attack by the Islamic State in America is only the beginning of our efforts to establish a wiliyah in the heart of our enemy. Our aim was the khanzeer Pamela Geller and to show her that we don’t care what land she hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter. This will heal the hearts of our brothers and disperse the ones behind her. To those who protect her: this will be your only warning of housing this woman and her circus show. Everyone who houses her events, gives her a platform to spill her filth are legitimate targets. We have been watching closely who was present at this event and the shooter of our brothers. We knew that the target was protected. Our intention was to show how easy we give our lives for the Sake of Allah.

We have 71 trained soldiers in 15 different states ready at our word to attack any target we desire. Out of the 71 trained soldiers 23 have signed up for missions like Sunday, We are increasing in number bithnillah. Of the 15 states, 5 we will name… Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, California, and Michigan. The disbelievers who shot our brothers think that you killed someone untrained, nay, they gave you their bodies in plain view because we were watching.

The next six months will be interesting, To our Amir Al Mu’mineen make dua for us and continue your reign, May Allah enoble your face.

May Allah send His peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhummad and all those who follow until the last Day.

Abu Ibrahim Al Ameriki


05-05-15, 23:37
What is the source of that message? Everything points back to justpaste.it being the original source. Any verification of authenticity?

Random terrorism related/inspired shootings like this could be an unimaginable threat to our 2a rights...imagine if next time this this happens it is successful, and not specifically targeted at an anti-muslim event like this one was. The general public will be primed for gun control to "prevent" something like this from happening again.

05-05-15, 23:54
What is the source of that message? Everything points back to justpaste.it being the original source. Any verification of authenticity?

Random terrorism related/inspired shootings like this could be an unimaginable threat to our 2a rights...imagine if next time this this happens it is successful, and not specifically targeted at an anti-muslim event like this one was. The general public will be primed for gun control to "prevent" something like this from happening again.

Actually, when stuff like this happens, people go to the gun, not away from it. What would they do to stop it? Stop selling AWs? Everyone knows that is not effective. Are they going to have people turn in their guns? Turn in guns when there are ongoing attacks by crazies- Not. Gonna. Happen.

People can do conspiracy theories on this, but if this starts happening in malls and schools, I think you see a surge in CCWs and guns.

05-06-15, 00:03
50 years ago I'd agree with you, nowadays I'm not so sure that America would go to the gun. Some would, but I think most Americans aren't thinking that self-reliantly anymore. The easy answer is to cut off the supply of guns (I know it doesn't work. You know it doesn't work. Unfortunately we're not the majority of American people). Most Americans are now born and raised in a city where food, services, security, etc is provided for them from the cradle to grave. Personally I don't expect to see a swell of pro-gun sentiment if this type of attack goes on.

Also, I'm far from a conspiracy theorist. Extremely far. I don't believe this to be some sort of false flag nonsense. In fact, I'm a federal LEO, so most people's conspiracy theories usually involve me as some sort of bad actor, LOL.

05-06-15, 00:04
Actually, when stuff like this happens, people go to the gun, not away from it. What would they do to stop it? Stop selling AWs? Everyone knows that is not effective. Are they going to have people turn in their guns? Turn in guns when there are ongoing attacks by crazies- Not. Gonna. Happen.

People can do conspiracy theories on this, but if this starts happening in malls and schools, I think you see a surge in CCWs and guns.

The current war on police is not going to help the argument that people need less guns either. If people don't think the police are there to help, or that the government can protect them from terrorists I don't see any gun control being able to be passed in that type of climate.

05-06-15, 00:25
The current war on police is not going to help the argument that people need less guns either. If people don't think the police are there to help, or that the government can protect them from terrorists I don't see any gun control being able to be passed in that type of climate.

I hope you guys are right :sad:

05-06-15, 08:54
What is the source of that message? Everything points back to justpaste.it being the original source. Any verification of authenticity?

Random terrorism related/inspired shootings like this could be an unimaginable threat to our 2a rights...imagine if next time this this happens it is successful, and not specifically targeted at an anti-muslim event like this one was. The general public will be primed for gun control to "prevent" something like this from happening again.

MSM reporting same.



05-06-15, 09:08
I'm glad it turned out the way it did, and that only contract security was wounded.

If only one police officer were killed or wounded, it would seriously call into question the logic of calling upon public servants to protect intentionally provocative speech.

In this case, the group that held the cartoon event paid over $10,000 for security.

26 Inf
05-06-15, 09:20
Quote Originally Posted by Kain:
The current war on police is not going to help the argument that people need less guns either. If people don't think the police are there to help, or that the government can protect them from terrorists I don't see any gun control being able to be passed in that type of climate.

I hope you guys are right :sad:

We went a little sideways with the assault rifle ban :D, but if you go back 25 years ago, there were virtually NO shall issue states, today there are 43 states where the law is either 'shall issue' or unrestricted carry.

I know many of you don't believe the NFA should exist, I get that, but even on that front, look at the change - SBR permits online with no hassle.

I don't think I'm a Pollyanna on the subject, but dang, things have overall changed in our favor.

It fits the NRA's agenda if we are all worried, all the time.

Don't worry be happy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU

Edited to add: I saw a meme the other day - 'At the bottom of the first: Texas - 2; Terrorists - 0' I didn't save it and now I cant find it. Anyone have it?


05-06-15, 09:31
Quote Originally Posted by Kain:
The current war on police is not going to help the argument that people need less guns either. If people don't think the police are there to help, or that the government can protect them from terrorists I don't see any gun control being able to be passed in that type of climate.

We went a little sideways with the assault rifle ban :D, but if you go back 25 years ago, there were virtually NO shall issue states, today there are 43 states where the law is either 'shall issue' or unrestricted carry.

I know many of you don't believe the NFA should exist, I get that, but even on that front, look at the change - SBR permits online with no hassle.

I don't think I'm a Pollyanna on the subject, but dang, things have overall changed in our favor.

It fits the NRA's agenda if we are all worried, all the time.

Don't worry be happy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU

I agree. The antis have been set back greatly, but we shouldn't let up our guard, and we must push forward (i.e., repeal NFA). The last 11 years have proven to be decisive for the 2A in the U.S. There are significantly more ARs/AKs in the hands of law-abiding Americans today than there ever have been before, and the AR has become THE quintessential American rifle. The repeal of the AWB in 2004, along with the wars in the sandbox, have propelled firearms innovation to unprecedented heights, and as consumers, we have benefited greatly. Rather than gutting the 2A, Obama has placed more "assault weapons" in the hands of patriots, and brought to the forefront the importance of the individual RKBA (Heller, McDonald decisions), than at any other time in recent history. NOW is the golden era for those with the hard-to-cure BRD. :)

05-06-15, 09:33
http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab12/SWATcop1911/Mobile%20Uploads/image_3.jpg (http://s845.photobucket.com/user/SWATcop1911/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_3.jpg.html)

26 Inf
05-06-15, 09:38

05-06-15, 09:42


Big A
05-06-15, 17:21
Both of you should look at the avatar associated with post #5.

Doesn't count, you didn't actually type it...:p Those are my made up rules for the internet and you should know them by now. :p:p

05-06-15, 17:23
I look forward to more scumbags visiting our malls and national monuments, and experiencing lead poisoning, courtesy of our First Freedom, the RKBA.

05-06-15, 18:02
Doesn't count, you didn't actually type it...:p Those are my made up rules for the internet and you should know them by now. :p:p

I don't know, but you may want to read post #5 again. :cool:

05-06-15, 18:15
I don't know, but you may want to read post #5 again. :cool:

I call foul!


05-06-15, 18:54
I don't know, but you may want to read post #5 again. :cool:

+5 for internet time travel......... :jester:

Big A
05-06-15, 18:57
I don't know, but you may want to read post #5 again. :cool:


05-06-15, 22:41
Wrong state idiots,the souths armed to the teeth. The Japanese knew about a rifle behind every blade of grass in WW2.

05-07-15, 00:00
"Those afflicted by our war in ME" clearly do not apply to those responsible for 9/11, since the 9/11 events preceded the sandbox invasions. My argument is valid, which is that the ME is more unstable and there are more recruits willing to do terror, in part because of our entanglements in the ME.

And my point is none of that is really anything new.

The best "stable allies" we have in the region were Saddam and the Saudi Royal family. Saddam was always a wild card and the Saudi's regularly screw us. Really the only thing that is different in any meaningful way is Osama and some of the senior Al Quida leadership are dead.

05-07-15, 01:25
And my point is none of that is really anything new.

The best "stable allies" we have in the region were Saddam and the Saudi Royal family. Saddam was always a wild card and the Saudi's regularly screw us. Really the only thing that is different in any meaningful way is Osama and some of the senior Al Quida leadership are dead.

The Kingdom of Jordan is neither a good ally nor stable?

05-07-15, 10:13
I believe that this thread would be a good one to review and comment on now that we know more about the Garland Texas incident. https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?167686-Movement-in-open-area-while-engaged

05-07-15, 13:43
The Kingdom of Jordan is neither a good ally nor stable?

Sure, but they lack the military force to accomplish anything meaningful. Unfortunately.

05-07-15, 21:07
Sure, but they lack the military force to accomplish anything meaningful. Unfortunately.

True enough. Being small and poor does make their utility beyond as an island of stability amidst a sea of chaos somewhat... reduced.

05-07-15, 21:37
True enough. Being small and poor does make their utility beyond as an island of stability amidst a sea of chaos somewhat... reduced.

If only we had an in with the worlds largest arms dealer who had some spare A-10s laying around.

05-08-15, 00:54
Not to bust your balls, but in a thread where we are making fun of Islamists using violence against others that they don't like, you imply that people that disagree with you should 'disappear'.... ;)

I'm not disagreeing with the sentiment, I just found it funny.

Political dissidents, seditious in nature. Freedom of Speech is one thing, actively working to bring down a Constitutional Republic is another.

05-08-15, 01:04
That's a scene from real life.

Race agitators from the Klan wanted to hold a rally in Austin, TX (probably so they could get maximum butt hurt without having to drive too far). Police were ordered to protect the Klan from the angry mob of citizens who encircled and attacked them.

That black policeman is protecting the Klan member.

...and that's why it's probably a good thing I'm not law enforcement.

If Westboro, the Klan, or these clowns want to hold a deliberately provocative rally with the goal of inciting violence, I'd probably take a coffee break and come back in 20 minutes to clean up.

We enjoy 1A, and nobody is going to arrest you for saying what's on your mind... but that, to me, would fall under "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

When I was on my department's crowd control unit I had the pleasure of protecting the Westboro idiots protesting a fallen Soldier's funeral service. And every time the Huey P. Newton Gun Club/NBBP stage an armed march through the streets in Dallas/Austin/etc. they have LE protection/surveillance as well.

05-08-15, 03:08
Obama: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

7.62 NATO, stop being all Islamophobic by stating quotes, historical facts, and stuff...

source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/09/25/remarks-president-un-general-assembly

I agree. The antis have been set back greatly, but we shouldn't let up our guard, and we must push forward (i.e., repeal NFA). The last 11 years have proven to be decisive for the 2A in the U.S. There are significantly more ARs/AKs in the hands of law-abiding Americans today than there ever have been before, and the AR has become THE quintessential American rifle. The repeal of the AWB in 2004, along with the wars in the sandbox, have propelled firearms innovation to unprecedented heights, and as consumers, we have benefited greatly. Rather than gutting the 2A, Obama has placed more "assault weapons" in the hands of patriots, and brought to the forefront the importance of the individual RKBA (Heller, McDonald decisions), than at any other time in recent history. NOW is the golden era for those with the hard-to-cure BRD. :)

I really hope to see the demise of the NFA, as well as the FOPA, especially since they are unConstitutional, and self-contradictory.
The fact that the rationale for infringing ownership of machine guns, SBR, suppressors, etc. is that they are not in common use, ordinary military, blah, blah, blah, when in fact they are, never ceases to amaze me.

Political dissidents, seditious in nature. Freedom of Speech is one thing, actively working to bring down a Constitutional Republic is another.

100% agreed. Freedom of speech is not a defense to treason. It really is an underutilized law. Mind you, I would hate to see this administration use it, seeing as it is they who are the traitors.

05-08-15, 06:03
Please bring the conversation back to Garland, Texas.

05-08-15, 07:41
What most concerns me is that after every incident like this, after nearly a decade of the Patriot act being in effect, after finding out the NSA is gathering everyones data, the best we can seem to hope for is after every occurance we find out "We were keeping and eye on him."
There has to be a more efficent way of gathering data and scooping these guys up.
I really wouldn't mind guys who were trying to go fight with ISIS, or have returned from fighting going GITMO with a sandbag over their head and shackled.

05-08-15, 20:01
I'm not familiar with this guy, but its the most in depth analysis I've seen of the attack.



05-09-15, 21:59
OK, so the 'bullet-proof vest' didn't work. It looks like softbody armor- but it was penetrated even by a pistol round- probably a hollow point.

The cut open vest was white on the inside- I thought Kevlar was yellow? But the bigger things is- were they dumb-asses who bought the armor on the sly or the cheap and bought 'bad stuff'- or did someone sell them that stuff because they knew who they were and what they might be up to? Did an undercover person sell them the ineffective armor as part of an ongoing investigation, which they didn't have enough to charge them, but they slipped out of town before the watchers knew what they were up to?

This story has totally fallen off the radar.

05-09-15, 22:41
This story has totally fallen off the radar.

This is due to the fact that the gunmen were not white, not combat Veterans, oh and they are M U S L I M S.

05-10-15, 16:42
This story has totally fallen off the radar.

For many reasons:
1) Texas isnt the Lefts friend, France is however. Mourn and rally behind France. Texas? *turns nose up and away*
2) Guns were successfully used self defense against a Left protected class, in this case radical muslims
3) Gunmen werent white rednecks, but a Left protected class
4) Geller is defiant, Charlie Hebdo caved in with its "All is Forgiven" issue. Cue "she asked for it" response
5) #blacklivesmatter race baiting is more important than #freespeechmatters

05-10-15, 17:11
For many reasons:
1) Texas isnt the Lefts friend, France is however. Mourn and rally behind France. Texas? *turns nose up and away*
2) Guns were successfully used self defense against a Left protected class, in this case radical muslims
3) Gunmen werent white rednecks, but a Left protected class
4) Geller is defiant, Charlie Hebdo caved in with its "All is Forgiven" issue. Cue "she asked for it" response
5) #blacklivesmatter race baiting is more important than #freespeechmatters

I think we can simplify this quite a bit:

Guns were successfully used in self-defense.

The bodycount is much lower and there is no nation-wide manhunt culminating in a dramatic hostage situation with an even more dramatic rescue caught on camera.

As they say, "If it bleeds, it leads." Well, there just isn't much blood involved when you gun down the two suckers responsible before they can kill anybody, let alone kill a dozen people, flee, take hostages, kill hostages, and then get killed.

Mauser KAR98K
05-10-15, 17:32
OK, so the 'bullet-proof vest' didn't work. It looks like softbody armor- but it was penetrated even by a pistol round- probably a hollow point.

The cut open vest was white on the inside- I thought Kevlar was yellow? But the bigger things is- were they dumb-asses who bought the armor on the sly or the cheap and bought 'bad stuff'- or did someone sell them that stuff because they knew who they were and what they might be up to? Did an undercover person sell them the ineffective armor as part of an ongoing investigation, which they didn't have enough to charge them, but they slipped out of town before the watchers knew what they were up to?

This story has totally fallen off the radar.

Doubt the guys will be posting bad reviews on Amazon.

05-11-15, 13:02
Doubt the guys will be posting bad reviews on Amazon.


05-11-15, 16:05
Wall Street Journal now reporting that SWAT took out the gunmen, not the traffic cop. This is per the Garland Chief of Police.

Apparently the traffic cop did shoot the gunmen but only wounded them. Four SWAT officers then engaged with multiple rounds before the two gunmen were killed. It looks like the gun battle went on long enough for the gunmen to retrieve more weapons and ammunition.

05-11-15, 16:15
Wall Street Journal now reporting that SWAT took out the gunmen, not the traffic cop. This is per the Garland Chief of Police.


Link please.

05-11-15, 16:16
Link please.


You may need a subscription to read the whole article.

05-11-15, 16:21

You may need a subscription to read the whole article.

Thanks. Found an NBC link with the video of the statement by the Garland PD spokesman. No subscription required :)


05-11-15, 16:28

Bates hailed the five officers who took down Simpson and Soofi as "heroes."

05-11-15, 16:34
I wonder what the benefit of this coming out now is? Regardless of who did it, awesome job!

05-11-15, 16:53
So the soft armor may have defeated the projectiles fired by the traffic cop, only to have been defeated in turn by the carbines carried by Garland SWAT.

05-11-15, 19:02

Bates hailed the five officers who took down Simpson and Soofi as "heroes."

Wish we knew exactly what transpired and who it involved. Either way, the initial cop to shoot was 60yo and didn't shrink from the danger. My hat is still off to him.

05-11-15, 20:43
OK first the guy says this...

Bates described the security plan, which he said took several months to create, as "an overwhelming success."

Then he says....

Neither the FBI nor Garland police said they anticipated that either suspect would target the event. And Bates added: "Please note that the contents of that email would not have prevented this shooting, nor would it have changed the law enforcement response in any fashion."

Even if they had "no knowledge" that these two "specific" individuals would show up, I hope that elaborate security plan was created with the expectation that somebody similar to these individuals might show up.

05-11-15, 20:52
FORTY (40) law enforcement officers were at the event, providing security, including the FBI, ATF, and a full SWAT team. Had these dumb asses been a little smarter, they may have considered going after a softer target...

05-11-15, 21:21

The traffic officer, who had never been in a shooting before, fired first and hit both suspects, Bates said.

Seconds later, four SWAT officers arrived and shot the suspects who were still moving, police said. The suspects tried to retrieve more weapons from their vehicle and they fell to the ground, police said.

One of the articles posted above said the shooting lasted 15 seconds. So the traffic officer started out standing by his car, makes 2 hits & 4 others arrive to finish up?

05-11-15, 22:14
This story keeps changing, er evolving. What's next, an airstrike?

05-11-15, 23:09
This story keeps changing, er evolving. What's next, an airstrike?

Didn't you hear? Brian Williams was there taking fire.

05-11-15, 23:15
FORTY (40) law enforcement officers were at the event, providing security, including the FBI, ATF, and a full SWAT team. Had these dumb asses been a little smarter, they may have considered going after a softer target...

So if the FBI was already there, how is it nobody else at the event got the FBI memo? Did the FBI agents at the event get the memo regarding Elton Simpson?

Either they got really, really lucky and the LEOs who made first contact were ready for it to happen or they are trying to sit on the details hoping the next ISIS wannabees will fall for it again.

05-12-15, 05:51
So once again it would appear that we have someone on the radar, and yet seemingly nothing is done. So shocked at this.

05-12-15, 12:04
So once again it would appear that we have someone on the radar, and yet seemingly nothing is done. So shocked at this.

To a certain degree I can understand wanting to watch some low hanging fruit to see if they lead you anywhere. But at the same time it seems our ability of really watch someone of interest seems very lacking. Maybe the mass surveillance data dump masked what the 2 guys we were watching were up to. Maybe, just maybe if we focused on the ball instead of doing the shotgun approach we'd have better results. These 2 were the short bus Hadji. The next 2 won't be.

05-12-15, 14:48
If an autistic, bi-polar kid on SSRIs can successfully shoot up a school, killing 27 people, it shouldn't be too hard for two grown men with basic training to obtain a higher kill count and more chaos at a soft target. It's just a matter of time...

05-18-15, 04:35
Okay, I . . . :lol:


08-01-15, 20:29
new development. Not confirmed if the same pistol was used in the attack but

Garland shooter bought pistol through ATF’s controversial gun running sting to track drug cartels (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/garland-gunman-bought-gun-operation-fast-furious-article-1.2311893)