View Full Version : Duggars

06-05-15, 05:18
I'll start off by saying I am not at all interested in their family, the TV show, or their desire to make as many babies as possible.

For those of you who don't know, their eldest son has recently been outed for inappropriate touching of several young girls (including his sisters, one of which was only 5) when he was a young teenager.

I'm not condoning his behavior of course, but I am extremely baffled at the hypocrisy of the anti-Christian left in outing this guy. He was never charged with anything. He was 14 years old and juvenile records should be sealed. The police reports that were released illegally (allegedly by the outgoing police chief that does not like the Duggar family) contain enough information to positively ID the victims of sexual molestation, and the media published them in full.

It is just insane, because last night I got into a little debate about this with a self proclaimed "lipstick feminist" who saw no wrongdoing whatsoever.

I compared this case to others, saying that if these police reports are okay to be released then the accusers of rapists should be reported on and every little hoodlum who is out robbing and assaulting people before he is 18 should have a publicly available record as well.

"Noooooo, that's so different. They are just making young mistakes. The Duggars are forcing their ideology on the rest of the world and should be treated harshly."

Sigh... Again. Not interested in debating the families lifestyle. But I think it's a shame what has been done to them regarding this "scandal". The father made a great point the other day. It's not like this is a secret. There was a police investigation, friends of the family knew, but it isn't like Josh goes around saying "hi. I'm a child molester".

What exactly do they want?

06-05-15, 06:00
Everyone gets all giggly trying to find Christians in a hypocrisy. News flash, Christians get it wrong all the time. I'm a Christian and I fail all the time. When you have a standard to live by which is perfect you are going to fail at some point; it's inevitable. It's what you do after you fail that is important. Our failure doesn't make the standard wrong. Josh appears to have done all the right things after committing this terrible wrong. His sisters and others have apparently forgiven him and don't want this out in the public, and who can blame them.

I love when progressives complain about people like the Duggars "forcing their ideology on the rest of the world" yet progressives continually try to use political force to force their principles and secular ideologies on us all the time through government. I don't see the Duggars standing over anyone with a gun forcing them to watch their show. The argument of forcing ideology on anyone is ludicrous.

06-05-15, 06:04
I just laugh at the chicks you hang out with ?

Alex V
06-05-15, 06:36
I agree. But I feel the hypocrisy seems plentiful on both sides. I was watching out takes of the interview while fantasizing about Megyn Kelly last night... I mean while watching the Kelly File last night. Anyway. People seem to be up in arms that he molested his sister then 13years later is on the FRC and telling people that gay marriage is wrong. His mother defends him and tells people that his sisters and God forgave him but then says that transgendered people are all pedophiles. I mean come on? If everyone who has done wrong in the last kept their mouth shut no one would speak. But what about letting he/she who is without sin cast the stone? If your son molested your daughter, maybe you shouldn't be preaching to others on how they should live?

I know the left is having a field day with this and ignore tons of their own who do the same thing. But people on the right do the same thing. A preacher of some sort came on with Megyn last night (can't remember his name) and all he could say is that God forgave the Fugger Kid.

It's all f'ed up. Kid should have been arrested but the family and the local PD swept it under the rug for whatever reason.

I just laugh at the chicks you hang out with ?

I was about to say the same thing.

06-05-15, 07:24
Well this little gem from Mr. Duggar certainly makes things uncomfortable.


06-05-15, 07:25
The idea that an act of wrong-doing then precludes that individual from ever expressing an opinion or stating something is right/wrong is ludicrous. We can all agree lying and stealing is wrong, so are we hypocrites and precluded from saying it is wrong to lie and steal because we have all lied and stole? People are hypocrites. All of us. Right is still right and wrong is still wrong.

06-05-15, 07:53
With all that's wrong in the world, THIS is what we focus on? (not a slam on the OP) - just my observation.

I can't get interested in a family's troubles especially since I don't know them.

Until Megyn Kelly's interview, I had no idea this family existed and even if I had, the last thing on earth I'd watch on T.V. is some family's doings whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Martian.

How boring.

06-05-15, 07:54
No need to put the word scandal in quotes. It's the very definition of one

: an occurrence in which people are shocked and upset because of behavior that is morally or legally wrong
: talk about the shocking or immoral things that people have done or are believed to have done
: something that is shocking, upsetting, or unacceptable
: discredit brought upon religion by unseemly conduct in a religious person

Literally any of those definitions applies.

I think it has more about being in the puclic eye than anything else. The religious and political views of the family makes it more shocking to the public though. Double so if they used some influence to ensure the kid wouldn't be prosecuted. Remember that this isn't just an accusation, the family came forward and admitted this happened.

Pedophilia has a higher rate of recidivism than heroin and the number of average victims over the course of a lifetime of a predator is staggering. You're not going to fix that dude. I'm sure more victims will come forward at some point. Either way, I wouldn't leave my daughter alone in a room with him.

06-05-15, 08:02
The idea that an act of wrong-doing then precludes that individual from ever expressing an opinion or stating something is right/wrong is ludicrous. We can all agree lying and stealing is wrong, so are we hypocrites and precluded from saying it is wrong to lie and steal because we have all lied and stole? People are hypocrites. All of us. Right is still right and wrong is still wrong.

The nature of the crime applies though.

Everyone lies, many have stolen things (especially as children) so people have a point of reference. Molesting kids though? Nope.

To use a little hyperbole to make a point;
John Wayne Gacey may have had some excellent advice on leadership from his volunteer work with the Boy Scouts...

06-05-15, 10:15
Leave the Duggars alone! This is just another example of the leftist anti-Christian communist socialist Obama-blowing media trying to smear the good name of a well known Christian family in the public eye. Indeed, those gay loving media mouthpieces won't stop until they've destroyed the churches and removed THE LORD from schools.

Well..then again...

The kid was at the age where most young men begin getting sexually active, so he knew what he was doing. But in that family and that church sect, that's not okay. So he forcefully molested his own sister and other young (pre-pubescent) girls from the community. Not once. Not until he got caught, but even after being caught. Well as long as it wasn't Suzy Rottencrotch he was finger banging right? Wouldn't want to go and sin in the eyes of THE LORD!!?!!

Charges weren't filed so he must be innocent? Uh, okay, then why did he and the family publicly admit that he did exactly what he was accused of? Probably just caved under the pressure of the Barack HUSSEIN Obama controlled media. And the father brought little diddle fingers to the Sheriff. A family friend and member of the same tight knit church, the Sheriff told Dad Duggar to handle it after a "stern talking to". That Sheriff by the way was later arrested and is currently in prison for child pornography. Ooops. I wonder if that was just planted evidence to ruin the Sheriff by the Clinton mafia.

So the boy was then sent away for the summer to do "hard labor as a punishment and receive counseling. Which he did, so that's probably what cured him. But then it was admitted by Mrs. CrazyEyes Duggar that he really only went to hang drywall a couple times while living with his uncle. Its a miracle, he's cured!

Coincidentally none of the other parents pressed charges against him because he probably learned his lesson. And because that would likely get the show cancelled and the church, which was/is a major center of the community, would stop getting a huge payout in donations from the Duggars. So after a meeting with the pastor, the parents decided their daughters were less important than the church receiving their money.

Can you see why even those who are not Anti-Christian think this looks more like a cult than a good Christian community? And that kid isn't fixed, you don't try to fvck your own sister when she's a child (or at any age) and just outgrow it one day.

06-05-15, 10:23
I just laugh at the chicks you hang out with ?

Might be a topic of its own :lol:

06-05-15, 11:17
I have to laugh at the Left when they on one hand celebrate Lena Dunham who self admits perving her own sister in a situation that is not so far removed from what they are now hating on the Duggars for.

06-05-15, 11:29
So feeling a boob when you're 14 is pedophilia, but we want to make sure kids as young as 12 are receiving instruction on masturbation, anal sex, and the proper technique for a BJ...

Liberal logic makes sense to me!

06-05-15, 11:45
It was up to those girls to have that info released or not. By the sherriff and the press doing it, they are being molested all over again...

Your friend must be hot and put out - otherwise I don't think you could stand it....

06-05-15, 11:49
I'm not condoning his behavior of course, but I am extremely baffled at the hypocrisy of the anti-Christian left in outing this guy. He was never charged with anything. He was 14 years old and juvenile records should be sealed. The police reports that were released illegally (allegedly by the outgoing police chief that does not like the Duggar family) contain enough information to positively ID the victims of sexual molestation, and the media published them in full.

A good friend of mine, we grew up together, just got granted parole for something similar. He allegedly did something sexually inappropriate with an 11-year old, when he was 15 years old. She screamed foul about the only incident after she turned 20, and he was convicted of it just before his 25th brithday. He served nearly four years, and like I said, he got granted parole last week. No evidence other than her word over his. He and his family barely make ends meat, they could not afford any attorney in good 'ol MT. So he had to have a public defender who scared the shit out of him with a "life in prison" threat, that lead to a plea deal. He has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life now. If he actually did it, he was a minor at the time and should not have been convicted nearly ten years later with no evidence as an adult.

06-05-15, 12:51
I'm not defending his actions either. They're plainly wrong. What is also wrong is the attempts by the left to pin this on Christians in general, attack the "bitter clingers," and silence them. The left could care less about molestation. When given the choice they choose to release 2,837 convicted criminal alien sex offenders. The Duggars just happen to fit the mold and are now pawns to accomplish the larger goal of discrediting Christians as hypocritical and corrupted. People...corrupt...you don't say. We have guns for a reason.

06-05-15, 14:34
A good friend of mine, we grew up together, just got granted parole for something similar. He allegedly did something sexually inappropriate with an 11-year old, when he was 15 years old. She screamed foul about the only incident after she turned 20, and he was convicted of it just before his 25th brithday. He served nearly four years, and like I said, he got granted parole last week. No evidence other than her word over his. He and his family barely make ends meat, they could not afford any attorney in good 'ol MT. So he had to have a public defender who scared the shit out of him with a "life in prison" threat, that lead to a plea deal. He has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life now. If he actually did it, he was a minor at the time and should not have been convicted nearly ten years later with no evidence as an adult.

I know a state attorney and he would never pursue a case of a 20 year old said "nine years ago I was abused".

There really isn't more to the story? Did he actually do it? What was his relationship with this girl? And how was he sent to jail for so long if he did it when he was 15? Lots of issues with this.

06-05-15, 14:34
So feeling a boob when you're 14 is pedophilia, but we want to make sure kids as young as 12 are receiving instruction on masturbation, anal sex, and the proper technique for a BJ...

Liberal logic makes sense to me!

Little different when it's not consensual, or would you be okay with a high school freshman forcing himself on your seventh grade daughter? Boys will be boys right?

Oh and in case you missed it, he forced himself ON HIS SISTER. That's cool though because boys will be boys. You grow up with a sister? Hit a little close to home for ya?

Ah, you're against sex education in public schools. Because if you put your fingers in your ears and pray really hard, young teens will stop having sex. Why teach them about safety, if we ignore it it won't happen. So by your logic at what point in the Duggar kids private Christian education did they whisper the sex devil into his ears and say "Go try to bang your sister"?

Liberal logic is the one that doesn't condone forced sexual advances on someone's LITTLE FVCKING SISTER because they go to the right church? Yeah sign me up for that camp because at no time is it cool to force yourself onto anyone. Or more accurately, YOUR SISTER.

06-05-15, 14:44
I'm not defending his actions either. They're plainly wrong. What is also wrong is the attempts by the left to pin this on Christians in general, attack the "bitter clingers," and silence them. The left could care less about molestation. When given the choice they choose to release 2,837 convicted criminal alien sex offenders. The Duggars just happen to fit the mold and are now pawns to accomplish the larger goal of discrediting Christians as hypocritical and corrupted. People...corrupt...you don't say. We have guns for a reason.

Because if they weren't a good, God fearing, fire and brimstone preaching family, none of the TCL (Thin Christian Line) would be locking elbows to play victim and condone what he did.

The only time this became about christians was when the God Squad tried to get behind the wrong horse and cart to cry persecution. We get it, keep science out of the schools because science dares to defy GAWD, and any day now OBAMA is gonna start marching christians to the gas chambers.

The Duggars are like if the Bundy family was a group of incestuous kid grabbers. You should pick your sacrificial lambs a little better.

06-05-15, 14:52
I know a state attorney and he would never pursue a case of a 20 year old said "nine years ago I was abused".

There really isn't more to the story? Did he actually do it? What was his relationship with this girl? And how was he sent to jail for so long if he did it when he was 15? Lots of issues with this.

I have talked to him a few times about it. Only so much he can divulge over a prison phone. He said something happened, but not intercourse whether it be oral or vaginal. I think maybe he felt her up, or did the whole "You show me yours..." thing. I don't have a definitive answer of exactly what went down. I was also not in the court room for the trail.

The girl was a family friend, and the families were very close. Both were strong members of the same church in a small community. This is the same family that historically has sued several large companies (GM being the biggest) over petty claims. I am not sure what the stature of limitations are in the state of Montana when it comes to sexual crimes. All I know, is he has been in Montana state prison for this crime he supposedly committed when he was a minor. If you have further questions you can always PM me.

06-05-15, 14:54
Because if they weren't a good, God fearing, fire and brimstone preaching family, none of the TCL (Thin Christian Line) would be locking elbows to play victim and condone what he did.

The only time this became about christians was when the God Squad tried to get behind the wrong horse and cart to cry persecution. We get it, keep science out of the schools because science dares to defy GAWD, and any day now OBAMA is gonna start marching christians to the gas chambers.

The Duggars are like if the Bundy family was a group of incestuous kid grabbers. You should pick your sacrificial lambs a little better.

And the same media could give a **** less that the feminist hero Lena Dunham admittedly molested her little sister.

06-05-15, 14:55
Because if they weren't a good, God fearing, fire and brimstone preaching family, none of the TCL (Thin Christian Line) would be locking elbows to play victim and condone what he did.

The only time this became about christians was when the God Squad tried to get behind the wrong horse and cart to cry persecution. We get it, keep science out of the schools because science dares to defy GAWD, and any day now OBAMA is gonna start marching christians to the gas chambers.

The Duggars are like if the Bundy family was a group of incestuous kid grabbers. You should pick your sacrificial lambs a little better.

Your last two posts make it seem like you condone and approve of differing standards depending on one's political affiliations. You're attacking people who don't condone the left's hypocrisy as if that means they're supporting pedophelia. THAT, is a dishonest debate tactic. :(

06-05-15, 14:57
I have talked to him a few times about it. Only so much he can divulge over a prison phone. He said something happened, but not intercourse whether it be oral or vaginal. I think maybe he felt her up, or did the whole "You show me yours..." thing. I don't have a definitive answer of exactly what went down. I was also not in the court room for the trail.

The girl was a family friend, and the families were very close. Both were strong members of the same church in a small community. This is the same family that historically has sued several large companies (GM being the biggest) over petty claims. I am not sure what the stature of limitations are in the state of Montana when it comes to sexual crimes. All I know, is he has been in Montana state prison for this crime he supposedly committed when he was a minor. If you have further questions you can always PM me.

I don't doubt you. And I'm not calling you a liar, but things like this just really confuse me. For example, Florida has an unlimited statute of limitations for sex crimes against minors. Does that mean if a girl who is 30 can go to the police and say Billy, who is 34, sexually abused her when she was 10? (And Billy was 14)

And he will get arrested and convicted with zero evidence and no confession?

That is terrifying, if true. Basically anyone who is younger than you can ruin your life by simply saying you assaulted them when you were kids.

Can any LEOs explain how that would go down?

06-05-15, 15:00
I don't doubt you. And I'm not calling you a liar, but things like this just really confuse me. For example, Florida has an unlimited statute of limitations for sex crimes against minors. Does that mean if a girl who is 30 can go to the police and say Billy, who is 34, sexually abused her when she was 10? (And Billy was 14)

And he will get arrested and convicted with zero evidence and no confession?

That is terrifying, if true. Basically anyone who is younger than you can ruin your life by simply saying you assaulted them when you were kids.

Can any LEOs explain how that would go down?

I never took it as you were calling me a liar :) I was just trying to explain the situation better based on the knowledge I have of it.

06-05-15, 15:07
I just laugh at the chicks you hang out with ?
I was thinking this too lol.

06-05-15, 16:36
I think you missed something. I'll say it again. I am not defending his actions. If you had the same talent for reading as you do putting words in my mouth the temperature of the room might come down a bit.

You should pick your sacrificial lambs a little better.

06-05-15, 17:44
yes non consensual field trips meaning adults were not told to porn stores for 11 year olds not cool and the teacher should be charged
left praises the teachers !
teachers telling young children take selfies with porn items and bring them to me
OH that was just a joke !

as said about that dike who lied about being raped and then said she molested her sister all the time put her up on a pedestal

Little different when it's not consensual, or would you be okay with a high school freshman forcing himself on your seventh grade daughter? Boys will be boys right?

Oh and in case you missed it, he forced himself ON HIS SISTER. That's cool though because boys will be boys. You grow up with a sister? Hit a little close to home for ya?

Ah, you're against sex education in public schools. Because if you put your fingers in your ears and pray really hard, young teens will stop having sex. Why teach them about safety, if we ignore it it won't happen. So by your logic at what point in the Duggar kids private Christian education did they whisper the sex devil into his ears and say "Go try to bang your sister"?

Liberal logic is the one that doesn't condone forced sexual advances on someone's LITTLE FVCKING SISTER because they go to the right church? Yeah sign me up for that camp because at no time is it cool to force yourself onto anyone. Or more accurately, YOUR SISTER.

06-05-15, 21:12
Regardless of the media slant, your reponse to it should not be coming to the defense of predators.

Noteworthy that this same network cut the cord on another show (Honey BooBoo) because a convicted child molester, who had just been released from prison for molesting one of the children, moved into the house.

06-05-15, 22:40
Regardless of the media slant, your reponse to it should not be coming to the defense of predators.

Noteworthy that this same network cut the cord on another show (Honey BooBoo) because a convicted child molester, who had just been released from prison for molesting one of the children, moved into the house.

This. Whether conservative or liberal, taking liberties with another persons body should receive measured punishment. Dunham at 7 should have been punished by her parents, Duggar by the law. Treating one as "Cute" (given the way Dunham described it it is anything but) and sweeping the second under the rug from a Law enforcement standpoint just tells me the I wouldn't want my children around either.

06-05-15, 23:55
Forgive me but I haven't read this thread, just the title. With that said . . .

The Duggars, the Kardashians, and the Jenner clans are nothing but money whores. They will do A N Y T H I N G in the name of "celebrity" for cold hard cash.

If the networks really want to make a buck I propose a pay per view, "celebrity" death match between the Duggar clan and the Kardashian/Jenner clan. No firearms just short swords, tridents, and nets.

06-06-15, 00:17
This has nothing to do with their religion. There are good Christians and Bad Christians just like with any other subgroup. This is about sexual predator who attacked little girls he was related too. I watched their interview the other night and had to turn it off after a while because it was so sickening. I am not surprised that that he did it after seeing more about how this family thinks. They give other Christians a bad name that is for sure.

And I am appalled that anyone can try to defend them.

06-06-15, 01:30
This has nothing to do with their religion. There are good Christians and Bad Christians just like with any other subgroup. This is about sexual predator who attacked little girls he was related too. I watched their interview the other night and had to turn it off after a while because it was so sickening. I am not surprised that that he did it after seeing more about how this family thinks. They give other Christians a bad name that is for sure.

And I am appalled that anyone can try to defend them.


I have nothing against Christians, their religion, or their morals. I have everything against condoning the behavior of someone who hides behind their religion and blaming the victims for waiting this long to make their story public.

Everyone should remember that the original police report was supposed to be done by the Sheriff who was a friend of Big Papa Duggar. He neglected to take the report, and instead trusted that the family and the church (of which he was a member) would work together to find a suitable way to correct the behavior. Behavior which including molesting his own sister. This Sheriff is now in prison for child pornography.

The Duggar family later admitted to doing a half assed effort of "rehabilitation" and the alleged "counseling" that was offered to the girls (many, not one or two) was in the form of their church's pastor/priest/minister guy telling the victims and their families that they would be hurting the church and the community if they went public, and they should forgive the Duggar kid. I doubt he cared about their wellbeing or forgiveness, he was worried about TLC cancelling the show and the sweet gravy would no longer flow into the church.

This isn't about Christianity or religion. This isn't about Teh Lefties attacking anyone. This is about a small community that all were united through their cult-like beliefs burying the sexual assault of many pre-teen girls, even a family member of the offender, to protect their reputation and income. So of course any of their bullshit holy roller views should be immediately ridiculed. Not because their religion is "wrong", but because they are hypocrites and protecting their own ranks to make more money. Notice only after the show was cancelled did the Duggar family seem to have any interest in actually doing the right thing and taking the veil of secrecy off the incident. Too little, too late.

06-06-15, 01:41
And the same media could give a **** less that the feminist hero Lena Dunham admittedly molested her little sister.

Some media does. Obviously there are political motives for the big media networks, and theyll spend less time plastering their programs with stories that make "their people" look bad. But if there had been an outcry among all women that essentially excused her actions and accused anyone reporting on Lena Dunham of doing it purely because of "their war against women"? I imagine it would get a lot more attention.

At least in that case, it seemed to have gone unnoticed because she didn't have a long running TV show that was praised by women everywhere the way the Duggars were acclaimed as the good Christian family to set the example. Her actions weren't covered up by a large feminist organization to keep the money flowing in, it just never came out until it hit the news. Had her family known and conspired with a feminist group, and a feminist LEO serving a prison sentence for child pornography, it would be huge. And in her case I haven't seen anyone (I'm sure there are some who exist, I just don't read forums in their circles) discounting her molesting her own little sister as a manufactured incident, despite her admitting to it, by the woman-hating right.

Do you believe we should be harder on those who hide their sexual predator behavior in the name of religion? Or should we, as you say the left has, simply ignore the situation or excuse it because the perpetrator was "one of our own". I'm not saying you have ever suggested that we do so, only that I'm curious what you believe the proper reaction should be since you mentioned the Lena Dunham abuse scandal.

06-06-15, 01:53
Your last two posts make it seem like you condone and approve of differing standards depending on one's political affiliations. You're attacking people who don't condone the left's hypocrisy as if that means they're supporting pedophelia. THAT, is a dishonest debate tactic. :(

Negative. Actually, what you're accusing me of is exactly what I'm saying we shouldn't be doing.

There are a lot of people, some of them have even posted in this thread, who believe that this whole thing has more to do with an attack on their religion than exposing a particularly horrible sexual abuse scandal. There are some who even suggest that this is being blown out of proportion and was a harmless "boys will be boys" teenage mistake. I even quoted one of those posts earlier in this thread.

Does that mean I believe those people are SUPPORTING pedophilia? No, but in an effort to deflect attention to the hypocrisy of the left, they are certainly trying to play off an incestuous act of molestation and the molestation of other young girls as being harmless behavior, typical of all young men with sexual curiosity.

Most of those people, had the Duggar kid not been affiliated with a family that some christians believe are setting the example in the public eye, would probably be calling for him to be tortured and killed like we see in all other threads about someone confessing to molesting their own sister and other young girls.

Calling the left out for their hypocrisy can and should be done without pretending what happened was a minor incident. I don't come from a culture that ignores the mistakes made by one of our own. By being harder on our own, and demanding that others enforce the highest standards, we maintained a quality and reputation that often put the claims of those who attacked us to shame. I would recommend we do that in this case rather than play the victim and try push sexual misconduct back into the shadows of secrecy.

06-06-15, 07:40
Let's just be honest here. You most certainly have something against Christians.

I have nothing against Christians, their religion, or their morals.
Ah, you're against sex education in public schools. Because if you put your fingers in your ears and pray really hard, young teens will stop having sex. Why teach them about safety, if we ignore it it won't happen. So by your logic at what point in the Duggar kids private Christian education did they whisper the sex devil into his ears and say "Go try to bang your sister"?
We get it, keep science out of the schools because science dares to defy GAWD, and any day now OBAMA is gonna start marching christians to the gas chambers.

06-06-15, 07:55
I watched their interview the other night and had to turn it off after a while because it was so sickening.

Did we watch the same interview?

06-06-15, 09:15
Let's just be honest here. You most certainly have something against Christians.

What makes you feel you can decide what I believe or what I'm against? I was raised in a Christian family with Christian friends and values. I most closely identified with christians for much of my life, though my experiences later had a profound impact on my faith.

Still think you're the victim of my persecution? Fine. But you can't just decide what my intent is. The portions you quoted were about the almost radical way the Duggars and their church of very cult-like members believe, and how some have chosen to excuse that behavior.

26 Inf
06-06-15, 13:52
deleted - SOW0331 not a post aimed at you in a negative fashion!

06-06-15, 13:59

06-06-15, 17:10

I have nothing against Christians, their religion, or their morals. I have everything against condoning the behavior of someone who hides behind their religion and blaming the victims for waiting this long to make their story public.

Everyone should remember that the original police report was supposed to be done by the Sheriff who was a friend of Big Papa Duggar. He neglected to take the report, and instead trusted that the family and the church (of which he was a member) would work together to find a suitable way to correct the behavior. Behavior which including molesting his own sister. This Sheriff is now in prison for child pornography.

The Duggar family later admitted to doing a half assed effort of "rehabilitation" and the alleged "counseling" that was offered to the girls (many, not one or two) was in the form of their church's pastor/priest/minister guy telling the victims and their families that they would be hurting the church and the community if they went public, and they should forgive the Duggar kid. I doubt he cared about their wellbeing or forgiveness, he was worried about TLC cancelling the show and the sweet gravy would no longer flow into the church.

This isn't about Christianity or religion. This isn't about Teh Lefties attacking anyone. This is about a small community that all were united through their cult-like beliefs burying the sexual assault of many pre-teen girls, even a family member of the offender, to protect their reputation and income. So of course any of their bullshit holy roller views should be immediately ridiculed. Not because their religion is "wrong", but because they are hypocrites and protecting their own ranks to make more money. Notice only after the show was cancelled did the Duggar family seem to have any interest in actually doing the right thing and taking the veil of secrecy off the incident. Too little, too late.

These events happened well before the show was on the air so I am not sure money was a motivation.

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06-06-15, 19:56
Politically. I'm to the right of Attila the Hun. And I'm a Christian. I can not comprehend how anybody can say that slamming the Duggers is criticizing conservative Christians. I worked with young people for 30 years, and I wish to point out a common thread running through sexual abuse practices within families. Often, the mother is aware but denies the occurrence even when the victim reports abuse. Frequently, the victim is blamed and made to feel guilty for objecting. The victim seldom recovers emotionally and sometimes abuses others later in life. Perpetuators of sexual abuse are like dogs who suck eggs. They never stop doing it. Daddy always shot an egg sucking dog.

06-06-15, 21:56
And to think people thought Howard Stern, Richard Bey, Jerry Springer and the rest were as low as TV could go.

06-06-15, 23:37
double tap.

06-06-15, 23:37
Politically. I'm to the right of Attila the Hun. And I'm a Christian. I can not comprehend how anybody can say that slamming the Duggers is criticizing conservative Christians. I worked with young people for 30 years, and I wish to point out a common thread running through sexual abuse practices within families. Often, the mother is aware but denies the occurrence even when the victim reports abuse. Frequently, the victim is blamed and made to feel guilty for objecting. The victim seldom recovers emotionally and sometimes abuses others later in life. Perpetuators of sexual abuse are like dogs who suck eggs. They never stop doing it. Daddy always shot an egg sucking dog.

Great post, the other problem with people like the Duggers is they have cult like devotion. They are followers of Bill Gothard. Yeah this Bill Gothard:

Bill Gothard, an Illinois-based advocate for home schooling and conservative dress who warned against rock music and debt, has been placed on administrative leave after allegations of sexually harassing women who worked at his ministry and failing to report child abuse cases.

Often religious zealots such as these place blame on female victims of sexual abuse for being "immodest". Remind you of any other religion/culture that treats women with such disdain?

I cannot think of many things that make me as angry as those who blame victims of sexual abuse for their own abuse.

06-07-15, 03:51
last night I got into a little debate about this with a self proclaimed "lipstick feminist"

It seems like all your stories start this way Eurodriver :p

06-07-15, 05:07
It seems like all your stories start this way Eurodriver :p

I just laugh at the chicks you hang out with ?

I was about to say the same thing.

Might be a topic of its own :lol:

Your friend must be hot and put out - otherwise I don't think you could stand it....

I was thinking this too lol.

I'm still trying to figure out...where the **** do you meet these chicks at Euro?


I'm not sure how this became such a talking point, but I'll oblige.

I finished in business, but I started out as a History major. I can tell you beyond any shadow of any doubt, that while radically left, the girl sitting in college who wants to be an Art History, Political Science (these are the best), or other similar main stream liberal arts major is a freak. Period. End of story.

Blonde, loud, alcoholic sorostitutes have nothing on the quiet Poly Sci girl who works at Kate Spade. It's annoying when they spend all day talking about environmental advocacy, but worth it when you can advocate for her environment later.

06-07-15, 05:11
I finished in business, but I started out as a History major. I can tell you beyond any shadow of any doubt, that while radically left, the girl sitting in college who wants to be an Art History, Political Science (these are the best), or other similar main stream liberal arts major is a freak. Period. End of story.

Rich sorostitutes have nothing on these girls.

I figured it was pillow talk . . .

06-08-15, 20:31
Lipstick feminist? That sounds fruity to me. Eurodriver, are you chasing queer women?