View Full Version : Spokane NAACP President, not actually black?

06-11-15, 23:13
So this is happening in my town. I'm surprised WickedWillis hadn't beat me to the punch on this. Our local NAACP president is being called out by local media and her own biological parents for actually being caucasian. She has claimed to be a multi-time hate crime victim in the area but now is having to defend herself against many telling the media she is actually white. All 3 of our local news stations are running the story and it's trending higher on Twitter than the NBA Finals.

It began a few months back when she claimed to have gotten hate mail the NAACP post office box but the stamp hadn't been cancelled, there was no barcode on the envelope and detectives learned the only way that letter could have gotten in there was if someone with a key put it in the PO box. Detectives ruled out USPS employees as part of their investigation.

You guys think there is anything to it or have the media and her parents just gone off the deep end chasing the story?

KXLY Exclusive Rachel Dolezal responds to race allegations (http://www.kxly.com/news/spokane-news/KXLY-Exclusive-Rachel-Dolezal-responds-to-race-allegations/33539322)

KREM.com's coverage (http://www.krem.com/longform/news/local/spokane-county/2015/06/10/detectives-question-naacp-hate-mail-processing/71043278/)

From KHQ.com (http://www.khq.com/story/29299054/parents-of-spokane-naacp-president-claim-shes-misrepresenting-her-ethnicity)

06-11-15, 23:22
She looks "blacker" than the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.. http://www.dems.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/ButterfieldG-NC1D.jpg33689

06-11-15, 23:39
She looks "blacker" than the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.. http://www.dems.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/ButterfieldG-NC1D.jpg33689

And blacker than Chief Sitting Bull...33690

06-12-15, 00:12
She is about as black as Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) . . .

06-12-15, 00:22
If you can decide to be a woman, why not be black?

06-12-15, 00:25
This poor misunderstood woman is simply "identifying" as African-American and the bigoted media need to accept this and lay off the hate speech already!

I hope someone somewhere nominates her for a bravery award.

06-12-15, 00:36
She can share Bruce Jenner's ESPY.

06-12-15, 02:07
She can share Bruce Jenner's ESPY.

She can have it, he's getting rid of it...

06-12-15, 08:29
Trans-racial, awesome.

If you read the stories you start to wonder where the line is between identifying with a group and deceiving yourself into thinking you are part of the group.

None of which would matter if there wasn't an active political lobby and left-wing support system for people who are (or claim to be) a certain color or ancestry.

The "before" photo is about as white as white gets.

06-12-15, 08:52
Trans-racial, awesome.

If you read the stories you start to wonder where the line is between identifying with a group and deceiving yourself into thinking you are part of the group.

None of which would matter if there wasn't an active political lobby and left-wing support system for people who are (or claim to be) a certain color or ancestry.

The "before" photo is about as white as white gets.

Wasn't Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts the first Trans-racial woman (claims of being Native American in order to take advantage of minority status)?

06-12-15, 09:10
Wasn't Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts the first Trans-racial woman (claims of being Native American in order to take advantage of minority status)?

Probably just one in a long line. I didn't realize her claims had been completely debunked, but when I looked it up just now it appears they were:


06-12-15, 12:06
I cannot believe anyone really thought this woman was black. She does NOT look like it...sorry.

Blue eyes and that nose...sorry...nope!

06-12-15, 13:46
So this is happening in my town. I'm surprised WickedWillis hadn't beat me to the punch on this. Our local NAACP president is being called out by local media and her own biological parents for actually being caucasian. She has claimed to be a multi-time hate crime victim in the area but now is having to defend herself against many telling the media she is actually white. All 3 of our local news stations are running the story and it's trending higher on Twitter than the NBA Finals.

It began a few months back when she claimed to have gotten hate mail the NAACP post office box but the stamp hadn't been cancelled, there was no barcode on the envelope and detectives learned the only way that letter could have gotten in there was if someone with a key put it in the PO box. Detectives ruled out USPS employees as part of their investigation.

You guys think there is anything to it or have the media and her parents just gone off the deep end chasing the story?

KXLY Exclusive Rachel Dolezal responds to race allegations (http://www.kxly.com/news/spokane-news/KXLY-Exclusive-Rachel-Dolezal-responds-to-race-allegations/33539322)

KREM.com's coverage (http://www.krem.com/longform/news/local/spokane-county/2015/06/10/detectives-question-naacp-hate-mail-processing/71043278/)

From KHQ.com (http://www.khq.com/story/29299054/parents-of-spokane-naacp-president-claim-shes-misrepresenting-her-ethnicity)

I am having so much fun with this today.

06-12-15, 14:17
AIUI, there is no requirement to be black to work at NAACP. And, in fact, NAACP was founded by mostly whites: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=naacp+founders

Which leads to the question, why pass yourself off as black?

06-12-15, 14:19
Nobody is "actually" black. Genetic exceptions are everywhere. Race is an arbitrary classification based upon human sight.

06-12-15, 15:01
That's taking 'wigger' to the max!
As to Warren claiming to be native American, IIRC, you only have to prove 1/16 to qualify to our dear gov. The tribes may have a different criteria.

06-12-15, 15:04
Pictures of her in high school, lily white blonde.

Amazing what you can do with a little makeup and hair work.

06-12-15, 15:14
but skin color was not supposed to matter :)

our society is getting so sick and seems to be getting so narcissistic waiting for some guy to save his sperm become a chick so he can have his own baby which I am sure scientists are working on how to do that !

we are hosed !

06-12-15, 15:34
Nobody is "actually" black. Genetic exceptions are everywhere. Race is an arbitrary classification based upon human sight.

How do you explain sickle cell's only affecting black people? Or have I been lied to?

06-12-15, 16:03
Nobody is "actually" black. Genetic exceptions are everywhere. Race is an arbitrary classification based upon human sight.
But it is how many, if not most, refer to themselves: Congressional Black Caucus, Black Lives Matter, etc.

06-12-15, 16:56
Spokane is always known for stupid shit like this, and being the worlds largest truck stop. :)

06-12-15, 17:34
Pictures of her in high school, lily white blonde.

Amazing what you can do with a little makeup and hair work.

If Sideshow Bob and Halle berry had a kid.

How do you explain sickle cell's only affecting black people? Or have I been lied to?

Actually, I don't know the exact markers, but true Africans are supposed to not have any Neandertal DNA. Everyone else has got a little cave man.

For all the white supremacists banter on 'pure blood', white people are the ones who reached backwards in the gene pool...

I'd love to see a court case on 'blackness' determination- there has to have been one.

06-12-15, 18:07
but skin color was not supposed to matter :)

our society is getting so sick and seems to be getting so narcissistic waiting for some guy to save his sperm become a chick so he can have his own baby which I am sure scientists are working on how to do that !

we are hosed !

Where's the like button?

06-12-15, 20:52
technically if she was from south africa she could call herself african american but yea her parents were born here

06-12-15, 23:41
For all the white supremacists banter on 'pure blood', white people are the ones who reached backwards in the gene pool...

You sound just like black supremacists.

06-13-15, 00:41
How do you explain sickle cell's only affecting black people? Or have I been lied to?

What I'm saying is some people who "look" white will actually be vulnerable and some people who "look" black will not be. Here is the issue, we want to view race is if it's some kind of genetic boundary like "species" and that is why you have people talking about who has neanderthal DNA and who doesn't.

But here's what happens when you put all the "black" people in one corner, all the "white" people in another corner, all the "hispanics" in another corner and all the "asians" in another. We will for the sake of this discussion ignore the fact that "hispanic" and "asian" are geographical as well as racial identifiers.

When you begin to compare these four "races" at the genetic level you will find exceptions.

What that means in the simplest terms is as you compare everyone in Group A you will discover that a percentage of them that "look" like they belong in that group actually have more genetic commonality with one or more of the other groups. And members of those other groups will have more genetic commonality with people in Group A even if they don't "look" like they should.

Now certainly grouping commonality exists, especially if given groups reproduce closely within their groups. This is why the Jewish community which for centuries has closed itself from others is susceptible to a host of possible birth defects and disorders that many other groups have almost no risk factor. But even if you decide to declare jews a "race" you will still find exceptions at the genetic level and there will be members who have greater genetic commonality with other groups.

So while "race" is mostly a matter of genetic, and to a large degree environmental, commonality, like virtually everything else, exceptions exist and sometimes in surprising ways and in large enough numbers to make things like race a mostly arbitrary and visually based classification.

Suffice to say, if we classified everyone based upon strongest genetic commonality, many people would get some new neighbors.

As for sickle cell.


06-13-15, 03:39
She's about as Black as Obama is American.

06-13-15, 09:07
The important thing is that she "feels" black and the left should support her. its not her fault she was born with the wrong skin color.

06-13-15, 09:20
She was asked directly: Are you African American?

After spluttering a bit, she responded: I don't understand the question.


She is a pathetic fraud.

Of course, the NAACP supports her because if they didn't, they'd have to admit they've been hoodwinked.

26 Inf
06-13-15, 11:38
Of course, the NAACP supports her because if they didn't, they'd have to admit they've been hoodwinked.

My involvement with the NAACP is superficial, I've invited representatives to speak at service clubs I've belonged to and spoke to the local group when I ran for public office. They don't have a racial requirement for membership, many Pastors belong/attend local meetings, not just radical Pastors either.

In terms of their support for this gal, the party line is we want acceptance and equality for all, so telling her 'get out of her you white piece of trash' would go against their narrative. They found themselves in a damned if you do and damned if you don't position.

Agreed, she is a pathetic fraud.

06-13-15, 12:51
typical white privilege racist conservative parents for having a white kid ! :)
what were they thinking !

she is normal for the left a liar a racist a fake etc..

06-13-15, 15:20
You sound just like black supremacists.

I don't understand what you mean because of my caveman heritage. Can you explain it in cave paintings for me?

3 AE
06-13-15, 16:31
Congress will probably consider something along the lines of a bill presented as the "Stolen Ethnicity Act". Hmmm... that should do it! :lol:
As to the woman in question, her transition to black is nothing compared to Michael Jackson's transition to white. Oh well, to each their own.

06-13-15, 17:46
I don't understand where the problem is, -I'm not black either...:confused:

06-14-15, 00:37
I don't understand what you mean because of my caveman heritage. Can you explain it in cave paintings for me?

Negative, with my superior extraterrestrial DNA I could never simply anything enough for you to understand.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/ancientalienevolution_zps5eeb6227.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/ancientalienevolution_zps5eeb6227.jpg.html)

06-14-15, 01:35




06-14-15, 01:56
No worse than Cher pretending to be native American, and then a gypsy during the 70s.

06-14-15, 08:57
The important thing is that she "feels" black and the left should support her. its not her fault she was born with the wrong skin color.

Well that's mighty "White" of her.

06-14-15, 09:42
Congress will probably consider something along the lines of a bill presented as the "Stolen Ethnicity Act". Hmmm... that should do it! :lol:
As to the woman in question, her transition to black is nothing compared to Michael Jackson's transition to white. Oh well, to each their own.

As to Michael Jackson, he had a lot of things going on. One of the leading ideas as to him bleaching his skin is that he had vitiligo. It is not a nice thing to go through, and it had scarred my childhood. I can't imagine what it is like getting it as a public figure.

06-14-15, 15:52
You guys heard of Münchausen Syndrome and Münchausen Syndrome By Proxy?

Munchausen syndrome (As per Wikipedia): is a psychiatric factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves. Basically, victim playing for the purposes of
attention seeking.

Victim playing (As per Wikipedia):
1. Victim playing (also known as playing the victim or self-victimization) is the fabrication of victimhood for a variety of reasons such as to justify abuse of others, to manipulate others, a coping strategy or attention seeking.
2. An attention seeking technique (see for example Münchausen syndrome, Münchausen syndrome by proxy and Münchausen by Internet).

Well, this is Münchausen Syndrome By Race. Also can be referred to as G19A3 Syndrome.....so named after the M4carbinite that recognized the symptoms and thus naming the condition. You heard it here first, so I claim the name, like naming a comet or an extra-terrestrial body after oneself.

06-14-15, 16:04
The important thing is that she "feels" black and the left should support her. its not her fault she was born with the wrong skin color.

True. Going by the logic of the newly minted gender identities (of which there are more than I can name), she has as legitimate a claim to being black as Bruce Jenner has to being a woman.
Hell, with the new trans-abled thing, we can all drift in and out of identities as our whims strike us.
This week I'll be black because it's MLK day, next week I'll be Mexican for Cinco de Mayo, etc. etc.
It's pretty friggin sweet, actually.





Where is the Like button?

06-14-15, 20:07
SteyerAUG, are.you saying we should treat people as individuals? I agree. Putting people in groups is what leads to stuff like descrimination and in the extreame, NAZIs. And thanks for the sickle cell info.

This woman is clearly trans-racial and should sue the NAACP for descrimination and anxiety for questioning her. She should also get her own reality BET reality show.

Let them feed upon themselves, and encourage it from a distance.

06-14-15, 21:42
SteyerAUG, are.you saying we should treat people as individuals? I agree. Putting people in groups is what leads to stuff like descrimination and in the extreame, NAZIs. And thanks for the sickle cell info.

Well besides the obvious, to treat people on their own merits, what I was actually saying is human classifications tend to be visually oriented and based upon human perceptions more than anything else. But as much as we'd like for things to fit into neat classifications, the reality of nature usually defies our wishes.

Our desire to organize people according to "more like me" and "less like me" is actually a very natural thing for humans to do. We tend to "want" to identify with people who are "most like us." Problem is at the genetic level people who "look like you" might actually have far less in common than others who look very different.

It's kind of the genetic version of discovering you have much more in common with Neil Tyson than you do with Bill Clinton.

06-15-15, 00:29
This has been making the rounds on FB . . .:lol:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/naacppresidentfunny1_zpscptsidoe.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/naacppresidentfunny1_zpscptsidoe.jpg.html)

06-15-15, 01:03
This has been making the rounds on FB . . .:lol:

Remember when it used to be just kids who played "make believe"?

06-15-15, 01:16
And . . . :jester:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/naacppresidentfunny2_zps12oezzth.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/naacppresidentfunny2_zps12oezzth.jpg.html)

06-15-15, 06:31
How to pass for Black tips By Rachel Dolzal;

This week, a courageous civil rights champion by the name of Rachel Dolezal bravely revealed her true identity to the world: she is a black woman trapped in the body of a honky and has been tanning and getting weaves for the last ten years whilst president of her local NAACP chapter in order to live life as her authentic self and shake off her “crackersona.”
And of course Rev Al steps up to set it all straight.
He continued that while, “you have to be transparent,” “You’ve got to ask though, why would your mother and father after all this time come out, and what is that all about? … Mom and dad, come on are you really going to do this to your kid?” And urged Dolezal’s parents to “be the adults here.”
Proving once again, he is as dumb as a sack of hammers

06-15-15, 13:12
Why pretend to be someone else period? But then again.. :sarcastic:

06-15-15, 14:01
Dolezal resigned from her NAACP position via a Facebook post. I hope it was all worth it to her.

06-15-15, 14:37
Dolezal resigned from her NAACP position via a Facebook post. I hope it was all worth it to her.

Don't ever go on KHQ's facebook forums, she is a transracial hero on there!

Doc Safari
06-15-15, 15:27
Why pretend to be someone else period?

Because without that, no Democrat would have ever won an election.

06-15-15, 16:15
These days, it almost pays to pretend to be anything but white.


06-15-15, 16:35
These days, it almost pays to pretend to be anything but white.



06-15-15, 16:37
Dolezal resigned from her NAACP position via a Facebook post. I hope it was all worth it to her.

But why? The NAACP is about equality right? Clearly she is a black advocate. This can't be about her skin color can it?

06-15-15, 17:59
Thier statement was actually very supportive of the positive, in their eyes, work she did. The members seem to have forced her out. I'll post her resignation post when I get home today

06-15-15, 18:04
Thier statement was actually very supportive of the positive, in their eyes, work she did. The members seem to have forced her out. I'll post her resignation post when I get home today

She'll be on the today show tomorrow. Get ready. Transracial bullshit will be out in full-force from here on it. I'm praying for rain, I'm praying for title waves...

06-15-15, 18:16
Hope this wasn't posted already, the force is strong with this one.......It just keeps getting better.

Just when I thought I had seen all the stupid I could take. I fail to understand how people like this are actually able to figure out how to wake up in the morning.

This may blow your mind (http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/rachel-dolezal-sued-howard-university-for-discrimination/)

Dolezal, who was going by the name Rachel Moore and not altering her appearance at the time, claimed in the suit that she was discriminated against when she applied for a teaching position at Howard after she received her Masters of Fine Arts from the institution. The suit also claimed that she had been unfairly denied scholarship money, and that the decision to remove pieces of her art from an exhibition was “motivated by a discriminatory purpose to favor African American students over Moore.”

Although Dolezal asked for monetary damages to compensate her for “medical and emotional distress,” the court was not moved by her case. The suit was dismissed, and she was ordered to pay Howard nearly $3000 in reimbursements as well as a $1000 fee for what the court called an “obstructive and vexatious” lawsuit.

06-15-15, 18:21
Lol. Mel Brooks needs to buy the movie rights cause this stuff is priceless.

06-15-15, 18:24
Here's a few absolute gems my friend sent me on that there facebook machine;

http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Wickedwillis/RACHEL_zpsdepbzruc.jpg (http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/Wickedwillis/media/RACHEL_zpsdepbzruc.jpg.html)

http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Wickedwillis/RACHEL%203_zpsy59abnbe.jpg (http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/Wickedwillis/media/RACHEL%203_zpsy59abnbe.jpg.html)

http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Wickedwillis/RACHEL%202_zpsk3quoese.jpg (http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/Wickedwillis/media/RACHEL%202_zpsk3quoese.jpg.html)

06-15-15, 18:33
She'll be on the today show tomorrow. Get ready. Transracial bullshit will be out in full-force from here on it. I'm praying for rain, I'm praying for title waves...

Honestly, this is comedy gold. That they have to appear to take it all seriously makes it even funnier.

As for me, I'm 100% behind my transracial sista. She was just getting hers. Da Man tried to keep her back with his affirmative action mumbo jumbo so she became what society demanded. Straight jack move.

06-15-15, 20:09

06-15-15, 22:02
The last thing Black Leadership wants is to have some kind of test for 'Blackness'. They want this to disappear fast.

06-15-15, 22:59
Okay apologies for my OP, don't know what happened to the link so retry here . . . :lol:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/naacppresidentfunny1_zpsyjza50z7.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/naacppresidentfunny1_zpsyjza50z7.jpg.html)

06-15-15, 23:46
The last thing Black Leadership wants is to have some kind of test for 'Blackness'. They want this to disappear fast.

Saw some "doesn't know she's racist" on TV complaining about how this woman presumed to represent the struggles of "my people" and how that's wrong. All I could think about is the shitstorm that is created when anyone uses the phrase "you people."

The blatant racist double standard never ceases to amaze me.

I think I'm going to start a black church. My first sermon is "You can't know me, you can't know my people. You just don't know."

06-16-15, 00:36
The blatant racist double standard never ceases to amaze me.

Yup. This is why their blubbering and sniveling fall on the deaf ears of the silent majority.

06-16-15, 02:27
Yup. This is why their blubbering and sniveling fall on the deaf ears of the silent majority.

Never fear. I'm starting a church. I got this.

06-16-15, 02:32
Never fear. I'm starting a church. I got this.

With all the sex scandals the mega churches are having these days maybe you could start up that production company you know you always wanted to and hold "casting couch" sessions in your pastoral office?! :jester:

06-16-15, 05:40
The fact this is even a "national discussion" speaks volumes . . . :suicide:

Can Rachel Dolezal Really Be 'Transracial'— Or Is White Privilege to Blame?

06-16-15, 05:45
The fact this is even a "national discussion" speaks volumes . . . :suicide:

Can Rachel Dolezal Really Be 'Transracial'— Or Is White Privilege to Blame?
That's it.. I'm done with humanity. I want off. Someone call the Deathstar.

06-16-15, 06:39
Watching her interview. This is what Fukashima must have looked like... a real live train wreck.

She actually used the term 'white wash'....

Progressives- when you start to tear down all the norms and standards, don't be surprised when it comes back to bite you in the ass.

I'll put it at 50:50 that her 'intimate' relationship with her black 'dad' was also, shall we say, complicated.

06-16-15, 07:46
This story is the gift that keeps on giving.

06-16-15, 08:22
This story is the gift that keeps on giving.

So true... ;)


06-16-15, 08:26
this is great news.. I have always wanted to be Oriental. I mean, I like oriental food, music, culture, maths, etc... I will now be David Lo Pan.

06-16-15, 11:05
The woman has blue eyes!

Hello!...not black!

06-16-15, 11:12
According to her interview with Matt Lauer this morning Dolezal "Identifies as black". No apologies, no taking responsibility for her actions. Of course it was the always hard-hitting Today show. No I didn't watch it, I read the summary.

I think she may have some kind of delusional issues going on in her brain. These lies have cost her the NAACP presidency, her job as a professor, likely her position on the local police review board (investigation is ongoing) and her freelance writing gig at Spokane's liberal community newspaper The Inlander. Any future employer who Googles her name will find this. She is almost unemployable because of her BS.

06-16-15, 12:55
I can't figure out what is crazier, this woman, OR the Liberals/Press who seem to think this is actually defensable....

In the old days, this would go in the 'crazy bitch' file...

06-16-15, 12:56
According to her interview with Matt Lauer this morning Dolezal "Identifies as black". No apologies, no taking responsibility for her actions. Of course it was the always hard-hitting Today show. No I didn't watch it, I read the summary.

I think she may have some kind of delusional issues going on in her brain. These lies have cost her the NAACP presidency, her job as a professor, likely her position on the local police review board (investigation is ongoing) and her freelance writing gig at Spokane's liberal community newspaper The Inlander. Any future employer who Googles her name will find this. She is almost unemployable because of her BS.

The good news is that she can easily change back to her OEM look and they won't recognize her.

Can you image if you had the same name and this followed you the rest of your life. You show up for job interviews and people think that you must be her...

Crow Hunter
06-16-15, 13:01
The good news is that she can easily change back to her OEM look and they won't recognize her.

Can you image if you had the same name and this followed you the rest of your life. You show up for job interviews and people think that you must be her...

OEM look.:cool::D


You just made me giggle out loud and now people know I am not doing project work.

06-16-15, 13:10
What a joke.

06-16-15, 13:16
I can't believe the level of support this lying, shameless, self-serving bitch is getting.

06-16-15, 13:28
I can sadly :(
think global warming !
how awesome obama is
guns kill people

I can't believe the level of support this lying, shameless, self-serving bitch is getting.

06-16-15, 13:42
this is great news.. I have always wanted to be Oriental. I mean, I like oriental food, music, culture, maths, etc... I will now be David Lo Pan.

Well Koneechee Waa my Kong Foo brutha. Let's go get some rice cakes for father and then have our applications to MIT denied because we are Transasians. The fact that Transasian almost looks like Transam is awesome. In fact if I have an kid (who would be transasian) I'm gonna name him Transam.

06-16-15, 13:48
Ain't no party like a "right to be black" party because a "right to be black" party don't stop.


(CNN)When it comes to identity, America takes one step forward and two steps back.

On Monday, Rachel Dolezal, the head of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP, resigned in shame because she had posed as a black woman even though she is biologically white.

The outing of Dolezal seems ironic given the recent public embrace of Caitlyn Jenner, the transgender woman formerly known as Bruce Jenner. Jenner seems to have ushered in an era of greater tolerance about the constructed nature of identity. After all, when a transgender woman is elevated to the cover of Vanity Fair, it's as though we have reached a tipping point. We can accept the idea that one's social identity can be radically transformed if it doesn't match with what one feels in the heart.

The stark difference in Dolezal's treatment forces us to ask what's the difference between claiming a gender identity versus a racial identity? Why is it that we celebrate Bruce Jenner's gender change and frown upon Rachel Dolezal's racial change?

Dolezal is disturbing for many people because she marks a cultural fault line. Like it or not, we have entered into an era of elective race -- a time when people expect that one has a right and dignity to claim the identity of one's choice.

The central issue that separates Jenner's and Dolezal's choices is deception. Jenner chose carefully how and when she would disclose herself as actually female. Dolezal's involuntary outing was staged by her angry parents who felt left behind as she chose a life associated with being a black person.

The irony of the situation is certainly not lost on Dolezal's parents, who adopted several black children who became Dolezal's siblings, perhaps giving her the first taste of what it would be like to be in a black community.

As much as critics try to characterize Dolezal's behavior as a fraudulent choice, sociologists and psychologists know that decisions about racial and ethnic identity are typically not merely expressive, strategic, or apolitical, but are driven by social conditions.

Growing up in a family with black siblings exposed Dolezal to the reality of discrimination and made her more sensitive to its effects. It probably helped her understand the contrast between the reality of black lives and white privilege. Other similar experiences, such as marrying an African-American and having black children, also make white people more sensitive to racism.

Dolezal likely became politically and socially conscious about these issues because of her experiences in an interracial family. In this sense, her parents must be proud of the child they raised.

Should we indict Dolezal for her racial deceit?

That depends on a number of factors. What accounts for her decision to "become" black instead of remaining white to advocate for racial justice?

Did Dolezal feel that her white skin made her suspect as she engaged in political activism? Did she fear it would be a distraction as she attempted to gain credibility in racial justice efforts?

Opinion: Passing for black? Now that's a twist

Of course, she could have attained a leadership role in the NAACP as a white woman, but did the perception that she was black make people feel more objective about her performance rather than skeptical about her understanding and commitment to anti-racism?

Was she aesthetically driven? Dolezal claims that she has been in love with black aesthetics since childhood. The decision to adopt a black female aesthetic for herself is a political act given that Americans in general assume black women are not aesthetically as desirable as white women. Yet, others reduce her aesthetic choices to mere cultural appropriation.

People allow Caitlyn Jenner to change because she has some biological basis for believing she is female. But is this all identity is? Are we prepared to accept the implications of this view?

What if Dolezal can identify one "biologically" black ancestor -- does this suddenly make her claim to blackness valid? If she cannot, does this failure render invalid her connections to blackness, and all of her efforts to make the world better for African Americans?

In my view, hate the sin but love the sinner. Dolezal lied. She should not have lied, but she lied for reasons with which we can sympathize.

I admire the way she chose to live her life as a black person. Advocating for anti-racism efforts is ethical and admirable if she wanted to claim blackness as a social identity. Those quick to throw stones well know that there are costs to living life as a black person, and once Dolezal made the switch she seems never to have looked back. I will not indict her for her choice to link herself to this community, and I would consider her claim no greater if she identified a long lost African ancestor.

Dolezal's case forces us to examine our society, which made her feel that passing for a black woman was her best choice in her advocacy for African American issues. She forces us to consider whether our biology or our action is more important to identity, and should we act in ways that honor our chosen identity in meaningful ways. We should not have to be slaves to the biological definition of identity, and we should not use race or gender identities as weapons to punish one another.

06-16-15, 14:17
I think I've seen her in the NCO Club in Germany.

Just sayin'.

06-16-15, 15:09
According to her interview with Matt Lauer this morning Dolezal "Identifies as black". No apologies, no taking responsibility for her actions. Of course it was the always hard-hitting Today show. No I didn't watch it, I read the summary.

I think she may have some kind of delusional issues going on in her brain. These lies have cost her the NAACP presidency, her job as a professor, likely her position on the local police review board (investigation is ongoing) and her freelance writing gig at Spokane's liberal community newspaper The Inlander. Any future employer who Googles her name will find this. She is almost unemployable because of her BS.

She can run for US Senate! The liberal voters don't care!


Take Care,


06-16-15, 15:36
Somewhere a stand-up comedian's prayers have been answered for God to provide material for the next six months. Between this twit and the Pope thinking that science is good topic to try to run with like it is a Jeopardy topic, the whole world is going sideways.

06-16-15, 17:07
Wasn't Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts the first Trans-racial woman (claims of being Native American in order to take advantage of minority status)?

The Boston Redskin is just batshiite crazy. :rolleyes:


06-16-15, 17:15
With the left falling all over each other to embrace "trans" everything else, I think it would be more than a little disingenuous of them to not embrace this. Unfortunately for them, doing so would pretty much wipe out the race industry, so the smarter ones are going to reject it, thereby painting themselves into a corner of hypocrisy. Right now the libbers have their knickers in a twist over at Salon.com, because FOX talking head Andrea Tantaros asked if she could identify as a trans-species cat. Of course the next question was one of tax status if she identifies as a cat? They're calling it a "slippery slope" argument, failing to recognize that some on the left have already embraced trans species psychology such as anthropomorphic fetishism and "furries".

Ultimately, they're going to be exposed to a broader audience. What they really intend is to embrace diversity in all forms, unless you're white or conservative. :rolleyes:

06-16-15, 18:18

26 Inf
06-16-15, 20:51
This is such a not national newsworthy story - and now for something entirely different...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGK8IC-bGnU

06-16-15, 22:18
With the left falling all over each other to embrace "trans" everything else, I think it would be more than a little disingenuous of them to not embrace this. Unfortunately for them, doing so would pretty much wipe out the race industry, so the smarter ones are going to reject it, thereby painting themselves into a corner of hypocrisy. Right now the libbers have their knickers in a twist over at Salon.com, because FOX talking head Andrea Tantaros asked if she could identify as a trans-species cat. Of course the next question was one of tax status if she identifies as a cat? They're calling it a "slippery slope" argument, failing to recognize that some on the left have already embraced trans species psychology such as anthropomorphic fetishism and "furries".

Ultimately, they're going to be exposed to a broader audience. What they really intend is to embrace diversity in all forms, unless you're white or conservative. :rolleyes:

Well said.

06-17-15, 09:30
She could 'identify' any way she wanted, but she used her 'identity' to gain 'under-privilieged' status for personal gain...what part of that do people not understand?

does HYPOCRITE no longer register in the dictionary?

06-17-15, 10:26
The Daily Mail is claiming:
She has a sex tape out there.
Now who would have thought???

06-17-15, 11:16
The Daily Mail is claiming:
She has a sex tape out there.
Now who would have thought???

I wonder if her nether-region identifies as white, or black?:jester:

06-17-15, 12:17
That's it . . .

Men I have something to announce!

I have felt different my whole life, like I didn't fit in. And it's just high time that I come out with this . . .

I identify with and consider myself "trans-Viking". There it is, whoa that feels better finally letting my secret out. Even though I'm of Irish, Scot, and German ancestry I've always felt a kinship to the Norse. Now I just want people to accept me for who I feel that I am. And they need to accept my culture and practices. Like when I feel the desire to drive a two bit axe into someone's noodle. Or rape a pillage a village.

I know this gentle new society of ours should accept me for who I REALLY am . . .

06-17-15, 12:38
That's it . . .

Men I have something to announce!

I have felt different my whole life, like I didn't fit in. And it's just high time that I come out with this . . .

I identify with and consider myself "trans-Viking". There it is, whoa that feels better finally letting my secret out. Even though I'm of Irish, Scot, and German ancestry I've always felt a kinship to the Norse. Now I just want people to accept me for who I feel that I am. And they need to accept my culture and practices. Like when I feel the desire to drive a two bit axe into someone's noodle. Or rape a pillage a village.

I know this gentle new society of ours should accept me for who I REALLY am . . .

I accept you and support your decision to live your life the way God meant it. I myself identify as trans-Jedi.

06-17-15, 12:42
I accept you and support your decision to live your life the way God meant it. I myself identify as trans-Jedi.

Yes, Odin bids me to have all the women my loins may be fruitful with.

I accept you for who you are too brother Jedi. You just need to be careful of those affiliated with the Empire.

06-17-15, 14:10
She could 'identify' any way she wanted, but she used her 'identity' to gain 'under-privilieged' status for personal gain...what part of that do people not understand?

does HYPOCRITE no longer register in the dictionary?

Yet, at the same time she exposed the hypocrisy of "race based" privileged and ass raped the notion "that you have to be black to understand" and exposed the utter fallacy that is race based classifications and how arbitrary and meaningless they actually are.

As a person I think she is a delusional piece of crap who will go to the extent of actually suggesting "she has no proof" that her white parents are her true parents. But the fallout of the consequences of her actions have been a long time coming.

06-17-15, 14:19
I accept you and support your decision to live your life the way God meant it. I myself identify as trans-Jedi.

All my life I have felt I should be trans wealthy and trans privileged. Sadly actual income, economic considerations, personal connections and actual potential seems to have limited me to something like lower middle class. As I have always felt it should be otherwise you can imagine the horrible self identity crisis I struggle with every day.

Certainly at a minimum there should be tax credits and other benefits that would permit me to live as my "true self."

06-17-15, 14:42
All my life I have felt I should be trans wealthy and trans privileged. Sadly actual income, economic considerations, personal connections and actual potential seems to have limited me to something like lower middle class. As I have always felt it should be otherwise you can imagine the horrible self identity crisis I struggle with every day.

Certainly at a minimum there should be tax credits and other benefits that would permit me to live as my "true self."
I used to be married to a Lady with the same issues, She found Credit Cards to be the solution.

06-17-15, 16:36
She could 'identify' any way she wanted, but she used her 'identity' to gain 'under-privilieged' status for personal gain...what part of that do people not understand?

does HYPOCRITE no longer register in the dictionary?

Didn't you see the latest online definition?

noun hyp·o·crite \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\

: a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs, unless they're a liberal

06-17-15, 16:43
She could 'identify' any way she wanted, but she used her 'identity' to gain 'under-privilieged' status for personal gain...what part of that do people not understand?

does HYPOCRITE no longer register in the dictionary?

Welcome to the trans-crite era.

The Daily Mail is claiming:
She has a sex tape out there.
Now who would have thought???

I saw it, or I guess I should say by the law of internet porn probabilities I've seen it.

06-17-15, 17:49
That's it . . .
Men I have something to announce!
I have felt different my whole life, like I didn't fit in. And it's just high time that I come out with this . . .
I identify with and consider myself "trans-Viking". There it is, whoa that feels better finally letting my secret out. Even though I'm of Irish, Scot, and German ancestry I've always felt a kinship to the Norse. Now I just want people to accept me for who I feel that I am. And they need to accept my culture and practices. Like when I feel the desire to drive a two bit axe into someone's noodle. Or rape a pillage a village.
I know this gentle new society of ours should accept me for who I REALLY am . . .

Dude... you do realize that there was massive Viking settlement in parts of Ireland and Scotland, right? You could be up to like half quasi-Viking ancestry. There's probably a scholarship for you at some historically Celtic university that didn't always welcome Viking raiders and their descendants.

As for your trans-Viking tendencies... I will try to be just as understanding as I am to anyone else's trans-whatever tendencies. (You might want to ask how understanding that is, before you go a-raiding.)

06-17-15, 18:13
I used to be married to a Lady with the same issues, She found Credit Cards to be the solution.

At interest rates today, credit cards aren't the solution to anything. At least the mafia has the decency to use a gun when they ask for 18%.

06-17-15, 19:58
At interest rates today, credit cards aren't the solution to anything. At least the mafia has the decency to use a gun when they ask for 18%.

Sure they are SAUG - Use their money for 30 days and pay off your balance. I never carry a balance on a card for over 30 days.

06-17-15, 20:00

06-18-15, 00:58
Sure they are SAUG - Use their money for 30 days and pay off your balance. I never carry a balance on a card for over 30 days.

If you can always pay off your balance, then you don't "need" a credit card. It's simply a convenience. It's not a solution to not having money.

06-18-15, 00:59
Choc lab image

Took a second...


06-18-15, 02:09
If you can always pay off your balance, then you don't "need" a credit card. It's simply a convenience. It's not a solution to not having money.

I do the credit card thing. The perks I get for using their money and giving it back to them is worth it. 5% cash back on gas, 1% on everything else is like getting everything on sale that I normally buy like groceries, gun parts, and clothes. It is kinda foolish to not take the opportunities given to you to increase your wealth via reduced prices for everything. Now, if they took these perks away, I would have no problem going back to cash or debit cards for everything, but they are there so I use them. The buyer protection from using credit cards is just an added bonus. All money flowes from my back account to pay credit cards, less investments, savings, and toy funds.

06-18-15, 06:42
Dude... you do realize that there was massive Viking settlement in parts of Ireland and Scotland, right? You could be up to like half quasi-Viking ancestry. There's probably a scholarship for you at some historically Celtic university that didn't always welcome Viking raiders and their descendants.

As for your trans-Viking tendencies... I will try to be just as understanding as I am to anyone else's trans-whatever tendencies. (You might want to ask how understanding that is, before you go a-raiding.)

Check out "The Vikings A History" by Robert Ferguson. Entire islands off of the coast of Ireland where Viking DNA is alive and well in up to 50% of the population.
Pretty interesting to read that section of the book and how they came to rule parts of Ireland.

06-18-15, 06:46
At interest rates today, credit cards aren't the solution to anything. At least the mafia has the decency to use a gun when they ask for 18%.

She identified and for a brief moment in time I paid the bills for that. I don't think She considered the 18% as part of her problem, delusions of grandeur are kinda like that,
Until her trans-wealthy delusions became apparent, I had no idea that Luis Vitton made a purse that cost as much as a used car.

06-18-15, 18:54
I do the credit card thing. The perks I get for using their money and giving it back to them is worth it. 5% cash back on gas, 1% on everything else is like getting everything on sale that I normally buy like groceries, gun parts, and clothes. It is kinda foolish to not take the opportunities given to you to increase your wealth via reduced prices for everything. Now, if they took these perks away, I would have no problem going back to cash or debit cards for everything, but they are there so I use them. The buyer protection from using credit cards is just an added bonus. All money flowes from my back account to pay credit cards, less investments, savings, and toy funds.

Yep, its fun walking out of Cabelas with a free pistol + having used their money all year!

26 Inf
06-18-15, 21:18
Yep, its fun walking out of Cabelas with a free pistol + having used their money all year!

Not to mention that Cabela's Visa has one of the best cardholder security systems in the biz.

Phone rings, 'your card was just used for an overseas purchase, we are calling to check and okay as this is outside your purchase profile' Me: 'No shit, this Forzieri place I just ordered this tennis bracelet from isn't in Bentonville?'

They have checked in with me numerous times when I'm making purchases outside my AO, and I appreciate it, even though I realllly don't want them knowing that much about my habits.

Someone hacks my debit card (which I don't have) they get my whole bank account.

06-19-15, 00:01
Dude... you do realize that there was massive Viking settlement in parts of Ireland and Scotland, right? You could be up to like half quasi-Viking ancestry. There's probably a scholarship for you at some historically Celtic university that didn't always welcome Viking raiders and their descendants.

Oh yeah, I know the history there.

06-19-15, 06:57
Saw a report this AM that she was also under investigation for "creating a hostile work environment". Ha ha ha - I thought liberals were immune to such behavior! Must be the "whitey" in her. :rolleyes:


The report also found that Dolezal and another commissioner allegedly tried to manipulate meeting minutes; they are accused of trying to exceeded their authority; and the three commissioners allegedly created an "intimidating, hostile, and offensive" work environment. City Council could take action to remove the three commissioners on Thursday.

06-19-15, 18:54

06-19-15, 20:24
Saw a report this AM that she was also under investigation for "creating a hostile work environment". Ha ha ha - I thought liberals were immune to such behavior! Must be the "whitey" in her. :rolleyes:


LOL. Now that she's white I guess they don't need to worry about going after her.

You watch. She will change her tune in a few weeks and claim she was under cover doing research for something or another.

06-20-15, 02:52
So a shooting at a black church is what got this twit off the top of the news cycle. Ironic.

06-24-15, 20:58
Not to mention that Cabela's Visa has one of the best cardholder security systems in the biz.

Phone rings, 'your card was just used for an overseas purchase, we are calling to check and okay as this is outside your purchase profile' Me: 'No shit, this Forzieri place I just ordered this tennis bracelet from isn't in Bentonville?'

They have checked in with me numerous times when I'm making purchases outside my AO, and I appreciate it, even though I realllly don't want them knowing that much about my habits.

Someone hacks my debit card (which I don't have) they get my whole bank account.

Yes they do and I appreciate it as well. I have experienced exactly the same as you.....Gives some peace of mind. I won't use debit cards......

07-20-15, 10:10
"I just feel like I didn't mislead anybody; I didn't deceive anybody," Dolezal now says. "If people feel misled or deceived, then sorry that they feel that way, but I believe that's more due to their definition and construct of race in their own minds than it is to my integrity or honesty, because I wouldn't say I'm African-American, but I would say I'm black, and there's a difference in those terms."


07-20-15, 11:59
Bat, Crap, Crazy! That is an understatement!! It's amazing how screwed up people are now a days.

07-20-15, 13:41

What? You never heard "It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand?"


If you understand, I guess it means you're black.

07-20-15, 14:31
If the left jumps on this band wagon like they have gender identity, that one's race is whatever they "feel" it is like gender . . . I swear to God I will go back to school and put black male on every scholarship, grant, etc. application that I can. I will be checking the "African-American" box on every job application as well. They will open a Pandora box they wish they never had with this s**t and people such as myself will make them eat every double standard word.

07-20-15, 15:26
If the left jumps on this band wagon like they have gender identity, that one's race is whatever they "feel" it is like gender . . . I swear to God I will go back to school and put black male on every scholarship, grant, etc. application that I can. I will be checking the "African-American" box on every job application as well.

Idiot, you put "black female" on all those boxes. Just say you identify as one - doesn't matter what your genes or plumbing are.

In private conversations I've been told quite candidly, by an insider, about large enterprises that simply won't hire white males due to diversity requirements, and will bend over backward to hire anyone who checks two boxes by being both non-white and non-male.

07-20-15, 15:40
Idiot, you put "black female" on all those boxes. Just say you identify as one - doesn't matter what your genes or plumbing are.

In private conversations I've been told quite candidly, by an insider, about large enterprises that simply won't hire white males due to diversity requirements, and will bend over backward to hire anyone who checks two boxes by being both non-white and non-male.

LOL, I will identify as a African-American lesbian woman trapped in a white male's body.

Back when I use to work for a structural engineering firm, anytime our firm was awarded a .gov job we had to hire female and or minority owned sub-contractors like printing companies, soil sample labs, etc.

Affirmative double standards . . . racism and sexism is A-Okay so long as the victims are white males. You might as well ad hetrosexual to that list as well.

07-20-15, 15:48
Doomed this country is ......

07-20-15, 18:27
LOL, I will identify as a African-American lesbian woman trapped in a white male's body.

Back when I use to work for a structural engineering firm, anytime our firm was awarded a .gov job we had to hire female and or minority owned sub-contractors like printing companies, soil sample labs, etc.

Affirmative double standards . . . racism and sexism is A-Okay so long as the victims are white males. You might as well ad hetrosexual to that list as well.

I can't believe what a dumb-ass you are.

Lesbian Eskimo woman, everyone knows that's the ringer...


Remember, you can identify as 'Black', not 'African American'.

Doing otherwise isn't acceptable.

07-20-15, 18:53
just like my South African buddy that moved here applying for lic checked African :)
lady said only black people live in Africa so you cant be ! he said I am for as many generations as I can remember ? she said NOPE you have to be black to be African

07-20-15, 19:11
I can't believe what a dumb-ass you are.

Lesbian Eskimo woman, everyone knows that's the ringer...


Whoa, whoa, whoa stud . . . Eskimo is racist don't you know? The proper term is Inuit!

:jester: . . . . :suicide:

07-20-15, 19:14
just like my South African buddy that moved here applying for lic checked African :)
lady said only black people live in Africa so you cant be ! he said I am for as many generations as I can remember ? she said NOPE you have to be black to be African

No caca, Afrikaners have only been on the continent for over two hundred years.

I have friends from both South Africa and Rhodesia that are white and have done similar things. If I was Rhodesian you can bet your butt that I would be prominently putting that down on all official documents.

07-20-15, 21:37
Whoa, whoa, whoa stud . . . Eskimo is racist don't you know? The proper term is Inuit!

:jester: . . . . :suicide:

I'm not in-to-it.

Didn't Ketchup Commie lady say something like "Hello, all the Continental Africans.." or something like that in 2004 at the DNC? She's 'African', right?

07-21-15, 11:13
I'm not in-to-it.

Didn't Ketchup Commie lady say something like "Hello, all the Continental Africans.." or something like that in 2004 at the DNC? She's 'African', right?

I don't remember old mash potato face's wife saying that but it wouldn't surprise me. I'll have to remember to YouTube that one later . . .

07-21-15, 14:47
I don't remember old mash potato face's wife saying that but it wouldn't surprise me. I'll have to remember to YouTube that one later . . .

I remember thinking, WTF. Was that racist and how?

07-21-15, 17:33
I can't believe what a dumb-ass you are.

Lesbian Eskimo woman, everyone knows that's the ringer...


Remember, you can identify as 'Black', not 'African American'.

Doing otherwise isn't acceptable.

Who's the dumbass?

It should be: "Lesbian Eskimo woman" who is currently secular, but formally muslim,......trans-whatever from a male (because that's what the libs want, every American de-balled),.......AND "feels" black on the inside. <<<< That's the ringer.

I repeat, who's the dumbass.:jester::jester::jester:

07-21-15, 21:10
Whoa, whoa, whoa stud . . . Eskimo is racist don't you know? The proper term is Inuit!

:jester: . . . . :suicide: Actually, no :D The Yupik people do not like the term Inuit. Eskimo is the correct term when describing the group of people known as Inuit, Inupiat, and Yupik.

07-22-15, 14:04
Actually, no :D The Yupik people do not like the term Inuit. Eskimo is the correct term when describing the group of people known as Inuit, Inupiat, and Yupik.

See, that is what I always thought but have been told "Eskimo" is no PC, kind of like Oriental instead of Asian.

Geez, I can't keep up I wish someone would explain the rules to me . . .