View Full Version : I was a Police Officer

05-13-15, 10:13

Today, I will not answer the radio call that your boyfriend has come home drunk and is beating you again.
Today, I will not answer the radio call that your 16 year old daughter, who is very responsible, is four hours late coming home from school.
Today, I will not answer the radio call that your store has been robbed or your house has been burglarized.
Today, I will not stop a drunk driver from killing someone. I will not catch a rapist or a murderer or a car thief.
Today, I will not answer the radio call that a man has a gun or tried to abduct a child or that someone has been stabbed or has been in a terrible accident.
Today, I will not save your child that you locked in a car or the child you were too busy to watch who went outside and fell into the swimming pool, but that I revived.

No, today I will not do that. Why?

Today, I was suspended from duty for doing my job, because the media, liberals, a community organizer, a lawyer who formally represented terrorists and is the US attorney general and a mayor who ran on an anti-police agenda, who are all advised by a drug dealer, liar and income tax cheat. AND, all who know nothing about Policing, have vilified my profession.

Because ----

Today, I was killed by a drunk driver while I was helping push a disabled car off the highway.
Today, I was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop to simply tell someone that they had a taillight out.
Today, I was killed in a traffic accident rushing to help a citizen.
Today, I was shot and killed serving a warrant on a known drug dealer.
Today, I was killed by a man when I came by to do a welfare check because his family was too busy.
Today, I was killed trying to stop a bank robbery or a grocery store robbery.
Today I was killed doing my job.

A chaplain and an officer will go to a house and tell a mom and dad or a wife or husband or a child that their son or daughter or husband or wife or father or mother won't be coming home today.

The flags at many police stations were flown at half-mast today but most people won't know why.

There will be a funeral and my fellow officers will come, a twenty-one-gun salute will be given, and taps and bagpipes will be played as I am laid to rest.

My name will be put on a plaque, on a wall, in a building, in a city somewhere.

A folded flag will be placed on a mantel or a bookcase in a home somewhere and a family will mourn.

There will be no cries for justice.
There will be no riots in the streets.
There will be no officers marching, screaming 'no justice, no peace.'

No citizens will scream that something must be done.
No windows will be smashed, no cars burned, no stones thrown, no names called.

Only someone crying themselves to sleep tonight will be the only sign that I was cared about.

I was a police officer

05-13-15, 21:41
wow, crazy how I feel that way after a bad day at work or getting my ass chewed for not pegging a person with extra tickets when a stern talk and warnings mean more to them.

Some days are tough and some days are downright crazy. While others you come home and the people you care about or your child tell you how their proud of what you do, or the person you are able to save or help at work. wish more days than not I could come home and have that good feeling about doing that job instead of wondering if any of the hard work matters.

Great post, by the way.

05-13-15, 23:12
There are "maybe" three guys on this entire forum who need to read that.

That message is perhaps better served if sent to the Mayor of Baltimore, Loretta Lynch, the Mayor of New York and others of their kind. Sadly those who need to understand it the most, probably lack the capacity to understand it at all.

05-14-15, 09:22
Sad but true.

05-14-15, 10:14
Sad but true.

I disagree.

We need to stop this "woe is us" attitude. We knew what we were getting into when we took this job. The media can try to beat us down, the public can try to beat us down, but that wont stop us from doing what we were ordained by God to do. We are just, we are fair, we are brave, we are caring, and we are the ONLY thing keeping the wolves at bay. Shine your boots, polish your leather, clean your gun, and go to work. It's not us vs them, and the day it becomes that, I'd rather be "them".

I just finished my 12.5 hour shift, and will be going back again tonight. It's a calling, a cruel mistress, and a pleasure. Dispatch, 405, EOW.

05-14-15, 14:28
I disagree.

We need to stop this "woe is us" attitude. We knew what we were getting into when we took this job. The media can try to beat us down, the public can try to beat us down, but that wont stop us from doing what we were ordained by God to do. We are just, we are fair, we are brave, we are caring, and we are the ONLY thing keeping the wolves at bay. Shine your boots, polish your leather, clean your gun, and go to work. It's not us vs them, and the day it becomes that, I'd rather be "them".

I just finished my 12.5 hour shift, and will be going back again tonight. It's a calling, a cruel mistress, and a pleasure. Dispatch, 405, EOW.

Excellent spirit.


05-14-15, 19:08
Damn, that was very well said. Thank you. I'll be at rifle quals at 0700 tomorrow. :cool: David

I disagree.

We need to stop this "woe is us" attitude. We knew what we were getting into when we took this job. The media can try to beat us down, the public can try to beat us down, but that wont stop us from doing what we were ordained by God to do. We are just, we are fair, we are brave, we are caring, and we are the ONLY thing keeping the wolves at bay. Shine your boots, polish your leather, clean your gun, and go to work. It's not us vs them, and the day it becomes that, I'd rather be "them".

I just finished my 12.5 hour shift, and will be going back again tonight. It's a calling, a cruel mistress, and a pleasure. Dispatch, 405, EOW.

05-15-15, 17:32
I disagree.

We need to stop this "woe is us" attitude. We knew what we were getting into when we took this job. The media can try to beat us down, the public can try to beat us down, but that wont stop us from doing what we were ordained by God to do. We are just, we are fair, we are brave, we are caring, and we are the ONLY thing keeping the wolves at bay. Shine your boots, polish your leather, clean your gun, and go to work. It's not us vs them, and the day it becomes that, I'd rather be "them".

I just finished my 12.5 hour shift, and will be going back again tonight. It's a calling, a cruel mistress, and a pleasure. Dispatch, 405, EOW.

Awesome post. Shit like this keeps me motivated to put the uniform on and go to work.

05-15-15, 22:44
I disagree.

We need to stop this "woe is us" attitude. We knew what we were getting into when we took this job. The media can try to beat us down, the public can try to beat us down, but that wont stop us from doing what we were ordained by God to do. We are just, we are fair, we are brave, we are caring, and we are the ONLY thing keeping the wolves at bay. Shine your boots, polish your leather, clean your gun, and go to work. It's not us vs them, and the day it becomes that, I'd rather be "them".

I just finished my 12.5 hour shift, and will be going back again tonight. It's a calling, a cruel mistress, and a pleasure. Dispatch, 405, EOW.

I don't consider it woe is us. At this point, I'll provide the level of policing the public is asking for. Working smarter not harder is the key now while avoiding being a scapegoat at the risk of my family's stability and safety.

05-16-15, 01:34
I don't consider it woe is us. At this point, I'll provide the level of policing the public is asking for. Working smarter not harder is the key now while avoiding being a scapegoat at the risk of my family's stability and safety.

I get what you are saying, and certainly don't blame you for protecting yourself, but there is hardly a homogenous "public" in most places. I can guarantee you that some of the dope smoking, piece of shit hillbillies that live a block away want a very different kind of "community law enforcement" than what I might prefer.

Sadly the real "minorities" these days seem to be people who actually want some law and order.

Joe R.
05-16-15, 12:12
LowSpeed HighDrag, it will be interesting to see how you feel in 20-30 years. I for one am glad my career is at it's end. I've put in 28 years and this is by far the low point for law enforcement as a whole. When people ask me about their children going into LE I strongly advise against it. The current political climate and rush to judgment by the media and public has turned the job into a no win situation. Self satisfaction only goes so far.

05-16-15, 12:57
I mirror what Joe just said. I have talked to Joe about my daughter joining the police academy this winter. I have tried to talk her out of it but it is a calling and there was really no changing her mind. I know it's kind of neat that she will be the fourth generation of police officers in her family but that's about all of the positive I can see in her decision to be a cop right now. I will support her and teach her all of the tricks that I know but I won't be able to be there to help her out when the witch hunts begin.