View Full Version : A demonstration of white privilege

06-01-15, 08:29

Looks like those over privileged "White devils" are at it again!:D

06-01-15, 08:46
From the article:

The whiteness brandished by the anti-Muslim protesters - within a state where racism and xenophobia infamously thrive - was the most potent part of their protest.


Of course, consider the source (al Jazeera). But if the "news" wanted to prove the point of some protesters, this was a good start.

06-01-15, 08:53
While carrying weapons, organised, and seemingly ready to pounce on Muslim American counterprotesters, the anti-Muslim action aimed to cultivate and spread armed Islamophobic actions throughout the state. Friday's protest was hardly a rogue action, but on account of its head organiser, John Ritzheimer, the first of many.

This is the same mosque where the two terrorists worshiped that did their own attempt at a counter protest in Texas at a "Draw a cartoon of Mohammad", the two guys who were shot dead.
Sorry you worship with scumbags expect someone else to come along and call you out on it.
Oh and by the way, the death threats to Ritzheimer have lead to him putting his family in hiding and putting his house up for sale. Something about death threats and beheadings threatened.
Funny that when the shoes on the other foot, how that fits aint it?

06-01-15, 10:37
Using the term "Islamophobic" is merely a way to control the topic. A phobia is a fear. This seems more like anger than fear. Using the term "Islamophobia" is inappropriate in this instance. After all, if anger, fear and hate were interchangeable, we wouldn't need three different words...

06-01-15, 10:54
Using the term "Islamophobic" is merely a way to control the topic. A phobia is a fear. This seems more like anger than fear. Using the term "Islamophobia" is inappropriate in this instance. After all, if anger, fear and hate were interchangeable, we wouldn't need three different words...

Like homophobia, the ignorant folks in the journalism industry think phobia means hate. I don't know when it started, but it drives me nuts. I bet if they read this they think I'm calling them rude since ignorant is losing its meaning as well. Remember the good Ole days when words meant something?

06-01-15, 12:03
So that's the first I've seen the notion of brandishing whiteness. Quite creative I'll give them that.

06-01-15, 14:26

Looks like those over privileged "White devils" are at it again!:D

Whenever I go to "Al Jizz" I feel like I've been on Stormfront. The blatant racism is astounding.

06-01-15, 14:36
would like a article to say unlike colored privilege the muslims who come to kill everyone at these events which has been proven by Texas !

06-01-15, 14:36
It's like the attack in Texas never happened. These people showed up out of the blue to protest a community center.

This was vividly evidenced on the violent crackdown on the wave of Black Lives Matter protests that swept through the US, and on Friday, police protection of the anti-Islam protesters in Phoenix.

"Violent crackdown"??? Sure you might get arrested if you concrete yourself in a drum on the highway- with BLM lawyers watching every action of the cops. And how many charges against protesters have been dropped? This is pure lunacy.

I'm starting to feel better about myself- I guess I am powerful ;). It's like the old joke of two Jewish farmers in Czarist Russia. One is reading the newspaper with an article with an Anti-semetic title. The reader is asked by his friend why is he reading such crap- and the reader responds that he wants to see how rich, powerful and scheming he is.

White men have freedom of speech more than others- yeah, right. Just try that out.

06-01-15, 15:12
al jazeera is now streaming into US cable homes though and according to hillary the real news !!!!

06-02-15, 00:24
Al Jizz-n-ur-ear, the propaganda wing of the Islamofascist.

Let's not forget it was Al "I invented the internet and want to save the planet" Gore who was in with them when they first sat up shop here.

06-02-15, 00:41
It's like the attack in Texas never happened. These people showed up out of the blue to protest a community center.

Or "white" caucasian (literally from the Caucasus) muslims didn't perpetrate the Boston bombings? Since that one is a tough one to explain since no one was from a non-caucasian race so they aren't disenfranchised except for being in a protected class by religion; it isn't "real" jihad.

06-03-15, 08:59
"This was vividly evidenced on the violent crackdown on the wave of Black Lives Matter protests that swept through the US,"???? Really? Like the violent crackdown that kept Ferguson from being destroyed, oh, sorry it was destroyed. You must mean like the violent crackdown that saved all those cars and buildings in Baltimore...oh, wait nothing was spared in Baltimore either. You must be talking about NY City where the " violent crackdown" allowed protestors to disrupt traffic and the lives of everyone around, injure police officers, and trample cars as the "peaceful" protestors chanted for dead cops to satisfy their yearning for peace.

Guy needs to get his head out of his backside and spend some time convincing those peaceful and tolerant Muslims around the world to stop beheading Christians, tossing gays off of buildings, burning Jordanian pilots alive and generally killing anyone who has a different religious view. How about that?

In the meantime, as our administration continues to bring hundreds of thousands of Muslims from anti-American cultures in to America, to instantly receive benefits not offered to hardworking, tax-paying, law-abiding Americans, we have every right to display our pride in being American, whether it's our whiteness or our blackness or whatever form that American comes in, our Constitution allows us to do so.

Unacceptable to you? Not a problem as there are plenty of one-way flights out of the country leaving daily. Please enjoy the freedom to leave and go someplace "more tolerant"

06-03-15, 09:27
^ thumbs up to that.

06-03-15, 10:09
I think if the author of that article tried really hard he could actually make his article more biased, absurd and ridiculous. It was a good first draft though...

Great post rocsteady. Spelled it out perfectly.

06-03-15, 10:12
One myth I see perpetrated by "experts" time and time again is that muslims aren't racist, racism is viewed in the ME as a western problem (this has actually been said by so-called experts on Islam during theater security briefings on deployment). I wish I was making that up.

Same briefing: "Islam is a peaceful religion." Then went on to explain the myriad things which will insult a muslim and compel him to kill you.

06-03-15, 10:59
Giving the Muslims a pass on joining our societal norms is going to work out about as well as exempting blacks from these norms has done in the past 50 years or so.

06-03-15, 11:00
"This was vividly evidenced on the violent crackdown on the wave of Black Lives Matter protests that swept through the US,"???? Really? Like the violent crackdown that kept Ferguson from being destroyed, oh, sorry it was destroyed. You must mean like the violent crackdown that saved all those cars and buildings in Baltimore...oh, wait nothing was spared in Baltimore either. You must be talking about NY City where the " violent crackdown" allowed protestors to disrupt traffic and the lives of everyone around, injure police officers, and trample cars as the "peaceful" protestors chanted for dead cops to satisfy their yearning for peace.

Guy needs to get his head out of his backside and spend some time convincing those peaceful and tolerant Muslims around the world to stop beheading Christians, tossing gays off of buildings, burning Jordanian pilots alive and generally killing anyone who has a different religious view. How about that?

In the meantime, as our administration continues to bring hundreds of thousands of Muslims from anti-American cultures in to America, to instantly receive benefits not offered to hardworking, tax-paying, law-abiding Americans, we have every right to display our pride in being American, whether it's our whiteness or our blackness or whatever form that American comes in, our Constitution allows us to do so.

Unacceptable to you? Not a problem as there are plenty of one-way flights out of the country leaving daily. Please enjoy the freedom to leave and go someplace "more tolerant"

Spot on post, you nailed the X-ring.

06-03-15, 11:01
One myth I see perpetrated by "experts" time and time again is that muslims aren't racist, racism is viewed in the ME as a western problem (this has actually been said by so-called experts on Islam during theater security briefings on deployment). I wish I was making that up.

Same briefing: "Islam is a peaceful religion." Then went on to explain the myriad things which will insult a muslim and compel him to kill you.

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

06-03-15, 14:16
One myth I see perpetrated by "experts" time and time again is that muslims aren't racist, racism is viewed in the ME as a western problem (this has actually been said by so-called experts on Islam during theater security briefings on deployment). I wish I was making that up.

Same briefing: "Islam is a peaceful religion." Then went on to explain the myriad things which will insult a muslim and compel him to kill you.

I bet some Indian workers in the ME would beg to differ.....

06-03-15, 15:29
I bet some Indian workers in the ME would beg to differ.....

Or the Philippine "house maids and nanny's"?
They give up their passports on arrival and some are subject to repeated rapes and beatings until their contract is finished and they can go back home to their families.

06-03-15, 15:30
I bet some Indian workers in the ME would beg to differ.....

Or the Philippine "house maids and nanny's"?
They give up their passports on arrival and some are subject to repeated rapes and beatings until their contract is finished and they can go back home to their families.

06-03-15, 15:48
Or the Philippine "house maids and nanny's"?
They give up their passports on arrival and some are subject to repeated rapes and beatings until their contract is finished and they can go back home to their families.
Bah, instead the UN says shutting off water in Detroit is a human Rights violation.

06-03-15, 20:19
well of course :) since who is sitting on the UN women's rights board ? the peaceful muslims of Iran who have always been known to treat women equally :)

ahhhh the UN cant wait till they govern the world its going to be such a awesome utopia

Bah, instead the UN says shutting off water in Detroit is a human Rights violation.

06-04-15, 06:23
well of course :) since who is sitting on the UN women's rights board ? the peaceful muslims of Iran who have always been known to treat women equally :)

ahhhh the UN cant wait till they govern the world its going to be such a awesome utopia

A Lady I worked with in Kuwait who was rather uninformed when she first got there, walked out from her apartment to the company car while drinking a diet Coke. It just happened to be ramadan and there just happened to be a couple of knuckle heads in man dresses waiting outside to school a western infidel on their culture. The resulting beat down was only interrupted by a few of us walking outside to catch them in the act before they made a hasty retreat.
Now you can't explain this shit to your average hippy chick with a coexist bumper sticker, they have that deer in the headlights look and will quickly tell you you're a liar.
Cool, you coexist, I'll go buy some more ammo; have fun with that.

06-04-15, 08:02
A Lady I worked with in Kuwait who was rather uninformed when she first got there, walked out from her apartment to the company car while drinking a diet Coke. It just happened to be ramadan and there just happened to be a couple of knuckle heads in man dresses waiting outside to school a western infidel on their culture. The resulting beat down was only interrupted by a few of us walking outside to catch them in the act before they made a hasty retreat.
Now you can't explain this shit to your average hippy chick with a coexist bumper sticker, they have that deer in the headlights look and will quickly tell you you're a liar.
Cool, you coexist, I'll go buy some more ammo; have fun with that.

Coming soon to a town near you!!

06-04-15, 08:12
A Lady I worked with in Kuwait who was rather uninformed when she first got there, walked out from her apartment to the company car while drinking a diet Coke. It just happened to be ramadan and there just happened to be a couple of knuckle heads in man dresses waiting outside to school a western infidel on their culture. The resulting beat down was only interrupted by a few of us walking outside to catch them in the act before they made a hasty retreat.
Now you can't explain this shit to your average hippy chick with a coexist bumper sticker, they have that deer in the headlights look and will quickly tell you you're a liar.
Cool, you coexist, I'll go buy some more ammo; have fun with that.

Seems like a reason to send more college students on very short "study abroad" programs to the mideast... you'll just need some sort of hostage rescue teams to retrieve the ones who are kidnapped in their 3-day stay. Would be a good practical education for many.

06-04-15, 10:19
Send them there and make them wear their "coexist" shirts and see how far down the street they get looking like that.


06-04-15, 11:59
Send them there and make them wear their "coexist" shirts and see how far down the street they get looking like that.


That would be worth some money for a kick starter campaign...

06-04-15, 12:09
The concept behind the "coexist" stickers is NOT a two way street....the lefties don't realize this, do they?

The idea that lefties hate America and ISIS/Al Queada/HAMAs hates American does not cement the two. They STILL want to yank you out of that Prius and chop your heads off! LOL

06-04-15, 13:42
The concept behind the "coexist" stickers is NOT a two way street....the lefties don't realize this, do they?

The idea that lefties hate America and ISIS/Al Queada/HAMAs hates American does not cement the two. They STILL want to yank you out of that Prius and chop your heads off! LOL

I had to go to one of the "Big Box" Hardware Stores the day of the day of the Boston Bombing. As I pull out and this is No Shit, there is a Prius with a Coexist sticker on the bumper. I had to stop and do a double take because as I'm listening to the ongoing news report of the aftermath. Along comes Harry the Hippy and he asks me what I'm doing looking at his car. I had to turn up the radio for him and ask him How all that Coexist was working for the folks in Boston.

06-04-15, 14:13
The concept behind the "coexist" stickers is NOT a two way street....the lefties don't realize this, do they?

The idea that lefties hate America and ISIS/Al Queada/HAMAs hates American does not cement the two. They STILL want to yank you out of that Prius and chop your heads off! LOL

The muslims will "coexist" with you as long as you convert to their brand of islam. The hippies will "coexist" with you as long as you don't disagree with them or park your truck in their "fuel efficient car" parking place that are popping up all over. This is something that generally everyone should do. There are usually no laws on the books about what defines a "fuel efficient" car for parking, so the prius drivers can just cry over the "injustice".

06-04-15, 14:42
YUP :) good but sad story and agree most will say LIAR !!

my cuz lives in Dubai and flies for Dubai air so he lives very well over there but always says you have to come over to visit :) hahahahaha

yeah not going to happen :) not about to put myself in a country where laws exist that I would maybe violate :)

A Lady I worked with in Kuwait who was rather uninformed when she first got there, walked out from her apartment to the company car while drinking a diet Coke. It just happened to be ramadan and there just happened to be a couple of knuckle heads in man dresses waiting outside to school a western infidel on their culture. The resulting beat down was only interrupted by a few of us walking outside to catch them in the act before they made a hasty retreat.
Now you can't explain this shit to your average hippy chick with a coexist bumper sticker, they have that deer in the headlights look and will quickly tell you you're a liar.
Cool, you coexist, I'll go buy some more ammo; have fun with that.

06-04-15, 14:46
I saw a HUGE truck something like a ford F350 (dont know my trucks that well) parked in one of those spots :) had a small sticker on the bottom of the door about head height
forgot the exact words but was basically
"I burn used vegetable oil your stupid car burns gas but thanks for the step down"

was pretty funny you could tell a jab and had the OK to park in those spots as you say the laws were on his side :)
NRA and Gun stickers and hunting etc... stickies on it to :)

The muslims will "coexist" with you as long as you convert to their brand of islam. The hippies will "coexist" with you as long as you don't disagree with them or park your truck in their "fuel efficient car" parking place that are popping up all over. This is something that generally everyone should do. There are usually no laws on the books about what defines a "fuel efficient" car for parking, so the prius drivers can just cry over the "injustice".

06-04-15, 15:41
I saw a HUGE truck something like a ford F350 (dont know my trucks that well) parked in one of those spots :) had a small sticker on the bottom of the door about head height
forgot the exact words but was basically
"I burn used vegetable oil your stupid car burns gas but thanks for the step down"

was pretty funny you could tell a jab and had the OK to park in those spots as you say the laws were on his side :)
NRA and Gun stickers and hunting etc... stickies on it to :)

When I do it and get some hipster/hippie/prius driver (usually one in the same), they start their whining about big trucks and suvs, so I say "Yeah, but what are you doing for the polar bears? I can at least carpool with them" The result is always a blank stare while they try to process the thought and come up with some slogan or drivel to regurgitate. Thinking on their feet is not usually a trait shared by the bumper sticker ideology crowd.

06-04-15, 16:08
park your truck in their "fuel efficient car" parking place that are popping up all over. This is something that generally everyone should do. There are usually no laws on the books about what defines a "fuel efficient" car for parking, so the prius drivers can just cry over the "injustice".

I've never seen one of these spots. Possibly because I live in Michigan, historical homeland of the land yacht, SUV and large pickup. I'd be inclined to park whatever I want in it anyway. So tired of the faux better-than-you BS.

06-04-15, 17:03

When I do it and get some hipster/hippie/prius driver (usually one in the same), they start their whining about big trucks and suvs, so I say "Yeah, but what are you doing for the polar bears? I can at least carpool with them" The result is always a blank stare while they try to process the thought and come up with some slogan or drivel to regurgitate. Thinking on their feet is not usually a trait shared by the bumper sticker ideology crowd.

06-04-15, 17:04
and here they are allowed in the commuter lane by themselves
I've never seen one of these spots. Possibly because I live in Michigan, historical homeland of the land yacht, SUV and large pickup. I'd be inclined to park whatever I want in it anyway. So tired of the faux better-than-you BS.

06-08-15, 21:56
Using the term "Islamophobic" is merely a way to control the topic. A phobia is a fear. This seems more like anger than fear. Using the term "Islamophobia" is inappropriate in this instance. After all, if anger, fear and hate were interchangeable, we wouldn't need three different words...

Or be more precise, a phobia is an irrational fear.
Fearing the spread of the toxic, fascist, and violent ideology that is Islam is perfectly reasonable and rational.

By the "logic" of these Leftists, Jews, Allies, Gypsies, Slavs, the disabled were all "Naziphobes" for fearing the spread of Nazism.

The goddamn morons will only realize this when it is their heads on the chopping block, both figuratively and literally.

06-10-15, 15:32
I support fuel efficiency and plan to jump Eurodiver if I ever learn that he bought a gas guzzler. I ride around in a tin can, and so should he. Perhaps it would be better if he just walked. The funny thing is that the Prius types of cars require more energy to manufacture because of their complex battery and charging apparatus. Where's the net savings? I dunno. If all the gas guzzler owners traded in their vehicles for non guzzlers, there would be a big net energy loss because the new vehicles had to be made to take the place of existing ones. PLUS, your old ones would be back on the market for us other folks who traded their old shit in for the guzzlers.