View Full Version : Austins Chief of Police

06-02-15, 21:44

“If criminals, drug cartels and extremists had a seat at the policy writing table they couldn’t have come up with a better amendment,” Acevedo wrote. “Through this amendment we are facilitating the victimization of people we are sworn to serve, protect and lead.”
Flanked by about a dozen law enforcement leaders from around the state, Acevedo said Wednesday that the legislation would "handcuff" police officers, endangering both them and the communities they protect. "It absolutely allows criminals to carry a gun with impunity," he said.


Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo is standing by the comments he made Thursday at a state Senate hearing. Acevedo spoke against a Senate bill that would let people carry guns on college campuses.

“Now we’re going to create an environment where people are lawfully allowed to carry firearms on campus,” he said. “We’re potentially turning sexual assault victims – who we have a lot of resources to help these young people…through our victims services and so forth – into potentially murder victims.”


Police sent a strong message to the Legislature’s Republican majority that they will keep up the pressure.

“You can’t be the party of law and order and not listen to us,” Acevedo said. “If it doesn’t get removed, the only responsible thing to do is for the governor to veto.”
Time for this one to go home

06-02-15, 22:04
Chief Acevedo has long been know as a left wing liberal. His opinion is not shared by most of the officers at APD.

06-02-15, 22:08
Wait wait wait.... Chief avecado from Austin is a left wing liberal with left wing liberal views??? Shocked, shocked I tell you, in Austin of all places.

Mauser KAR98K
06-02-15, 23:33
Keeping Austin weirder.

06-02-15, 23:45
Wait wait wait.... Chief avecado from Austin is a left wing liberal with left wing liberal views??? Shocked, shocked I tell you, in Austin of all places.

Come up to Minnesota and bring whiskey, I'd love to compare politics over single-malt beverages.;)

06-03-15, 02:49
... His opinion is not shared by most of the officers at APD.

In my experience, this is true of most LE agencies (especially the larger departments).

06-03-15, 05:55
.... Chief avecado from Austin.........
He came here from California, no need to be shocked.

From City web site: http://austintexas.gov/page/apd-administration

"The first Hispanic to lead the Austin Police Department, Acevedo brings a unique understanding to the concerns of the diverse Austin community of African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians and Anglos. Born in Cuba, Acevedo was 4 years old when he migrated to the United States with his family in 1968. He grew up in California and earned his Bachelor of Science degree, with honors, in Public Administration from the University of La Verne in California. Acevedo began his career in law enforcement as field patrol officer in East Los Angeles with the California Highway Patrol in 1986. He was subsequently promoted through various positions of increasing responsibility to Chief, California Highway Patrol, in 2005. He holds various leadership positions with the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police and has been with the Austin Police Department since July 2007. He is married to Tanya Born Acevedo and is the father of Melissa, Matthew, and Jake."

06-03-15, 06:44
Chief Acevedo has long been know as a left wing liberal. His opinion is not shared by most of the officers at APD.

This is very true. They really do just keep on doing what they do, good police work, regardless of what the chief is up to.

06-03-15, 06:57
He came here from California, no need to be shocked.
That's kind of the point, he came from, but is currently not living in California. You can kind of understand that when you read the linked articles.
He isn't about Texas, the values of Texans or an understanding of the culture, he is about "Change."
Perhaps nothing states that clearer than:
"Acevedo brings a unique understanding to the concerns of the diverse Austin community of African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians and Anglos."
I'm sorry that line is part of the mind set and a big part of the problem, seriously; "Anglos"?
His views on open carry are going against the tide of the Texas citizens and clearly he is a politician more than a LEO and I have a hard time trying to take him seriously without getting pissed off. I understand that Austin wants to be liberal and "Keep Austin Weird" is the mantra, but at some point lets take at least Law Enforcement seriously and oust this guy who clearly doesn't understand Texas, Texans or God Bless his little pointed head, the U.S. Constitution.

06-03-15, 07:02
This is very true. They really do just keep on doing what they do, good police work, regardless of what the chief is up to.

Well I'm pretty sure that the Officers are doing a fine job, but Art was awful proud to be the first Police Chief to hire a transgender Officer.
I really don't care what transgender folks do, but I have to ask "So when that Officer makes an arrest is everyone offended by the pat down and when will the law suites begin?"

06-03-15, 09:27
What I hate most about liberals is that they just can't comprehend: If someone is going to do bad with a gun, a law or a sign won't stop that. Idiots.

06-03-15, 10:07
What I hate most about liberals is that they just can't comprehend: If someone is going to do bad with a gun, a law or a sign won't stop that. Idiots.
In a past job I had an administrator type tell me when queried on the topic of active shooter(s) within the facility we were working in that if someone made contact with the shooter they were to attempt to engage them in verbal conversation and use "words that work" to try and talk them down. I sh*t you not.... Of course he then followed up saying bad things like that happen don't happen in our town anyways.

06-03-15, 10:23
What, no "run, hide, fight"?

How about giving the potential rape victims a way to fight back? Maybe then all those "victim services" he is so proud of wouldn't be needed.

06-03-15, 10:57
I have noticed an over abundance of California plates on cars, when I go through Austin.

The CA people are going to ruin Austin. All the cool cowboy/hippie vibe will disappear to be replaced by liberal yuppies in their Audis and Range Rovers.


06-03-15, 11:26
I have noticed an over abundance of California plates on cars, when I go through Austin.

The CA people are going to ruin Austin. All the cool cowboy/hippie vibe will disappear to be replaced by liberal yuppies in their Audis and Range Rovers.


This. Home grown Austin Liberalism is much different than California liberalism.

06-03-15, 12:09
Maybe the son-of-a-bitch should travel to FL and speak with older Cuban-Americans and ask them why the 2nd Amendment is important. He might just learn a thing or two.

06-03-15, 12:19
Maybe the son-of-a-bitch should travel to FL and speak with older Cuban-Americans and ask them why the 2nd Amendment is important. He might just learn a thing or two.

Doubt it. As long as the Dems keep paying him. He'll keep talking..

06-03-15, 15:27
Acevedo is really no different than most large city police chiefs.

They are politicians not really cops at that level.

06-05-15, 03:53
Acevedo is really no different than most large city police chiefs.

They are politicians not really cops at that level.

+1 Nailed it.