View Full Version : South Park perfectly describes freemium games

VIP3R 237
05-11-15, 16:05
First off this is hilarious, second it's horrible because I've done it at well. I also hate that this is the direction that gaming is going.


05-11-15, 16:36
I'm going to delete Clash of Clans now

05-11-15, 16:42
I loved that Episode. You thought Gamers were lazy before, oh boy are they bad now lol. Pay to win is a horrible trend.

05-11-15, 16:47
Doesn't just apply to mobile games, either.

See: World of Tanks and MechWarrior: Online.

Then again, I might just have an exceedingly low tolerance for grind, as people are still playing the snot out of Destiny - and other, similar multiplayer-only games, where you basically just kill other people and get killed by other people until you unlock a new goodie, so you can unlock even more goodies even slower - and I haven't touched it in months (not likely to touch it any time soon, either, as my dog ate the disc a couple weeks ago, too).

05-11-15, 16:49
Is that what all the numbnoo's with... "smart"... phones, are always diddling & fiddling about? :confused:

Makes me glad I still have my crappy flip phone!

05-11-15, 21:08
Is that what all the numbnoo's with... "smart"... phones, are always diddling & fiddling about? :confused:

Makes me glad I still have my crappy flip phone!

Old Skool flip phone member #2.
Long live the flip phone!

This shit (OP) is half the reason why I refuse to upgrade.
I just can't become "one of them"... :laugh:

05-11-15, 22:01
Just never got into the whole "gamer" thing.

Despite spending a good part of my teenage years plugging quarters into PacMan, Centipede and Karate Champ stand up arcades I never really got too wrapped up in them. Probably a good thing.

05-12-15, 00:11
As with most things in life, South Park nails it again.

05-12-15, 08:57
Wished they did more episodes a year. This 2 episode season bs is getting old. They seem to do well on broadway too.

They probably don't have to work that hard anymore. Still wished they did more shows like back in the day.

05-12-15, 09:34
Non stop staring at a so-called smart phone - for idiots.

I will NEVER own one unless I NEED one.

At this point, I can't see a NEED, as for the most part they're toys that can make a phone call.

Me, I have a flip phone that I rarely use and only have that for emergencies when out kayaking or cycling.

I never chat on it.

Yes, I AM superior...

JBecker 72
05-12-15, 10:03
Dude, I'm grinding it out in the professional class on Hardline right now. Trying to unlock that .300 knockout bolt rifle that is devastating in close to medium engagements. The requirements are pretty outrageous to get it.


05-12-15, 10:25
Dude, I'm grinding it out in the professional class on Hardline right now. Trying to unlock that .300 knockout bolt rifle that is devastating in close to medium engagements. The requirements are pretty outrageous to get it.


That could be one of the worst challenges in the game. Seriously. Getting the tier 4 perk set 10 times is literally insane, not to mention the 15 camera coins. Good luck my friend, that is damn near impossible without someone boosting you via "hacker".

05-12-15, 10:35
Yea. BF4 was my last online game; I'm staying away from battlefront. The straw that broke me was when I went 74/2 in the little-bird last weekend and the kiddos called me out on cheating. The Admins recorded me then came back and apologized then asked if I wanted to join their clan. I said no; I'm 35, married with 2 kids and they basically laughed at me and asked if I weighed 300lbs. What can i say, I'm gifted with a trackball...maybe I should fly drones or something.

05-12-15, 10:54
Yea. BF4 was my last online game; I'm staying away from battlefront. The straw that broke me was when I went 74/2 in the little-bird last weekend and the kiddos called me out on cheating. The Admins recorded me then came back and apologized then asked if I wanted to join their clan. I said no; I'm 35, married with 2 kids and they basically laughed at me and asked if I weighed 300lbs. What can i say, I'm gifted with a trackball...maybe I should fly drones or something.

I would have done the same thing you damn little bird bastards :cray:

JBecker 72
05-12-15, 11:25
That could be one of the worst challenges in the game. Seriously. Getting the tier 4 perk set 10 times is literally insane, not to mention the 15 camera coins. Good luck my friend, that is damn near impossible without someone boosting you via "hacker".

What I see guys doing is joining a clan and playing with a bunch of their clan mates. They boost each other's score with the hacker and other perks. It seems tough to do it solo unless you're a really good player.

The highlight of my Hardline career so far was going 28-4 using the Scout Elite and Mac-10 in a 64 player team death match server. But my overall KD ratio is like a 1.08 in the game at this point. The first few weeks were brutal. lol

05-12-15, 12:01
ROFL at the idea that because you own a smart phone you HAVE to do dumb things. That's the same as saying that because you live in Colorado you HAVE to smoke pot. Some people are quite productive with their smart phones and some people live in Colorado and have still never even tried pot. If you can't control what you do on a smart phone and make wise decisions in life then perhaps you shouldn't move to Colorado either.

05-12-15, 12:23
A lot of us are basically required to use smart phones for our jobs. It all comes down to productivity. Being able to monitor productivity in real time is priceless these days.

05-12-15, 12:55
ROFL at the idea that because you own a smart phone you HAVE to do dumb things. That's the same as saying that because you live in Colorado you HAVE to smoke pot. Some people are quite productive with their smart phones and some people live in Colorado and have still never even tried pot. If you can't control what you do on a smart phone and make wise decisions in life then perhaps you shouldn't move to Colorado either.

Truth. I use my galaxy for many useful things: research, work, photography, banking, video recording of training... never played a game on it. The biggest waste of time on my phone is this site, haha.

05-12-15, 15:03
No kidding!

I have had several smart phones (currently rocking the Galaxy S4) and never play games on the thing. Use it for work, banking and ...shocker...as a phone! LOL

People that are dicks on their phones would just be dicks in other ways, even if they had no phones! LOL

Honestly...I don't know how the millennials and high schoolers can peck away all day, texting on the damn little keyboard....it is annoying.

05-12-15, 15:04
I think porn and social media is the only reason I have a smart phone. Oh, and work.

05-12-15, 17:25
Pay to win brah.