06-11-15, 12:50
I'm not a veteran so have zero military experience. After seeing Afghanistan combat on video, I don't understand some of what I saw. In outposts, I would think that there would be a high number of belt fed machine guns on tripods, which would out number the guns. Thus these weapons could be shifted as needed to different positions. Also in my idea, standard m16s with attached grenade launcher would be dedicated outposts weapons. About artillery. You would think that every rock, nook and cranny, or hole in the vicinity would be registered positions on artillery battery maps.

Am I describing defenses that already existed?

06-11-15, 13:56
So I have no first hand experience, but a few thoughts - defensive positions should, and usually are, equipped with MGs. Hopefully that means M2 .50s but I think more often than not it was probably 240s, depending on how remote the post is. COPs (Combat Outpost) are smaller than FOBs (Forward Operating Base) so that is something to take into account. Shifting the MGs isn't usually a tactic as far as I know - they're emplaced in ways that allow them to best neutralize key terrain and avenues of approach, and then probably left there because those provide the largest threat. Also, digging or building an MG fighting position is much more of a PITA than just a regular individual fighting position. As for the GLs like M203s - those are individual weapons and would not be left at an outpost for whoever is on guard duty like an MG/MK19 would be, though something like an AT4 probably would. But also keep in mind, grenade launchers (and handheld grenades for that matter) are nothing like you see in the movies. They are effective, but wouldn't blow the shit out of a platoon sized force. As for arty - yes, they do have predetermined firing points - again on key terrain like the MGs. But there are only so many indirect fire assets any given place may have. The guns/tubes have a max fire rate, and you have to account for friendlies in the area. Dropping arty 100m to your front is often overplayed in the movies as well - doesn't usually work that way.