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05-21-15, 21:00
A second secret email address used by Hillary Rodham Clinton while she was secretary of state was revealed Monday.

The email address, published by The New York Times, was used in exchanges between Clinton and longtime adviser Sydney Blumenthal, and is from the same private email server that was uncovered earlier this year.

“Fyi. The idea of using private security experts to arm the opposition should be considered,” Clinton wrote Blumenthal from the *email address HRod17@clintonemail.com.

The two were discussing strategies to help the opposition rebels oust Moammar Khadafy in Libya as that country descended into chaos in 2011.

Clinton’s office insisted just two months ago that the only private email address used by the former secretary of state during her tenure was hdr22@clintonemail.com.

In a 2015 letter to Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Clinton’s lawyer acknowledged that the HRod17 email address existed, but stated explicitly that it was “not an address that existed during Secretary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.”

The time stamps and content of the messages make clear that this statement was inaccurate, according to the Times report.

The first private email use was seen as a breach of protocol. Clinton’s advisers handed over 55,000 pages of emails to the State Department so they could comply with an investigation. But, according to Vice News, those emails will not be made public until 2016.

Clinton admitted to deleting thousands of others, claiming they were personal.

The revelation of a second email address raises questions about Clinton’s transparency and her relationship with Blumenthal.

The longtime Clinton confidant was not working at the State Department at the time, but advising American contractors that sought to do business in war-torn Libya.

In another email after Blumenthal suggested the new Libyan leader, Mohamed Magariaf, would “seek a discrete relationship with Israel,” Clinton wrote to her deputy Jake Sullivan, “If true, this is encouraging. Should consider passing to Israelis,” according to the Times.

Blumenthal’s coordination with Clinton raises the likelihood of additional scrutiny asshe runs for the White House.

While he was not given a job in the State Department by the Obama administration, Blumenthal was employed by Bill and Hillary Clinton’s philanthropic organization, the Clinton Foundation, to help with research and “message guidance,” according to the Times.
At some point I have to ask, when does the politics end and the self less service begin?

05-21-15, 22:25
Hmmmm. Hilary has emails talking about arming Syrian rebels. Just this week more info came out that weapons were being smuggled from Ben Ghazi to Libya.

Maybe the truth that the US was smuggling weapons to Libya through Ben Ghazi is starting to gain traction.

05-21-15, 22:37
Hmmmm. Hilary has emails talking about arming Syrian rebels. Just this week more info came out that weapons were being smuggled from Ben Ghazi to Libya.

Maybe the truth that the US was smuggling weapons to Libya through Ben Ghazi is starting to gain traction.

Been saying this since day one. Sadly, anyone who actually wants Hillary as POTUS is tacitly admitting they want the Oval Office run with corruption and lies. They don't want the truth, they just want an ideology, and a false one at that. :(

05-21-15, 22:53
There is little doubt in my mind that weapons were being smuggled through there and the president knew about it, so did the CIA and so did Hillary. People will still vote for her because we are now becoming accustom to allowing corruption to happen with no consequences.

We also know that the whole attack was because of a video is a lie and Judicial Watch has posted docs.

05-21-15, 23:10
There is little doubt in my mind that weapons were being smuggled through there and the president knew about it, so did the CIA and so did Hillary. People will still vote for her because we are now becoming accustom to allowing corruption to happen with no consequences.

We also know that the whole attack was because of a video is a lie and Judicial Watch has posted docs.

Back in 10/2/2002 I wrote this.

I firmly believe you could publish photos of the Clintons having 3 way sex with Janet Reno while negotiating the sale of NORAD systems to China while Osama Bin Laden films the decadence and 54% of the country would still vote for them.

05-22-15, 09:21
The New York Times obtained a third of the 850 pages of emails related to Benghazi that Clinton turned over to the agency and discovered that “Clinton’s emails show that she had a special type of government information known as ‘sensitive but unclassified,’ or ‘SBU,’ in her account”:

That information included the whereabouts and travel plans of American officials in Libya as security there deteriorated during the uprising against the leadership of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in 2011. Nearly a year and a half before the attacks in Benghazi, Mr. Stevens, then an American envoy to the rebels, considered leaving Benghazi citing deteriorating security, according to an email to Mrs. Clinton marked ‘SBU.’

One email marked sensitive but unclassified reportedly contained the whereabouts of Stevens “as he considered leaving Benghazi during the uprising against the Qaddafi regime because of the deteriorating security”:
The idea that information like this was being sent across a non .gov server should alone be enough to send her to jail.

05-22-15, 12:35
But some of the emails contain what the government calls “sensitive” information or “SBU” — sensitive but unclassified. This includes details of the whereabouts of State Department officials in Libya when security there was deteriorating during the 2011 revolution. One email from a year and a half before the attacks that was marked sensitive but unclassified contained the whereabouts of Mr. Stevens as he considered leaving Benghazi during the uprising against the Qaddafi regime because of the deteriorating security.
“The envoy’s delegation is currently doing a phased checkout (paying the hotel bills, moving some comms to the boat, etc.),” said the email that was forwarded to Mrs. Clinton from a close aide, Huma Abedin. “He will monitor the situation to see if it deteriorates further, but no decision has been made on departure. He will wait 2-3 more hours, then revisit the decision on departure.”
The emails also show that Mrs. Clinton was circulating information about the attacks in Benghazi that contradicted the Obama administration’s initial narrative of what occurred, and that she was concerned about how Republicans could use the incidents to undermine President Obama.

And of course no one is going to be willing to call her on this.

05-22-15, 14:04
Controversial Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal is no longer on the Clinton Foundation payroll, but it is still unclear when he left and under what circumstances.

A spokesperson for the foundation told theWashington Free Beacon that Blumenthal ”hasn’t worked here in a while,” but did not confirm when he left or why. Blumenthal did not respond to request for comment.

The New York Times reported on Monday that Blumenthal was simultaneously working for the foundation, entities with business interests in Libya, and providing foreign policy advice to Hillary Clinton while she was at the State Department.

The congressional committee investigating the Benghazi attack subpoenaed Blumenthal on Tuesday for a closed-door deposition, which could take place as early as June 3.

According to the Times, Blumenthal sent Clinton numerous emails with advice on Libya policy, which she then passed on to other State Department officials. Some of the messages mentioned officials related to Blumenthal’s business interests, while others included information that seemed dubious to State Department officials.

Blumenthal, a former journalist who became an advisor to President Bill Clinton, used his media clout to help defend the Clintons in the 1990s. But some critics accused him of underhanded tactics. According to his long-time former friend, the late journalist Christopher Hitchens, Blumenthal shopped around false stories about Monica Lewinsky in an attempt to discredit her during the Kenneth Starr investigation.

Blumenthal’s ties to the Clintons came under new scrutiny in 2013, after his private emails advising Hillary Clinton on Libya policy were leaked by a hacker known as Guccifier.

This guy would appear to be a scumbag on the highest level, it would also appear that his connections to the Clinton's and being paid by the Clinton Foundation allowed him to direct business contracts in Libya during the revolution. Conflict of interest anyone?
I'm not sure how much more evidence is needed to get the IRS and the Justice Department involved.

05-23-15, 11:09
I'm not sure how much more evidence is needed to get the IRS and the Justice Department involved.[/I][/B]

Simply put, that Hillary is a closet Republican conservative. :(

05-23-15, 13:24
I'm just saying if Bradley Manning is sitting in Leavenworth for playing games with security classified material, when we have a Secretary of State, using multiple e-mail accounts and conducting the Countries business from her own server. This too is a security breach.
The idea that intelligence reports were passed to and from Blumenthal as to the conditions on the ground and the location of our Ambassador, is a no-go. Blumenthal was a employee of the Clinton foundation, Obama had made it clear that Blumenthal was persona non grata within the Administration and not a State Department Employee. Any information shared with him was illegal.
Any information the State Department via the Secretary of State could offer him in regards to business deals within Libya would and are also illegal. If any of that information from Clinton to Blumenthal was used to profit the Clinton Foundation you have a very, very real issue. Everything above points toward that.

05-24-15, 12:40
I'm just saying if Bradley Manning is sitting in Leavenworth for playing games with security classified material, when we have a Secretary of State, using multiple e-mail accounts and conducting the Countries business from her own server. This too is a security breach.
The idea that intelligence reports were passed to and from Blumenthal as to the conditions on the ground and the location of our Ambassador, is a no-go. Blumenthal was a employee of the Clinton foundation, Obama had made it clear that Blumenthal was persona non grata within the Administration and not a State Department Employee. Any information shared with him was illegal.
Any information the State Department via the Secretary of State could offer him in regards to business deals within Libya would and are also illegal. If any of that information from Clinton to Blumenthal was used to profit the Clinton Foundation you have a very, very real issue. Everything above points toward that.

Agreed, but no one in this administration gives a damn unless the perp does something that goes against their agenda. The double standard couldn't possibly be any more evident. :(