View Full Version : So I'm in the United lounge and attempt to reach M4C...

05-05-15, 08:16
And it's blocked. I had a few hours to kill between flights and figured I check my usual web sites while in the United Lounge, and according to United, M4C is where bad people go to read up on evil "Weapons/Bombs." :bad:

United Airlines Guest
Internet Access Notification
Per company policy you have been denied access to the URL:
Not allowed to browse Weapons/Bombs category
Website blocked

Alex V
05-05-15, 08:21
It was locked at my old company as well. That's what Proxy servers are for

05-05-15, 08:22
You realize that you just typed "bomb" while in an airport??

Just hold tight, the TSA will be there for you shortly.

05-05-15, 08:38
You realize that you just typed "bomb" while in an airport??

Just hold tight, the TSA will be there for you shortly.

I saved the prompt and posted it from home. Obviously, anyone wishing to visit a forum like M4C must be up to no good and is a threat to society.

05-05-15, 08:45
Which Club? I'm a 1K on UA and I'm a lounge lizard but I've never had an issue. I know they have been changing their wi-fi systems lately, log-ins and such and people have reported issues with some VPN and other connections.

They give us soup and they take away our M4C, not a good deal.

You can't access M4C, but you buy Guns and Ammo magazine in the concourse at the newstand....

05-05-15, 09:03
Which Club? I'm a 1K on UA and I'm a lounge lizard but I've never had an issue. I know they have been changing their wi-fi systems lately, log-ins and such and people have reported issues with some VPN and other connections.

They give us soup and they take away our M4C, not a good deal.

You can't access M4C, but you buy Guns and Ammo magazine in the concourse at the newstand....

Their hub in NJ airport. I was worried about even my fire arms being transferred from one plane to another during stop over in that anti gun socialist state that make MA look pro 2A.

05-05-15, 09:04
Disney WIFI blocks M4C in all of its parks as well, for exactly the same reason.

05-05-15, 09:05
F*ck public wifi... I use my phone as a local hotspot. Not completely secure for sure, but miles better than a shared, completely open wifi router.

05-05-15, 09:18
Domestic tourist?

05-05-15, 09:34
Best buy blocks it too. There was a thread a while back on this, IMO, Their wifi, their rules. Im sure it is an airline policy, But thats the way it is.

05-05-15, 09:36
Found it:


05-05-15, 09:45
You realize that you just typed "bomb" while in an airport??

Just hold tight, the TSA will be there for you shortly.

I'd just sit there & chant "Dhurka, dhurka, JIHAD," until they UN-lock the site for you :cool:

05-05-15, 10:03
I have run into the same issue when at the Atlanta Airport. Some firearm sites were accessible, but M4C was not.

05-05-15, 13:41
This is why I always thought "jobstuff" was clever.

Perhaps we need a backdoor like "samesexharmony", nobody would dare block that.

3 AE
05-05-15, 18:45
I'd just sit there & chant "Dhurka, dhurka, JIHAD," until they UN-lock the site for you :cool:

Now that's funny right there! :lol:

Are porn sites GTG? ;)

05-05-15, 19:17
Used to be blocked at work for everybody on network computers, including physicians. Other key words were also blocked, including the word "breast". Surgeons blocked from breast surgery sites. A classic case of IT dept myopic stupidity.

I made it "an issue". Now physicians have unrestricted internet access, hospital employees still have virtually no web site access to anything (productivity issue). The hospital's public wifi has no restrictions whatsoever.

05-05-15, 19:20
Kinda reminds me mordac preventer of information services from Dilbert.


05-05-15, 20:46
China will rule the world because they block youtube and no one wastes time with cat videos or Beyonce videos.

05-05-15, 21:17
Used to be blocked at work for everybody on network computers, including physicians. Other key words were also blocked, including the word "breast". Surgeons blocked from breast surgery sites. A classic case of IT dept myopic stupidity.

I made it "an issue". Now physicians have unrestricted internet access, hospital employees still have virtually no web site access to anything (productivity issue). The hospital's public wifi has no restrictions whatsoever.

You an MD? What field?

05-05-15, 22:51
China will rule the world because they block youtube and no one wastes time with cat videos or Beyonce videos.

But have you seen Beyonce's cat?

05-06-15, 00:14
You an MD? What field?
Surgeon. Mostly laparoendoscopic, foregut, bariatrics, and flexible endoscopy.


05-06-15, 03:19
Proxies and VPNs! Protect your self and get the benefit of making it more difficult for even the .gov to figure out what your looking at. Assuming various VPN companies have not been solicited for their encryption keys, you should even have a layer of protection against the NSA.

05-06-15, 03:57
Proxies and VPNs! Protect your self and get the benefit of making it more difficult for even the .gov to figure out what your looking at. Assuming various VPN companies have not been solicited for their encryption keys, you should even have a layer of protection against the NSA.

Tell me more about these.. (PM if you want) Do these help protect data? In public wifi?

05-06-15, 04:38
But have you seen Beyonce's cat?

I'm sure it hasn't been the same since JayZ's been petting it.

You an MD? What field?

Where've you been?

05-06-15, 07:55
A few years ago I was testing a cell phone from Verizon, M4C was also blocked.

05-06-15, 08:23
Where've you been?

Had some knee surgery. Better now. Gotta start working toward shaping up for some courses this summer. Dave Spaulding and Larry Vickers are coming up later in the year, plus a couple of others. Plus my CCW expired while I was down. I haven't shot a gun in 3 months.

05-06-15, 08:37
Had some knee surgery. Better now. Gotta start working toward shaping up for some courses this summer. Dave Spaulding and Larry Vickers are coming up later in the year, plus a couple of others. Plus my CCW expired while I was down. I haven't shot a gun in 3 months.

I meant where has 7.62NATO been that he didn't know you were MD.

Glad to hear you're doing better though. I'm trying make the LV course in WI but not sure if I can swing it.

05-06-15, 09:15
I meant where has 7.62NATO been that he didn't know you were MD.

LOL. Little slow on the uptake. Damn oxycodone.

26 Inf
05-06-15, 09:27
Surgeon. Mostly laparoendoscopic, foregut, bariatrics, and flexible endoscopy.

Please tell me there isn't such an animal as an 'inflexible endoscopy.'

05-06-15, 09:59
Please tell me there isn't such an animal as an 'inflexible endoscopy.'


Not used for that end anymore, but still a wide variety of rigid scoped for a variety of other applications. Mostly under sedation or general anesthesia.

26 Inf
05-06-15, 13:37
Hmac - LOL reminds me of an event in my very distant past - high school, circa 1968 or 69 - pretty sure doing squats improperly caused a hemorrhoid(s) - told my mom, who was a nurse, next thing I know I'm at the proctologist's suffering the indignity of that exam with a cute nurse attending the doctor, remember, I'm 16. Definitely no sedatives on that trip. Until you posted that picture I had suppressed the memory.

I have Crohn's so I'm no stranger to the flexible kind, but I take a nap for those procedures, for all I know they are selling tickets.

06-08-15, 15:00
Oddly, I'm on a 737 with wi-if right now, no issues. The DEN UA clubs block it...

So if you get on a plane, you can read all of you guys's dangerous posts...

06-08-15, 15:46
I ordered a couple of lowers from the AA lounge once, never had any issues

06-08-15, 21:36
I ordered a couple of lowers from the AA lounge once, never had any issues

You know what, I ordered my DD off the school wifi in college. never had any issues.

06-09-15, 19:29
Their hub in NJ airport. I was worried about even my fire arms being transferred from one plane to another during stop over in that anti gun socialist state that make MA look pro 2A.

You're in NJ? That explains it.

I hate that state, although I have family there. some of the worst draconian gun laws, so I'm not surprised they blocked m4c.

06-09-15, 20:27
I never use public wifi. My iPhone is my internet device when outside of the home or office.

06-10-15, 14:48
Is this supposed to make people safer? If a person was going to build a bomb, wouldn't they most likely research how to do that BEFORE they got to the airport? I guess it would stop the would-be terrorist with an extreme procrastination disorder.

06-10-15, 21:35
Send Mr. FLIBS aka Jeff Smisek an email. I'm sure he will get right on it. Remember, United is based in Chicago, and we know how they love their guns up there.