View Full Version : She gets it, Carly Fiorinna OWNS Chuck Todd.

05-10-15, 21:01
If you saw the interview this morning you saw how biased Chuck was trying to tear her down.
It was one of those "Throw a boot at the TV." moments.
But oh dear readers revenge is sweet.
Fiorina bought “ChuckTodd.org” and redirected it to her presidential campaign site.

God bless this Woman, even if she doesn't win you have to love the unmitigated balls that took!

05-10-15, 21:40
That's ****ing brilliant! I'd bet Chuck Todd was screaming like a little bitch when he read that....

05-10-15, 21:58
Freaking hilarious

05-10-15, 22:16
Never heard of Chuck Todd before. I'm sure I've heard of Carly Fiorinna during the five minutes of financial news that I hear on the way to work every morning.

But... I can't say I really know who they are and apart from Ms. Fiorinna running for president, I'm not sure why I should care about them or their drama.

05-10-15, 22:40
The best thing about her being in the mix is that now no one can say.... "you can't say that to a woman" as they most certainly would to defend Kankles Klinton. I think what the Repubs are doing is actually one of the first smart things they have ever done.

They have a woman, a black, a latino, a you name it..... one of everything and all the Dems have is Kankles. So now there is nothing she can say where they can't come back with one person that actually is that minority segment.... The only thing she can do now is declare she is a lesbian.

If Hillary wins this then I would have to say the USA would be the most corrupt nation on Earth. There simply could be no other reason.

Carly was the CEO of Hewlett-Packard among other things.

Chuck Todd is Liberal shill. He always puts for a technical aspect whereby ... if this, then that, and if this were to happen...then the Dems win!!! .. that's basically his tag line... Sort of like six degrees of Bacon for Liberal politics... he always has a solution that appears to be near immediate and easily met.

05-10-15, 22:57
Never heard of Chuck Todd before. I'm sure I've heard of Carly Fiorinna during the five minutes of financial news that I hear on the way to work every morning.

But... I can't say I really know who they are and apart from Ms. Fiorinna running for president, I'm not sure why I should care about them or their drama.

I don't know much about her either, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather have her than Hillary and half the GOP candidates.


Looks ok, not perfect but better than most. I'd vote for her.

05-10-15, 23:53
I'd vote for her if she gets nominated, but I would rather they went with someone else. HP already has a reputation of being one of the worst companies to work for or to deal with. She's been called one of the worst CEOs of all time. She'll get hammered on that. She'll also get nailed on being filthy rich and completely out of touch with anyone below the top 1%.

The GOP needs to get it through their head that opposing big government doesn't mean supporting big business. In fact, if there is anyone more hated in American than a politician, it's a corporate fat cat. Nobody gives a shit if they're a rags to riches story, because that doesn't mean crap to those of us who struggle paycheck to paycheck. If they keep insisting on running that platform, they're going to keep losing to the Democrats, who keep promising to fight for the little guy, regardless of whether or not they actually do it.

05-11-15, 00:04
I'd vote for her if she gets nominated, but I would rather they went with someone else. HP already has a reputation of being one of the worst companies to work for or to deal with. She's been called one of the worst CEOs of all time. She'll get hammered on that. She'll also get nailed on being filthy rich and completely out of touch with anyone below the top 1%.

The GOP needs to get it through their head that opposing big government doesn't mean supporting big business. In fact, if there is anyone more hated in American than a politician, it's a corporate fat cat. Nobody gives a shit if they're a rags to riches story, because that doesn't mean crap to those of us who struggle paycheck to paycheck. If they keep insisting on running that platform, they're going to keep losing to the Democrats, who keep promising to fight for the little guy, regardless of whether or not they actually do it.

All true, but it's also true that most voters will vote for her based upon her wardrobe and shoes as much as any other factor.

05-11-15, 04:55
I worked for HP for 3 years great position basically training tech in printing imaging and training the reps etc... but got out was a temp thing proving to INS I could hold a job ? I hate INS ! anyway got my buddy my job when I quit and that is about when she came in he was out a while after that and did hear from him and others I knew she was a lousy CEO !!!!! cant think anyone that liked her ?

no idea how she would be as president ? but running HP was a struggle I am sure

All true, but it's also true that most voters will vote for her based upon her wardrobe and shoes as much as any other factor.

05-12-15, 22:42
I have the bad feeling that all those that voted for Obama the last two elections will vote Hillary in to office twice.

05-13-15, 11:37
Of course they will and the RNC will offer up some milksap moderate establishment type like Jeb Bush and make the DNC/Media's job even easier.

05-14-15, 12:41
She won't win, but she is saying everything about Hillary that needs to be said.

That alone will make good commercial material for all the Super PACs.

05-14-15, 14:16
Boy, 'owned' has really lost a lot of its umph over the years. I'm not sure if she even 'leased' him. I'm all for sticking it to the MSM, but it's not like she dropped the mike and walked off the stage.

05-14-15, 15:07
I'd vote for her if she gets nominated, but I would rather they went with someone else. HP already has a reputation of being one of the worst companies to work for or to deal with. She's been called one of the worst CEOs of all time. She'll get hammered on that. She'll also get nailed on being filthy rich and completely out of touch with anyone below the top 1%.

The GOP needs to get it through their head that opposing big government doesn't mean supporting big business. In fact, if there is anyone more hated in American than a politician, it's a corporate fat cat. Nobody gives a shit if they're a rags to riches story, because that doesn't mean crap to those of us who struggle paycheck to paycheck. If they keep insisting on running that platform, they're going to keep losing to the Democrats, who keep promising to fight for the little guy, regardless of whether or not they actually do it.

I'm sorry but I've been in the Tech industry for a LONG time and HP does not, in fact, have a bad reputation as a company to work for. The only people calling her "one of the worst CEOs of all time" are the progressives and people who got fired during the mergers and change at HP. That label should be pinned on the CEO of GM that drove the company into the ground. OR the CEO of Lehman Bros. who began the banking calamity back in 2007. People like that, not people like Fiorina who made hard choices that ultimately ended with much stronger companies. HP probably would not have survived had Carly not made the bold moves she made.

What few people understand is that a good CEO has to make hard choices. HP had a weak ineffectual Board of Directors and she was able to come in and get the Board to make changes. There wasn't enough room in the market for both HP and Compaq, Fiorina did what needed to be done and the share holders ended up benefiting in the end. I'm looking at it from a business standpoint not as a "Class Warrior". Wealth and success comes to those who have the work ethic, brains, and talent. I'll take that any day in a President over some moderate pandering politician with SH1T for brains. This country needs bold change now or it is all over.

I worked for HP for 3 years great position basically training tech in printing imaging and training the reps etc... but got out was a temp thing proving to INS I could hold a job ? I hate INS ! anyway got my buddy my job when I quit and that is about when she came in he was out a while after that and did hear from him and others I knew she was a lousy CEO !!!!! cant think anyone that liked her ?

no idea how she would be as president ? but running HP was a struggle I am sure

She wasn't there to be liked, she was there to make change happen. Business is different than Government, you have to show results, you are not there to be loved or even liked. That is why it is hard for a CEO to get elected. A CEO has to make hard choices, successes and failures are there for everyone and leaders are held accountable. Politicians always seem to spend their way to popularity, cover up their failures, and no one EVER gets fired. That is one of the reasons our Country is in the toilet.

Chuck Todd is nothing but a corrupt left wing big media tool. Fiorina owned him, and I personally like her style over the blubbering whiny Jeb Bush, Democrat in fat cloths Christie, and starry eyed bible thumper Huckabee. Fiorina reminds me of a less affable Ronald Reagan. Tell it like it is Carly. She won't get elected, but she might be a great VP.

05-14-15, 15:20
Of course they will and the RNC will offer up some milksap moderate establishment type like Jeb Bush and make the DNC/Media's job even easier.

Jeb Bush is just embarrassing to watch. I won't even turn out to vote for that RINO, he'll lose for sure.

05-14-15, 20:18
Boy, 'owned' has really lost a lot of its umph over the years. I'm not sure if she even 'leased' him. I'm all for sticking it to the MSM, but it's not like she dropped the mike and walked off the stage.

Well She owns his web-site, which was where the pun was kinda going.

05-14-15, 21:13
Carly has ruined every company she has led. She is a diversity nightmare and I would sooner vote for the community organizer without her track record.