View Full Version : Donald Trump Announces Presidential Bid

06-16-15, 15:25
Donald Trump Announces Presidential Bid (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/donald-trump-announces-2016-presidential-bid-31802313)

Love him, hate him, or give him a snowball's chance in hell, Donald Trump announced his bid for president. I had the chance to watch his announcement this morning, and I found myself agreeing with much of what he had to say. Actually, I don't think that I disagreed with anything that he had to say. Of all of the nominees so far, he outlined an actual plan for doing something significant. Financially, I think he is definitely the most well qualified and prepared to make a positive impact on our economy. I think that he did well choosing to speak about the most important issues plaguing America today, IMO.

06-16-15, 16:07
That's what was missing. It's officially a circus and we have a clown.

06-16-15, 16:09
The three stooges: Jeb, Hillary, and Donald.

And the fourth stooge: Bernie!

Doc Safari
06-16-15, 16:16
That's what was missing. It's officially a circus and we have a clown.

I actually like a lot of what he said in his speech today.

I'm not sure what his position is on gun rights, but I'll just say that the Republican field of candidates is not any worse off with Trump joining the fray.

06-16-15, 16:18
Come on, men. He's gonna make Mexico pay for a wall on our southern border. I think he probably means indirectly, but who knows. All joking aside(I know, there are plenty of jokes left), his ideas on the economy got my attention. Does anyone feel that this country isn't headed for financial ruin, given our current direction?

Did you guys watch his speech?

06-16-15, 16:23
I'm not sure what his position is on gun rights, but I'll just say that the Republican field of candidates is not any worse off with Trump joining the fray.

He addressed the Second Amendment in a positive manner.

Dead Man
06-16-15, 16:24
Does anyone feel that this country isn't headed for financial ruin, given our current direction?

Nah. All we have to do is mint that platinum $20,000,000,000,000 coin, and all our problems are solved.

06-16-15, 16:36
Trump is an attention whore. He is doing this for attention he won't be in the game for long. The Republican ls better get their shit together or we will in for a world of hurt. Not that the Republicans are that much better than the democraps.

06-16-15, 16:42
He just wants to needle the other candidates and gain PR for his "brand". What an assclown.

I'd trade Kasich and Fiorina for the lot of them. :(

06-16-15, 16:45
I like him. I certainly prefer him to Bush, Rubio, Santorum, and any Democrat out there.

06-16-15, 16:48
I certainly prefer him to Bush, Rubio, Santorum, and any Democrat out there.

That's setting the bar rather low...

Doc Safari
06-16-15, 16:50
He can't be any worse than Carson, Rubio, Perry, Jeb Bush, Christie, or Lindsey Graham.

I'm even starting to think Cruz is going to flake out.

Fiorina has about as much chance as a snow cone in the Sahara desert.

At least Trump talks tough and doesn't play to the "establishment" narrative: gotta have amnesty, can't repeal Obamacare, etc.

He may just be trying to shake things up, but since he's in the race I don't think I could vote for any of the other contenders.

06-16-15, 16:59
Donald Trump Announces ATTEMPT-TO-STAY-RELEVANT Bid (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/donald-trump-announces-2016-presidential-bid-31802313)

FIFY! :jester:

06-16-15, 17:08
Other than Trump and Fiorina, what other candidate is willing and able to even produce a balanced budget? Nothing else is going to matter when our finances go tits up.

06-16-15, 18:32
I actually like a lot of what he said in his speech today.

I'm not sure what his position is on gun rights, but I'll just say that the Republican field of candidates is not any worse off with Trump joining the fray.

I like a lot of what Christina Aguilera has to say. I don't think we should make her President. But I'd probably rather have her than Donald.

06-16-15, 19:18
^Christina Aguilera would probably want to ban guns.

I might write in my dog for president the way things are going.

I'd settle for the presidential race, and the office of the president not being as much of a "thing" (i.e. more limited presidential powers), but that's a debate for another time, not to mention it's never going to happen.

06-17-15, 08:31
When does the King of All Media announce?

Alex V
06-17-15, 08:50
When does the King of All Media announce?

He won't. He does not want to provide an income disclosure. That is why he dropped out of the NY Governor's race in '94.


06-17-15, 08:52
Other than Trump and Fiorina, what other candidate is willing and able to even produce a balanced budget? Nothing else is going to matter when our finances go tits up.

Balancing the budget means the FSA will have to get off it's ass and get a job..Not happening as long as they can vote. When our finances go tits up, then and only then will the lies, and liars be exposed, and the truth will finally come out.. Frankly, I hope it happens soon.

Doc Safari
06-17-15, 09:19
I like a lot of what Christina Aguilera has to say. I don't think we should make her President. But I'd probably rather have her than Donald.

I'll grant you the guy is an egotiscal blowhard.

But I WANT an outsider. I am sick and tired of the globalist insider agenda where the Republicans are just Democrats under another name.

I'd take Christina Aguilera over any of the Republican candidates.

06-17-15, 09:26
Trump has filed Bankruptcy, what, 4 times at least? He's gotten where he is by taking huge risks with other people's money and cheating them when it didn't go the way he expected...all the while living the lavish lifestyle with other people's money. Can't stand the man...his ego writes checks his body can't cash...

06-17-15, 12:31
At this point I'd vote for a hologram of John Wayne.

06-17-15, 13:08

Doc Safari
06-17-15, 13:45

If that's true I can't support him.

06-17-15, 13:58
If that's true I can't support him.

That was 15 years ago though. A lot can change in that time. Not saying it has, but that single quote can't be held in too high of a regard.

06-17-15, 14:01
I'll grant you the guy is an egotiscal blowhard.

But I WANT an outsider. I am sick and tired of the globalist insider agenda where the Republicans are just Democrats under another name.

I'd take Christina Aguilera over any of the Republican candidates.

I think the closest thing we have to an outsider, who at the same time is capable of doing the job and not getting steamrolled by the establishment is probably Rand Paul. Thinking an economic genius can effectively run government is how we ended up with "whiz kid" Robert MacNamara.

06-17-15, 14:04
That was 15 years ago though. A lot can change in that time. Not saying it has, but that single quote can't be held in too high of a regard.

So we shouldn't hold NAFTA against Hillary? We should forgive Christie for the NJ Assault Weapon ban?

06-17-15, 14:29
What I like about him in the race is the fact his thoughts are unfiltered and he doesn't care what others think.

He'll say what needs to be said and the others are too afraid to. That makes for good entertainment if nothing else.

When there's a train wreck next to the highway, doesn't everyone take a good long look at the horror?

06-17-15, 14:34
I think like Perot, when faced with the possibility he could win, he will find an excuse to bail.
This is all about Trump and the things he promotes and little to do with public service.

Doc Safari
06-17-15, 14:41
I think like Perot, when faced with the possibility he could win, he will find an excuse to bail.
This is all about Trump and the things he promotes and little to do with public service.

I disagree. I think he follows the classic pattern of once you have enough money, then you seek power.

Now, whether he's in it for a real candidacy or just to shake things up, time will tell. I like what he said in his announcement speech. I personally hope he stays in long enough to become either THE front runner or darn close, and that causes the other candidates to realize what it takes to win.

06-17-15, 14:46
That's setting the bar rather low...

Maybe, but it's early and I won't yet rule out supporting Cruz, Paul, Fiorini, Carson, or Perry.

If Trump makes it to the TX primaries, he may well have my vote. I like Perry too.

Trump calling the Fox talking heads "losers" was funny as heck! I like George Will and Krauthammer, but they had no right to dismiss Trump as a contender. His credentials are as good or better than anyone.

I'd love to see a Trump/Cruz ticket!

Take Care,


Doc Safari
06-17-15, 14:49
I like Perry too.

Remember when Perry said something to the effect that if you're against amnesty you have no heart?

I wouldn't piss on him if his guts were on fire.

06-17-15, 14:49
If that's true I can't support him.


"On June 16 Donald Trump officially announced his run for president and in so doing reminded those attending the announcement that we must “fully support and back up the Second Amendment.”

He brought up the Second Amendment in reference to the recent prison break from New York’s Clinton Correctional Facility, citing how people in upper state New York are arming themselves for self-defense and treasuring the Second Amendment with the escapees still on the loose.

TIME published a text of Trump’s comments:

Fully support and back up the Second Amendment.

Now, it’s very interesting. Today I heard it. Through stupidity, in a very, very hard core prison, interestingly named Clinton, two vicious murderers, two vicious people escaped, and nobody knows where they are. And a woman was on television this morning, and she said, “You know, Mr. Trump,” and she was telling other people, and I actually called her, and she said, “You know, Mr. Trump, I always was against guns. I didn’t want guns. And now since this happened”— it’s up in the prison area— “my husband and I are finally in agreement, because he wanted the guns. We now have a gun on every table. We’re ready to start shooting.”

Trump said he found her comments “very interesting,” and added that the lesson is clear–“Protect the Second Amendment.”

On April 11 Breitbart News spoke with Trump, and he told us then, “It is so important that we maintain the Second Amendment and that we maintain it strongly. And one of the main reasons is because the good people, the upstanding people, follow laws and norms, but the bad ones don’t.”

He explained that gun control laws do not impact criminals, because criminals “couldn’t care less.”

He then stressed, “It is absolutely imperative that we maintain the Second Amendment in its strongest form.”

Take Care,


06-17-15, 16:02
Remember when Perry said something to the effect that if you're against amnesty you have no heart?

I wouldn't piss on him if his guts were on fire.

Perry used a lot of TX resources to reinforce the border. I don't believe he's for granting amnesty to everyone, but I could be wrong. I thought he was for a realistic solution to deal with the fact that we are never going to send 10M people back south of the border.

I'll have to dig into his bottom line meaning, but you know as well as I he had to deal with the issue first hand as governor, and at least he took action and equipped TX DPS with good gear and resources as far as I know.

06-17-15, 17:02
Other than Trump and Fiorina, what other candidate is willing and able to even produce a balanced budget? Nothing else is going to matter when our finances go tits up.

Balancing the budget means the FSA will have to get off it's ass and get a job..Not happening as long as they can vote. When our finances go tits up, then and only then will the lies, and liars be exposed, and the truth will finally come out.. Frankly, I hope it happens soon.

First, I can not believe people still think the Republican party has any sort of viability or moral legitimacy. The solution to our country's issues does not reside within the GOP.

Second, our country's financial issues are not resolvable under our current BS Federal Reserve/Banking Cartel system.

Several have posted this video before. For true insight into our almost certain fiscal collapse spend the time to watch...


06-17-15, 17:41
So we shouldn't hold NAFTA against Hillary? We should forgive Christie for the NJ Assault Weapon ban?

That stuff is a lot different than a one-liner.

06-17-15, 18:10
That stuff is a lot different than a one-liner.

Not to me.

Harry Reid changed his tune to become an NRA A+ candidate, then he changed his tune back and attempted a nationwide assault weapon ban.

I don't care if the last time somebody mentioned gun control was back in 1968, I remember and I hold them accountable. If you don't believe Trump would get behind an assault weapon ban 100% if it would secure him money or power then you are really kidding yourself.

But this is all academic, I don't think we ever have to worry about Trump becoming President. Unlike Hillary, he is unelectable.

26 Inf
06-17-15, 19:31
Trump is a self-aggrandizing bully with a bad comb over, so WTF, we could do worse.

06-17-15, 20:22
First, I can not believe people still think the Republican party has any sort of viability or moral legitimacy. The solution to our country's issues does not reside within the GOP.

Second, our country's financial issues are not resolvable under our current BS Federal Reserve/Banking Cartel system.

Several have posted this video before. For true insight into our almost certain fiscal collapse spend the time to watch...


Oh, believe me I understand what's going on with this country's finances. And right now the only candidate I have a interest in is Rand Paul. But, the overriding bottom line here is, If we, the people want to turn this country around, and get it on the right track that's going to require massive budget cuts. I mean with the scared cows of Medicare,Medicaid, and SS as well as cutting the size of the govt' by at least 2/3 and shitcanning the Federal Reserve...and that's just the start. As far as the debt goes, what can't be paid back, won't be paid back.. A good example of that in the present, is Greece vs the EU, As of today, it looks like the taxpayers in France, and Germany are going to be on the hook for the majority share of the bailouts given to Greece in the past, as Greece has pretty much told their creditors to kiss their ass.(The PM of Greece is meeting with Putin on Fri) We're talking 10's of billions of euros.. But, back to the U.S. I've pretty much given up. George Wallace was right "There's not a dime's worth of difference between a Democrat and a Republican" I'll get off my soap box and leave one of my favorite quotes here...

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, People will eventually come to believe it. The lie can only be maintained for such a time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the state to use all it's powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state"
Joseph Gobbels

06-17-15, 21:58
Any chance that we could keep this thread on track. There are plenty of other threads that detail how Republicans = Democrats and only the descendants of Ron Paul can save us.

05-03-16, 21:21
It has been almost 11 months since Donald Trump began his presidential bid. Many have come and gone from the Republican race, and only Kasich remains for reasons unknown. Hundreds of Millions of dollars have literally been wasted trying to derail Trump's campaign, yet Trump continues to gain strength.

Today, Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee after Cruz makes the wise decision of dropping out. There have been polls, debates, and plenty of discussion. Few people believed that we would be where we are today, but here we are.

Now, that Trump is the presumptive nominee, it is time to start talking about a running mate. A few names are being thrown around be the media, but I hope that it doesn't end up being Rubio. Personally, I would like to see him choose a conservative, male, with military experience.

05-03-16, 21:41
I predict it'll be Ben Carson.

The Dumb Gun Collector
05-03-16, 21:46
But this is all academic, I don't think we ever have to worry about Trump becoming President. Unlike Hillary, he is unelectable.

Yep. At this point the Republicans just have to get this crap out of their system. We will lose the Senate and probably the House to do it, but hopefully if Trump loses Mondale/Goldwater style we can spring back in 2020.

05-03-16, 23:39
I predict it'll be Ben Carson.

That would shore up the Yale educated, neurosurgeon black vote for Trump.

05-04-16, 00:37
Yep. At this point the Republicans just have to get this crap out of their system. We will lose the Senate and probably the House to do it, but hopefully if Trump loses Mondale/Goldwater style we can spring back in 2020.

The only way to "get it out of our system" would be a sudden and catastrophic event that took out the senate and congressional GOP ranks. The GOPe is DIRECTLY responsible for Trump. No ifs ands or buts. If we lose the Senate and House because the GOPe created nominee Trump, so be it. When you refuse to listen to the electorate, there are consequences. I for one will not spare a single feel for them. :mad:

05-04-16, 05:48
It has been almost 11 months since Donald Trump began his presidential bid. Many have come and gone from the Republican race, and only Kasich remains for reasons unknown. Hundreds of Millions of dollars have literally been wasted trying to derail Trump's campaign, yet Trump continues to gain strength.

Today, Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee after Cruz makes the wise decision of dropping out. There have been polls, debates, and plenty of discussion. Few people believed that we would be where we are today, but here we are.

Now, that Trump is the presumptive nominee, it is time to start talking about a running mate. A few names are being thrown around be the media, but I hope that it doesn't end up being Rubio. Personally, I would like to see him choose a conservative, male, with military experience.

Oh, please...please...PUHLEEEZE let it be CRUZ. I want to see if Benito calls Trump a "cuck"


05-04-16, 08:04
I want to see if Benito calls Trump a "cuck"

I find that so bizarre and interesting...

05-04-16, 09:28
I find that so bizarre and interesting...

Lol...just ****ing with people is interesting.

05-04-16, 10:13