View Full Version : It's not racist or sexist, it's Freedom of Speech . . .

05-09-15, 23:00
Now if this only applied to all colors and genders of animals here on Animal Farm, The War on the European-American Male rages on . . .

Boston University prof flunks 'white masculinity' in controversial tweets

Of all the racist/sexist tweets by this black female professor I have to laugh at this one . . .

Grundy posted a number of other controversial tweets, for instance claiming that only whites enslaved entire generations of people. “Deal with your white sh*t, white people. slavery is a *YALL* thing,” she said.

Perhaps the good professor has never heard of the historic African figure King Shaka kaSenzangakhona (aka Shaka Zulu); "We want muskets, ball, and powder and we have men, women, and children to trade for them".

05-09-15, 23:48
Africa was probably the birth of slavery and it wasn't until Brazil abolished slavery in 1888 (the last New World country to do so) that the slave trade across the Atlantic ended.

It is called the "salve trade" because Africans enslaved other Africans and then sold or traded them to other countries. African slavery didn't end until the 1930s and the practice was never completely eliminated.


One would think a university professor would know this basic history, or at least be able to look it up and EDUCATE himself.

Africans have been making slaves of other people for more than 3,500 years, sounds very much like it's "their thing."

And here is the cherry on top.

The ending of the slave trade and slavery in Africa had wide-ranging effects on the African continent. Many societies that for centuries had participated in an economy based on slave labor and the trading of slaves had difficulty finding new ways to organize labor and gain wealth. Meanwhile, colonial governments in Africa that outwardly disapproved of slavery still needed inexpensive laborers for agriculture, industry, and other work projects. As a result, African leaders and former slave owners, as well as colonial officials, often developed methods of coercing Africans to work without pay or for minimal compensation. Moreover, the outlawing of slavery did not erase the pain and stigma of having been a slave. Many descendants of slaves were affected by this stigma for generations after slavery was abolished.

05-10-15, 00:05
And that is not to mention the Barbary Slave Trade where millions of white Europeans and Americans were enslaved in N Africa causing a one Thomas Jefferson to form a little organization that goes by the name of The United States Marine Corps to go over there and eradicate them from this Earth. So much for facts.

05-10-15, 08:01
Two words I rarely, if ever use, are the "C" word and the "N" word, this loathsome racist witch embodies them both.

05-10-15, 08:07
Crazy Nonsense !?

05-10-15, 08:23
Crazy Nonsense !?

Yep! You got it :-)

05-10-15, 10:47
So 388,000 African slaves were brought to the US.
The most comprehensive analysis of shipping records over the course of the slave trade is the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, edited by professors David Eltis and David Richardson. (While the editors are careful to say that all of their figures are estimates, I believe that they are the best estimates that we have, the proverbial “gold standard” in the field of the study of the slave trade.) Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.

And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage.

I would remind the Professor that the slaves were captured by Africans, driven to market by Africans and sold by Africans.
At the time this all happened Slavery was a reality and not just for Africans, it was a reality for all races, cultures and countries.
She is not promoting the history of her cultures troubles, she is promoting white guilt. She has a leftist agenda and is working it with our tax dollars to promote the FSA.

05-10-15, 11:02
she is promoting white guilt.

That's a variety of guilt I'm incapable of feeling.

05-10-15, 11:22
Pointing out that blacks were as active and implicit in the slave trade cuts too close to home for black Democrat leaders. They need to keep that fact hidden or else the current black population start to wonder if anything has changed.

Slavery institutions still around? More than they want to admit.

05-10-15, 11:47
I would say look up Anthony Johnson then you idiot

and ditto others here big time also :)

also say to him look up the white slaves that were here working along black folks working here and look up how bad Brazil was and how bad Central America was or Australia for slaves and look up how bad the spanish were in the slave trade
from Africa yes you were sold out by your own people and then almost all the ships were spanish ships !
so yeah some white folks bought you (as brought up small % really) some of us treated ya good some bad that is the truth

today your own are killing each other and enslaving people in the sex trafficking biz and once again its blacks and spanish that are doing this the most in our region of the world !
and the number in the sex slavery is higher than black slaves were ! so open your eyes

and in todays modern world slavery still exists muslims are still enslaving people and the worst offenders are once again in Africa doing it to there own kind and the ones buying them ! funny how some things dont change

this mr prof is why I wont hold people as my friends based on the color of there skin but on who they are how they act ! and realize the % of folks who are in this modern day slave trade are small and just like you who is uneducated and racist I will forgive you cause that is what we learned to move on from our past not live and dwell in it but change it those who cant move out of the past I dont want as friends

so before us white folks as you call us ? (racist by the way prof) got involved barbary pirates blacks enslaving people ! maybe that is where we learned it from but then again today in Africa and other areas people are still doing it so yeah some things dont change :)

but again I wont hold it against anyone who knows this and understands it but will hold you accountable if you refuse to admit this and do something about the current slave trade and problem we have and attack those who are doing it :)

good day prof go pick up some other history books and learn a few things

05-10-15, 13:26
It is freedom of speech. Frankly, I support her right to be a racist just as much as I support everyone else's to think she is an idiot.

05-10-15, 13:46
It is freedom of speech. Frankly, I support her right to be a racist just as much as I support everyone else's to think she is an idiot.
Precisely. The media just doesnt punish all racists the same.

05-10-15, 14:21
It is freedom of speech. Frankly, I support her right to be a racist just as much as I support everyone else's to think she is an idiot.

I agree. She should not face imprisonment. However, her employer should fire her ass.

05-10-15, 14:28
agree let the prof talk shows how uneducated our prof are in school :)

and no reason to jail but for sure teaching the truth to people is important and showing what the democrats have done about womens rights to vote and about the KKK and other things they have done segregate the army kick the blacks out of the gov in the early years etc... would be wise to teach big time so folks know the truth

scary how lazy folks are not to learn on there own and just take whats shoveled at them !!!!!

05-10-15, 15:02
And that is not to mention the Barbary Slave Trade where millions of white Europeans and Americans were enslaved in N Africa causing a one Thomas Jefferson to form a little organization that goes by the name of The United States Marine Corps to go over there and eradicate them from this Earth. So much for facts.

Actually, they weren't eradicated. The Marines (and the Navy) just secured more amiable terms from the nations who were among the first to recognize our independence. Although at least one of these countries did not follow their own treaty with the US until the Brits showed up and broke more of their stuff. And, in fact, it was not until Britain broke more of their stuff and France took their land in the 1830s that the threat of the Barbary pirates was finally ended once and for good.

And many of the most notorious Barbary pirates were Europeans - privateers who no longer had wars to profit from - so it wasn't just Africans who enslaved Africans: Europeans enslaved Europeans, too. (At least one of these European Barbary pirates was eventually knighted, elected to parliament, and appointed a vice admiral of the Royal Navy.)