View Full Version : If You Could Observe 5 Events In Earth History...

06-08-15, 02:12
Couple ground rules.

1. You would not be able to interact with anything or anyone, nothing would be aware of your presence. So no obvious answers like spend more time with my Dad, Grandad, etc.

2. No "see creation" religious debates. Suffice to say if you are religious you could not see creation because God created everything and THEN created man and if you are of the scientific minded type you cannot see the "big bang" because there would be no space for you to stand in and watch it happen.

So it's basically "Ghost of Christmas Past" rules. But if you could be a remote viewer of the actual event as it happened, what would make the top of your list?

1. Jurassic Dinosaurs - We think we know what they look like, but we are seriously guessing. I would love to know for sure, to see the species I marveled at as a kid as they really were.

2. Carboniferous Earth - With oxygen concentrations as high as 35% some incredible life forms exists, including monstrously large insects that could star in a 1950s science fiction movie. Scorpions up to two feet in length are the things of nightmares, one has to wonder what spiders looked like.

3. The KT Event - While this is correctly more of a period than an event, lasting from a few years to a few thousand years depending who is correct, I want to know what the actual "smoking gun" catalyst was.

4. The Pyramids - Yes, it's kind of stupid because you can still see them. I wouldn't even want to see them built so I would know definitively how it was done. I just want to see them about 3,500 years ago when they were still cast in limestone. I want to see dynastic Egypt at the height of it's power.

5. Battle of Sekigahara - This was the big one, the massive Samurai battle that finally unified Japan and ended hundreds of years of civil war.

And I would trade any of the above for any visitation by other life forms at any time during Earth history if it ever actually happened. That would be something to see.

06-08-15, 02:23
Couple ground rules.

1. You would not be able to interact with anything or anyone, nothing would be aware of your presence. So no obvious answers like spend more time with my Dad, Grandad, etc.

2. No "see creation" religious debates. Suffice to say if you are religious you could not see creation because God created everything and THEN created man and if you are of the scientific minded type you cannot see the "big bang" because there would be no space for you to stand in and watch it happen.

So it's basically "Ghost of Christmas Past" rules. But if you could be a remote viewer of the actual event as it happened, what would make the top of your list?

1. Jurassic Dinosaurs - We think we know what they look like, but we are seriously guessing. I would love to know for sure, to see the species I marveled at as a kid as they really were.

2. Carboniferous Earth - With oxygen concentrations as high as 35% some incredible life forms exists, including monstrously large insects that could star in a 1950s science fiction movie. Scorpions up to two feet in length are the things of nightmares, one has to wonder what spiders looked like.

3. The KT Event - While this is correctly more of a period than an event, lasting from a few years to a few thousand years depending who is correct, I want to know what the actual "smoking gun" catalyst was.

4. The Pyramids - Yes, it's kind of stupid because you can still see them. I wouldn't even want to see them built so I would know definitively how it was done. I just want to see them about 3,500 years ago when they were still cast in limestone. I want to see dynastic Egypt at the height of it's power.

5. Battle of Sekigahara - This was the big one, the massive Samurai battle that finally unified Japan and ended hundreds of years of civil war.

And I would trade any of the above for any visitation by other life forms at any time during Earth history if it ever actually happened. That would be something to see.

I can't find fault with any of your list, although I'd trade the Carboniferous Earth (I hate bugs) for the life of Jesus. I'm not even religious, but the man, son of God or not, has profoundly influenced Western Culture and in doing so, the entire world. I'd want to see it in person.

I'd consider trading the KT event for the moment some planetoid collided with the Earth to form the Moon because it's probably the biggest fireworks show in the context of the history of the Earth.

I kind of want to see some moments in Human technological development... fire, tools, agriculture, etc, even if they weren't Humans that invented it.

And yeah, aliens trump everything.

06-08-15, 02:48
Hmm off the hip . . .

1.) The building of Pumapunku

2.) The building of Göbekli Tepe

3.) Probably a day at the Circus Maximus.

4.) The founding of Sumer.

5.) Go back to see if there was anything with Lemuria and Atlantis.

06-08-15, 07:12
Everyone is already hitting all the stuff I'd like to see. At the top would be those human events we simply don't understand, like the Great Pyramids, Pumapunku
, Teotihuacan, Sacsayhuaman (Cusco) etc. To know how they did it and what technology they had available would answer some of the greatest mysteries of our time.

It's not yet history, but it would be interesting to see the end of the earth. Will it be cataclysmic, or just die off like Mars?

Ned Christiansen
06-08-15, 08:04
Have always thought the pyramids for sure-- I'd like to hover overheard and do a fast-forward observation of the building of them.

The grassy knoll and a few other historic events, but--

I've always wished I could just see my parents, let's say about the time they got married. I would be in the next booth in a restaurant or something, where I could listen to them and observe them for a while.

06-08-15, 09:52
In no particular order, here's my answer off the top of my head:

5.) The KT Event. Time lapse into it as required to see how the various notable dinosaur species died off. Bonus: seeing how they actually looked and behaved vs. what we think.

4.) The Invasion of Normandy.

3.) The entire Apollo 11 mission, from Neil Armstrong's perspective.

2.) The Wrights' first powered flights at Kitty Hawk.

1.) Any one (or all) of my great-uncle's combat missions in the Pacific theater flying the SBD Dauntless. There is so much I simply don't about him since we never met, and his U.S. Navy records were apparently destroyed in the 1973 NPRC St. Louis fire. This is by far my #1, I have wondered about him ever since I learned about him.

06-08-15, 10:06
Is it like a movie where we only see the view point that "they" want us to see, or is it like a living 3D environment where we can fast forward, reverse, pause, play at normal speed, and hover around to view the same event multiple times from different angles, even above the surface of the whatever?

06-08-15, 12:12
I'm changing it up a little bit. 5 people I'd like to have a beer with throughout history.

1.) My Father, never met the guy, he died a few months before I was born in a KC-135 Crash at Beale AFB. Everyone says I'm just like him. He grew up moving between KY and northern MN, his family was so poor that he slept on a couch until he was 16, became an officer in the Air Force and a accomplished musician.

2.) Chuck Yeager, kind of a childhood hero of mine after watching The Right Stuff. I'd like to talk to him about all the missions and adventures he got into throughout his career. He's memoirs are something I still page through from time to time.

3.) Jack Kerouac, I read On the Road when I was 14 and it changed my outlook on this country forever, the freedoms and the good and bad of it all, amazing book, and an odd guy, I'm sure he could go on and on about the trouble he's been in.

4.) Two people, a tie, George Patton and Chesy Puller, they were cousins and both brilliantly enraged. The two of them together discussing there accolades would be awesome, I'm sure there would be a little bit of rivalry.

26 Inf
06-08-15, 13:48
1. Life of Jesus;

2. Listening to God Talk to Moses or Job - religious but not creation;

3. Cattle drive on the Santa Fe Trail;

4. Kittyhawk;

5. Gehghis Khan

06-08-15, 14:12
life of Jesus
rise and fall of Rome and Copan
founding of our country
WWII various parts

06-08-15, 14:17
1) the battle of waterloo - particularly the French cavalry against the highland squares.
2) assassination of JFK - from the book depository building.
3) Kursk
4) Hastings
5)Declaration of Independence

06-08-15, 16:05
A gull's eye view of Nelson attacking the combined fleet at Trafalgar.

The first encounter with the risen Jesus. (Mary Magdalene)

T-Rex fight

Any number of events in my life if I could kick my ass to change course.

Birth of the moon from this vantage point:

http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s92/uffdaphil/image.jpg1_29.jpg (http://s150.photobucket.com/user/uffdaphil/media/image.jpg1_29.jpg.html)

06-09-15, 05:25
An honorable 6th event (place and time) would be to have the language skills and time to visit the Ancient/Royal Library of Alexandria. I think the fire that destroyed it might have been the single greatest setback for human knowledge to date.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/you-know-youre-a-history-fan-when-library-of-alexandria_zpsoudusae5.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/you-know-youre-a-history-fan-when-library-of-alexandria_zpsoudusae5.jpg.html)

06-09-15, 06:53
The Last Supper, well perhaps that whole last day of Christs life.
The Fall of Rome, I want the whole enchilada, and I want to see everything go down from all sides.
The Travel West with Lewis and Clark.
The D-Day Landing, to actually run off of a landing craft and run up the beach.
I would like to play a game of baseball with my Grandfather in some sort of "Field of Dreams" thing where we were the same age.

PD Sgt.
06-09-15, 11:17
In no particular order:

The building of the pyramids, like someone else suggested, maybe a time lapse kind of thing to see the whole construction.

A day in ancient Rome, to walk among the structures and to see the fights at the Coliseum.

The landings at Normandy on D Day, particularly Pont-du-Hoc.

Not to necessarily witness the crimes, but to find out who Jack the Ripper really was.


06-09-15, 13:30
The crucifixion

The exodus

Ability to see a "live" Mars, with water, while being on Mars(does that count? Not human history, but For sure history)

Definitely the Library of Alexandria

Some form of dinosaurs

06-09-15, 15:00
Paul Reveres Ride - was it exciting as portrayed or just a guy waking a few people up?

Gutenberg the day he went outside and said "Yo check this out!"

Battle of Yorktown to see Cornwalis' bitch ass face.

Battle of the Somme

Jesus' birth.

06-09-15, 16:12
The battle of Thermopolyae.

Follow Alexander's life starting with the conquest of Persia to his death.

Life and death of Jesus.

Saxon conquest of Britain.

The first Crusade.

06-09-15, 16:55
An honorable 6th event (place and time) would be to have the language skills and time to visit the Ancient/Royal Library of Alexandria. I think the fire that destroyed it might have been the single greatest setback for human knowledge to date.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/you-know-youre-a-history-fan-when-library-of-alexandria_zpsoudusae5.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/you-know-youre-a-history-fan-when-library-of-alexandria_zpsoudusae5.jpg.html)

I love this!

06-09-15, 17:33
I love this!

I guess I must be a history fan then. It would be fair to assume that you could understand the language being spoken in the event you are witnessing.

06-09-15, 17:52
I guess I must be a history fan then. It would be fair to assume that you could understand the language being spoken in the event you are witnessing.

No, i don't feel confident that I would.

06-09-15, 23:13
1) Sail to North America with the Vikings
2) hunt mammoths with early peoples of N. America
3) April 19, 1775 to watch the beginning shots fired in the Revolutionary war
4) Travel with Lewis and Clark
5) Fly with the Flying Tigers

06-10-15, 06:52
I'd have to say the following:

1. Parting of the Red Sea.

2. The Battle of Thermopylae

3. The Cretaceous Period when the dinosaur population was at its height.

4. The Battle of Fort McHenry.

5. As someone else stated, the Apollo 11 landing from the ground perspective.

As an added bonus, I'd also like to record the goings on at that damn grassy knoll to end the debate once and for all.

06-10-15, 22:35
As a military history fool, my five would be (in no particular order):

Argonne Forrest - Alvin York MOH engagement and or The Lost Battalion

Isandlwhana / Rorke's Drift

Omaha Beach



06-13-15, 21:34
you guys have take the best ones, so here are some runner ups:
1. Float in space beside a long space walk-8 hours or so.
2. Fall into a black hole.
3. Watch Jefferson write the declaration of independence and then hang out a Monticello.
4. Watch Einstein working out the special theory of relativity.
5. Follow my father through France & Belgium in WW2 to see what happened, since he would never talk about it.