View Full Version : An OIS in Texas. Thoughts?

05-21-15, 11:18
An OIS in Texas resulted in no charges. What are your thoughts as to whether the officer should have done something differently, such as ordered suspect to the ground, employed taser, OC, etc? Click link for video.

GRAPEVINE, Texas — A Grapevine police officer will face no charges in the Feb. 20 shooting death of an unarmed Mexican immigrant, a case in which protesters raised questions of excessive use of force.


05-21-15, 12:30
According to what I read the officer gave the drunken suspect a great number of verbal commands to stay by his vehicle and the suspect ignored the officers commands and kept advancing on the officer.

So, why would the suspect obey a command to lay on the ground or do anything else the officer ordered as he didn't obey the other commands.


I don't know if the officer had a taser.

Plus, given how quick a knife can come into play, I think the officer did what he had to do.

05-21-15, 12:45
People arent people when they are inebriated. Doesnt matter who the guy was or is. Cop had to make a choice, if he had a LL option, i hope he thought of using that 1st. Did the guy deserve to die? No IMO. Was he a criminal? Well yea of course. Id like to know if they found any weapons.

05-21-15, 13:58
Taser would've been ideal when the suspect was at longer range but this was obviously a high stress situation for the officer. He had plenty of verbal commands disobeyed and the suspect continued to ignore them. OC may cause him to wander into traffic and again the cop is on the line.

The real problem is how many people would care if this drunk idiot killed a family on their way to walmart? We would never hear about it. Put others lives in jeopardy, run from the police, disobey orders from an officer, and advance on an officer with his gun drawn really gives you a slim chance of living. Not an ideal ending, but not an ideal situation. I'm glad the officer is okay, looks clean to me. I can't say I would do any better (not a cop so that's irrelevant anyways).

05-21-15, 14:59
Thats the thing though. Its a "could have" deal. He could have caused a wreck and killed someone. Im glad the cop stopped him before he did, but im wondering if he had any LTL option at all? Why not use that? Isnt deadly force always the last resort, i mean, no one wants to kill someone right? (Mil applications dont count here, these are the streets not a battlefield)

05-21-15, 15:06
So a habitual drunk driver (had one other recorded DUI incident and don't learn makes him a habitual one in my book) goes on a high speed chase (yes 89 MPH is a high speed chase, especially while you're drunk); refuses to obey basic commas to stay put and gets shot. The guy was obviously too drunk, no Ingles or most likely both so offering more verbal commands is tits on a boar useful. If available less lethal AT DISTANCE would have probably been a better choice IF available. Once the guy gets within hands on distance all bets are off. People can get out of hand and dangerous in a split second add in drunken asshole syndrome and it's a complete crapshoot. Not sure if the GJ got this one wrong.

05-21-15, 15:16
So a habitual drunk driver (had one other recorded DUI incident and don't learn makes him a habitual one in my book) goes on a high speed chase (yes 89 MPH is a high speed chase, especially while you're drunk); refuses to obey basic commas to stay put and gets shot. The guy was obviously too drunk, no Ingles or most likely both so offering more verbal commands is tits on a boar useful. If available less lethal AT DISTANCE would have probably been a better choice IF available. Once the guy gets within hands on distance all bets are off. People can get out of hand and dangerous in a split second add in drunken asshole syndrome and it's a complete crapshoot. Not sure if the GJ got this one wrong.

Agreed. sounds to me like a shitbag got himself smoked due to his own douchery and the world is better off without him.

05-21-15, 15:28
García Villalpando created the circumstances that lead to his death. We can't see what happened after he moved to an area that was not video recorded. We do not have all the information the Grand Jury considered before making a decision.

Mr. Villalpando's actions, closing distance, etc., during the investigative stop lead me to believe he was setting up the police officer to physically assault him and be close enough to take his weapon. Without seeing and hearing evidence the Grand Jury considered, it would be impossible for any reasonable and responsible person to say with certainty whether the shooting was justified or unjustified. If the officer failed to act, there is just as great a likelihood the officer would have been killed.

I would have to go along with the Grand Jury in this case.

05-22-15, 01:17
Don't enter a nation illegally, get drunk, and refuse to follow LE commands after you drew their undivided attention. Go to old Mexico and try that with their LEOs.

05-22-15, 09:16
This is why cops need video cameras on dashboards or on their person.

The officer would likely have been charged criminally were it not for the video.

The offender was wearing a loose fitting shirt. This can make it difficult for the TASER to work. Additionally, using the TASER at more than a few yards is tricky. The probes spread and often miss the target. I have had mixed results using them.

I think the shooting is tragic. The drunk is to blame, not the cop.

05-22-15, 09:21
Don't enter a nation illegally, get drunk, and refuse to follow LE commands after you drew their undivided attention. Go to old Mexico and try that with their LEOs.
x2. Don't do hood s**t and bad things won't happen to you.

05-22-15, 09:31
Don't enter a nation illegally, get drunk, and refuse to follow LE commands after you drew their undivided attention. Go to old Mexico and try that with their LEOs.

The article didn't state his legal status.

García Villalpando created the circumstances that lead to his death. We can't see what happened after he moved to an area that was not video recorded. We do not have all the information the Grand Jury considered before making a decision.

Mr. Villalpando's actions, closing distance, etc., during the investigative stop lead me to believe he was setting up the police officer to physically assault him and be close enough to take his weapon. Without seeing and hearing evidence the Grand Jury considered, it would be impossible for any reasonable and responsible person to say with certainty whether the shooting was justified or unjustified. If the officer failed to act, there is just as great a likelihood the officer would have been killed.

I would have to go along with the Grand Jury in this case.

He had it coming to himself. He set himself up for it. Shit happens all the time. Agreed, without any further info to us (the public) all we can do is speculate..

05-22-15, 10:57
The article didn't state his legal status.

It's a local story, the suspect was illegal.

05-22-15, 11:28
SMH. drunk mexicans making everyone else look bad. O well.

05-22-15, 11:35
The family has to understand this guy put the public in danger with his antics. I don't care if he was hispanic, black, grey or purple. What he did was wrong. The point im making is that, the family should know whether the cop had a LL options or not, and why the jury decided to go the way they did. I'm not saying the officer was wrong, he has to defend his life as well as the public's. Play stupid games get stupid prizes, and this guy's drinking put him 6 feet under.

05-22-15, 11:43
Also, for the crowd saying "LL doesn't always stop em" well. Im sure we can conclude from this video:


That bullets dont always stop people immediately either. Anyone whose ever shot a deer should know that.

Im not against the cop shooting the guy, he had to stop the threat.

05-22-15, 20:31
This is why cops need video cameras on dashboards or on their person.

The officer would likely have been charged criminally were it not for the video.

The offender was wearing a loose fitting shirt. This can make it difficult for the TASER to work. Additionally, using the TASER at more than a few yards is tricky. The probes spread and often miss the target. I have had mixed results using them.

I think the shooting is tragic. The drunk is to blame, not the cop.

You would probably have more issues with the jacket preventing probe penetration. On top of that fighting in a road way that busy is a deadly situation. Plus he was advancing on the officer with a gun Drawn on him this would lead a rational person to conclude that his intent was to close the gap assault, disarm and possible kill the LEO. What other reason would he have to advance on him? Then if anyone wants to go into the tasers effectiveness look at that old thread with the Walmart fight in cottonwood. Several were deployed there and none worked. Dudes were walking with taser cords dragging behind them. Could it have been tried yes. But then the officer has to discard taser if it didn't work and draw his weapon. You cannot see the officer but most officers are trained to hold at the driver door or at the rear of the vehicle either would have been a gap easily closed by the suspect either before the draw or at the same time. So no I do not see a less Lethal weapon being the best solution.

05-23-15, 05:26
Grab an airsoft gun and play this out as a scenario with a buddy. Do 20 burpees first to get your heart rate up. What decision do you make when, after 20 verbal warnings, he is now right in front of your gun?

05-23-15, 13:33
You would probably have more issues with the jacket preventing probe penetration. On top of that fighting in a road way that busy is a deadly situation. Plus he was advancing on the officer with a gun Drawn on him this would lead a rational person to conclude that his intent was to close the gap assault, disarm and possible kill the LEO. What other reason would he have to advance on him? Then if anyone wants to go into the tasers effectiveness look at that old thread with the Walmart fight in cottonwood. Several were deployed there and none worked. Dudes were walking with taser cords dragging behind them. Could it have been tried yes. But then the officer has to discard taser if it didn't work and draw his weapon. You cannot see the officer but most officers are trained to hold at the driver door or at the rear of the vehicle either would have been a gap easily closed by the suspect either before the draw or at the same time. So no I do not see a less Lethal weapon being the best solution.

I'm not a Cop, but I agree with your observations. I would have shot him, after 20 warnings and he still keeps closing the distance?
No Brainer, BANG !