View Full Version : Headlines that invite violence

05-29-15, 07:10
Whether accurate or not, a headline like this seems to be the media intentionally pushing an endpoint. Hopefully this goes smoothly, but the media hopes it does not obviously. The headline:

Armed Bikers Plan to Draw Cartoons of Mohammed Outside a Mosque in Arizona

An armed biker gang. Cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. A mosque in Arizona. What could possibly go wrong?

We’ll find out Friday, when two organizers — Jon Ritzheimer and Flash Nelson — host what’s being billed as a peaceful demonstration outside the Islamic Community Center in Phoenix. It’s the former site of worship for Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, who were killed after opening fire outside a May 3 contest featuring cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in suburban Dallas. Simpson had no direct link to the Islamic State but was sympathetic to its cause. Many Muslims consider depictions of Mohammed blasphemous.

Just like the cartoon contest outside Dallas, this event, scheduled for 6:15 p.m. Friday, appears to welcome controversy. In a Facebook invite, the planners urge attendees to take full advantage of their Second Amendment right to carry weapons. So far, 163 people have RSVP’d.

Here’s the Facebook post in full, verbatim:

ROUND 2!!!!!!! This will be a PEACEFUL protest in front of the Islamic Community Center in Phoenix AZ. This is in response to the recent attack in Texas where 2 armed terrorist, with ties to ISIS, attempted Jihad. Everyone is encouraged to bring American Flags and any message that you would like to send to the known acquaintances of the 2 gunmen. This Islamic Community Center is a known place that the 2 terrorist frequented. People are also encouraged to utilize there [sic] second amendment right at this event just incase [sic] our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack.


05-29-15, 08:58
I'm really torn on this one. On one hand, why go looking for trouble? On the other hand, I'm really tired of the double standard where Christian white males are supposed to tolerate every attack and insult, but even thinking (Or drawing a cartoon, as the case may be...)about someone else's religion is some sort of hate crime. Or maybe its just "thought crime" as Orwell succinctly put it... You Muslims want tolerance and understanding? Well, tolerate THIS!

My other question is this: Is this really a biker "gang", as in a bunch of criminals on two wheels, or is this a bunch of law abiding citizens who are in a motorcycle club and like to ride?

The media, for the most part, lost any shred of integrity long ago in my mind, so their headlines and opinions are meaningless to me anyway.

Thanks for posting Will.

05-29-15, 09:15
Freedom of Speech doesn't mean "unless it offends jihadists" then cower and remain mum.

Given enough of these events, the crazies will be thinned out...

05-29-15, 10:27
Didn't the gay activists do stupider stuff than this against the Church. Gay kiss-ins during Mass, disrupting parades and general silliness even more invasive than setting up an easel and drawing a picture. It's not like they infiltrating the mosque wearing faux suicide vest made with CO2 tanks as the charge and Baco's-bits as the shrapnel and showering everyone with evil pork by products.

This in some ways is akin to MLKjr picking the worst southern towns to stage marches in. He knew that he would get the biggest, vilest, ugly responses and help prove his point.

I do love that woman's point that non-controversial speech doesn't need protecting because no one cares. It's only controversial speech that needs protecting.

05-29-15, 12:42
Honestly we should do this everywhere UNTIL people stop caring.

My estimation of "armed bikers" just went up a notch. This is a useful investment of their time. I hope a couple Jihadis actually take the bait and get checked off the list.

Reminds me of Greensboro when a bunch of communists were taken on by the KKK.

05-29-15, 13:23
Meh, here's to hoping some bad guys get smoke checked if they do something stupid.

05-29-15, 13:38
This is a superb opportunty for Muslims to prove that Islam is a religion of peace. Instead of showing up to shoot the blasphemers or shout at them with hatered in their hearts, they can pray peacefully for the bikers. I can totally see that happening! :rolleyes:

05-29-15, 13:40
I'm really torn on this one. On one hand, why go looking for trouble?

Not directed at you specifically, but it saddens me when people drawing cartoons are characterized as "looking for trouble." The people who are ACTUALLY "looking for trouble" are those who are willing to kill other people because they have drawn an offensive cartoon.

Jerry Fawell certainly didn't like Larry Flynt or the many deliberately offensive cartoons in Hustler magazine that were intended to insult and / or undermine Fawell, but I honestly don't think for a second that Jerry Fawell actually considered killing Larry Flynt.

Ironically Larry Flynt was shot by by somebody who was offended by an interracial pictorial "“Butch: A Black Stud and His Georgia Peach" (featuring porn star Desiree Cousteau) in 1978. The problem of course wasn't adult material or an interracial portrayal in Hustler magazine but somebody with a hateful ideology that is willing to kill people.

At the end of the day, it's the same hate, it's the same willingness to kill over things like cartoons, Hustler magazine or the Satanic Verses. Those individuals are completely responsible for the violence THEY cause.

05-29-15, 14:20
Draw a pic of Mohamed wailing at a mass grave filled with women and children victims of ISIS.

26 Inf
05-29-15, 14:24
I kind of think we ought to do what most of our mothers told us 'Don't go looking for trouble!'

These guys are, there is no other reason to exercise their rights in this manner, at this venue. Their intent is to provoke some kind of violent response, not exercise their rights.

One of the problems with protests like this is that they most certainly push fence sitters to the other side of the fence, in essence playing into the bad guy's hands.


05-29-15, 14:36
Who in their right mind sits on a figurative fence over the condoning of violence as a justifiable response to words to begin with?

05-29-15, 14:48
OHHHHH hell no!... I want EVERY muslim to know I disagree with them, am proud to be an infidel, and am not afraid to say so.

What if the muzzy's get upset and start to riot?... Yeah I hope so.

05-29-15, 14:50
Who in their right mind sits on a figurative fence over the condoning of violence as a justifiable response to words to begin with?

People on the left?

05-29-15, 14:59
Ok, in hindsight my post was rhetorical.

05-29-15, 15:09
my mother taught me to stand up for myself and others and don't be pushed around by folks who want to take things from you or deny you !

and you are not playing into bad guys hands ? they are bad guys willing to cross the line and kill you and your children as the muslims have now been tweeting !

lets see muslims say drawing a cartoon they will kill you ! so you say its my right and I will stand up for that !
so drawing a cartoon or killing folks ? and you think the cartoon drawing folks are the one crossing the line ? yikes thoughts like that we are hosed
there is a time to stand up and this is a great way to do it

seems your view and your moms was as a kid if a bully bullies you best to just do what he says and avoid him if the bully says you cant go down this hall you listen to him and never confront or stand up to him even if it means taking away your freedom ! then the bully wins

I kind of think we ought to do what most of our mothers told us 'Don't go looking for trouble!'

These guys are, there is no other reason to exercise their rights in this manner, at this venue. Their intent is to provoke some kind of violent response, not exercise their rights.

One of the problems with protests like this is that they most certainly push fence sitters to the other side of the fence, in essence playing into the bad guy's hands.


05-29-15, 16:26
I kind of think we ought to do what most of our mothers told us 'Don't go looking for trouble!'

These guys are, there is no other reason to exercise their rights in this manner, at this venue. Their intent is to provoke some kind of violent response, not exercise their rights.

One of the problems with protests like this is that they most certainly push fence sitters to the other side of the fence, in essence playing into the bad guy's hands.

Constitutionally Protected.

Fixed it for you. :(

05-29-15, 19:14
I kind of think we ought to do what most of our mothers told us 'Don't go looking for trouble!'

These guys are, there is no other reason to exercise their rights in this manner, at this venue. Their intent is to provoke some kind of violent response, not exercise their rights.

One of the problems with protests like this is that they most certainly push fence sitters to the other side of the fence, in essence playing into the bad guy's hands.


So the Communist Workers Party should NOT have held a "Death to the Klan" rally in 79?

If a cartoon is all it takes to get you to the other side of the fence, you were already there. Sooner or later something is going to get you because you were already willing to kill over a cartoon, Hustler magazine or a Taco Bell commercial.

05-29-15, 21:32
watch and listen to the dumb fox new libs talking about scary guns and scary people who want violence

hahahahah yeah you forgot you idiots who was wanting to kill who !

who was threatening the guy who started this and who wants to kill his children ! but yeah the comic drawing guys are the bad ones !!!

our country is hosed sadly

sure it will be over soon so watch now to have a laugh and realize how the sheep on the news feel

05-29-15, 21:56
love how they are saying the people in Texas drew these people out and it was there fault the terrorist came to kill them !

and how these people are asking to have violence happen and that drawing muhamed is blasphemous like its a law ? scary

man the liberal brain is really messed up

05-29-15, 22:55
If you want to talk about blasphemy, how about even entertaining the thought that a mosque should be built at ground zero in Manhattan.

Now there is something to get upset over, protest, rally, and exercise what few rights we have left in New York city. But somebody drawing a cartoon?

I think it was Steyr in a previous thread who suggested that we have one of these contests in every city in America until our brothers of the "religion of peace" either show their true colors and come out to be dispatched, or learn to deal with the American First Amendment.

And if they can't learn to coexist, there is always that introduction to the 2nd Amendment as a plan B.

05-29-15, 23:08
Well I'm a cop in Phoenix and, this might be shocking to some, nothing bad happened.

05-29-15, 23:49
Well I'm a cop in Phoenix and, this might be shocking to some, nothing bad happened.

Are you sure?? ;)

Muslims don't attack everyone and gun toting right wingers don't shoot places up- a bad day for stereotypes...

05-30-15, 03:02
Well I'm a cop in Phoenix and, this might be shocking to some, nothing bad happened.

And that is the way it should always be. I suspect after the last cartoon contest radicals are a bit gun shy.

05-30-15, 14:03
glad nothing happened

the way the press is these days they will say these cartoon folks are just racist wanting to bait violence

if there was violence the press would have said they were racist folks bating the violence

the fact that MXNBC news said the cartoonists were targeting the victims mosque to create violence

sadly this is how it is now with the news you want to have rights you are a racist or violent person

the one girl from fox here was saying remember when obama was here that one guy brought a AK47 how scary ! to bad the other guy did not correct her and say well it was a AR-15 and he was black guy :) but once again even the press only listens to themselves