View Full Version : While POTUS, Regan CCW . . .

06-19-15, 03:51
Interesting little factoid . . .

While doing research for his newest book, The President’s Shadow, author Brad Meltzer came across an interesting fact at Secret Service headquarters: Ronald Reagan “carried his own gun” with him while president.


06-19-15, 04:10
Ive thought about this as well. Is the president allowed to keep personal guns at the white house? If I became president could I keep an AR in the bedroom?

06-19-15, 04:16
Ive thought about this as well. Is the president allowed to keep personal guns at the white house? If I became president could I keep an AR in the bedroom?

Doubt it, after all the District of Columbia has there insane gun laws. But if your a member of the liberal media you CAN possess "high capacity boxed magazine feeding devices".

06-19-15, 05:18
Cool, I can believe that...

I think of something like this...


But probably more like a snubby (well from that angle it looks like a snubnose)...


06-19-15, 10:19
Doubt it, after all the District of Columbia has there insane gun laws. But if your a member of the liberal media you CAN possess "high capacity boxed magazine feeding devices". Executive order.. just sayin'

06-19-15, 10:30
Executive order.. just sayin'

F that. Presidential pardon- a whole stack of them.

06-19-15, 10:37
Typical Hollywood liberal.

A former Secret Service agent remembers that when Reagan was running for president the first time, he came out of his home in Bel Air to drive to Rancho del Cielo, the 700-acre Reagan ranch near Santa Barbara. Another agent noticed that he was wearing a pistol and asked what that was for. "Well, just in case you guys can't do the job, I can help out," Reagan replied. Reagan confided to one agent that on his first presidential trip to the Soviet Union in May 1988, he had carried a gun in his briefcase.

"I'm a member of the NRA. And my position on the right to bear arms is well known. But I support the Brady bill and I urge the Congress to enact it without delay. It's just plain common sense...

06-19-15, 10:43
Ive thought about this as well. Is the president allowed to keep personal guns at the white house? If I became president could I keep an AR in the bedroom?

I am pretty sure you can do what you want when you're president. Who is gonna say no?

06-20-15, 17:16
Well if the president can do it, shouldn't we the people be able to do it too?

Did Reagan have to take 16 hour course, get fingerprinted, get background checked, and pay a bunch of fees to carry? Hmm...

06-20-15, 18:16
Bah. Executive privilege.

06-20-15, 21:55
Reagan was no friend of the 2A.

06-21-15, 00:08
Reagan was no friend of the 2A.

Well he did give us FOPA, which is a damn sight better than much of what we got in later admins. He might not have been a staunch 2A supporter but he wasn't an enemy the likes we have seen since.

06-21-15, 01:36
Reagan was no friend of the 2A.

Name one President who was more pro second amendment since Teddy Roosevelt.

06-21-15, 01:42
Well he did give us FOPA, which is a damn sight better than much of what we got in later admins. He might not have been a staunch 2A supporter but he wasn't an enemy the likes we have seen since.

Even after being shot her refused to jump on the "ban guns" bandwagon. Instead he scuttled a significant portion of the 1968 gun control act and that was with a Democratic majority Congress. People want to criticize him for supporting the Brady Bill, and this was when he was no longer in office, but the Brady Bill didn't "ban" anything. Waiting periods might be pretty pointless and background checks don't prevent most criminals from getting guns. But it's not like the Bush 89 Import Ban.

06-21-15, 08:21
Name one President who was more pro second amendment since Teddy Roosevelt.

...at least Bill Clinton's ban had a sunset.

The Reagan ban will stay with us until the end of the Republic.

06-21-15, 08:25
The Reagan ban will stay with us until the end of the Republic.

Are you referring to the "'86 Machine Gun Ban" (FOPA)?

If so, then I eagerly await Steyr's rebuttal.

06-21-15, 17:47
...at least Bill Clinton's ban had a sunset.

The Reagan ban will stay with us until the end of the Republic.

So you would prefer he didn't sign FOPA, all the provisions of the 68 GCA remain intact and machine guns simply get banned by Bush or Clinton?

If you truly believe that the domestic machine gun ban wouldn't have been closed by Bush 41, Clinton or Bush 43 you really are kidding yourself.

As far as the Clinton Ban, you seem to forget that under Bush 43 a Republican MAJORITY Congress successfully amended it to Larry Craig's industry protect bill and only Larry Craig prevented the bill from becoming law.

It came down to ONE GUY, who apparently likes to troll airport bathrooms for dates, to prevent the Clinton ban from being renewed permanently.

06-21-15, 18:03
BTW, if anyone really doesn't understand why Reagan signed FOPA, please read this.


06-22-15, 12:59
So you would prefer he didn't sign FOPA, all the provisions of the 68 GCA remain intact and machine guns simply get banned by Bush or Clinton?

There's no way he knew who would be president in the future or what they would be inclined to do.

I would prefer that he act morally, and in line with the United States Constitution.

He did not do that, and the Reagan Ban was not the only example of that behavior during his administration.

He had the option of not signing unconstitutional BS... just like he did when the Mulford Act hit his desk as governor.

During his entire political career he had a history of making new gun laws... as you point out, some were OK, others were downright unconscionable and destructive to our Freedoms.

I believe if Reagan never governed in California, it would still be possible to live there.

It came down to ONE GUY, who apparently likes to troll airport bathrooms for dates, to prevent the Clinton ban from being renewed permanently.

That's politics.

When do we get a crack at Reagan's Evil, unconstitutional BS just disappearing?

(Never... he was good like that.)

06-22-15, 14:51
There's no way he knew who would be president in the future or what they would be inclined to do.

I would prefer that he act morally, and in line with the United States Constitution.

He did not do that, and the Reagan Ban was not the only example of that behavior during his administration.

He had the option of not signing unconstitutional BS... just like he did when the Mulford Act hit his desk as governor.

During his entire political career he had a history of making new gun laws... as you point out, some were OK, others were downright unconscionable and destructive to our Freedoms.

I believe if Reagan never governed in California, it would still be possible to live there.

We'll you are correct. He had no way of knowing who would be President after him. What he did know is that since 1968 the NRA had been trying to undo parts of the 1968 Gun Control Act and this was the FIRST TIME a bill successfully made it through Congress and reached a President for signature.

That's politics.

When do we get a crack at Reagan's Evil, unconstitutional BS just disappearing?

(Never... he was good like that.)

Well the alternative was H.R. 3155 Racketeer Weapons and Violent Crime Control Act and I don't think you'd have been happy if we got that one instead. I just don't think you fully grasp that there was no scenario where domestic machine guns were not going to be banned.

The difference is they wanted silencers too and there was no grandfather clause. Today there would be no transferable machine guns at all. NONE. Reagan and the NRA understood what they were going after, sadly we got the best deal.

More importantly, it can be undone. All we need to do is get rid of the "sporter clause." And given the fact that Reagan gutted much of the 1968 GCA back in '86, there is precedent for it. If you remove the "sporter clause" you remove the process that permits the 86 MG ban, the 89 import ban and a bunch of other crap.

You should concentrate on trying to help bring that about instead of criticizing Reagan for making the best possible choice at the time.

06-22-15, 18:33
...a bill successfully made it through Congress and reached a President for signature.

I'm just a billllll on the hillllll...

Civics lesson, anyone?

Executive Branch, Legi-whuuuuut?

If the Democrats send you an unconstitutional gun ban- YOU DON'T SIGN IT.
If the Republicans want to go Trans-V on little girls- YOU DON'T SIGN IT.
If the Storm Roofers want to bring back Slavery- YOU DON'T SIGN IT.


If anybody has anything to say about it, I'd say Congress (Hughes) sabotaged the legislation.

06-22-15, 20:30
What? The POTUS can't just do stuff? That's BS man... :jester:

06-22-15, 21:04
What? The POTUS can't just do stuff? That's BS man... :jester:


If Reagan really was so scared of Congress forcing him to sign Shitty Option A or Shitty Option B, then I guess Obama must be 10x the man Reagan was.

Does not compute.

So who was it that forced Reagan to sign the Mulford Act when he was governor of California???

There's a pattern here, you know...

06-22-15, 22:05
I'm just a billllll on the hillllll...

Civics lesson, anyone?

Executive Branch, Legi-whuuuuut?

If the Democrats send you an unconstitutional gun ban- YOU DON'T SIGN IT.
If the Republicans want to go Trans-V on little girls- YOU DON'T SIGN IT.
If the Storm Roofers want to bring back Slavery- YOU DON'T SIGN IT.


If anybody has anything to say about it, I'd say Congress (Hughes) sabotaged the legislation.

And now you are being deliberately obtuse.

The part of that sentence you ignored was this wasn't "just a bill" to ban machine guns. You clearly have no idea what things were like prior to 1986 when the 1968 Gun Control Act was in full force.

So let's take YOUR advice and not sign it.


So for the time being in 1986 domestic machine guns can still be registered.


You can't buy ammo and have it shipped to your home. In fact dealers have to record ammo sales in a log book almost the same way they record firearm sales only without having to do a 4473. But buy a 1,000 rounds and your name is in the log book.

Also you can't import military surplus arms. No cheap K-98s and collectors had never seen a Moisin Nagant.

You also can't buy or trade guns in a profitable transaction without the risk of being hammered for being an unlicensed gun dealer.

Additionally, if a gun is legal in your home state and at your intended destination, better not pass through any states where it isn't legal or you will be arrested. No FOPA protections.

Now I know what you are gonna say, just wait for a clean bill right?

Just one problem, gun owners were waiting decades for any bill to actually get through Congress.

They tried in 1969, didn't happen.
They tried in 1970, didn't happen.
They tried in 1971, didn't happen.
They tried in 1972, didn't happen.
They tried in 1973, didn't happen.
They tried in 1974, didn't happen.
They tried in 1975, didn't happen.
They tried in 1976, didn't happen.
They tried in 1977, didn't happen.
They tried in 1978, didn't happen.
They tried in 1979, didn't happen.
They tried in 1980, didn't happen.
They tried in 1981, didn't happen.
They tried in 1982, didn't happen.
They tried in 1983, didn't happen.
They tried in 1984, didn't happen.
They tried in 1985, didn't happen.
Then in 1986 it looked like they FINALLY got a clean bill going and Rodino and Hughes tried to rape it.

They were trying to get THIS bill passed and it looked like it was gonna happen.


So Reagan got FOPA on his desk with the Hughes amendment. He did NOT have a line item veto. He asked the NRA what he should do and they told him to sign it.

And that is because there was no reasonable belief that a clean bill would happen in 1987 or 1988. They had been trying that for almost 20 years without success.

I don't think you appreciate the reality of the situation at the time.

And if Reagan had FOPA 86 on his desk and refused to sign it due to the Hughes Amendment, and his only alternative was to sign H.R. 3155, thousands of guys like you would be talking about how Reagan had his chance and blew it.

But you are of course going to say "Don't sign it." So Reagan doesn't sign it and Bush 41 simply signs a domestic machine gun ban in 1989 along with the 89 Import Ban that he signed simply because Bill Bennett requested it.

And guess what, thousands of guys just like you would be blasting Reagan for "turning up his nose in 1986" and we ended up with a 89 domestic machine gun ban and few of the protections found in FOPA.

06-22-15, 22:09

If Reagan really was so scared of Congress forcing him to sign Shitty Option A or Shitty Option B, then I guess Obama must be 10x the man Reagan was.

Does not compute.

So who was it that forced Reagan to sign the Mulford Act when he was governor of California???

There's a pattern here, you know...

Not that I completely agree with the solution, but militant black panthers running around with loaded weapons was a factor. And they didn't just stand around like the OC crowd, you had groups like them and the SLA taking on the cops regularly.

Yes, there is a pattern, a pattern of you ignoring the big picture and wanting to portray Reagan as another Clinton.

06-23-15, 08:45
Now I know what you are gonna say, just wait for a clean bill right?

Just one problem, gun owners were waiting decades for any bill to actually get through Congress.

They tried in 1969, didn't happen.
They tried in 1970, didn't happen.
They tried in 1971...

And the only obstacles to getting their Evil legislation passed were:

1) Getting it through Congress.
2) Getting the President to sign it.

Good thing the second one was no-work-at-all since they knew we had a man who would fold.
(...or rather, he didn't fold, he continued his history of anti-gun legislation)

He asked the NRA what he should do and they told him to sign it.

So are you saying he got "bullied by the NRA?"


And if Reagan had FOPA 86 on his desk and refused to sign it due to the Hughes Amendment, and his only alternative was to sign H.R. 3155...


Skip that one to.

That's what you do when unconstitutional legislation hits the desk- YOU DON'T SIGN IT.

As I pointed out above, it's no different than if Congress delivered a bill to bring slavery back... YOU DON'T SIGN IT.

Not that I completely agree with the solution, but militant black panthers running around with loaded weapons was a factor.

Liberty is terrifying, isn't it?

Government should do something about that...

06-23-15, 12:25
I just can't have this discussion where you ignore the most relevant information and cherry pick sentences where you can distort them out of context.

Go right ahead and believe Reagan was the most anti gun President in US history.

06-23-15, 14:13
Go right ahead and believe Reagan was the most anti gun President in US history.

I never said that, but I do think you're engaging in revisionist history.

The Reagan worship among conservatives is... strange to me.

06-23-15, 15:01
I never said that, but I do think you're engaging in revisionist history.

The Reagan worship among conservatives is... strange to me.

That is part in due to the fact you are not a conservative.

06-23-15, 16:30
I never said that, but I do think you're engaging in revisionist history.

The Reagan worship among conservatives is... strange to me.

Hell you even got that wrong. I have plenty of issues with Reagan.

He did the first amnesty, it didn't work.

Iran / Contra wasn't his finest "we don't deal with terrorists" moment.

We spent tons of money on his SDI fantasy project.

I'm not engaging in revisionist history, I just seem to know more about it than you. I don't think you were there, I don't think you understood the concerns of gun owners at the time or you are just deliberately distorting things.

I don't worship Reagan, I just understand why he did some of the things he did. He was probably the best President since Kennedy but that really isn't a major accomplishment since everyone from LBJ forward has been mostly a disaster.

06-23-15, 16:42
Hell you even got that wrong. I have plenty of issues with Reagan.

He did the first amnesty, it didn't work.

Iran / Contra wasn't his finest "we don't deal with terrorists" moment.

We spent tons of money on his SDI fantasy project.

I'm not engaging in revisionist history, I just seem to know more about it than you. I don't think you were there, I don't think you understood the concerns of gun owners at the time or you are just deliberately distorting things.

I don't worship Reagan, I just understand why he did some of the things he did. He was probably the best President since Kennedy but that really isn't a major accomplishment since everyone from LBJ forward has been mostly a disaster.

Bolded sums it up nicely.