View Full Version : Urban Dictionary Defs (Mine)

06-02-15, 08:22
These are my contributions to Urban Dictionary. If you get an LOL or agree, drop a thumbs up vote on them. My Paleo Diet def is #1 on Urban Dictionary.

Paleo Diet

A generally sensible approach to nutrition based on how humans ancestors from the Paleolithic era ate, which has little resemblance to how human Paleolithic ancestors ate or the foods they actually consumed.

"The Paleo Diet helped Mr Jones lose 30lbs"



Selfie Stick

1: A gizmo for taking "selfies" using a cell phone for those in constant need of attention and self affirmation.

2: What your mother assured you would grow hair on your palms and make you go blind by playing with it.

"She grabbed his selfie stick and took a selfie doing something no one cares about (unless she's attractive and or almost nude)"


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b374/willbrink/images_zpsf3kvjxsu.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/willbrink/media/images_zpsf3kvjxsu.jpg.html)



Uptalk (Uptalking): when a sentence rises in pitch at the end to make it sound as if it were a question regardless of the topic. Associated with Southern California, but has spread beyond to other parts of the US and beyond. Attempts to contain it by the WHO, DOD, and FDA have failed to date. Possible genetic relationship to Valley Girl Syndrome.

1: A style of speech that can make even the most intelligent person sound like a blithering idiot

2: A style of speech that makes anyone within hearing distance want to gouge their ears out

3: A style of speech that according to linguistic anthropologists indicates the end of western civilization we we know it.

4: A style of speech that makes vocal fry sound almost normal.

"Tiffany went for a job interview, and couldn't figure out why she didn't get the job after ending every sentence in a question using uptalk speech pattern."


06-02-15, 11:18
Very good!

Yes, my wife has a masters in Archeology and she will argue the Paleo Snobs to no end that yes...in many places...Paleo man DID eat some grains.

Gotta love the Urban Dictionary.

06-02-15, 16:27
Nice Will, I love Urban Dictionary.

06-02-15, 16:55
Very good!

Yes, my wife has a masters in Archeology and she will argue the Paleo Snobs to no end that yes...in many places...Paleo man DID eat some grains.

Gotta love the Urban Dictionary.

They ate anything they could get their hands on, including each other.

06-02-15, 16:56
Nice Will, I love Urban Dictionary.

There's some funny stuff on UD. I submitted a few gun related defs too. See if they accept them.

06-02-15, 18:12
They ate anything they could get their hands on, including each other.

I was reading an article about excavating a cave in Europe and the number of human bones that had tool marks on them and were cracked open for the marrow was pretty amazing. I would guess being stuck in a cave during a hard winter in Paleo times make the Donner Party look like, well, a Party.
Here we go;
Model of a femaleHomo antecessor ofAtapuerca practicing cannibalism.There is evidence, both archeological and genetic, that cannibalism has been practiced for tens of thousands of years.[43] Human bones that have been "de-fleshed" by other humans go back 600 000 years. The oldest Homo sapiens bones (from Ethiopia) show signs of this as well.[43] Some anthropologists, such as Tim White, suggest that ritual cannibalism was common in human societies prior to the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic period. This theory is based on the large amount of "butchered human" bones found in Neanderthaland other Lower/Middle Paleolithic sites.[44] Cannibalism in the Lower and Middle Paleolithic may have occurred because of food shortages.

06-02-15, 22:04
For you guys who frequent UD, do not and I mean DO NOT search "Truffle Butter" . . . :bad: :lol:

06-02-15, 22:18
For you guys who frequent UD, do not and I mean DO NOT search "Truffle Butter" . . . :bad: :lol:

I did that, and now I wish I didn't...

06-02-15, 23:26
For you guys who frequent UD, do not and I mean DO NOT search "Truffle Butter" . . . :bad: :lol:

UD is where I learned what Cleveland Steamer, Rusty Trombone, Anal Boot, Alabama Hot Pocket, Dirty Sanchez, and Donkey Punch meant.

06-03-15, 05:37
They ate anything they could get their hands on, including each other.

Good source of protein.

06-03-15, 11:17

06-03-15, 11:19

06-03-15, 11:41
UD is where I learned what Cleveland Steamer, Rusty Trombone, Anal Boot, Alabama Hot Pocket, Dirty Sanchez, and Donkey Punch meant.

I learned most of those in one scene of a particular episode of South Park back in high school. It's the episode where Mr. Garrison has to teach the kindergarten class for a day . . . :lol:

06-03-15, 12:45

That is all I have to add to this thread.

06-03-15, 12:52
Learn something new everyday.


06-03-15, 21:55
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