View Full Version : Colt quality after filing for bankruptcy

06-17-15, 14:06
Hi I'm sure everyone has heard of Colt recently filing for bankruptcy. I'm wondering if this will translate to a decrease in quality and or quality control? I've been thinking about picking one up (6920) but I'm not 100% sure about it right now with all the financial issues taking place. Thanks.

06-17-15, 14:13
Got ready to reply but I realized my crystal ball was getting bad reception.

Can someone with maybe some Taro cards or a Magic 8 Ball chime in?

06-17-15, 14:32
What about perceived value? If you like the gun and it's what you want, who cares? Wouldn't sell my Combat Elite for triple its market value.

06-17-15, 14:35
I don't think Colt's financial situation will affect the 6920s that are currently in dealer's inventories. Personally, I wouldn't worry about picking one up now or down the road.

06-17-15, 15:09
There is a financial scenario in which bankruptcy protection can allow the company a little more latitude with respect to being pickier with quality control. Instead of having to sell anything and everything as fast as you can to pay creditors and suppliers, you can focus on rebuilding your company and its brand reputation (management has to be doing its job well with this plan).

Sent from 80ms in the future
Much peace

06-17-15, 20:49
I agree that present inventory will not be a quality problem.

This morning I read an article that indicated hubris was a prime contributing factor to their losing market share. I don't mind paying a bit more for known quality, but after reading about the differences in the margins I have to admit I would look at some other choices in addition to Colt.

Back during the 70's Harley was owned by AMF and the bikes went to the dogs. One of the guys I was stationed with on Okinawa bought one on the overseas discount, pick it up in LA upon return plan. He never did get the thing cranked and eventually got his money back from AMF.

Harley came back ... so we'll see if Colt can muster the same clarity of mind. Personally, I hope so.

06-17-15, 21:20
It's amazing how many people think Colt is slipping. I just got into an argument on another site I belong to(I will call it INJOKE) about Colt's quality now. When asked how they came to the conclusion, they of course have no evidence.

06-17-15, 21:55
If you're concerned about morale & quality - whatever you buy right now will have been built prior to the current drama.

06-17-15, 22:49
Colt Defense is filing Chapter 11 to help facilitate the sale of the company to Sciens Capital Management. To that point, the bankruptcy filing in and of itself will have little to do with quality. Whatever Sciens has structured for a business model will establish quality, good or bad, and ultimately determine the future of Colt Defense.

06-18-15, 03:19
We don't need another "what if Colt thread".