View Full Version : Baltimore prosecutor seeks to block release of Freddie Gray autopsy

06-05-15, 01:36

State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby told the newspaper that prosecutors "have a duty to ensure a fair and impartial process for all parties involved" and "will not be baited into litigating this case through the media."
One might say that the Genie is out of the bottle and She's standing there holding the cork. Whatever the autopsy reveals, this leads me to believe it isn't good for her case.

06-05-15, 02:38
Well when the MSM decides they are going to dictate public opinion there isn't much to be gained by withholding anything.

Reminds me of Nifong and the Duke LaCrosse case.

06-05-15, 08:17
Two members of the Bloods gang in Baltimore told CNN they are being unfairly blamed by police for the violence.

"What they're trying to do is take the fire and heat off of them," said one gang member, who goes by Bones.

Maybe it's because I haven't had my coffee yet, but reading this article just boils my blood... Apparently there is now a drug epidemic in Baltimore and it's the police department's fault... Certainly not the fault of gentlemen such as the undoubtly upstanding community leader Mr. Bones...


06-05-15, 08:36
Again, the left narrative: "We don't want people to be held responsible for their actions. Ever. Unless you're a rich white man, then give me all your money and then we'll be happy"

06-05-15, 09:25
My guess, realization she stepped on her own dink and is now doing her best to attempt damage control. She should have been let go from her job for making such utterly irresponsible and blatantly biased statement as she did in a public venue and if their was a different admin in the White House, I suspect a federal probe would be opened between that and now attempting to prevent damaging evidence to her case from being made public without any legit justification.

Sadly, the irony of the SA being the one to attempt a cover up of the evidence (vs the police who are always accused of a "cover up" when some evidence is delayed for public consumption) will be lost on the public at large who think she's doing the right thing by charging the LEOs.

It would be screams of "cover up, cover up!" if it were the defense or PD doing it of course.

06-05-15, 11:48
Mosby is what I call a "Media Slut". She's all about whoring herself and her case for attention in the media, but now she wants control of what gets out. That makes me immediately believe there's exculpatory evidence in the autopsy report. As a public servant, he has an oath bound duty to release that exculpatory evidence to the defense and allow them to use it in their favor. She tried those officers in the court of public opinion, so now it's time for her to lie in the bed she made.

Just like Mike Nifong, I don'e expect her to care one bit about her oath. :(

06-05-15, 12:34
Mosby is what I call a "Media Slut". She's all about whoring herself and her case for attention in the media, but now she wants control of what gets out. That mekes me immediately believe that there's exculpatory evidence in the autopsy report. As a public servant, he has an oath bound duty to release that exculpatory evidence to the defense and allow them to use it in their favor. She tried those officers in the court of public opinion, so now it's time for her to lie in the bed she made.

Just like Mike Nifong, I don'e expect her to care one bit about her oath. :(
There is obviously something in there She doesn't want hitting the news cycle. I hate to sound like the jaded and world weary curmudgeon I have turned in to; but is there an election between now and the time She would be required to turn that evidence over to the defense?
I am sure if this autopsy shows some extra ordinary evidence that would immediately clear these Officers and She holds on to it for one extra minute, these guys wont either go to trial, or they will be found not guilty.
Of course this would give the Baltimore folks one more excuse to find something new to loot and burn.

06-05-15, 15:09
There is obviously something in there She doesn't want hitting the news cycle. I hate to sound like the jaded and world weary curmudgeon I have turned in to; but is there an election between now and the time She would be required to turn that evidence over to the defense?
I am sure if this autopsy shows some extra ordinary evidence that would immediately clear these Officers and She holds on to it for one extra minute, these guys wont either go to trial, or they will be found not guilty.
Of course this would give the Baltimore folks one more excuse to find something new to loot and burn.

She's only been on the job for four months. She ousted her predecessor on the platform that she'd hold the police accountable, so I'd call this her opening salvo against the PD on that campaign promise. It will be interesting to see the ratio change on arrests vs. prosecutions with her as the DA.

06-05-15, 16:00
Again, the left narrative: "We don't want people to be held responsible for their actions. Ever. Unless you're a rich white man, then give me all your money and then we'll be happy"

Kind of like they are trying to blame all of the this on the Republican Governor who has been in office for 5 months. Don't you know Baltimore girl Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Elijah Cummings who has spent 30 plus years representing Baltimore/Howard County in Congress have nothing to do with the status of Baltimore. David

06-05-15, 16:06
Kind of like they are trying to blame all of the this on the Republican Governor who has been in office for 5 months. Don't you know Baltimore girl Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Elijah Cummings who has spent 30 plus years representing Baltimore/Howard County in Congress have nothing to do with the status of Baltimore. David
Shocking I tell you....

06-05-15, 19:53

06-10-15, 04:53
Email from staffer in Balto DA's office ordering cops to patrol area where Freddie Gray fled. The email went on to state "You will be forced to account for your success daily"

The first two minutes of this video is very damning to Mosby's previous comments to the world. For sure she is a bitch!


On another note: she filed in the wrong court, therefore the gag order was thrown out.

06-10-15, 09:00
Oh when those chickens come home to roost.
I hope all of this is exposed to the light of day and she gets shown to be exactly what she is. Under any other administration the Justice Department would be investigating her.

03-14-16, 17:46
What ever happened to these cases? Wasn't the first one a hung jury or something and then........

03-14-16, 19:37
What ever happened to these cases? Wasn't the first one a hung jury or something and then........

Ya they are going to retry the first guy later this year. They have been held up trying to determine whether or not they can force the first guy to testify against others.

03-14-16, 19:59
So after the Cops are found Not Guilty and they burn down the whole city, can we not rebuild it?

03-14-16, 20:10
Ya they are going to retry the first guy later this year. They have been held up trying to determine whether or not they can force the first guy to testify against others.

MD's top court ruled that Officer Porter, whose trial ended in a hung jury, must testify against five other defendants. Then his testimony cannot be used against him in his own retrial.

What a friggin mess.

03-14-16, 20:16
MD's top court ruled that Officer Porter, whose trial ended in a hung jury, must testify against five other defendants. Then his testimony cannot be used against him in his own retrial.

What a friggin mess.

Yup. Just one more reason to get out of the "profession".

03-14-16, 22:43
MD's top court ruled that Officer Porter, whose trial ended in a hung jury, must testify against five other defendants. Then his testimony cannot be used against him in his own retrial.

What a friggin mess.

But I'm assuming the other five can testify against him once he testifies against them? I think his standard answer better be "I can't recall what happened". :rolleyes:

03-15-16, 06:49
How do you block the release of an autopsy?
I'm really thinking try as you like that's evidence, you cannot "block" evidence.

03-15-16, 09:54
How do you block the release of an autopsy?
I'm really thinking try as you like that's evidence, you cannot "block" evidence.

After making a public spectacle of the indictment, Mosby wanted to suppress exculpatory evidence from the public view (which she failed miserably at). It's still admissible in court, but no one would've heard about it outside of court had she been successful. To be sure they want to alter the rules under which they persecute, err, prosecute these officers. After all, "social" justice demands it! :(

03-15-16, 10:50
She's only been on the job for four months. She ousted her predecessor on the platform that she'd hold the police accountable, so I'd call this her opening salvo against the PD on that campaign promise. It will be interesting to see the ratio change on arrests vs. prosecutions with her as the DA.

Nevermind arrests vs prosecutions, with such an incompetent DA, I bet "convictions" have fallen to an all time low.

03-15-16, 10:51
So after the Cops are found Not Guilty and they burn down the whole city, can we not rebuild it?

Then the FSA will move to and infect other areas.

03-15-16, 10:57
Email from staffer in Balto DA's office ordering cops to patrol area where Freddie Gray fled. The email went on to state "You will be forced to account for your success daily"

The first two minutes of this video is very damning to Mosby's previous comments to the world. For sure she is a bitch!


On another note: she filed in the wrong court, therefore the gag order was thrown out.

Incompetent affirmative action over meritocracy.

03-15-16, 13:12
Incompetent affirmative action over meritocracy.

Well if She is, She so far has managed to get the complete effect She sought to achieve. She may be a crappy Attorney, but as far as her political future goes I would say She's following in the footsteps of at least one woman who is now running for POTUS.

I'm just guessing that if I was selling rock and I managed to be a little stoned when I wrapped it swallowing it during an arrest might induce convulsions while I'm riding in the paddy wagon. That's about my odds on explanation of the only reason I could see for her to hide such evidence that an autopsy would show.

06-30-16, 09:11
An activist Law Professor filed a complaint with the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission against Mosby regrading her unethical handling of the Freddie Gray prosecution of those Police Officers. In about 2006 he also filed a complaint against the District Attorney in the Duke lacrosse players prosecution which later got that prosecutor disbarred and found guilty of contempt of court.

Here’s a link to the Baltimore news article. Of more interest is the embedded link to the that actual 10 page complaint. Very interesting reading with examples of the lack of honesty and ethics by Mosby.


06-30-16, 09:23
An activist Law Professor filed a complaint with the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission against Mosby regrading her unethical handling of the Freddie Gray prosecution of those Police Officers. In about 2006 he also filed a complaint against the District Attorney in the Duke lacrosse players prosecution which later got that prosecutor disbarred and found guilty of contempt of court.

Here’s a link to the Baltimore news article. Of more interest is the embedded link to the that actual 10 page complaint. Very interesting reading with examples of the lack of honesty and ethics by Mosby.


I have followed Freddie Gray only peripherally, but given that I work at Duke and live in Durham, lived the entirety of the Lacrosse case. The Durham DA started bungling that case day 1. It never should have been brought to trial and it had been 'out' that the DA was being unethical throughout the case.

I would absolutely not be shocked if she gets canned for the same reasons just based on what I have read about the FG case.

06-30-16, 11:51
I have followed Freddie Gray only peripherally, but given that I work at Duke and live in Durham, lived the entirety of the Lacrosse case. The Durham DA started bungling that case day 1. It never should have been brought to trial and it had been 'out' that the DA was being unethical throughout the case.

I would absolutely not be shocked if she gets canned for the same reasons just based on what I have read about the FG case.

I'd agree with you, except for one glaring difference between Nifong and Mosby. :(

06-30-16, 12:11
I'd agree with you, except for one glaring difference between Nifong and Mosby. :(

She is in Baltimore?? No, I read you....;)

And yes, that carries a lot of weight...often more than "truth"....

06-30-16, 16:21
I'd agree with you, except for one glaring difference between Nifong and Mosby. :(

Maybe, maybe not.

MD Bar could still take her license, and I don't know if that would cost her the job.

07-27-16, 09:18
About friggin time!

Prosecutors Drop Charges In Cases Of Three Remaining Officers In Freddie Gray Related Trials


EDIT: realized I should have posted this on Baltimore Riot thread, oh well. Friggin city paid out 6 million to the family and officers dragged through the press and now this. They need to bar the bitch ho

07-27-16, 09:57
I believe the Baltimore Riots thread was closed. I'd be surprised if this ^ doesn't kick off more rioting there.

07-27-16, 11:58
I believe the Baltimore Riots thread was closed. I'd be surprised if this ^ doesn't kick off more rioting there.

She had a news conference this morning in Gray's former neighborhood, now claiming she is another " VICTIM " of the "system". Assume BLM will be arriving in Balto for a few marches.

If you can stand her BS: http://www.wbaltv.com/news/marilyn-mosby-speaks-after-gag-order-lifted/40909752

07-27-16, 12:20
"Gray's family received a $6.4 million settlement from the city."

Long before any investigation could possibly have been done.

I realize that someone lost their life here but who is going to compensate the officers acquitted for their losses?

07-27-16, 12:30
She saw the light. Every case has been not guilty or dismissed. And she brought what she thought were the slam-dunk cases first, so the odds were stacked way against her winning any of the rest.

07-27-16, 12:30
Maybe it's because I haven't had my coffee yet, but reading this article just boils my blood... Apparently there is now a drug epidemic in Baltimore and it's the police department's fault... Certainly not the fault of gentlemen such as the undoubtly upstanding community leader Mr. Bones...

And thus Madame D.A.'s codespeak doubletalk;

This means, he OD'd on crack he'd ingested earlier, in the back of the paddywagon. :alcoholic:

07-27-16, 12:32
Oh well. How many of us protested or wrote our elected reps or did anything but bitch about this today?

We better get used to it.

07-27-16, 12:38
And right during the middle of the DNC... Odd...

07-27-16, 13:50
And the Nifonging shall commence:


07-27-16, 14:37
I hope her only recourse is to walk the very streets she claimed to serve.


07-27-16, 19:41
And the Nifonging shall commence:


I hope they Nifong the bejeezus out of that bitch! The officers should all file a class action lawsuit against her and show clause to have her qualified immunity stripped for violating THEIR Constitutional rights! :mad:

07-28-16, 05:30
The whole angry black woman shtick is SO cliché . . .:rolleyes:


She totally nails that Dave Chappelle skit . . .


07-28-16, 05:52
I made it to 2:18, I don't think I could take another 9:00 of that.
She's a sham, it's a false narrative and her bad judgement is the cause of a lot of damage during the riots.
This is exactly why race based admissions to Universities is a bad idea.

07-28-16, 07:19
And the Nifonging shall commence:


She'll skate. The Hilly explanation, she didn't mean to do it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-28-16, 07:34
She'll skate. The Hilly explanation, she didn't mean to do it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, that seems to cover all political over reach and willful disobedience in regards to the law with what is basically total incompetence, which is of course expected and accepted.
Yeah, I don't know what it might be like to be an innocent Cop locked away in jail in order to appease a Prosecutors ego and political ambitions, but I'm pretty sure it isn't pleasant.
I'm just not sure how She skates on this one, but She likely will and right on up to the next level.

07-28-16, 09:08
Shoot, she will probably end up being the Hildabeasts pick for AG...

07-28-16, 09:38
I made it to 2:18, I don't think I could take another 9:00 of that.
She's a sham, it's a false narrative and her bad judgement is the cause of a lot of damage during the riots.
This is exactly why race based admissions to Universities is a bad idea.

I swear she started to break into the chicken-neck routine once or twice but caught herself. She personifies many of the stereotypes given to her ilk. Bitch can eat shit and die.

07-28-16, 10:16
That female is full of hatred.

07-28-16, 11:15
It's a press conference, not lame slam poetry.

You were incompetent. The system worked. Deal with it.

07-28-16, 20:00
B!tch speaks like she actually did something. Reaching into the back of the statute book for an archaic murder charge and then losing 6 cases in a public fashion is hardly doing your job. ::snapsfingers::

07-28-16, 20:53
The only reason she is so pissed off is because she thought she could get away with what she did and it backfired big time.

I hope they sue her and she loses everything including her ability to practice law and her job.

07-29-16, 04:40
She likely will and right on up to the next level.

Shoot, she will probably end up being the Hildabeasts pick for AG...

I called that in the other Baltimore thread, Hillary will either appoint her as a Federal Judge, SCOTUS Justice, or the AG.

07-31-16, 14:52
Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby may have dropped criminal charges against the remaining officers in the Freddie Gray trial, but she remains entrenched in a legal battle in civil court.

Five of the six officers charged for the death of Gray are suing Mosby, as well as Maj. Samuel Cogen of the Baltimore Sheriff’s Office, in civil court for a gamut of causes.

In several lawsuits filed earlier this year, Officers William Porter, Edward Nero, Garrett Miller, Lt. Brian Rice, and Sgt. Alicia White alleged defamation, false arrest, false imprisonment, and violation of constitutional rights, among others.

The complaint filed by Porter and White stated that Mosby “made statements for purposes of quelling the riots rather than prosecuting police officers who had committed a crime,” and that Mosby “exceeded her authority” and “brought charges against police officers that were wholly unsupported by evidence and probable cause.”

“These officers were humiliated,” attorney Michael Glass, who represents Porter and White, he told NBC News. “Our position is that the charges were brought for a reason other than prosecuting criminal conduct. There was a political motivation and the charges were not supported by evidence.”


Leaked Messages Between Baltimore Prosecutor and Investigator Show Mosby Had Agenda Against Cops

It’s official.

Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby made a political move against the six police officers charged in the Freddie Gray case.

Regardless of what actually happened, Mosby wanted the cops to pay.


07-31-16, 22:32
I'm shocked. Oh wait, no I'm not. Just gas.