View Full Version : The New Nationwide Crime Wave

Amp Mangum
05-30-15, 16:18
The consequences of the ‘Ferguson effect’ are already appearing. The main victims of growing violence will be the inner-city poor.


05-30-15, 16:31
The obvious common sense solution is more money, just not money for those racist police departments, naturally.

05-30-15, 17:14
Not only has Obama managed to re start the Cold War with Russia (an impressive feat by itself) but now he is going to take the nation back to a 1970s level of inner city crime and violence.

05-30-15, 17:31
Not only has Obama managed to re start the Cold War with Russia (an impressive feat by itself) but now he is going to take the nation back to a 1970s level of inner city crime and violence.
Gotta hand it to him. He's good at what he does.

Boba Fett v2
05-30-15, 17:40
Drama sells. It's the American way.

05-30-15, 17:40
Meanwhile: one for the good guys!!


No protests here BTW...

Amp Mangum
05-30-15, 17:49
Cloward-Piven Strategy:


05-30-15, 19:41
The consequences of the ‘Ferguson effect’ are already appearing. The main victims of growing violence will be the inner-city poor.


Give it five years. Wait till the new generation of cops are on the beat. Most of the new guys now are... Aaahhhh... Eeeewwww...... things will get worse. People have asked for professional clerks to respond and document a crime scene that is what now walks through the door. We are slowly losing the ones who tried to take criminals off the streets before they committed serious crimes. I have been seeing this more and more. I am watching more and more good guys leave. Just wait I am really concerned( no sarcasm.)

05-30-15, 19:55
This will inevitably lead to more cries for gun control, because hey, that's the problem, right?

Just as I've said I refuse to give up my Constitutional rights for the acts of lunatics or sociopaths (i.e Sandy Hook or Columbine), likewise I refuse to do so for the acts of street-scum pieces of shit.

05-30-15, 20:07
This will inevitably lead to more cries for gun control, because hey, that's the problem, right?

Just as I've said I refuse to give up my Constitutional rights for the acts of lunatics or sociopaths (i.e Sandy Hook or Columbine), likewise I refuse to do so for the acts of street-scum pieces of shit.

Could be the other way around you never know. It could blow up on them like last time and the elections. The dems got smoked because of it. Modt people read the head lines about the constant murders assaults and robberies. The poor live it. I would imagine many would want a gun.

05-30-15, 20:15
Same here.

05-30-15, 20:16
Give it five years. Wait till the new generation of cops are on the beat. Most of the new guys now are... Aaahhhh... Eeeewwww...... things will get worse. People have asked for professional clerks to respond and document a crime scene that is what now walks through the door. We are slowly losing the ones who tried to take criminals off the streets before they committed serious crimes. I have been seeing this more and more. I am watching more and more good guys leave. Just wait I am really concerned( no sarcasm.)

Same here.

05-30-15, 20:50
When even the WSJ calls it "gun violence", we are in serious trouble.

If the MSM and Progressives can't even properly describe the problem, how can they have any chance of solving the problem. Their solutions of gun and cop control are going to do nothing but hurt the communities that they say they are tying to help.

05-30-15, 20:58
When even the WSJ calls it "gun violence", we are in serious trouble.

If the MSM and Progressives can't even properly describe the problem, how can they have any chance of solving the problem. Their solutions of gun and cop control are going to do nothing but hurt the communities that they say they are tying to help.

Maybe I'm just in a rebellious/cantankerous mood tonight but I don't give a shit who calls for what, or what their cries result in. "Created" criminals aren't valid to me, and that includes myself.

Used to have a sigline that read "If you make me a criminal with the wave of a pen then I just might have to act like one". Just sayin'.......

Outlander Systems
05-30-15, 21:59
When even the WSJ calls it "gun violence", we are in serious trouble.

If the MSM and Progressives can't even properly describe the problem, how can they have any chance of solving the problem. Their solutions of gun and cop control are going to do nothing but hurt the communities that they say they are tying to help.

We should make it illegal for felons to own firearms...

...maybe we should make murder illegal...

05-30-15, 23:07
Give it five years. Wait till the new generation of cops are on the beat. Most of the new guys now are... Aaahhhh... Eeeewwww...... things will get worse. People have asked for professional clerks to respond and document a crime scene that is what now walks through the door. We are slowly losing the ones who tried to take criminals off the streets before they committed serious crimes. I have been seeing this more and more. I am watching more and more good guys leave. Just wait I am really concerned( no sarcasm.)

This worries me more than anything else.

05-30-15, 23:30
Give it five years. Wait till the new generation of cops are on the beat. Most of the new guys now are... Aaahhhh... Eeeewwww...... things will get worse. People have asked for professional clerks to respond and document a crime scene that is what now walks through the door. We are slowly losing the ones who tried to take criminals off the streets before they committed serious crimes. I have been seeing this more and more. I am watching more and more good guys leave. Just wait I am really concerned( no sarcasm.)

Same thing's been being said about the military (in general) for years. While I 'feel' the same as you (and others) do, I honestly do not believe that it is that dire. There will still be a burning desire within individuals to do the right thing and to do their jobs that nothing can extinguish. Though there numbers may ebb and flow, they will always be.

05-30-15, 23:50
Same thing's been being said about the military (in general) for years. While I 'feel' the same as you (and others) do, I honestly do not believe that it is that dire. There will still be a burning desire within individuals to do the right thing and to do their jobs that nothing can extinguish. Though there numbers may ebb and flow, they will always be.

But I would think that there will be a movement of good cops away from the urban core to positions with less risk of violating protocols and fed guidelines? Sure, you'll still get people with the calling, but I'd have to think that guys with families and careers won't want to do a full career in the inner city.

Cities have become gentrified and safe, is that the first thing we see is that marginal neighborhoods, or nice neighborhoods in close proximity to Chiraq type neighborhoods will start to take a hit?

05-31-15, 00:18
But I would think that there will be a movement of good cops away from the urban core to positions with less risk of violating protocols and fed guidelines? Sure, you'll still get people with the calling, but I'd have to think that guys with families and careers won't want to do a full career in the inner city.

Cities have become gentrified and safe, is that the first thing we see is that marginal neighborhoods, or nice neighborhoods in close proximity to Chiraq type neighborhoods will start to take a hit?

Ebb and Flow.

The Blue Falcons and Spotlight Rangers will show themselves for who they really are now. And yes, it will take wealthy neighborhoods being 'sullied' in order for people's heads to be removed from their fourth point of contact.

ETA: I do NOT mean to imply that I in any way believe that 'the po-po' don't care about 'the po'.

05-31-15, 02:26
Give it five years. Wait till the new generation of cops are on the beat. Most of the new guys now are... Aaahhhh... Eeeewwww...... things will get worse. People have asked for professional clerks to respond and document a crime scene that is what now walks through the door. We are slowly losing the ones who tried to take criminals off the streets before they committed serious crimes. I have been seeing this more and more. I am watching more and more good guys leave. Just wait I am really concerned( no sarcasm.)

Police will be reduced to "observe and report" to the extent possible and most major cities will adopt the Oakland approach where police no longer respond to a long list of crimes including grand theft, burglary, car wrecks, identity theft and vandalism and such crimes will be reported on line.

Here is a list of "no response" crimes in Oakland.

grand theft
grand theft:dog
identity theft
false information to peace officer
required to register as sex or arson offender
dump waste or offensive matter
discard appliance with lock
loud music
possess forged notes
pass fictitious check
obtain money by false voucher
fraudulent use of access cards
stolen license plate
embezzlement by an employee (over $ 400)
attempted extortion
false personification of other
injure telephone/ power line
interfere with power line
unauthorized cable tv connection
administer/expose poison to another's

As a result the inmates run the asylum.

Guess I'll have to start watching more "Death Wish" and "Taxi Driver." Wonder if Times Square will devolve into the hooker infested concentration of porn shops and massage parlors it once was.

Now here is the scary part. Given the Obama damage he's done already, I wonder what kind of parting gifts he has in mind. Most Presidents do the kind crap they'd normally get fired for as a last act including blatantly unpopular legislation, pardon's of criminals and the like.

05-31-15, 03:13
This is pretty on point.

Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence

And it segues into . . .

Why Do I Need A Rifle?

05-31-15, 07:41
What good is having a rifle if you get life in prison for using it?

Outlander Systems
05-31-15, 10:03
What good is having a rifle if you get life in prison for using it?

Shiiiiiiiiit. That's what lamp posts are for, mah brotha!

05-31-15, 10:21
Police will be reduced to "observe and report" to the extent possible and most major cities will adopt the Oakland approach where police no longer respond to a long list of crimes including grand theft, burglary, car wrecks, identity theft and vandalism and such crimes will be reported on line.

Here is a list of "no response" crimes in Oakland.

grand theft
grand theft:dog
identity theft
false information to peace officer
required to register as sex or arson offender
dump waste or offensive matter
discard appliance with lock
loud music
possess forged notes
pass fictitious check
obtain money by false voucher
fraudulent use of access cards
stolen license plate
embezzlement by an employee (over $ 400)
attempted extortion
false personification of other
injure telephone/ power line
interfere with power line
unauthorized cable tv connection
administer/expose poison to another's

As a result the inmates run the asylum.

Guess I'll have to start watching more "Death Wish" and "Taxi Driver." Wonder if Times Square will devolve into the hooker infested concentration of porn shops and massage parlors it once was.

Now here is the scary part. Given the Obama damage he's done already, I wonder what kind of parting gifts he has in mind. Most Presidents do the kind crap they'd normally get fired for as a last act including blatantly unpopular legislation, pardon's of criminals and the like.

I was thinking about that yesterday. I haven't seen or heard a police car in my neighborhood in well over a month, not that my area is all that bad.

05-31-15, 14:05
Looks like the Liberals & "Underprivileged African Americans" wishes are coming true. They don't like law enforcement for doing their jobs & want them to stay out of their "bidness", now LE is leery to do their jobs in fear that they'll be crucified for it. I hope their dreams become a reality. If I was a cop, I'd stand back & watch the ghettos burn with a smile.

05-31-15, 22:31
Give it five years. Wait till the new generation of cops are on the beat. Most of the new guys now are... Aaahhhh... Eeeewwww...... things will get worse. People have asked for professional clerks to respond and document a crime scene that is what now walks through the door. We are slowly losing the ones who tried to take criminals off the streets before they committed serious crimes. I have been seeing this more and more. I am watching more and more good guys leave. Just wait I am really concerned( no sarcasm.)

This worries me as well. LEO, much like teachers are no longer viewed as high value professions. They are looked upon as the you couldn't get a real job profession. This will of course get worse and the prophecy will come true. The few good ones will retire or find other jobs or their voices will be further drowned out by the retarded majority. The legal system already sucks ass in the country; so when the LEO side gets finished off things will get interesting.

IMO there are 2 potential paths. States with strong self defense laws may not get hit as hard as others. Without federal involvement such as laws over ruling states defensive laws these states have a chance of holding out till the small time criminals decide to move to target rich environments or get culled. Liberal shit holes will take it in the rear though until those that can escape. Then we'll have a lot more Detroits, possibly at the state level.

Mauser KAR98K
05-31-15, 22:48
All this could have just been avoided with some belt-feds with high cyclic rates and easy barrel changes. Just sayin'.


05-31-15, 23:13
What good is having a rifle if you get life in prison for using it?

Well like the bumper sticker says . . .

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/12x6_zpsggkpyh4w.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/12x6_zpsggkpyh4w.jpg.html)

06-01-15, 00:17
Not only has Obama managed to re start the Cold War with Russia (an impressive feat by itself) but now he is going to take the nation back to a 1970s level of inner city crime and violence.

Looks like we are entering a cold war with China too.

What good is having a rifle if you get life in prison for using it?

I guess it depends on how you use it. I believe I read recently that the Korean shop owners did not go to jail because there are exceptions in the law for riots.

I'm ready to equip my neighborhood.

06-01-15, 07:07
I guess it depends on how you use it. I believe I read recently that the Korean shop owners did not go to jail because there are exceptions in the law for riots.

...for now.

06-01-15, 07:51
The consequences of the ‘Ferguson effect’ are already appearing. The main victims of growing violence will be the inner-city poor.


Author couldn't even make it to the second sentence without "Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America" as if guns cause violence on their own or is some how a unique form of violence worthy of its own term.

06-01-15, 15:20
Author couldn't even make it to the second sentence without "Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America" as if guns cause violence on their own or is some how a unique form of violence worthy of its own term.

I wonder if in ancient Greece there were articles about "sword violence?" :jester:
The media's absurdities know no bounds.

06-01-15, 16:05
I wonder if in ancient Greece there were articles about "sword violence?" :jester:
The media's absurdities know no bounds.

Not even a joke man. The UK has called for banning knives beyond X length and their medical "experts" called for removing the points on knives due to the "knife violence" they have. You think I Jest:

Doctors say knives are too pointed

A&E doctors are calling for a ban on long pointed kitchen knives to reduce deaths from stabbing.

A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase - and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings.

They argued many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol and drugs, and a kitchen knife often makes an all too available weapon.

The research is published in the British Medical Journal.

The researchers said there was no reason for long pointed knives to be publicly available at all.

They consulted 10 top chefs from around the UK, and found such knives have little practical value in the kitchen.

None of the chefs felt such knives were essential, since the point of a short blade was just as useful when a sharp end was needed.

The researchers said a short pointed knife may cause a substantial superficial wound if used in an assault - but is unlikely to penetrate to inner organs.

In contrast, a pointed long blade pierces the body like "cutting into a ripe melon".



06-01-15, 17:51
Not even a joke man. The UK has called for banning knives beyond X length and their medical "experts" called for removing the points on knives due to the "knife violence" they have. You think I Jest:

Doctors say knives are too pointed

A&E doctors are calling for a ban on long pointed kitchen knives to reduce deaths from stabbing.

A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase - and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings.

They argued many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol and drugs, and a kitchen knife often makes an all too available weapon.

The research is published in the British Medical Journal.

The researchers said there was no reason for long pointed knives to be publicly available at all.

They consulted 10 top chefs from around the UK, and found such knives have little practical value in the kitchen.

None of the chefs felt such knives were essential, since the point of a short blade was just as useful when a sharp end was needed.

The researchers said a short pointed knife may cause a substantial superficial wound if used in an assault - but is unlikely to penetrate to inner organs.

In contrast, a pointed long blade pierces the body like "cutting into a ripe melon".



Ban Soccer.

06-01-15, 20:39
Ban Soccer.

Football. You'll confuse the shit out of them Brits with that language.

So what are they going to do when knives have rounded tips instead of points and they get a rash of slashing victims. Will they demand knives be dulled cause who needs a sharp knife when all that people need to eat is Government supplied shakes??

06-01-15, 21:57
Good thing nobody over there owns a bench grinder and that nobody knows how to profile a blade. I remember making knives out of rail road spikes when I was a kid.

06-02-15, 09:03
Good thing nobody over there owns a bench grinder and that nobody knows how to profile a blade. I remember making knives out of rail road spikes when I was a kid.

Or being a real Cretan and rubbing a stick back and forth on the concrete to sharpen the end of it. :rolleyes:

Remember those dart guns that looked like a 1911 and shot the darts with the rubber suction cups on the end of it? I recall pulling the rubber suction cup off of one and doing the Cretan thing by sharpening it on the concrete. My younger brother (I was maybe 9, he was 6) was sitting there and I point-blanked him in the chest with it. What the hell, why not right? He started crying and ran in the house. Mom was not pleased......never got that dart gun back either, bitch!

06-02-15, 11:49
Futball. You'll confuse the shit out of them Brits with that language.

Fixed it. You were confusing the shit out of them Americans with that language.

06-02-15, 15:58
Football. You'll confuse the shit out of them Brits with that language.

So what are they going to do when knives have rounded tips instead of points and they get a rash of slashing victims. Will they demand knives be dulled cause who needs a sharp knife when all that people need to eat is Government supplied shakes??

Soon I think they are going to ban pointy sticks, pitch forks, tent stakes, ice picks, shears, wrought iron fences with sharp tips, screw drivers, and rotisserie skewers. They are insane over there. With their crazy drive to make victims out of their citizens you would think the citizens would rise up and demand their God given right to self defense.

I fear America is next.

06-02-15, 21:47
I am glad someone mentioned the change in police officers the country will see. Even with the introduction of body cams, you are seeing several good cops say enough it enough. The ones who truly take their oath seriously as well as their integrity in their reports and testimony. The continued assault on that integrity is insulting and simply not worth it. Technology will always fail so when it does, is a good felony charge simply going to walk because it will be assumed the video was tampered with instead of simply breaking.

Add the "Ferguson Effect" and I along with many see it as not worth it to risk my families safety and livelihood by being thrown under the bus by the media. That brake light stop one would have made that resulted in a good arrest for concealing stolen property or the like is simply not made because it only takes that one stop to go bad and your life is turned upside down like Darren Wilson's for simply doing it right.

The new hires now make me wonder. They are either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid for jumping in during this time lol. For the good cops which I consider myself it is an incredibly difficult decision during these times.

26 Inf
06-02-15, 22:27
Or being a real Cretan and rubbing a stick back and forth on the concrete to sharpen the end of it. :rolleyes:

Remember those dart guns that looked like a 1911 and shot the darts with the rubber suction cups on the end of it? I recall pulling the rubber suction cup off of one and doing the Cretan thing by sharpening it on the concrete. My younger brother (I was maybe 9, he was 6) was sitting there and I point-blanked him in the chest with it. What the hell, why not right? He started crying and ran in the house. Mom was not pleased......never got that dart gun back either, bitch!

About the same age probably closer to 10, sister was two years younger. I remember thinking, I wonder if this cinnamon toothpick will shoot from my BB gun and stick in sis's leg. It did. Same result.

A paper route, plus lax gun laws that allowed pre-teens to buy bb guns with their paper route money, combined with a steep learning curve on the part of said pre-teen ended with mom, dad, and Mr. Brandt (the neighbor whose son I usually shot) being well-armed with bb guns.

Hey, I've been victimized by gun control my entire life.